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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* iinit.c */
- /* Initialize internally known objects for Ghostscript interpreter */
- #include "string_.h"
- #include "ghost.h"
- #include "alloc.h"
- #include "dict.h"
- #include "dstack.h"
- #define INCLUDE_ERROR_NAMES /* see errors.h */
- #include "errors.h"
- #include "ilevel.h"
- #include "iname.h"
- #include "oper.h"
- #include "save.h" /* for alloc_refs */
- #include "store.h"
- /* Define various parameters of this interpreter: */
- const char *gs_copyright =
- "Copyright (C) 1990-1993 Aladdin Enterprises, Menlo Park, CA.\n";
- const char *gs_product =
- "Ghostscript";
- const int gs_revision =
- 261; /* release number x 100 + the sub-release. */
- const long gs_revisiondate =
- 930528; /* year x 10000 + month x 100 + day. */
- const long gs_serialnumber =
- 42; /* a well-known number */
- /* Implementation parameters. */
- /* The sizes of systemdict can be set in the makefile. */
- /* We want the sizes to be prime numbers large enough to cover */
- /* all the operators, plus everything in the init files, */
- /* even if all the optional features are selected. */
- # define SYSTEMDICT_SIZE 479
- #endif
- #endif
- /* The size of level2dict, if applicable, can be set in the makefile. */
- # define LEVEL2DICT_SIZE 109
- #endif
- /* The number of permanent dstack entries can be set in the makefile. */
- # define MIN_DSTACK_SIZE 2
- #endif
- #define op_array_table_size 100 /* arbitrary */
- /* The dictionary that holds Level 2 definitions when not installed. */
- ref ref_level2dict;
- #define level2dict (&ref_level2dict)
- /* Standard dictionaries */
- ref name_errordict;
- /* Error names */
- ref name_ErrorNames;
- /* The operator tables */
- /* Because of a bug in Sun's SC1.0 compiler, */
- /* we have to spell out the typedef for op_def_ptr here: */
- const op_def _ds **op_def_table;
- uint op_def_count;
- ref op_array_table; /* t_array, definitions of `operator' procedures */
- ushort *op_array_nx_table; /* name indices for same */
- uint op_array_count;
- /* Enter a name and value into systemdict */
- void
- initial_enter_string(const char *nstr, uint len, ref *pref)
- { ref nref;
- if ( name_ref((const byte *)nstr, len, &nref, 0) < 0 ||
- dict_put(systemdict, &nref, pref) < 0
- )
- lprintf("initial_enter failed!\n"),
- gs_exit(1);
- }
- void
- initial_enter_name(const char *nstr, ref *pref)
- { initial_enter_string(nstr, strlen(nstr), pref);
- }
- /* Initialize the operators. */
- /* Optional operators must come after standard ones, */
- /* so they can replace them. */
- /* Non-graphics operators */
- extern op_def
- zarith_op_defs[], zarray_op_defs[], zcontrol_op_defs[], zdict_op_defs[],
- zfile_op_defs[], zfiledev_op_defs[], zfileio_op_defs[],
- zfilter_op_defs[], zgeneric_op_defs[],
- zmath_op_defs[], zmisc_op_defs[], zpacked_op_defs[], zprops_op_defs[],
- zrelbit_op_defs[], zstack_op_defs[], zstring_op_defs[],
- ztype_op_defs[], zvmem_op_defs[],
- /* Graphics operators */
- zchar_op_defs[], zcolor_op_defs[], zdevice_op_defs[],
- zfont_op_defs[], zfont1_op_defs[], zfont2_op_defs[],
- zgstate_op_defs[], zht_op_defs[],
- zmatrix_op_defs[], zpaint_op_defs[], zpath_op_defs[],
- zpath2_op_defs[],
- /* Optional operators */
- #define oper_(defs) defs[],
- #define oper2_(defs) defs[],
- #include "gconfig.h"
- #undef oper_
- #undef oper2_
- /* Interpreter operators */
- interp_op_defs[];
- private op_def_ptr op_defs_all[] = {
- /* Non-graphics operators */
- zarith_op_defs, zarray_op_defs, zcontrol_op_defs, zdict_op_defs,
- zfile_op_defs, zfiledev_op_defs, zfileio_op_defs,
- zfilter_op_defs, zgeneric_op_defs,
- zmath_op_defs, zmisc_op_defs, zpacked_op_defs, zprops_op_defs,
- zrelbit_op_defs, zstack_op_defs, zstring_op_defs,
- ztype_op_defs, zvmem_op_defs,
- /* Graphics operators */
- zchar_op_defs, zcolor_op_defs, zdevice_op_defs,
- zfont_op_defs, zfont1_op_defs, zfont2_op_defs,
- zgstate_op_defs, zht_op_defs,
- zmatrix_op_defs, zpaint_op_defs, zpath_op_defs,
- zpath2_op_defs,
- /* Optional operators */
- #define oper_(defs) defs,
- #include "gconfig.h"
- #undef oper_
- /* Interpreter operators */
- interp_op_defs,
- /* Optional Level 2 operators */
- #define oper2_(defs) defs,
- #include "gconfig.h"
- #undef oper2_
- /* end marker */
- (op_def_ptr)0
- };
- /* Detect whether we have any Level 2 operators. */
- #define have_level2\
- (op_defs_all[countof(op_defs_all) - 2] != interp_op_defs)
- /* Initialize the stacks (in interp.c) */
- extern void interp_init(P0());
- /* Initialize objects other than operators */
- void
- obj_init(void)
- {
- interp_init();
- /* Initialize the language level. */
- make_int(&ref_language_level, 1);
- /* Create the built-in dictionaries. */
- /* Only systemdict has non-zero maxlength. */
- dict_create((have_level2 ? SYSTEMDICT_LEVEL2_SIZE : SYSTEMDICT_SIZE),
- systemdict);
- min_dstack_size = MIN_DSTACK_SIZE;
- { int i;
- for ( i = 1; i < MIN_DSTACK_SIZE; i++ )
- dict_create(0, dsbot + i);
- }
- /* Initialize the predefined names other than operators */
- { ref vtemp;
- make_null(&vtemp);
- initial_enter_name("null", &vtemp);
- make_const_string(&vtemp, a_readonly, strlen(gs_copyright),
- (const byte *)gs_copyright);
- initial_enter_name("copyright", &vtemp);
- make_const_string(&vtemp, a_readonly, strlen(gs_product),
- (const byte *)gs_product);
- initial_enter_name("product", &vtemp);
- make_int(&vtemp, gs_revision);
- initial_enter_name("revision", &vtemp);
- make_int(&vtemp, gs_revisiondate);
- initial_enter_name("revisiondate", &vtemp);
- initial_enter_name("systemdict", systemdict);
- }
- /* Create other system-known names */
- name_enter("errordict", &name_errordict);
- name_enter("ErrorNames", &name_ErrorNames);
- /* Create the error name table */
- { int n = sizeof(gs_error_names) / sizeof(char _ds *) - 1;
- int i;
- ref era;
- alloc_array(&era, a_readonly, n, "obj_init(ErrorNames)");
- for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
- name_enter((char *)gs_error_names[i], era.value.refs + i);
- dict_put(systemdict, &name_ErrorNames, &era);
- }
- }
- /* Run the initialization procedures of the individual operator files. */
- void
- zop_init(void)
- { op_def_ptr _ds *tptr;
- /* Because of a bug in Sun's SC1.0 compiler, */
- /* we have to spell out the typedef for op_def_ptr here: */
- const op_def _ds *def;
- for ( tptr = op_defs_all; *tptr != 0; tptr++ )
- { for ( def = *tptr; def->oname != 0; def++ ) ;
- if ( def->proc != 0 )
- ((void (*)(P0()))(def->proc))();
- }
- }
- /* Initialize the operator table. */
- void
- op_init(void)
- { int count = 1;
- int interp_count;
- op_def_ptr _ds *tptr;
- /* Because of a bug in Sun's SC1.0 compiler, */
- /* we have to spell out the typedef for op_def_ptr here: */
- const op_def _ds *def;
- const char _ds *nstr;
- /* Do a first pass just to count the operators. */
- /* Note the value of count after interp_op_defs, because */
- /* that is where the Level 2 operators start. */
- for ( tptr = op_defs_all; *tptr != 0; tptr ++ )
- { for ( def = *tptr; def->oname != 0; count++, def++ )
- ;
- if ( *tptr == interp_op_defs )
- interp_count = count;
- }
- if ( interp_count != count )
- { /* Create level2dict for the Level 2 definitions. */
- dict_create(LEVEL2DICT_SIZE, level2dict);
- initial_enter_name("level2dict", level2dict);
- }
- /* Do a second pass to construct the operator table, */
- /* and enter the operators in systemdict or level2dict. */
- /* Because of a bug in Sun's SC1.0 compiler, */
- /* we have to spell out the typedef for op_def_ptr here: */
- op_def_table =
- (const op_def _ds **)alloc(count, sizeof(op_def_ptr),
- "op_init(op_def_table)");
- op_def_count = count;
- count = 1;
- for ( tptr = op_defs_all; *tptr != 0; tptr ++ )
- for ( def = *tptr; (nstr = def->oname) != 0; count++, def++ )
- { ref nref, oper;
- make_oper(&oper, count, (dummy_op_proc_p)(def->proc));
- interp_fix_op(&oper); /* optimize if possible */
- /* The first character of the name is a digit */
- /* giving the minimum acceptable number of operands. */
- /* For now, we just skip over it. */
- nstr++;
- /* Don't enter internal operators into systemdict. */
- if ( *nstr == '%' )
- name_enter(nstr, &nref);
- else
- { ref nref;
- ref *pdict =
- (count >= interp_count ? level2dict : systemdict);
- name_enter(nstr, &nref);
- dict_put(pdict, &nref, &oper);
- }
- op_def_table[count] = def;
- }
- /* Allocate the table for `operator' procedures. */
- alloc_array(&op_array_table, a_readonly, op_array_table_size,
- "op_array table");
- refset_null(op_array_table.value.refs, op_array_table_size);
- op_array_nx_table =
- (ushort *)alloc(op_array_table_size, sizeof(ushort),
- "op_array nx table");
- op_array_count = 0;
- }
- /* Initialize variables that hold name constants. */
- void
- init_names(register const names_def _ds *pnd)
- { for ( ; pnd->vname != 0; pnd++ )
- name_enter(pnd->vname, pnd->pvref);
- }