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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* iname.c */
- /* Name lookup for Ghostscript interpreter */
- #include "memory_.h"
- #include "ghost.h"
- #include "alloc.h"
- #include "errors.h"
- #include "iname.h"
- #include "ivmspace.h"
- #include "store.h"
- /* Definitions and structure for the name table. */
- /* The first entry is left unused. */
- /* 1-character names are the next nt_1char_size entries. */
- #define nt_log2_sub_size 7
- #define nt_sub_size (1 << nt_log2_sub_size)
- #define nt_sub_index_mask (nt_sub_size - 1)
- #define nt_hash_size 256 /* must be a power of 2 */
- #define nt_1char_size 128
- typedef name name_sub_table[nt_sub_size];
- typedef struct {
- ushort hash[nt_hash_size];
- name *table[1 << (16 - nt_log2_sub_size)]; /* name_sub_table */
- ref count; /* t_integer */
- #define nt_count(nt) (uint)((nt)->count.value.intval)
- #define set_nt_count(nt,cnt) ((nt)->count.value.intval = (cnt))
- } name_table;
- #define name_index_ptr(nt, index)\
- ((nt)->table[(index) >> nt_log2_sub_size] + ((index) & nt_sub_index_mask))
- /*
- * Scramble the assignment order within a sub-table, so that
- * dictionary lookup doesn't have to scramble the index.
- * The algorithm must have three properties:
- * - It must map 0 to 0;
- * - It must only scramble the sub-table index;
- * - It must be a permutation on the sub-table index.
- * We do something very simple for now.
- */
- #define name_count_to_index(cnt)\
- (((cnt) & (-nt_sub_size)) + (((cnt) * 59) & nt_sub_index_mask))
- /* We also store the reverse permutation, for age checking in restore. */
- #define name_index_to_count(idx)\
- ((idx) ^ name_sub_index_to_count[(idx) & nt_sub_index_mask])
- #if nt_sub_size <= 256
- private byte name_sub_index_to_count[nt_sub_size];
- #else
- private ushort name_sub_index_to_count[nt_sub_size];
- #endif
- /* The one and only name table (for now). */
- private name_table *the_nt;
- /* Forward references */
- private int name_alloc_sub(P1(name_table *));
- /* Make a t_name ref out of a name * */
- #define make_name(pref, idx, pnm)\
- make_tasv(pref, t_name, 0, idx, pname, pnm)
- /* Initialize the name table */
- void
- name_init(void)
- { register uint i;
- static byte one_char_names[nt_1char_size];
- uint local = alloc_select_local(0);
- /* Initialize the index_to_count map. */
- for ( i = 0; i < nt_sub_size; i++ )
- { uint idx = name_count_to_index(i);
- name_sub_index_to_count[idx] = idx ^ i;
- }
- the_nt = (name_table *)alloc(1, sizeof(name_table), "name_init");
- memset(the_nt, 0, sizeof(name_table));
- make_int(&the_nt->count, 1);
- /* Initialize the one-character names. */
- for ( i = 0; i < nt_1char_size; i++ )
- { uint ncnt = i + 1;
- uint nidx = name_count_to_index(ncnt);
- register name *pname;
- if ( the_nt->table[nidx >> nt_log2_sub_size] == 0 )
- name_alloc_sub(the_nt);
- pname = name_index_ptr(the_nt, nidx);
- set_nt_count(the_nt, ncnt + 1);
- one_char_names[i] = i;
- pname->string_size = 1;
- pname->string_bytes = &one_char_names[i];
- pname->pvalue = pv_no_defn;
- }
- alloc_select_local(local);
- }
- /* Look up or enter a name in the table. */
- /* Return 0 or an error code. */
- /* The return may overlap the characters of the string! */
- /* See iname.h for the meaning of enterflag. */
- int
- name_ref(const byte *ptr, uint isize, ref *pref, int enterflag)
- { register name *pname;
- const byte *cptr;
- ushort size = (ushort)isize; /* see iname.h */
- uint nidx;
- if ( size == 1 && *ptr < nt_1char_size )
- { uint ccnt = *ptr + 1;
- nidx = name_count_to_index(ccnt);
- pname = name_index_ptr(the_nt, nidx);
- make_name(pref, nidx, pname);
- return 0;
- }
- else
- { ushort *phash =
- the_nt->hash +
- ((ushort)string_hash(ptr, size) & (nt_hash_size - 1));
- uint ncnt;
- nidx = *phash;
- while ( nidx != 0 )
- { pname = name_index_ptr(the_nt, nidx);
- if ( pname->string_size == size &&
- !memcmp(ptr, pname->string_bytes, size)
- )
- { make_name(pref, nidx, pname);
- return 0;
- }
- nidx = pname->next_index;
- }
- /* Not in table, allocate a new entry. */
- if ( enterflag < 0 )
- return_error(e_undefined);
- if ( !(nt_count(the_nt) & (nt_sub_size - 1)) )
- { int code = name_alloc_sub(the_nt);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- }
- ncnt = nt_count(the_nt);
- nidx = name_count_to_index(ncnt);
- pname = name_index_ptr(the_nt, nidx);
- pname->next_index = *phash;
- *phash = nidx;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( debug_c('n') )
- { uint ci;
- dprintf4("[n]new name 0x%lx#%u, length=%u, count=%u: ",
- (ulong)pname, nidx, isize, ncnt);
- for ( ci = 0; ci < isize; ci++ )
- dputc(ptr[ci]);
- dputc('\n');
- }
- #endif
- ref_save(&the_nt->count, "name_ref(count)");
- set_nt_count(the_nt, ncnt + 1);
- }
- /* Name was not in the table. Make a new entry. */
- if ( enterflag )
- { uint local = alloc_select_local(0);
- cptr = (const byte *)alloc(size, 1, "name_ref(string)");
- alloc_select_local(local);
- if ( cptr == 0 )
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- memcpy((byte *)cptr, ptr, size);
- }
- else
- cptr = ptr;
- pname->string_size = size;
- pname->string_bytes = cptr;
- pname->pvalue = pv_no_defn;
- make_name(pref, nidx, pname);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Get the string for a name. */
- void
- name_string_ref(const ref *pnref /* t_name */,
- ref *psref /* result, t_string */)
- { name *pname = pnref->value.pname;
- make_const_string(psref, a_readonly, pname->string_size,
- (const byte *)pname->string_bytes);
- }
- /* Convert a t_string object to a name. */
- /* Copy the executable attribute. */
- int
- name_from_string(const ref *psref, ref *pnref)
- { int exec = r_has_attr(psref, a_executable);
- int code = name_ref(psref->value.bytes, r_size(psref), pnref, 1);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- if ( exec ) r_set_attrs(pnref, a_executable);
- return code;
- }
- /* Enter a name during initialization. */
- /* Fatal error if the entry fails. */
- void
- name_enter(const char *str, ref *pref)
- { if ( name_ref((const byte *)str, strlen(str), pref, 0) )
- lprintf1("name_enter failed - %s", str),
- gs_exit(1);
- }
- /* Get the name with a given index. */
- void
- name_index_ref(uint index, ref *pnref)
- { make_name(pnref, index, name_index_ptr(the_nt, index));
- }
- /* Get the current name count. */
- uint
- name_count(void)
- { return nt_count(the_nt);
- }
- /* Check whether a name was created since a given count. */
- int
- name_is_since_count(const ref *pnref, uint cnt)
- { return name_index_to_count(name_index(pnref)) >= cnt;
- }
- /* Clean up the name table before a restore. */
- /* The count will be reset, and added subtables will be freed. */
- /* All we have to do is remove initial entries from the hash chains, */
- /* since we know they are linked in decreasing index order */
- /* (by sub-table, but not within each sub-table.) */
- /* (There will be some spurious non-zero entries in the subtable table, */
- /* but this doesn't matter since they will never be accessed.) */
- void
- name_restore(uint old_count)
- { ushort *phash = &the_nt->hash[0];
- uint old_sub = old_count & -nt_sub_size;
- register uint i;
- for ( i = 0; i < nt_hash_size; phash++, i++ )
- { register ushort *pnh = phash;
- while ( *pnh >= old_sub )
- { if ( name_index_to_count(*pnh) < old_count )
- pnh = &name_index_ptr(the_nt, *pnh)->next_index;
- else
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( debug_c('n') | debug_c('U') )
- dprintf2("[n]restore remove name 0x%lx#%u\n",
- (ulong)name_index_ptr(the_nt, *pnh),
- (uint)*pnh);
- #endif
- *pnh = name_index_ptr(the_nt, *pnh)->next_index;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* ------ Internal procedures ------ */
- /* Allocate the next sub-table. */
- private int
- name_alloc_sub(name_table *nt)
- { uint local = alloc_select_local(0);
- name *sub = (name *)alloc(1, sizeof(name_sub_table), "name_alloc_sub");
- alloc_select_local(local);
- if ( sub == 0 )
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- memset(sub, 0, sizeof(name_sub_table));
- nt->table[nt_count(nt) >> nt_log2_sub_size] = sub;
- return 0;
- }