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- Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- This file, make.doc, describes how to install Ghostscript, and how to
- build Ghostscript executables from source.
- For an overview of Ghostscript and a list of the documentation files, see
- ********
- ******** Installing Ghostscript
- ********
- To install the interpreter, you need:
- - The interpreter executable:
- - On MS-DOS and VMS systems, gs.exe.
- - On MS-DOS systems, if you are using the Watcom compiler,
- the DOS extender, dos4gw.exe.
- - On Unix systems, gs.
- - The interpreter initialization files: gs_*.ps.
- - The font map: Fontmap.
- - The default font: uglyr.gsf.
- See use.doc for a description of the search algorithm used to find these
- files.
- You do not need any of these files when using the library; however, the
- library currently provides no way to install fonts. This is obviously
- ridiculous and will be fixed sometime in the future.
- ********
- ******** Building Ghostscript from source
- ********
- Ghostscript is generally distributed in the form of a compressed tar file.
- When unpacked, this file puts all the Ghostscript files in a directory
- called gs. Ghostscript is also available in the form of PC-compatible ZIP
- files.
- Ghostscript is described by a collection of several makefiles:
- gs.mak - a generic makefile used on all platforms (except VMS).
- devs.mak - a makefile listing all the device drivers.
- *.mak - the makefiles for specific platforms.
- You may need to edit the platform-specific makefile if you wish to change
- any of the following options:
- - The default search path(s) for the initialization and font files
- (macro GS_LIB_DEFAULT);
- - The debugging options (macro TDEBUG);
- - The set of device drivers to be included (DEVICE_DEVS
- and DEVICE_DEVS1..9 macros);
- - The set of optional features to be included (FEATURE_DEVS macro).
- The platform-specific makefile will include comments describing all of
- these items except the DEVICE_DEVS options. The DEVICE_DEVS options are
- described in devs.mak, even though the file that must be edited is the
- platform-specific makefile.
- The makefiles distributed with Ghostscript define these options as
- follows:
- - GS_LIB_DEFAULT: on Unix systems, /usr/local/lib/ghostscript
- and /usr/local/lib/ghostscript/fonts; on MS-DOS systems, C:\GS; on AmigaDOS
- systems, /gnu (aka gnu:)
- - TDEBUG: no debugging code included in the build.
- - DEVICE_DEVS*: platform-specific, see below.
- - FEATURE_DEVS: platform-specific.
- There are also platform-specific options described below under the
- individual platforms. See the "Options" section near the beginning of the
- relevant makefile for more information.
- If you are including a dot-matrix printer driver, you may wish to
- customize the default resolution parameters in devs.mak.
- To build the interpreter, you need all the .h and .c files (and .asm files
- for MS-DOS) included in the distribution, as well as the makefiles.
- The command
- make clean
- removes all the files created by the build process (relocatables,
- executables, and miscellaneous scratch files). If you want to save the
- executable, you should move it to another directory first.
- ********
- ******** How to build Ghostscript from source (MS-DOS version) ********
- ********
- To find out what devices the makefiles distributed with Ghostscript
- select for inclusion in the executable, find the lines in the
- appropriate makefiles of the form
- FEATURE_DEVS=<list of features>
- and
- DEVICE_DEVS=<list of devices>
- (similarly DEVICE_DEVS1... up to DEVICE_DEVS9)
- The relevant makefiles are:
- Turbo C: tc.mak
- Turbo C++/Borland C++, MS-DOS: bc.mak
- Borland C++, MS Windows: bcwin.mak
- Microsoft C/C++ 7.0, MS-DOS: msc.mak
- Watcom C/386, MS-DOS: watc.mak
- The options were chosen to strike a balance between RAM consumption
- and likely usefulness. (Turbo C is limited to 640K and does not
- support code overlaying; Borland C++ is limited to 640K, but supports
- code overlaying under MS-DOS; Watcom C/386 is not limited to 640K.)
- To build Ghostscript, you need MS-DOS version 3.3 or later, and a
- (Borland) Turbo C/C++, Borland C/C++, Microsoft C/C++ (version 7), or
- Watcom C/386 development system. Details are given below.
- As noted above, the default configuration generates an executable that
- assumes the directory where 'make' was run should be the final default
- directory for looking up the Ghostscript initialization and font files.
- To build the Ghostscript executable, all you need to do is give the
- command
- make
- You must have COMMAND.COM in your path to build Ghostscript.
- There is a special 'make' target that simply attempts to compile all the
- .c files in the current directory. Some of these compilations will fail,
- but the ones that succeed will go considerably faster, because they don't
- individually pay the overhead of loading the compiler into memory. So a
- good strategy for building the executable for the first time, or after a
- change to a very widely used .h file, is:
- make begin
- and then
- make
- to do the compilations that failed the first time.
- Note: if you get the Ghostscript sources from a Unix 'tar' file and unpack
- the file on a MS-DOS machine, the files will all have linefeed instead of
- carriage return + linefeed as the line terminator, which may make the C
- compiler unhappy. I don't know the simplest way to fix this: just reading
- each file into an editor and writing it back out again may be sufficient.
- You will probably have to do this to the .c, .h, and .bat files.
- Borland environment
- -------------------
- To compile Ghostscript with the Borland environment, you need either Turbo
- C (version 2.0 or later) or Turbo C++ or Borland C++ (version 1.0 or
- later); specifically, the compiler, 'make' utility, and linker. You also
- need either the Borland assembler (version 1.0 or later) or the Microsoft
- assembler (version 4.0 or later). Before compiling or linking, you should
- execute
- echo !include "tc.mak" >makefile
- (for Turbo C and MS-DOS), or
- echo !include "bc.mak" >makefile
- (for Turbo C++ or Borland C++ and MS-DOS), or
- echo !include "bcwin.mak" >makefile
- (for Turbo C++ or Borland C++ and Microsoft Windows), or
- Besides the source files and the makefiles, you need:
- turboc.cfg (the flags and switches for Turbo C)
- gs.tr (the linker commands for the interpreter)
- *.bat (a variety of batch files used in the build process)
- There are extensive comments in the aforementioned .mak files
- regarding various configuration parameters. If your configuration is
- different from the following, you should definitely read those
- comments and see if you want or need to change any of the parameters:
- - The compiler files are in c:\tc (for Turbo C) or c:\bc (for
- Turbo C++ or Borland C++) and its subdirectories.
- - You are using the Borland assembler (tasm).
- - You want an executable that will run on any PC-compatible,
- regardless of processor type (8088, 8086, V20, 80186, 80286, V30, 80386,
- 80486) and regardless of whether a math coprocessor (80x87) is present.
- NOTE: Borland C++ 3.0 has two problems that affect Ghostscript (these
- problems are fixed in Borland C++ 3.1):
- - The assembler, tasm, often crashes when attempting to
- assemble gdevegaa.asm. If this happens, try again, or use another
- assembler (e.g., an older version of tasm) if you have one, or set
- USE_ASM=0 in the makefile.
- - The math library for Microsoft Windows, mathwl.lib, has a
- bug that causes floating point numbers to print incorrectly. Contact
- Borland for a corrected version.
- If you are compiling Ghostscript with Turbo C++ 1.0, remove the
- `.swap' directive from bc.mak, and use the -s switch on the `make'
- command line. (All later versions of the Borland environment
- recognize this directive.)
- Note that although the Microsoft Windows version of Ghostscript will
- run under Windows 3.0, it uses routines from the Windows 3.1 SDK, so
- you need the Windows 3.1 SDK and header files to compile it. In
- practice, this means that you need Borland C++ 3.1; Borland C++ 3.0
- doesn't include the necessary headers.
- Microsoft environment
- ---------------------
- To compile Ghostscript with the Microsoft environment, you need
- Microsoft C/C++ 7.0 or later with its associated `nmake' utility and
- linker. Before compiling or linking, you should execute
- echo !include msc.mak >makefile
- Besides the source files and the makefiles, you need:
- gs.tr (the linker commands for the interpreter)
- *.bat (a variety of batch files used in the build process)
- We have found the Microsoft `nmake' program to be very unreliable; it
- may crash partway through the build process with a variety of error
- messages, or no error message.
- We have not been able to test the Microsoft compiler in a wide
- variety of configurations, because it is so much slower than the
- Borland compiler (about 5 times) and because there is apparently no
- way to get it to write its error messages to a file. If you
- encounter problems with the Microsoft environment, please contact
- Aladdin Enterprises.
- Watcom environment
- ------------------
- To avoid annoying messages from the DOS extender, add the line
- set DOS4G=quiet
- to your autoexec.bat file.
- To compile Ghostscript with the Watcom C/386 compiler, you need to create
- a makefile by executing
- echo !include watc.mak >makefile
- To build Ghostscript, execute
- wmake -u
- ********
- ******** How to build Ghostscript from source (Unix version) ********
- ********
- The makefile distributed with Ghostscript selects the following devices
- for inclusion in the build:
- Display: X Windows driver.
- File output: pbm, pbmraw, pgm, pgmraw, ppm, and ppmraw drivers.
- Before compiling or linking, you should execute
- ln -s unix-cc.mak makefile
- or ln -s unix-gcc.mak makefile
- or ln -s unix-ansi.mak makefile
- (if your Unix system doesn't support symbolic links, omit the -s switch)
- depending on whether your C compiler is a standard Kernighan & Ritchie C
- compiler, gcc being used in ANSI mode, or an ANSI C compiler other than
- gcc respectively. (If you want to use gcc in non-ANSI mode, use
- unix-cc.mak and define the CC macro to refer to gcc.)
- The unix-*.mak files are actually generated mechanically from *head.mak,
- *tail.mak, gs.mak, and devs.mak. If for some reason your copy of
- Ghostscript doesn't include the unix-*.mak files, invoke the
- tar_cat
- shell script to construct them.
- If the X11 client header files are located in some directory which your
- compiler does not automatically search, you must change the XINCLUDE macro
- the makefile to include a specific -I switch. See the comment preceding
- XINCLUDE in the makefile.
- The only important customization of the X11 driver is the choice of
- whether or not to use a backing pixmap. If you use a backing pixmap,
- Ghostscript windows will redisplay properly when they are covered and
- exposed, but drawing operations will go slower. This choice is controlled
- by a line in the file gdevxini.c that says
- private int use_backing = 1;
- Changing this line to read
- private int use_backing = 0;
- will disable the use of a backing pixmap. However, portions of the
- Ghostscript window may not be properly redrawn after the window is
- restored from an icon or exposed after being occluded by another window.
- Some versions of the X server do not implement tiling properly. This will
- show up as broad bands of color where dither patterns should appear. If
- this happens, in the file gdevx.c, change
- private int use_XSetTile = 1;
- to
- private int use_XSetTile = 0;
- and recompile. The result will run a lot slower, but the output should be
- correct. If this fixes the problem, report it to whoever made your X
- server.
- Similarly, some versions of the X server do not implement bitmap/pixmap
- displaying properly. This may show up as white or black rectangles where
- characters should appear, or characters may appear in "inverse video"
- (e.g., white on a black rectangle). If this happens, it may help you to
- change, in the file gdevx.c,
- private int use_XPutImage = 1;
- to
- private int use_XPutImage = 0;
- and recompile. Again, there will be a serious performance penalty; again,
- if this fixes the problem, notify the supplier of your X server.
- Currently Ghostscript is set up to compile and link in a generic Unix
- environment. Some Unix environments may require changing the LDFLAGS
- macro in the makefile.
- All you need to do to make an executable is invoke the shell command
- make
- Ghostscript uses ANSI syntax for function definitions. Because of this,
- when compiling with cc, it must preprocess each .c file to convert it to
- the older syntax defined in Kernighan and Ritchie, which is what most
- current Unix compilers (other than gcc) support. This step is
- automatically performed by a utility called ansi2knr, which is included in
- the Ghostscript distribution. The makefile automatically builds ansi2knr.
- The ansi2knr preprocessing step is included in the makefile rule for
- compiling .c files. ansi2knr creates a file called _temp_.c to hold the
- converted code. If you want to change this name for some reason, it is
- defined in unix-cc.mak.
- Platform-specific notes
- -----------------------
- 386 Unix:
- gcc versions older than 1.38 on Intel 80386 systems do not
- compile Ghostscript correctly using the -O option. Do not use -O in
- these environments.
- gcc 1.39 under 386BSD has a bug that causes float-to-integer
- conversions to compile incorrectly. Do not use this version of gcc.
- X11R5 may need #include <stddef.h> in x_.h.
- Also see below regarding System V platforms.
- Apollo:
- You must run the compiler in ANSI-compatible mode (i.e., set AK=
- <null string> in the makefile); otherwise, it gives incorrect error
- messages for any function declared as returning a float value.
- The Apollo compiler may not compile Ghostscript correctly. If you
- get unexpected crashes at run time, use gcc.
- Convex:
- Use unix-ansi.mak. Do not invoke optimization (-O1): there
- are compiler bugs that lead to incorrect code. Set CFLAGS to
- -fn -tm -no c1
- DEC (Ultrix):
- Many versions of DEC's X server (DECwindows) have bugs that
- require setting use_XPutImage or use_XSetTile to 0, as described above.
- GNU make (any platform):
- GNU make 3.59 can't handle the final linking step in some cases;
- use the platform's standard make (e.g., /bin/make) if this happens.
- H-P 700 series:
- Use the compiler flags -Aa +O3 (*not* -O).
- ISC Unix:
- For ISC Unix with gcc, an appropriate make invocation is:
- make XCFLAGS="-D__SVR3 -posix" LDFLAGS="-shlib -posix" \
- EXTRALIBS="-linet -lnsl_s"
- If this doesn't work for you, try removing the -shlib. ISC Unix may
- also need one or more of the following in EXTRALIBS: -lpt, -lc_s.
- See also under "386 Unix" above.
- There is apparently a bug in the MIPS C compiler which causes
- gxdither.c to compile incorrectly if optimization is enabled (-O). Until
- a work-around is found, do not use -O with the MIPS C compiler.
- NeXT:
- Use unix-gcc.mak, but change the name of the compiler (CC=)
- from gcc to cc. Also, include -D_NEXT_SOURCE in CFLAGS, and change
- the two occurrences of sys/time.h to ansi/time.h. You may also find
- it useful to add the following line to Fontmap:
- /Ohlfs /Courier ;
- RS/6000:
- Due to compiler bugs, most of the obvious ways to compile
- Ghostscript on the RS/6000 don't work. You should use the following
- command line, or a similar one with a different compiler (see below):
- make -f unix-ansi.mak CC=c89 \
- XINCLUDE=-I/usr/misc/X11/include XLIBDIRS=-L/usr/misc/X11/lib
- You must also edit the makefile (unix-ansi.mak or unix-cc.mak) to define
- CFLAGS as -DSYSV -D_POSIX_SOURCE, and to change INSTALL to
- /usr/ucb/install. (If -DSYSV produces a complaint about the functions
- index and rindex not being defined, try removing it.)
- Even beyond all this, many people have trouble with Ghostscript on
- the RS/6000. The usual symptom is that it compiles and links OK, but
- produces garbaged output on the screen. The problem may be related
- to particular versions of AIX or the X server; we don't have enough
- information at this time. The following combinations of AIX and X
- are known to fail:
- AIX 3.1.5, MIT X11R4, c89, unix-ansi.mak
- AIX 3.2.0 or 3.2.1, c89 or xlc
- The following combinations are known to work:
- AIX 3.1.5, MIT X11R5, c89, unix-ansi.mak
- AIX 3.2, MIT X11R5, xlc, unix-ansi.mak
- AIX 3.2, c89, unix-ansi.mak -- but you must compile
- without optimization (no -O)
- AIX 3.2.0 or 3.2.1, cc, unix-cc.mak, no -O
- It may be that just including -Dconst= in the command line is
- sufficient to get around the bugs in the AIX 3.1.5 compiler.
- Apparently some (but not all) releases of the C library declare the hypot
- function: if the declaration in math_.h produces an error message, try
- removing it. Also, the IBM X11R3 server is known to be buggy: use the MIT
- X server if possible.
- SCO Unix/Xenix:
- The SCO Unix C compiler apparently can't handle the Pn macros
- in std.h. If you get strange compilation errors on SCO Unix, see if
- you can get a compiler fix from SCO. Meanwhile, to use gcc with SCO
- ODT, see gcc-head.mak for the appropriate switch settings. See also
- under "386 Unix" above.
- gcc 2.3.3 produces code that causes a core dump on machines
- that don't have hardware floating point, because of a bug in SCO's
- floating point emulator. Use a different compiler on these machines.
- If you aren't using the X11 driver, you need to add -lsocket
- to the linker command (near the end of the unix-*.mak file) in order
- to get the date/time functions linked in.
- If you want to use direct frame buffer addressing instead of
- X Windows, include the relevant frame buffer device(s) (ega.dev,
- vga.dev, etc.) and change gdevevga.c to gdevsco.c as indicated in
- devs.mak. Note: this does not work with SuperVGA displays, except
- for 800x600x16 mode.
- If your compiler accepts the -Xt and -Xa switches, use -Xt.
- Even though this causes the compiler to use incorrect rules for
- computing the result types of << and >>, -Xa enables "optimizations"
- that produce incorrect code.
- For SCO ODT 2.0, in addition to -D__SVR3 and -DSYSV, you need to
- specify -Dsco, -DUSG, and -DMALLOC_0_RETURNS_NULL. For SCO ODT, you need
- EXTRALIBS=-lX11 -lsocket -lmalloc, or maybe only -lsocket (depending on
- the version), and for SCO ODT 2.0, you also need to specify -lc_s. For
- SCO Xenix, you need EXTRALIBS=-lmalloc.
- For all SCO systems, set XINCLUDE= and XLIBDIRS=.
- Sun:
- The Sun unbundled C compiler (SC1.0) doesn't compile Ghostscript
- properly if the -fast option is selected: Ghostscript core-dumps in
- build_gs_font. Use -g, or use gcc.
- The Sun version of dbx often gives up with an error message when
- trying to load Ghostscript. If this happens, use gdb instead. (gdb is
- more reliable than dbx in other ways as well.)
- Solaris 2.2 may require setting EXTRALIBS=-lsocket.
- In SunOS 4.1.[23], you may get these undefined symbols when linking:
- _get_wmShellWidgetClass
- _get_applicationShellWidgetClass
- Compiling "-Bstatic -lXmu -Bdynamic" appears to work. To solve the
- problem if you are using OpenWindows 3.0 (X11R4-based Xt), please contact
- your local Sun office and request the following patches:
- Patch i.d. Description
- 100512-02 4.1.x OpenWindows 3.0 libXt Jumbo patch
- 100573-03 4.1.x OpenWindows 3.0 undefined symbols when using
- shared libXmu
- A source patch for use with the MIT X11R4 libraries was developed by Conrad
- Kimball (cek@sdc.boeing.com); it retrofits into R4 some fixes made in R5 to
- get around this problem. The patch is on export in [1/93]
- contrib/X11R4_sunos4.1.2_patch_version3.Z
- System V Unix platforms:
- If you are using a stock System V platform that lacks rename
- and gettimeofday, change PLATFORM=unix_ in the makefile to
- PLATFORM=sysv_.
- You will probably need to change the definition of INSTALL (near
- the beginning of the makefile) from install to /usr/ucb/install.
- ********
- ******** How to build Ghostscript from source (VAX/VMS version) ********
- ********
- The files VMS-CC.MAK and VMS-GCC.MAK are VMS DCL command files which
- build Ghostscript from scratch using either the DEC C compiler, CC, or
- the Free Software Foundation's GNU C compiler, GCC. Accordingly, you
- must have one of these two compilers installed in order to build
- Ghostscript. (Other C compilers may work: CC and GCC are the only two
- compilers tested to date.) These two command files build and store
- the Ghostscript library in the object library GS.OLB. If you have
- DECwindows (X11) installed on your system, the executable images GS.EXE,
- GT.EXE, and XLIB.EXE will also be built.
- Some environments use the DWTLIBSHR library for providing the X
- Windows intrinsics, and some use the XTSHR library. XTSHR is newer,
- and is part of the DECwindows/Motif product. However, DEC is still
- distributing versions of VMS with DWTLIBSHR. If your environment
- uses XTSHR, replace DWTLIBSHR in the list of link libraries with
- The only important customization of the X11 driver is the choice of
- whether or not to use a backing pixmap. If you use a backing pixmap,
- Ghostscript windows will redisplay properly when they are covered and
- exposed, but drawing operations will go slower. This choice is controlled
- by the line in the file gdevx.c that reads
- private int use_backing = 1;
- Changing this line to read
- private int use_backing = 0;
- will disable the use of a backing pixmap. However, portions of the
- Ghostscript window may not be properly redrawn after the window is
- restored from an icon or exposed after being occluded by another window.
- Many versions of DEC's X server (DECwindows) have bugs that require
- setting use_XPutImage or use_XSetTile to 0, as described above. These
- show up as broad bands of color where dither patterns should appear, or
- characters displayed white on top of black rectangles or not displayed at
- all. If this happens, change use_XSetTile or use_XPutImage to 0 as
- described above. The result will run a lot slower, but the output will be
- correct. Report the problem to DEC, or whoever supplied your X server.
- Ghostscript uses ANSI syntax for function definitions. Thus, when using
- the DEC C compiler, each .C file is converted to the older C syntax defined
- in the first edition of Kernighan and Ritchie and stored in a .CC file.
- This step is performed by VMS-CC.MAK using the ansi2knr utility included
- in the Ghostscript distribution. If you are building a debuggable
- configuration, the .CC files will be left behind by VMS-CC.MAK for use by
- the VMS Debugger; otherwise, they will be deleted.
- If you have DEC's C compiler, issue the DCL command
- to build Ghostscript. If you have GNU C, issue the DCL command
- to build Ghostscript.
- The option "DEBUG" may be specified with either command file in order to
- build a debuggable Ghostscript configuration:
- In order to specify switches and file names when invoking the interpreter,
- define GS as a foreign command:
- $ GS == "$disk:[directory]GS.EXE"
- where "disk" and "directory" specify the disk and directory where Ghostscript
- is located. For instance,
- To allow the interpreter to be run from any directory, define the logical
- GS_LIB which points to the Ghostscript directory
- $ DEFINE GS_LIB disk:[directory]
- This allows Ghostscript to locate its initialization files stored in the
- Ghostscript directory -- see use.doc for further details. Finally, to
- invoke the interpreter, merely type GS. Although DCL normally converts
- unquoted parameters to upper case, C programs receive their parameters in
- lower case. That is, the command
- $ GS -Isys$login:
- passes the switch "-isys$login" to the interpreter. To preserve the
- case of switches, enclose them in double quotes; e.g.,
- $ GS "-Isys$login:"
- If you add compiled fonts to your system as described in the fonts.doc
- file, you must C-compile them in an environment that includes some
- definitions from vms-cc.mak. Find the section of vms-cc.mak with the
- comment "Give ourself a healthy search list for C include files" and
- execute the immediately following DEFINE commands before C-compiling the
- fonts.
- ********
- ******** A guide to the files ********
- ********
- General
- -------
- There are very few machine dependencies in Ghostscript. A few of the .c
- files are machine-specific. These have names of the form
- gp_<platform>.c
- specifically
- gp_dosfb.c (all MS-DOS platforms)
- gp_msdos.c (all MS-DOS platforms)
- gp_itbc.c (MS-DOS, Borland compilers)
- gp_iwatc.c (MS-DOS, Watcom or Microsoft compiler)
- gp_unix.c (all Unix)
- gp_sysv.c (System V Unix)
- gp_vms.c (VMS)
- There are also some machine-specific conditionals in files with names
- <something>_.h. If you are going to extend Ghostscript to new
- machines or operating systems, you should check the *_.h files for
- ifdef's on things other than DEBUG, and you should probably count on
- making a new makefile and a new gp_ file.
- Library
- -------
- Files beginning with gs, gx, or gz (both .c and .h), other than gs.c
- and gsmain.c, are the Ghostscript library. Files beginning with gdev
- are device drivers or related code, also part of the library. Other
- files beginning with g are library files that don't fall neatly into
- either the kernel or the driver category.
- Interpreter
- -----------
- gs.c is the main program for the language interpreter.
- Files beginning with z are Ghostscript operator files. The names of the
- files generally follow the section headings of the operator summary in
- section 6.2 of the PostScript manual.
- .c files beginning with i, and .h files not beginning with g, are the
- rest of the interpreter. See the makefile for a little more information
- on how the files are divided functionally.
- There are a few files that are logically part of the interpreter, but that
- are potentially useful outside Ghostscript, whose names don't begin with
- either g, z, or i:
- s*.c (a flexible stream package, including the Level 2 PostScript
- 'filters' supported by Ghostscript);