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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* stream.h */
- /* Definitions for Ghostscript stream package */
- /* Requires stdio.h */
- /*
- * Note that the stream package works with bytes, not chars.
- * This is to ensure unsigned representation on all systems.
- * A stream currently can only be read or written, not both.
- * Note also that the read procedure returns an int,
- * not a char or a byte, so we can use negative values for EOFC and ERRC.
- * We distinguish "data" from "signal" results (EOFC, ERRC) with a macro:
- */
- #define char_is_data(c) ((c) >= 0)
- #define char_is_signal(c) ((c) < 0)
- typedef struct stream_s stream;
- /*
- * We cast EOFC and ERRC to int explicitly, because some compilers
- * don't do this if the other arm of a conditional is a byte.
- * Clients should use char_is_data and char_is_signal (see above)
- * to test for exceptional results.
- */
- #define EOFC ((int)(-1))
- #define ERRC ((int)(-2))
- /* ------ Define the "virtual" stream procedures ------ */
- typedef struct {
- /* Store # available for reading. */
- /* Return 0 if OK, ERRC if error or not implemented. */
- int (*available)(P2(stream *, long *));
- /* Set position. */
- /* Return 0 if OK, ERRC if error or not implemented. */
- int (*seek)(P2(stream *, long));
- /* Flush buffered data. */
- /* Return 0 if OK, ERRC if error. */
- int (*flush)(P1(stream *));
- /* Flush data (if writing) & close stream. */
- /* Return 0 if OK, ERRC if error. */
- int (*close)(P1(stream *));
- /* Refill buffer (setting endptr) and reset cptr. */
- /* Return ERRC if not implemented; */
- /* otherwise, set end_status appropriately and return 0. */
- int (*read_buf)(P1(stream *));
- /* Write buffer and reset cptr. */
- /* Return 0 if OK, ERRC if error or not implemented. */
- int (*write_buf)(P1(stream *));
- } stream_procs;
- /* ------ Structs for specialized streams -- see below. ------ */
- typedef struct CCITTFax_state_s {
- /* The following are set before initialization. */
- int Uncompressed; /* boolean */
- int K;
- int EndOfLine; /* boolean */
- int EncodedByteAlign; /* boolean */
- int Columns;
- int Rows;
- int EndOfBlock; /* boolean */
- int BlackIs1; /* boolean */
- int DamagedRowsBeforeError;
- int FirstBitLowOrder; /* boolean */
- uint raster;
- /* The following are updated dynamically. */
- int k_left; /* number of next rows to encode in 2-D */
- /* (only if K > 0) */
- int cbit; /* bits left to fill in current decoded */
- /* byte at *cptr (0..7, input only) */
- uint prev_pos; /* position of previous line in buffer */
- int rows_left; /* number of rows left (input only) */
- /* The following are input-only and not used yet. */
- int uncomp_run; /* non-0 iff we are in an uncompressed */
- /* run straddling a scan line (-1 if white, */
- /* 1 if black) */
- int uncomp_left; /* # of bits left in the run */
- int uncomp_exit; /* non-0 iff this is an exit run */
- /* (-1 if next run white, 1 if black) */
- } CCITTFax_state;
- /****** STUB ******/
- struct dct_color_params_s;
- typedef struct DCT_state_s {
- /* The following are set before initialization. */
- int Columns;
- int Rows;
- int Colors;
- float QFactor;
- struct dct_color_params_s *params; /* params[Colors] */
- int ColorTransform; /* 0 or 1 */
- } DCT_state;
- struct lzw_decode_table_s;
- struct lzw_encode_table_s;
- typedef struct LZW_state_s {
- /* The following are set at initialization. */
- int enhanced; /* if true, use Aladdin's */
- /* enhanced compression algorithm */
- /* The following are updated dynamically. */
- struct lzw_decode_table_s *decode_table; /* decoding table */
- struct lzw_encode_table_s *encode_table; /* encoding table */
- uint next_code; /* next code to be assigned */
- int code_size; /* current # of bits per code */
- int prev_code; /* previous code recognized */
- /* or assigned */
- } LZW_state;
- typedef struct SubFile_state_s {
- ulong count; /* # of EODs to scan over */
- const byte *eod_string;
- uint string_size;
- uint match; /* # of matched chars preceding end of buffer */
- } SubFile_state;
- /* ------ The actual stream structure ------ */
- struct file_device_s;
- struct stream_s {
- byte *cptr; /* pointer to last byte */
- /* read or written */
- byte *endptr; /* pointer to last byte */
- /* containing data for reading, */
- /* or to be filled for writing */
- byte *cbuf; /* base of buffer */
- uint bsize; /* size of buffer, 0 if closed */
- uint cbsize; /* size of buffer */
- uint modes; /* (not byte, to keep alignment) */
- #define s_mode_read 1
- #define s_mode_write 2
- #define s_mode_seek 4
- #define s_mode_append 8 /* (s_mode_write also set) */
- #define s_is_valid(s) ((s)->modes != 0)
- #define s_is_reading(s) (((s)->modes & s_mode_read) != 0)
- #define s_is_writing(s) (((s)->modes & s_mode_write) != 0)
- #define s_can_seek(s) (((s)->modes & s_mode_seek) != 0)
- int end_status; /* EOFC if at EOF when buffer */
- /* becomes empty, ERRC if error */
- long position; /* file position of beginning of */
- /* buffer */
- stream_procs procs;
- int num_format; /* format for Level 2 */
- /* encoded number reader */
- /* (only used locally) */
- stream *strm; /* the underlying stream, non-zero */
- /* iff this is a filter stream */
- int strm_is_temp; /* if true, strm is a temporary */
- /* stream and should be freed */
- /* when this stream is closed */
- ushort read_id; /* "unique" serial # for detecting */
- /* references to closed streams */
- /* and for validating read access */
- ushort write_id; /* ditto to validate write access */
- int inline_temp; /* temporary for inline access */
- /* (see spgetc_inline below) */
- /*
- * If were were able to program in a real object-oriented style,
- * the remaining data would be per-subclass. It's just too much
- * of a nuisance to do this in C, so we allocate space for the
- * private data of ALL subclasses.
- */
- /* The following are for file streams. */
- struct file_device_s *fdev; /* the file device */
- FILE *file; /* file handle for C library */
- int (*save_close)(P1(stream *)); /* save original close proc */
- stream *prev, *next; /* keep track of all files */
- /*
- * The remaining members are only for filters.
- * We simply allocate space for the simple ones,
- * and only bother with a union for the complex ones.
- */
- /* The following is used by several decoding filters. */
- int odd; /* odd digit */
- /* The following is for RunLengthEncode. */
- ulong record_size;
- /* The following is for RunLengthEncode and PFBDecode. */
- ulong record_left; /* bytes left in current record */
- /* The following are for PFBDecode. */
- int record_type;
- int binary_to_hex;
- /* The following are for eexecDecode. */
- ushort cstate; /* encryption state */
- ushort _skip; /* (keep int alignment) */
- int binary; /* true=binary, false=hex */
- /* The following are for bit-oriented filters */
- /* (see sbits.h for more details.) */
- uint bits; /* most recent bits of input or */
- /* current bits of output */
- int bits_left; /* # of valid low bits (input) or */
- /* unused low bits (output) in above */
- int reverse_bits; /* if true, reverse bit order */
- /* The following are for various filters. */
- union {
- CCITTFax_state cf;
- DCT_state dct;
- LZW_state lzw;
- SubFile_state sf;
- } state;
- };
- /* Initialize the checking IDs of a stream. */
- #define s_init_ids(s) ((s)->read_id = (s)->write_id = 1)
- #define s_init_read_id(s) ((s)->read_id = 1, (s)->write_id = 0)
- #define s_init_write_id(s) ((s)->read_id = 0, (s)->write_id = 1)
- #define s_init_no_id(s) ((s)->read_id = (s)->write_id = 0)
- /* ------ Stream functions ------ */
- /* Some of these are macros -- beware. */
- /* Note that unlike the C stream library, */
- /* ALL stream procedures take the stream as the first argument. */
- #define sendbufp(s) ((s)->cptr >= (s)->endptr) /* not for clients */
- /* Following are valid for all streams. */
- /* flush is NOT a no-op for read streams -- it discards data until EOF. */
- /* close is NOT a no-op for non-file streams -- */
- /* it actively disables them. */
- /* The close routine must do a flush if needed. */
- #define sseekable(s) s_can_seek(s)
- #define serrorp(s) (sendbufp(s) && (s)->end_status == ERRC)
- #define savailable(s,pl) (*(s)->procs.available)(s,pl)
- #define sflush(s) (*(s)->procs.flush)(s)
- extern int sclose(P1(stream *));
- /* Following are only valid for read streams. */
- extern int spgetc(P1(stream *));
- /* The first alternative should read */
- /* (int)(*++((s)->cptr)) */
- /* but the Borland compiler generates truly atrocious code for this. */
- /* The SCO ODT compiler requires the first, pointless cast to int. */
- #define sgetc(s)\
- ((int)(!sendbufp(s) ? (++((s)->cptr), (int)*(s)->cptr) : spgetc(s)))
- extern uint sgets(P3(stream *, byte *, uint));
- extern int sreadhex(P6(stream *, byte *, uint, uint *, int *, int));
- extern int sungetc(P2(stream *, byte)); /* ERRC on error, 0 if OK */
- #define sputback(s) ((s)->cptr--) /* can only do this once! */
- #define seofp(s) (sendbufp(s) && (s)->end_status == EOFC)
- extern int spskip(P2(stream *, long));
- #define sskip(s,n) spskip(s,(long)(n))
- /* Following are only valid for write streams. */
- extern int spputc(P2(stream *, byte));
- /* The first alternative should read */
- /* ((int)(*++((s)->cptr)=(c))) */
- /* but the Borland compiler generates truly atrocious code for this. */
- #define sputc(s,c)\
- (!sendbufp(s) ? (++((s)->cptr), *(s)->cptr=(c), 0) : spputc((s),(c)))
- extern uint sputs(P3(stream *, const byte *, uint));
- /* Following are only valid for positionable streams. */
- #define stell(s) ((s)->cptr + 1 - (s)->cbuf + (s)->position)
- #define sseek(s,pos) (*(s)->procs.seek)(s,(long)(pos))
- /* Following are for high-performance clients. */
- /* bufptr points to the next item, bufend points beyond the last item. */
- #define sbufptr(s) ((s)->cptr + 1)
- #define sbufend(s) ((s)->endptr + 1)
- #define ssetbufptr(s,ptr) ((s)->cptr = (ptr) - 1)
- #define sbufskip(s,n) ((s)->cptr += (n))
- #define sbufavailable(s) ((s)->endptr - (s)->cptr)
- /* The following are for very high-performance clients of read streams, */
- /* who unpack the stream state into local variables. */
- /* Note that any non-inline operations must do a s_end_inline before, */
- /* and a s_begin_inline after. */
- #define s_declare_inline(s, cp, ep)\
- register byte *cp;\
- byte *ep
- #define s_begin_inline(s, cp, ep)\
- cp = (s)->cptr, ep = (s)->endptr
- #define s_end_inline(s, cp, ep)\
- (s)->cptr = cp
- #define sbufavailable_inline(s, cp, ep)\
- (ep - cp)
- #define sendbufp_inline(s, cp, ep)\
- (cp >= ep)
- /* The (int) is needed to pacify the SCO ODT compiler. */
- #define sgetc_inline(s, cp, ep)\
- ((int)(sendbufp_inline(s, cp, ep) ? spgetc_inline(s, cp, ep) : *++cp))
- #define spgetc_inline(s, cp, ep)\
- (s_end_inline(s, cp, ep), (s)->inline_temp = spgetc(s),\
- s_begin_inline(s, cp, ep), (s)->inline_temp)
- #define sputback_inline(s, cp, ep)\
- --cp
- /* Stream creation procedures */
- extern void sread_string(P3(stream *, const byte *, uint)),
- swrite_string(P3(stream *, byte *, uint));
- extern void sread_file(P4(stream *, FILE *, byte *, uint)),
- swrite_file(P4(stream *, FILE *, byte *, uint)),
- sappend_file(P4(stream *, FILE *, byte *, uint));
- /* Standard stream initialization */
- extern void s_std_init(P5(stream *, byte *, uint, const stream_procs *, int /*mode*/));
- /* Standard stream finalization */
- extern void s_disable(P1(stream *));
- /* Generic stream procedures exported for filters */
- extern int s_std_null(P1(stream *)),
- s_std_read_flush(P1(stream *)),
- s_std_write_flush(P1(stream *)),
- s_std_noavailable(P2(stream *, long *)),
- s_std_noseek(P2(stream *, long));
- #define s_std_close s_std_null