home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* zfile.c */
- /* Non-I/O file operators for Ghostscript */
- #include "memory_.h"
- #include "string_.h"
- #include "ghost.h"
- #include "gp.h"
- #include "errors.h"
- #include "oper.h"
- #include "alloc.h"
- #include "estack.h" /* for filenameforall, file_close */
- #include "ilevel.h" /* %names only work in Level 2 */
- #include "iutil.h"
- #include "save.h" /* for restore */
- #include "stream.h"
- #include "filedev.h" /* must come after stream.h */
- #include "files.h" /* ditto */
- #include "store.h"
- /* Import the file device table from zfiledev.c. */
- extern file_device *file_device_table[];
- #define fdev_default file_device_table[0]
- /* Forward references: file name parsing. */
- /* Parsed file name type. Note that the file name may be either a */
- /* Ghostscript string (no terminator) or a C string (null terminator). */
- typedef struct parsed_file_name_s {
- file_device *fdev;
- const char *fname;
- uint len;
- } parsed_file_name;
- private int parse_file_name(P2(os_ptr, parsed_file_name *));
- private int parse_real_file_name(P3(os_ptr, parsed_file_name *,
- const char *));
- private void free_real_file_name(P2(parsed_file_name *, const char *));
- /* Forward references: file opening. */
- int file_open(P6(const byte *, uint, const char *, uint, ref *, stream **));
- stream *file_alloc_stream(P0());
- int file_open_stream(P6(const byte *, uint, const char *,
- uint, stream **, fdev_proc_fopen_t));
- private void make_stream_file(P3(ref *, stream *, const char *));
- /* Forward references: other. */
- private int file_close_file(P1(stream *));
- /* Imported from gs.c */
- extern char **gs_lib_paths; /* search path list, */
- /* terminated by a null pointer */
- /*
- * Since there can be many file objects referring to the same file/stream,
- * we can't simply free a stream when we close it. On the other hand,
- * we don't want freed streams to clutter up memory needlessly.
- * Our solution is to retain the freed streams, and reuse them.
- * To prevent an old file object from being able to access a reused stream,
- * we keep a serial number in each stream, and check it against a serial
- * number stored in the file object (as the "size"); when we close a file,
- * we increment its serial number. If the serial number ever overflows,
- * we leave it at zero, and do not reuse the stream.
- * (This will never happen.)
- *
- * Storage management for this scheme is a little tricky.
- * We maintain an invariant that says that a stream opened at a given
- * save level always uses a stream structure allocated at that level.
- * By doing this, we don't need to keep track separately of streams open
- * at a level vs. streams allocated at a level; this simplifies things.
- */
- /*
- * The chain of all streams allocated at the current level.
- * We need this so that we can do the right thing for restore.
- * Note that this chain includes both open and closed files.
- */
- private ref file_list_ref; /* t_file */
- #define file_list file_list_ref.value.pfile
- /* File buffer sizes. For real files, this is arbitrary, */
- /* since the C library does its own buffering in addition. */
- /* stdout and stderr use smaller buffers, */
- /* on the assumption that they are usually not real files. */
- /* The buffer size for type 1 encrypted files is NOT arbitrary: */
- /* it must be at most 512. */
- #define default_buffer_size 512
- const uint file_default_buffer_size = default_buffer_size;
- /* An invalid file object */
- stream *invalid_file_entry;
- /* Initialize the file table */
- private void
- zfile_init(void)
- {
- invalid_file_entry =
- (stream *)gs_malloc(1, sizeof(stream), "zfile_init");
- s_disable(invalid_file_entry);
- s_init_no_id(invalid_file_entry);
- /* Initialize the bookkeeping lists. */
- make_file(&file_list_ref, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- /* <name_string> <access_string> file <file> */
- int
- zfile(register os_ptr op)
- { char file_access[3];
- parsed_file_name pname;
- const byte *astr;
- int code;
- stream *s;
- check_read_type(*op, t_string);
- astr = op->value.const_bytes;
- switch ( r_size(op) )
- {
- case 2:
- if ( astr[1] != '+' )
- return_error(e_invalidfileaccess);
- file_access[1] = '+';
- file_access[2] = 0;
- break;
- case 1:
- file_access[1] = 0;
- break;
- default:
- return_error(e_invalidfileaccess);
- }
- switch ( astr[0] )
- {
- case 'r': case 'w': case 'a':
- break;
- default:
- return_error(e_invalidfileaccess);
- }
- file_access[0] = astr[0];
- code = parse_file_name(op - 1, &pname);
- if ( code < 0 )
- return code;
- if ( pname.fdev == NULL )
- pname.fdev = fdev_default;
- if ( pname.fname == NULL ) /* just a device */
- code = (*pname.fdev->procs.open_device)(pname.fdev,
- file_access, &s);
- else /* file */
- code = (*pname.fdev->procs.open_file)(pname.fdev,
- pname.fname, pname.len,
- file_access, &s);
- if ( code < 0 )
- return code;
- make_stream_file(op - 1, s, file_access);
- pop(1);
- return code;
- }
- /* <file> closefile - */
- int
- zclosefile(register os_ptr op)
- { stream *s;
- check_file(s, op);
- switch ( sclose(s) )
- {
- case 0:
- pop(1);
- return 0;
- default:
- return_error(e_ioerror);
- }
- }
- /* ------ Level 2 extensions ------ */
- /* <string> deletefile - */
- int
- zdeletefile(register os_ptr op)
- { parsed_file_name pname;
- int code = parse_real_file_name(op, &pname, "deletefile");
- if ( code < 0 )
- return code;
- code = (*pname.fdev->procs.delete_file)(pname.fdev, pname.fname);
- free_real_file_name(&pname, "deletefile");
- if ( code < 0 )
- return code;
- pop(1);
- return 0;
- }
- /* <template> <proc> <scratch> filenameforall - */
- private int file_continue(P1(os_ptr));
- private int file_cleanup(P1(os_ptr));
- int
- zfilenameforall(register os_ptr op)
- { file_enum *pfen;
- int code;
- check_write_type(*op, t_string);
- check_proc(op[-1]);
- check_read_type(op[-2], t_string);
- /* Push a mark, the pattern, the scratch string, the enumerator, */
- /* and the procedure, and invoke the continuation. */
- check_estack(7);
- pfen = gp_enumerate_files_init((char *)op[-2].value.bytes, r_size(op - 2), &alloc_memory_procs);
- if ( pfen == 0 )
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- mark_estack(es_for, file_cleanup);
- *++esp = op[-2];
- *++esp = *op;
- ++esp;
- make_tasv(esp, t_string, a_read+a_execute+a_executable, 0,
- bytes, (byte *)pfen);
- *++esp = op[-1];
- pop(3); op -= 3;
- code = file_continue(op);
- return (code == o_pop_estack ? o_push_estack : code);
- }
- /* Continuation operator for enumerating files */
- private int
- file_continue(register os_ptr op)
- { es_ptr pscratch = esp - 2;
- file_enum *pfen = (file_enum *)esp[-1].value.bytes;
- uint len = r_size(pscratch);
- uint code = gp_enumerate_files_next(pfen, (char *)pscratch->value.bytes, len);
- if ( code == ~(uint)0 ) /* all done */
- { esp -= 4; /* pop proc, pfen, scratch, mark */
- return o_pop_estack;
- }
- else if ( code > len ) /* overran string */
- return_error(e_rangecheck);
- else
- { push(1);
- ref_assign(op, pscratch);
- r_set_size(op, code);
- push_op_estack(file_continue); /* come again */
- *++esp = pscratch[2]; /* proc */
- return o_push_estack;
- }
- }
- /* Cleanup procedure for enumerating files */
- private int
- file_cleanup(os_ptr op)
- { gp_enumerate_files_close((file_enum *)esp[4].value.bytes);
- return 0;
- }
- /* <string1> <string2> renamefile - */
- int
- zrenamefile(register os_ptr op)
- { parsed_file_name pname1, pname2;
- int code = parse_real_file_name(op - 1, &pname1, "renamefile(from)");
- if ( code < 0 )
- return code;
- pname2.fname = 0;
- code = parse_real_file_name(op, &pname2, "renamefile(to)");
- if ( code < 0 || pname1.fdev != pname2.fdev ||
- (code = (*pname1.fdev->procs.rename_file)(pname1.fdev,
- pname1.fname, pname2.fname)) < 0
- )
- { if ( code >= 0 )
- code = gs_note_error(e_invalidfileaccess);
- }
- free_real_file_name(&pname2, "renamefile(to)");
- free_real_file_name(&pname1, "renamefile(from)");
- if ( code < 0 )
- return code;
- pop(2);
- return 0;
- }
- /* <file> status <open_bool> */
- /* <string> status <pages> <bytes> <ref_time> <creation_time> true */
- /* <string> status false */
- int
- zstatus(register os_ptr op)
- { switch ( r_type(op) )
- {
- case t_file:
- make_bool(op, (s_is_valid(fptr(op)) ? 1 : 0));
- return 0;
- case t_string:
- { parsed_file_name pname;
- file_status fstat;
- int code = parse_real_file_name(op, &pname, "status");
- if ( code < 0 )
- return 0;
- if ( pname.fdev == fdev_default &&
- gp_file_status(pname.fname, &fstat)
- )
- { push(4);
- make_int(op - 4, fstat.size_pages);
- make_int(op - 3, fstat.size_bytes);
- make_int(op - 2, fstat.time_referenced);
- make_int(op - 1, fstat.time_created);
- make_bool(op, 1);
- }
- else
- make_bool(op, 0);
- free_real_file_name(&pname, "status");
- } return 0;
- default:
- return_error(e_typecheck);
- }
- }
- /* ------ Ghostscript extensions ------ */
- /* <string> findlibfile <found_string> <file> true */
- /* <string> findlibfile false */
- int
- zfindlibfile(register os_ptr op)
- { int code;
- #define maxclen 200
- byte cname[maxclen];
- uint clen;
- parsed_file_name pname;
- stream *s;
- check_ostack(2);
- code = parse_file_name(op, &pname);
- if ( code < 0 )
- return code;
- if ( pname.fdev == NULL )
- pname.fdev = fdev_default;
- if ( pname.fdev != fdev_default )
- { /* Non-OS devices don't have search paths (yet). */
- code = (*pname.fdev->procs.open_file)(pname.fdev,
- pname.fname, pname.len, "r", &s);
- if ( code < 0 )
- { push(1);
- make_false(op);
- return 0;
- }
- make_stream_file(op + 1, s, "r");
- }
- else
- { byte *cstr;
- code = lib_file_open(pname.fname, pname.len, cname, maxclen,
- &clen, op + 1);
- if ( code < 0 )
- { push(1);
- make_false(op);
- return 0;
- }
- cstr = (byte *)alloc(clen, 1, "findlibfile");
- if ( cstr == 0 )
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- memcpy(cstr, cname, clen);
- make_string(op, a_all, clen, cstr);
- }
- push(2);
- make_true(op);
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------ Initialization procedure ------ */
- op_def zfile_op_defs[] = {
- {"1closefile", zclosefile},
- {"1deletefile", zdeletefile},
- {"2file", zfile},
- {"3filenameforall", zfilenameforall},
- {"1findlibfile", zfindlibfile},
- {"2renamefile", zrenamefile},
- {"1status", zstatus},
- /* Internal operators */
- {"0%file_continue", file_continue},
- op_def_end(zfile_init)
- };
- /* ------ Stream opening ------ */
- /* Make a t_file reference to a stream. */
- private void
- make_stream_file(ref *pfile, stream *s, const char *access)
- { uint attrs =
- (access[1] == '+' ? a_write + a_read + a_execute : 0);
- if ( access[0] == 'r' )
- { make_file(pfile, attrs | (a_read | a_execute), s->read_id, s);
- s->write_id = 0;
- }
- else
- { make_file(pfile, attrs | a_write, s->write_id, s);
- s->read_id = 0;
- }
- }
- /* Open an OS-level file (like fopen), using the search paths if necessary. */
- /* Note that it overwrites the file name; the 'const' on bname is a lie. */
- private FILE *
- lib_file_fopen(file_device *fdev, const char *bname,
- const char *ignore_access)
- { char fmode[3]; /* r, [b], null */
- FILE *file;
- int len = strlen(bname);
- char **ppath;
- strcpy(fmode, "r");
- strcat(fmode, gp_fmode_binary_suffix);
- file = (*fdev->procs.fopen)(fdev, bname, fmode);
- if ( file )
- return file;
- if ( gp_file_name_is_absolute(bname, len) )
- return 0;
- /* Go through the list of search paths */
- for ( ppath = gs_lib_paths; *ppath != 0; ppath++ )
- { char *path = *ppath;
- for ( ; ; )
- { /* Find the end of the next path */
- char *npath = path;
- uint plen;
- const char *cstr;
- int up, i;
- while ( *npath != 0 && *npath != gp_file_name_list_separator )
- npath++;
- plen = npath - path;
- cstr = gp_file_name_concat_string(path, plen,
- (const char *)bname,
- len);
- /* Concatenate the prefix, combiner, and file name. */
- up = plen + strlen(cstr);
- #define wbname ((char *)bname) /* break const */
- for ( i = len + 1; --i >= 0; )
- wbname[i + up] = wbname[i];
- memcpy(wbname, (byte *)path, plen);
- memcpy(wbname + plen, cstr, strlen(cstr));
- file = (*fdev->procs.fopen)(fdev, bname, fmode);
- if ( file )
- return file;
- strcpy(wbname, wbname + up);
- #undef wbname
- if ( !*npath ) break;
- path = npath + 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* The startup code calls this to open @-files. */
- FILE *
- lib_fopen(const char *bname)
- { return lib_file_fopen(fdev_default, bname, "r");
- }
- /* Open a file stream on an OS file and create a file object, */
- /* using the search paths. */
- /* The startup code calls this to open the initialization file gs_init.ps. */
- int
- lib_file_open(const char *fname, uint len, byte *cname, uint max_clen,
- uint *pclen, ref *pfile)
- { stream *s;
- int code = file_open_stream((const byte *)fname, len, "r",
- default_buffer_size, &s, lib_file_fopen);
- char *bname;
- uint blen;
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- /* Get the name from the stream buffer. */
- bname = (char *)s->cbuf;
- blen = strlen(bname);
- if ( blen > max_clen )
- { sclose(s);
- return_error(e_limitcheck);
- }
- memcpy(cname, bname, blen);
- *pclen = blen;
- make_stream_file(pfile, s, "r");
- return 0;
- }
- /* Open a file stream that reads a string. */
- /* (This is currently used only by gs_run_string.) */
- int
- file_read_string(const byte *str, uint len, ref *pfile)
- { register stream *s = file_alloc_stream();
- if ( s == 0 )
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- sread_string(s, str, len);
- s->write_id = 0;
- make_file(pfile, a_readonly, s->read_id, s);
- s->save_close = s->procs.close;
- s->procs.close = file_close_file;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Open a file stream, optionally on an OS file. */
- /* Return 0 if successful, error code if not. */
- /* On a successful return, the C file name is in the stream buffer. */
- /* If fname==0, set up the file entry, stream, and buffer, */
- /* but don't open an OS file or initialize the stream. */
- int
- file_open_stream(const byte *fname, uint len, const char *file_access,
- uint buffer_size, stream **ps, fdev_proc_fopen_t fopen_proc)
- { byte *buffer;
- register stream *s;
- if ( buffer_size == 0 )
- buffer_size = default_buffer_size;
- if ( len >= buffer_size )
- return_error(e_limitcheck); /* we copy the file name into the buffer */
- /* Allocate the stream first, since it persists */
- /* even after the file has been closed. */
- s = file_alloc_stream();
- if ( s == 0 )
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- /* Allocate the buffer. */
- buffer = (byte *)alloc(buffer_size, 1, "file_open(buffer)");
- if ( buffer == 0 )
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- if ( fname != 0 )
- { /* Copy the name (so we can terminate it with a zero byte.) */
- char *file_name = (char *)buffer;
- char fmode[4]; /* r/w/a, [+], [b], null */
- FILE *file;
- memcpy(file_name, fname, len);
- file_name[len] = 0; /* terminate string */
- /* Open the file, always in binary mode. */
- strcpy(fmode, file_access);
- strcat(fmode, gp_fmode_binary_suffix);
- /****** fdev_default IS QUESTIONABLE ******/
- file = (*fopen_proc)(fdev_default, file_name, fmode);
- if ( file == 0 )
- { alloc_free((char *)buffer, buffer_size, 1,
- "file_open(buffer)");
- return_error(e_undefinedfilename);
- }
- /* Set up the stream. */
- switch ( *file_access )
- {
- case 'a':
- sappend_file(s, file, buffer, buffer_size);
- break;
- case 'r':
- sread_file(s, file, buffer, buffer_size);
- break;
- case 'w':
- swrite_file(s, file, buffer, buffer_size);
- }
- s->save_close = s->procs.close;
- s->procs.close = file_close_file;
- }
- else /* save the buffer and size */
- { s->cbuf = buffer;
- s->bsize = s->cbsize = buffer_size;
- }
- *ps = s;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Open a file stream for a filter. */
- int
- filter_open(const char *file_access, uint buffer_size,
- ref *pfile, const stream_procs _ds *procs, stream **ps)
- { stream *s;
- int code = file_open_stream((byte *)0, 0, file_access,
- buffer_size, &s, (fdev_proc_fopen_t)0);
- if ( code < 0 )
- return code;
- s_std_init(s, s->cbuf, s->bsize, procs,
- (*file_access == 'r' ? s_mode_read : s_mode_write));
- s->file = 0; /* not a file stream */
- make_stream_file(pfile, s, file_access);
- s->save_close = s->procs.close;
- s->procs.close = file_close_file;
- *ps = s;
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------ Stream closing ------ */
- /* Finish closing a file stream by checking whether it is currentfile. */
- /* This replaces the close procedure for the std* streams, */
- /* which cannot actually be closed. */
- /* This is exported for zfiledev.c. */
- int
- file_close_finish(stream *s)
- { check_close_current_file(s);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Close a file stream, but don't deallocate the buffer. */
- /* This replaces the close procedure for %lineedit and %statementedit. */
- /* (This is WRONG: these streams should allocate a new buffer each time */
- /* they are opened, but that would overstress the allocator right now.) */
- /* This is exported for zfiledev.c. */
- int
- file_close_disable(stream *s)
- { int code = (*s->save_close)(s);
- if ( code )
- return code;
- /* Increment the IDs to prevent further access. */
- s->read_id = s->write_id = (s->read_id | s->write_id) + 1;
- return file_close_finish(s);
- }
- /* Close a file stream. This replaces the close procedure in the stream */
- /* for normal (OS) files and for filters. */
- private int
- file_close_file(stream *s)
- { stream *stemp = (s->strm_is_temp ? s->strm : 0);
- int code = file_close_disable(s);
- if ( code )
- return code;
- alloc_free((char *)s->cbuf, s->cbsize, 1,
- "file_close(buffer)");
- if ( stemp != 0 )
- alloc_free((char *)stemp, 1, sizeof(stream),
- "file_close(sub-stream)");
- return 0;
- }
- /* Close a file object. */
- int
- file_close(ref *pfile)
- { if ( sclose(fptr(pfile)) )
- return_error(e_ioerror);
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------ Internal routines ------ */
- /* Parse a file name into device and individual name. */
- /* The device may be NULL, or the name may be NULL, but not both. */
- /* Note that %disk0 has name==NULL, whereas %disk0% just has len==0. */
- private int
- parse_file_name(os_ptr op, parsed_file_name *pfn)
- { const byte *pname;
- uint len, dlen;
- const byte *pdelim;
- file_device **pftab;
- check_read_type(*op, t_string);
- len = r_size(op);
- pname = op->value.const_bytes;
- if ( len == 0 )
- return_error(e_undefinedfilename);
- if ( pname[0] != '%' ) /* no device */
- { pfn->fdev = NULL;
- pfn->fname = (const char *)pname;
- pfn->len = len;
- return 0;
- }
- pname++, len--;
- pdelim = (const byte *)memchr(pname, '%', len);
- if ( pdelim == NULL ) /* device only */
- dlen = len;
- else
- { dlen = pdelim - pname;
- pdelim++, len--;
- }
- for ( pftab = file_device_table; *pftab != NULL; pftab++ )
- { const char *dname = (*pftab)->dname;
- if ( strlen(dname) == dlen && !memcmp(pname, dname, dlen) )
- { pfn->fdev = *pftab;
- pfn->fname = (const char *)pdelim;
- pfn->len = len - dlen;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return_error(e_undefinedfilename);
- }
- /* Parse a real (non-device) file name and convert to a C string. */
- private int
- parse_real_file_name(os_ptr op, parsed_file_name *pfn, const char *cname)
- { int code = parse_file_name(op, pfn);
- const char *fname;
- ref fnref;
- uint len = pfn->len;
- if ( code < 0 )
- return code;
- if ( pfn->fdev == NULL ) /* no device */
- pfn->fdev = fdev_default;
- if ( len == 0 )
- return_error(e_invalidfileaccess); /* device only */
- fnref.value.const_bytes = (const byte *)pfn->fname;
- r_set_size(&fnref, len);
- fname = ref_to_string(&fnref, cname);
- if ( fname == 0 )
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- pfn->fname = fname;
- pfn->len = len + 1; /* null terminator */
- return 0;
- }
- /* Free a file name that was copied to a C string. */
- private void
- free_real_file_name(parsed_file_name *pfn, const char *cname)
- { if ( pfn->fname != 0 )
- alloc_free((char *)pfn->fname, pfn->len, 1, cname);
- }
- /* Allocate and return a file stream. */
- /* Return 0 if the allocation failed. */
- /* The stream is initialized to an invalid state, so the caller need not */
- /* worry about cleaning up if a later step in opening the stream fails. */
- stream *
- file_alloc_stream(void)
- { stream *s;
- /* Look first for a free stream allocated at this level. */
- s = file_list;
- while ( s != 0 )
- { if ( !s_is_valid(s) && s->read_id != 0 /* i.e. !overflowed */ )
- { s->strm_is_temp = 0; /* not a temp stream */
- return s;
- }
- s = s->next;
- }
- s = (stream *)alloc(1, sizeof(stream), "file_open(stream)");
- if ( s == 0 )
- return 0;
- s_init_ids(s);
- s->strm_is_temp = 0; /* not a temp stream */
- /* Disable the stream now (in case we can't open the file, */
- /* or a filter init procedure fails) so that `restore' won't */
- /* crash when it tries to close open files. */
- s_disable(s);
- /* Add s to the list of files. */
- if ( file_list != 0 )
- file_list->prev = s;
- s->next = file_list;
- s->prev = 0;
- file_list = s;
- return s;
- }
- /* ------ Memory management ------ */
- /* Arrange to save the current file list at a save. */
- void
- file_save(void)
- { ref_mark_old(&file_list_ref);
- ref_save(&file_list_ref, "file_save");
- make_file(&file_list_ref, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- /* Close inaccessible files just before a restore. */
- void
- file_restore(const alloc_save *save)
- { stream *s = file_list;
- while ( s != 0 )
- { if ( s_is_valid(s) )
- sclose(s);
- s = s->next;
- }
- file_list = 0;
- }