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- /* Copyright (C) 1990, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GNU ISPELL.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_H
- #include <malloc.h>
- #endif
- #include "ispell.h"
- #include "hash.h"
- #include "build.h"
- #include "good.h"
- #ifdef __STDC__
- void lexload (FILE *, unsigned long);
- int lexsize (void);
- void set_bitvec (unsigned char *, unsigned short);
- void lexdump (FILE *);
- #else
- extern void lexload ();
- extern int lexsize ();
- extern void lexdump ();
- extern void set_bitvec ();
- #endif
- hash_index hashsize;
- #ifndef min
- #define min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
- #endif
- /* there are 3 tables:
- *
- * all are addressed by unsigned shorts
- * htbl hashsize hash table entries
- * ftbl hashsize flag entries
- * stbl <= 64K bytes of strings
- */
- #if iAPX286 && (LARGE_M || HUGE_M)
- #define SMALL
- #endif
- #ifdef SMALL
- #define MAXMALLOC 32768
- struct hash_table_entry **htbls;
- /* number of whole hash_table_entries that fit in a table */
- #define HTE_PER_TABLE ((MAXMALLOC-1) / sizeof (struct hash_table_entry))
- #if 0
- struct hash_table_entry *
- find_hte (h)
- hash_index h;
- {
- unsigned short tbl;
- unsigned short off;
- tbl = h / HTE_PER_TABLE;
- off = h % HTE_PER_TABLE;
- return (htbls[tbl] + off);
- }
- #endif
- #define H_TO_HTE(h) (htbls[(h)/HTE_PER_TABLE] + ((h)%HTE_PER_TABLE))
- unsigned short **ftbls;
- #define FLAGS_PER_TABLE ((MAXMALLOC-1) / sizeof (unsigned short))
- #if 0
- unsigned short *
- find_flags (h)
- hash_index h;
- {
- unsigned short tbl;
- unsigned short off;
- tbl = h / FLAGS_PER_TABLE;
- off = h % FLAGS_PER_TABLE;
- return (ftbls[tbl] + off);
- }
- #endif
- #define H_TO_FLAGS(h) (ftbls[(h)/FLAGS_PER_TABLE] + ((h)%FLAGS_PER_TABLE))
- comp_char **stbls;
- #if 0
- comp_char *
- find_string (index)
- str_index index;
- {
- unsigned short tbl;
- unsigned short off;
- tbl = index / BYTES_PER_TABLE;
- off = index % BYTES_PER_TABLE;
- return (stbls[tbl] + off);
- }
- #endif
- #define INDEX_TO_STRING(index) (stbls[(index)/BYTES_PER_TABLE]+((index)%BYTES_PER_TABLE))
- #else
- #undef SMALL
- struct hash_table_entry *htbl;
- unsigned short *ftbl;
- comp_char *stbl;
- #define H_TO_HTE(h) (htbl + (h))
- #define H_TO_FLAGS(h) (ftbl + (h))
- #define INDEX_TO_STRING(index) (stbl + (index))
- #endif
- #define HASH_NEXT(h) (H_TO_HTE(h)->next)
- #define HASH_EMPTY_P(h) (H_TO_HTE(h)->next == HASH_EMPTY)
- struct hash_table_entry proto_hte;
- static str_index stbl_size;
- static str_index stbl_index;
- char *
- alloc (n)
- unsigned int n;
- {
- char *p;
- p = (char *) xcalloc (n, 1);
- return (p);
- }
- void
- alloc_tables (hsize, ssize)
- unsigned long hsize, ssize;
- {
- hash_index h;
- #ifdef SMALL
- unsigned short u, x;
- int i;
- #endif
- stbl_size = ssize;
- stbl_index = 0;
- #ifdef SMALL
- u = (ssize + BYTES_PER_TABLE - 1) / BYTES_PER_TABLE;
- stbls = (comp_char **) alloc (u * sizeof (comp_char *));
- u = ssize;
- i = 0;
- while (u != 0)
- {
- x = min (u, BYTES_PER_TABLE);
- stbls[i] = (comp_char *) alloc (x);
- u -= x;
- i++;
- }
- u = (hsize + FLAGS_PER_TABLE - 1) / FLAGS_PER_TABLE;
- ftbls = (unsigned short **) alloc (u * sizeof (unsigned short *));
- u = hsize;
- i = 0;
- while (u != 0)
- {
- x = min (u, FLAGS_PER_TABLE);
- ftbls[i] = (unsigned short *) alloc (x * sizeof (unsigned short));
- u -= x;
- i++;
- }
- u = (hsize + HTE_PER_TABLE - 1) / HTE_PER_TABLE;
- htbls = (struct hash_table_entry **)
- alloc (u * sizeof (struct hash_table_entry *));
- u = hsize;
- i = 0;
- while (u != 0)
- {
- x = min (u, HTE_PER_TABLE);
- htbls[i] = (struct hash_table_entry *)
- alloc (x * sizeof (struct hash_table_entry));
- u -= x;
- i++;
- }
- #else
- htbl = (struct hash_table_entry *)
- alloc ((unsigned) (hsize * sizeof proto_hte));
- ftbl = (unsigned short *)
- alloc ((unsigned) (hsize * sizeof (unsigned short)));
- stbl = (comp_char *) alloc ((unsigned) ssize);
- #endif
- for (h = 0; h < hsize; h++)
- }
- str_index
- copy_out_string (s, n)
- comp_char *s;
- int n;
- {
- str_index index;
- comp_char *cp;
- #ifdef SMALL
- unsigned short t1, t2;
- t1 = stbl_index / BYTES_PER_TABLE;
- t2 = (stbl_index + n) / BYTES_PER_TABLE;
- if (t1 != t2)
- stbl_index += BYTES_PER_TABLE - stbl_index % BYTES_PER_TABLE;
- #endif
- if (stbl_index + n > stbl_size)
- {
- (void) fprintf (stderr, "string table overflow\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- index = stbl_index;
- stbl_index += n;
- cp = INDEX_TO_STRING (index);
- while (n--)
- *cp++ = *s++;
- return (index);
- }
- /* returns index of end of chain */
- hash_index
- hash_find_end (index)
- hash_index index;
- {
- hash_index next, cur;
- for (cur = index, next = HASH_NEXT (index);
- next < HASH_SPECIAL;
- cur = next, next = HASH_NEXT (next))
- ;
- return (cur);
- }
- /* clobbers whatever is there */
- void
- hash_store (index, htep)
- hash_index index;
- struct hash_table_entry *htep;
- {
- *H_TO_HTE (index) = *htep;
- }
- void
- hash_retrieve (index, htep)
- hash_index index;
- struct hash_table_entry *htep;
- {
- *htep = *H_TO_HTE (index);
- }
- /* updates the next field */
- void
- hash_set_next (index, new_next)
- hash_index index;
- hash_index new_next;
- {
- if (new_next < HASH_SPECIAL && new_next >= hashsize)
- {
- (void) fprintf (stderr, "bad index to set_next %x\n", new_next);
- exit (1);
- }
- HASH_NEXT (index) = new_next;
- }
- int
- hash_emptyp (h)
- hash_index h;
- {
- return (HASH_EMPTY_P (h));
- }
- void
- store_flags (hindex, flags)
- hash_index hindex;
- unsigned short flags;
- {
- *H_TO_FLAGS (hindex) = flags;
- }
- int
- hash_init (name)
- char *name;
- {
- FILE *in;
- struct hash_header hhdr;
- int i, j, c, bit;
- #ifdef SMALL
- hash_index h;
- unsigned short flags;
- unsigned short u;
- unsigned short x;
- struct hash_table_entry hte;
- long l;
- #endif
- #ifdef MSDOS
- if ((in = fopen (name, "rb")) == NULL)
- return (-1);
- #else
- if ((in = fopen (name, "r")) == NULL)
- return (-1);
- #endif
- if (fread ((char *) &hhdr, (int) sizeof hhdr, 1, in) != 1)
- goto bad;
- if (hhdr.magic != HMAGIC)
- goto bad;
- if (hhdr.version != VERSION)
- {
- (void) fprintf (stderr,
- "ispell: wanted dict version %d, got %d\n",
- VERSION, hhdr.version);
- goto bad;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
- {
- for (j = 0, bit = 1; j < 8; j++, bit <<= 1)
- {
- if (hhdr.used[i] & bit)
- {
- c = i * 8 + j;
- if (near_map[c] == 0)
- near_miss_letters[nnear_miss_letters++]
- = c;
- }
- }
- }
- lexload (in, hhdr.lexletters);
- if (ftell (in) != sizeof hhdr + hhdr.lexsize)
- {
- (void) fprintf (stderr, "bad dictionary file\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- hashsize = hhdr.hashsize;
- alloc_tables (hhdr.hashsize, hhdr.stblsize);
- #ifdef SMALL
- l = (long) hashsize *sizeof hte;
- i = 0;
- while (l != 0)
- {
- x = min (l, HTE_PER_TABLE * sizeof hte);
- if (fread ((char *) htbls[i], 1, (int) x, in) != (int) x)
- goto bad;
- l -= x;
- i++;
- }
- l = (long) hashsize *sizeof flags;
- i = 0;
- while (l != 0)
- {
- x = min (l, FLAGS_PER_TABLE * sizeof flags);
- if (fread ((char *) ftbls[i], 1, (int) x, in) != (int) x)
- goto bad;
- l -= x;
- i++;
- }
- u = stbl_size;
- i = 0;
- while (u != 0)
- {
- x = min (u, BYTES_PER_TABLE);
- if (fread ((char *) stbls[i], 1, (int) x, in) != (int) x)
- goto bad;
- u -= x;
- i++;
- }
- #else
- if (fread ((char *) htbl, (int) sizeof *htbl, (int) hashsize, in) !=
- (int) hashsize)
- goto bad;
- if (fread ((char *) ftbl, (int) sizeof *ftbl, (int) hashsize, in) !=
- (int) hashsize)
- goto bad;
- if (fread ((char *) stbl, 1, (int) stbl_size, in) != (int) stbl_size)
- goto bad;
- #endif
- (void) fclose (in);
- return (0);
- bad:
- (void) fclose (in);
- return (-1);
- }
- #define NHASHSTAT 100
- long hashstat[NHASHSTAT];
- void
- dumphashstat (NOARGS)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < NHASHSTAT; i++)
- if (hashstat[i])
- (void) printf ("%d %ld\n", i, hashstat[i]);
- }
- int
- hashchainlen (h)
- hash_index h;
- {
- struct hash_table_entry *rh;
- int i = 0;
- for (h = h % hashsize;
- h = rh->next)
- {
- rh = H_TO_HTE (h);
- i++;
- }
- if (i >= NHASHSTAT)
- i = NHASHSTAT - 1;
- return (i);
- }
- void
- prhashchain ()
- {
- hash_index h;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < NHASHSTAT; i++)
- hashstat[i] = 0;
- for (h = 0; h < hashsize; h++)
- hashstat[hashchainlen (h)]++;
- dumphashstat ();
- }
- /*
- * returns 0 for not found, otherwise, the index
- */
- hash_index
- hash_lookup (string, alen)
- comp_char *string;
- int alen;
- {
- register int n;
- register comp_char *p;
- register comp_char *hp;
- register int len;
- register struct hash_table_entry *rh;
- register hash_index h;
- len = alen;
- if (len <= sizeof proto_hte.u.s.data)
- {
- for (h = hash ((char *) string) % hashsize;
- h = rh->next)
- {
- rh = H_TO_HTE (h);
- /* should do if (rh->next == HASH_EMPTY) continue;
- * here, but since we know that the rest of the
- * entry will be zero, it can't match anyway, and
- * we get out of the loop next time anyway */
- if (!rh->u.l.short_flag)
- continue;
- hp = rh->u.s.data;
- p = string;
- for (n = len; n > 0; --n)
- if (*p++ != *hp++)
- goto fail1;
- if (len < sizeof proto_hte.u.s.data && *hp != 0)
- goto fail1;
- return (h);
- fail1:;
- }
- return (0);
- }
- else
- {
- for (h = hash ((char *) string) % hashsize;
- h = rh->next)
- {
- rh = H_TO_HTE (h);
- if (rh->u.l.short_flag)
- continue;
- if ((int) rh->u.l.len != len)
- continue;
- hp = rh->u.l.data;
- p = string;
- for (n = sizeof proto_hte.u.l.data; n > 0; --n)
- if (*p++ != *hp++)
- goto fail2;
- hp = INDEX_TO_STRING (rh->u.l.sindex);
- for (n = len - sizeof proto_hte.u.l.data; n > 0; --n)
- if (*p++ != *hp++)
- goto fail2;
- return (h);
- fail2:;
- }
- return (0);
- }
- }
- unsigned short
- get_flags (hindex)
- hash_index hindex;
- {
- return (*H_TO_FLAGS (hindex));
- }
- unsigned char *freqletters;
- void
- hash_write (f)
- FILE *f;
- {
- struct hash_header hhdr;
- extern int lexletters;
- int i;
- unsigned char *p;
- #ifdef SMALL
- unsigned short h;
- unsigned short x;
- struct hash_table_entry hte;
- unsigned short flags;
- #endif
- hhdr.magic = HMAGIC;
- hhdr.version = VERSION;
- hhdr.lexletters = lexletters;
- hhdr.lexsize = lexsize ();
- hhdr.hashsize = hashsize;
- hhdr.stblsize = stbl_index;
- for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
- hhdr.used[i] = 0;
- for (p = freqletters; *p; p++)
- set_bitvec (hhdr.used, *p);
- if (fwrite ((char *) &hhdr, (int) sizeof hhdr, 1, f) != 1)
- goto bad;
- lexdump (f);
- if (ftell (f) != sizeof hhdr + hhdr.lexsize)
- {
- (void) fprintf (stderr, "lexdump used wrong number of bytes\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- #ifdef SMALL
- for (h = 0; h < hashsize; h++)
- {
- hash_retrieve (h, &hte);
- if (fwrite ((char *) &hte, (int) sizeof hte, 1, f) != 1)
- goto bad;
- }
- for (h = 0; h < hashsize; h++)
- {
- flags = get_flags (h);
- if (fwrite ((char *) &flags, (int) sizeof (flags), 1, f) != 1)
- goto bad;
- }
- h = stbl_index;
- i = 0;
- while (h != 0)
- {
- x = min (h, BYTES_PER_TABLE);
- if (fwrite ((char *) stbls[i], (int) x, 1, f) != 1)
- goto bad;
- h -= x;
- i++;
- }
- #else
- if (fwrite ((char *) htbl, (int) sizeof htbl[0], (int) hashsize, f) !=
- (int) hashsize)
- goto bad;
- if (fwrite ((char *) ftbl, (int) sizeof ftbl[0], (int) hashsize, f) !=
- (int) hashsize)
- goto bad;
- if (fwrite ((char *) stbl, 1, (int) stbl_index, f) != (int) stbl_index)
- goto bad;
- #endif
- return;
- bad:
- (void) fprintf (stderr, "error writing hash table\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- void
- hash_awrite (out)
- FILE *out;
- {
- struct hash_table_entry hte;
- hash_index h;
- char *entry;
- for (h = 1; h < hashsize; h++)
- {
- hash_retrieve (h, &hte);
- if (hte.next < HASH_SPECIAL ||
- hte.next == HASH_END)
- {
- entry = htetostr (&hte, h);
- if (*entry && *entry != '/')
- {
- fputs (entry, out);
- putc ('\n', out);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void
- hash_ewrite (out)
- FILE *out;
- {
- struct hash_table_entry hte;
- hash_index h;
- char *entry;
- int n, i;
- for (h = 1; h < hashsize; h++)
- {
- hash_retrieve (h, &hte);
- if (hte.next < HASH_SPECIAL ||
- hte.next == HASH_END)
- {
- entry = htetostr (&hte, h);
- n = expand (entry);
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- {
- if (words[i] == (char *) NULL)
- break;
- (void) fputs (words[i], out);
- (void) putc ('\n', out);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- char *
- htetostr (htep, h)
- struct hash_table_entry *htep;
- hash_index h;
- {
- comp_char *p;
- int i;
- int len;
- unsigned short bit, f;
- static char hstr[100];
- char *outp, *q;
- outp = hstr;
- if (htep->u.l.short_flag)
- {
- for (p = htep->u.s.data, i = 0;
- *p && i < sizeof proto_hte.u.s.data;
- p++, i++)
- {
- q = lexdecode[*p];
- while (*q)
- *outp++ = *q++;
- }
- }
- else if (*(p = htep->u.l.data) && (len = htep->u.l.len))
- {
- for (i = 0;
- i < sizeof proto_hte.u.l.data;
- p++, i++)
- {
- q = lexdecode[*p];
- while (*q)
- *outp++ = *q++;
- }
- len -= sizeof proto_hte.u.l.data;
- p = INDEX_TO_STRING (htep->u.l.sindex);
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- {
- q = lexdecode[*p];
- while (*q)
- *outp++ = *q++;
- p++;
- }
- }
- f = get_flags (h);
- for (i = 0, bit = 1; i < 16; i++, bit <<= 1)
- {
- if (f & bit)
- {
- *outp++ = '/';
- *outp++ = flag_char (i);
- }
- }
- *outp = 0;
- return (hstr);
- }
- void
- set_bitvec (bitvec, n)
- unsigned char *bitvec;
- unsigned short n;
- {
- static unsigned char bittbl[] =
- {1, 2, 4, 8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80};
- bitvec[n >> 3] |= bittbl[n & 7];
- }