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- ;; This is the GNU EMACS interface to GNU ISPELL version 4.
- ;; Copyright (C) 1990, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- ;;
- ;; This file is part of GNU ISPELL.
- ;;
- ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- ;; any later version.
- ;;
- ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;;
- ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- (defvar ispell-have-new-look t
- "T if default 'look' program has the -r flag.")
- (defvar ispell-enable-tex-parser nil
- "T to enable experimental tex parser in ispell for tex buffers.")
- (defvar ispell-process nil "The process running ISPELL")
- (defvar ispell-next-message nil
- "An integer telling where in the *ispell* buffer where
- to look for the next message from the ISPELL program.")
- ;Each marker in this list points to the start of a word that
- ;ispell thought was bad last time it did the :file command.
- ;Notice that if the user accepts or inserts a word into his
- ;private dictionary, then some "good" words will be on the list.
- ;We would like to deal with this by looking up the words again just before
- ;presenting them to the user, but that is too slow on machines
- ;without the select system call. Therefore, see the variable
- ;ispell-recently-accepted.
- (defvar ispell-bad-words nil
- "A list of markers corresponding to the output of the ISPELL :file command.")
- ;list of words that the user has accepted, but that might still
- ;be on the bad-words list
- (defvar ispell-recently-accepted nil)
- ;t when :dump command needed
- (defvar ispell-dump-needed nil)
- (defun ispell-flush-bad-words ()
- (while ispell-bad-words
- (if (markerp (car ispell-bad-words))
- (set-marker (car ispell-bad-words) nil))
- (setq ispell-bad-words (cdr ispell-bad-words)))
- (setq ispell-recently-accepted nil))
- (defun kill-ispell ()
- "Kill the ispell process. Any changes the your private dictionay
- that have not already been dumped will be lost."
- (interactive)
- (if ispell-process
- (delete-process ispell-process))
- (setq ispell-process nil)
- (ispell-flush-bad-words))
- (put 'ispell-startup-error 'error-conditions
- '(ispell-startup-error error))
- (put 'ispell-startup-error 'error-message
- "Problem starting ispell - see buffer *ispell*")
- (defun start-ispell ()
- "Start an ispell subprocess; check the version; and display the greeting."
- (message "Starting ispell ...")
- (let ((buf (get-buffer "*ispell*")))
- (if buf
- (kill-buffer buf)))
- (condition-case err
- (setq ispell-process (start-process "ispell" "*ispell*" "ispell" "-S"))
- (file-error (signal 'ispell-startup-error nil)))
- (process-kill-without-query ispell-process)
- (buffer-flush-undo (process-buffer ispell-process))
- (accept-process-output ispell-process)
- (let (last-char)
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (process-buffer ispell-process))
- (bury-buffer (current-buffer))
- (setq last-char (- (point-max) 1))
- (while (not (eq (char-after last-char) ?=))
- (cond ((not (eq (process-status ispell-process) 'run))
- (kill-ispell)
- (signal 'ispell-startup-error nil)))
- (accept-process-output ispell-process)
- (setq last-char (- (point-max) 1)))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (let ((greeting (read (current-buffer))))
- (if (not (= (car greeting) 1))
- (error "Bad ispell version: wanted 1, got %d" (car greeting)))
- (message (car (cdr greeting))))
- (delete-region (point-min) last-char))))
- ;leaves buffer set to *ispell*, point at '='
- (defun ispell-sync (intr)
- "Make sure ispell is ready for a command."
- (if (or (null ispell-process)
- (not (eq (process-status ispell-process) 'run)))
- (start-ispell))
- (if intr
- (interrupt-process ispell-process))
- (let (last-char)
- (set-buffer (process-buffer ispell-process))
- (bury-buffer (current-buffer))
- (setq last-char (- (point-max) 1))
- (while (not (eq (char-after last-char) ?=))
- (accept-process-output ispell-process)
- (setq last-char (- (point-max) 1)))
- (goto-char last-char)))
- (defun ispell-cmd (&rest strings)
- "Send a command to ispell. Choices are:
- word any word is checked for spelling. Result is
- nil not found
- t spelled ok
- list of strings near misses
- :file filename scan the named file, and print the file offsets of
- any misspelled words
- :insert word put word in private dictonary
- :accept word don't complain about word any more this session
- :dump write out the current private dictionary, if necessary.
- :reload reread ~/ispell.words
- :tex
- :troff
- :generic set type of parser to use when scanning whole files
- "
- (save-excursion
- (ispell-sync t)
- (set-buffer (process-buffer ispell-process))
- (bury-buffer (current-buffer))
- (erase-buffer)
- (setq ispell-next-message (point-min))
- (while strings
- (process-send-string ispell-process (car strings))
- (setq strings (cdr strings)))
- (process-send-string ispell-process "\n")
- (accept-process-output ispell-process)
- (ispell-sync nil)))
- (defun ispell-dump ()
- (cond (ispell-dump-needed
- (setq ispell-dump-needed nil)
- (ispell-cmd ":dump"))))
- (defun ispell-insert (word)
- (ispell-cmd ":insert " word)
- (if ispell-bad-words
- (setq ispell-recently-accepted (cons word ispell-recently-accepted)))
- (setq ispell-dump-needed t))
- (defun ispell-accept (word)
- (ispell-cmd ":accept " word)
- (if ispell-bad-words
- (setq ispell-recently-accepted (cons word ispell-recently-accepted))))
- (defun ispell-next-message ()
- "Return the next message sent by the ispell subprocess."
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (process-buffer ispell-process))
- (bury-buffer (current-buffer))
- (save-restriction
- (goto-char ispell-next-message)
- (narrow-to-region (point)
- (progn (forward-sexp 1) (point)))
- (setq ispell-next-message (point))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (read (current-buffer)))))
- (defun ispell-tex-buffer-p ()
- (memq major-mode '(plain-TeX-mode LaTeX-mode)))
- (defun ispell (&optional buf start end)
- "Run ispell over a buffer. (Actually over the buffer's file.)
- First the file is scanned for misspelled words, then ispell
- enters a loop with the following commands for every misspelled word:
- DIGIT Near miss selector. If the misspelled word is 'close' to
- some words in the dictionary, they are offered as near misses.
- r Replace. Replace the word with a string you type. Each word
- of your new string is also checked.
- i Insert. Insert this word in your private dictonary (kept in
- $HOME/ispell.words)
- a Accept. Accept this word for the rest of this editing session,
- but don't put it in your private dictonary.
- l Lookup. Look for a word in the dictionary by fast binary
- search, or search for a regular expression in the dictionary
- using grep.
- SPACE Accept the word this time, but complain if it is seen again.
- q, C-G Leave the command loop. You can come back later with \\[ispell-next]."
- (interactive)
- (if (null start)
- (setq start 0))
- (if (null end)
- (setq end 0))
- (if (null buf)
- (setq buf (current-buffer)))
- (setq buf (get-buffer buf))
- (if (null buf)
- (error "Can't find buffer"))
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer buf)
- (let ((filename buffer-file-name)
- (delete-temp nil))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- (cond ((null filename)
- (setq filename (make-temp-name "/tmp/ispell"))
- (setq delete-temp t)
- (write-region (point-min) (point-max) filename))
- ((and (buffer-modified-p buf)
- (y-or-n-p (format "Save file %s? " filename)))
- (save-buffer)))
- (message "Ispell scanning file...")
- (if (and ispell-enable-tex-parser
- (ispell-tex-buffer-p))
- (ispell-cmd ":tex")
- (ispell-cmd ":generic"))
- (ispell-cmd (format ":file %s %d %d" filename start end)))
- (if delete-temp
- (condition-case ()
- (delete-file filename)
- (file-error nil)))))
- (message "Parsing ispell output ...")
- (ispell-flush-bad-words)
- (let (pos bad-words)
- (while (numberp (setq pos (ispell-next-message)))
- ;;ispell may check the words on the line following the end
- ;;of the region - therefore, don't record anything out of range
- (if (or (= end 0)
- (< pos end))
- (setq bad-words (cons (set-marker (make-marker) (+ pos 1))
- bad-words))))
- (setq bad-words (cons pos bad-words))
- (setq ispell-bad-words (nreverse bad-words))))
- (cond ((not (markerp (car ispell-bad-words)))
- (setq ispell-bad-words nil)
- (message "No misspellings."))
- (t
- (message "Ispell parsing done.")
- (ispell-next))))
- (defun ispell-next ()
- "Resume command loop for most recent ispell command."
- (interactive)
- (unwind-protect
- (catch 'quit
- (save-window-excursion
- (save-excursion
- (let (next)
- (while (markerp (setq next (car ispell-bad-words)))
- (switch-to-buffer (marker-buffer next))
- (push-mark)
- (ispell-point next "at saved position.")
- (setq ispell-bad-words (cdr ispell-bad-words))
- (set-marker next nil))))))
- (cond ((null ispell-bad-words)
- (error "Ispell has not yet been run."))
- ((markerp (car ispell-bad-words))
- (message (substitute-command-keys
- "Type \\[ispell-next] to continue.")))
- ((eq (car ispell-bad-words) nil)
- (setq ispell-bad-words nil)
- (message "No more misspellings (but checker was interrupted.)"))
- ((eq (car ispell-bad-words) t)
- (setq ispell-bad-words nil)
- (message "Ispell done."))
- (t
- (setq ispell-bad-words nil)
- (message "Bad ispell internal list"))))
- (ispell-dump))
- (defun ispell-word ()
- "Check the spelling of the word under the cursor. See 'ispell'
- for more documentation."
- (interactive)
- (condition-case err
- (catch 'quit
- (save-window-excursion
- (ispell-point (point) "at point."))
- (ispell-dump))
- (ispell-startup-error
- (cond ((y-or-n-p "Problem starting ispell, use old-style spell instead? ")
- (load-library "spell")
- (define-key esc-map "$" 'spell-word)
- (spell-word))))))
- (defun ispell-region (start &optional end)
- "Check the spelling for all of the words in the region."
- (interactive "r")
- (ispell (current-buffer) start end))
- (defun ispell-letterp (c)
- (and c
- (or (and (>= c ?A) (<= c ?Z))
- (and (>= c ?a) (<= c ?z))
- (>= c 128))))
- (defun ispell-letter-or-quotep (c)
- (and c
- (or (and (>= c ?A) (<= c ?Z))
- (and (>= c ?a) (<= c ?z))
- (= c ?')
- (>= c 128))))
- (defun ispell-find-word-start ()
- ;;backward to a letter
- (if (not (ispell-letterp (char-after (point))))
- (while (and (not (bobp))
- (not (ispell-letterp (char-after (- (point) 1)))))
- (backward-char)))
- ;;backward to beginning of word
- (while (ispell-letter-or-quotep (char-after (- (point) 1)))
- (backward-char))
- (skip-chars-forward "'"))
- (defun ispell-find-word-end ()
- (while (ispell-letter-or-quotep (char-after (point)))
- (forward-char))
- (skip-chars-backward "'"))
- (defun ispell-next-word ()
- (while (and (not (eobp))
- (not (ispell-letterp (char-after (point)))))
- (forward-char)))
- ;if end is nil, then do one word at start
- ;otherwise, do all words from the beginning of the word where
- ;start points, to the end of the word where end points
- (defun ispell-point (start message)
- (let ((wend (make-marker))
- rescan
- end)
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char start)
- (ispell-find-word-start) ;find correct word start
- (setq start (point-marker))
- (ispell-find-word-end) ;now find correct end
- (setq end (point-marker))
- (if (>= start end)
- (error "No word %s" message))
- (while (< start end)
- (goto-char start)
- (ispell-find-word-end) ;find end of current word
- ;could be before 'end' if
- ;user typed replacement
- ;that is more than one word
- (set-marker wend (point))
- (setq rescan nil)
- (setq word (buffer-substring start wend))
- (cond ((ispell-still-bad word)
- (goto-char start);just to show user where we are working
- (sit-for 0)
- (message (format "Ispell checking %s" word))
- (ispell-cmd word)
- (let ((message (ispell-next-message)))
- (cond ((eq message t)
- (message "%s: ok" word))
- ((or (null message)
- (consp message))
- (setq rescan
- (ispell-command-loop word start wend message)))
- (t
- (error "unknown ispell response %s" message))))))
- (cond ((null rescan)
- (goto-char wend)
- (ispell-next-word)
- (set-marker start (point)))))
- ;;clear the choices buffer; otherwise it's hard for the user to tell
- ;;when we get back to the command loop
- (let ((buf (get-buffer "*ispell choices*")))
- (cond (buf
- (set-buffer buf)
- (erase-buffer))))
- (set-marker start nil)
- (set-marker end nil)
- (set-marker wend nil))))
- (defun ispell-still-bad (word)
- (let ((words ispell-recently-accepted)
- (ret t)
- (case-fold-search t))
- (while words
- (cond ((eq (string-match (car words) word) 0)
- (setq ret nil)
- (setq words nil)))
- (setq words (cdr words)))
- ret))
- (defun ispell-show-choices (word message first-line)
- ;;if there is only one window on the screen, make the ispell
- ;;messages winow be small. otherwise just use the other window
- (let* ((selwin (selected-window))
- (resize (eq selwin (next-window)))
- (buf (get-buffer-create "*ispell choices*"))
- w)
- (setq w (display-buffer buf))
- (buffer-flush-undo buf)
- (if resize
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- (select-window w)
- (enlarge-window (- 6 (window-height w))))
- (select-window selwin)))
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer buf)
- (bury-buffer buf)
- (set-window-point w (point-min))
- (set-window-start w (point-min))
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert first-line "\n")
- (insert
- "SPC skip; A accept; I insert; DIGIT select; R replace; \
- L lookup; Q quit\n")
- (cond ((not (null message))
- (let ((i 0))
- (while (< i 3)
- (let ((j 0))
- (while (< j 3)
- (let* ((n (+ (* j 3) i))
- (choice (nth n message)))
- (cond (choice
- (let ((str (format "%d %s" n choice)))
- (insert str)
- (insert-char ? (- 20 (length str)))))))
- (setq j (+ j 1))))
- (insert "\n")
- (setq i (+ i 1)))))))))
- (defun ispell-command-loop (word start end message)
- (let ((flag t)
- (rescan nil)
- first-line)
- (if (null message)
- (setq first-line (concat "No near misses for '" word "'"))
- (setq first-line (concat "Near misses for '" word "'")))
- (while flag
- (ispell-show-choices word message first-line)
- (message "Ispell command: ")
- (let ((c (downcase (read-char)))
- replacement)
- (cond ((and (>= c ?0)
- (<= c ?9)
- (setq replacement (nth (- c ?0) message)))
- (ispell-replace start end replacement)
- (setq flag nil))
- ((= c ?q)
- (throw 'quit nil))
- ((= c ? )
- (setq flag nil))
- ((= c ?r)
- (ispell-replace start end (read-string "Replacement: "))
- (setq rescan t)
- (setq flag nil))
- ((= c ?i)
- (ispell-insert word)
- (setq flag nil))
- ((= c ?a)
- (ispell-accept word)
- (setq flag nil))
- ((= c ?l)
- (let ((val (ispell-do-look word)))
- (setq first-line (car val))
- (setq message (cdr val))))
- ((= c ??)
- (message
- "Type 'C-h d ispell' to the emacs main loop for more help")
- (sit-for 2))
- (t
- (message "Bad ispell command")
- (sit-for 2)))))
- rescan))
- (defun ispell-do-look (bad-word)
- (let (regex buf words)
- (cond ((null ispell-have-new-look)
- (setq regex (read-string "Lookup: ")))
- (t
- (setq regex (read-string "Lookup (regex): " "^"))))
- (setq buf (get-buffer-create "*ispell look*"))
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer buf)
- (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
- (if ispell-have-new-look
- (call-process "look" nil buf nil "-r" regex)
- (call-process "look" nil buf nil regex))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (forward-line 10)
- (delete-region (point) (point-max))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (not (= (point-min) (point-max)))
- (end-of-line)
- (setq words (cons (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)) words))
- (forward-line)
- (delete-region (point-min) (point)))
- (kill-buffer buf)
- (cons (format "Lookup '%s'" regex)
- (reverse words)))))
- (defun ispell-replace (start end new)
- (goto-char start)
- (insert new)
- (delete-region (point) end))
- (defun reload-ispell ()
- "Tell ispell to re-read your private dictionary."
- (interactive)
- (ispell-cmd ":reload"))
- (define-key esc-map "$" 'ispell-word)
- (define-key ctl-x-map "$" 'ispell-next)
- (defun batch-make-ispell ()
- (byte-compile-file "ispell.el"))
- ;; Don't do this anymore, because it should be determined by the Makefile
- ;; whether it is necessary (by default it shouldn't be). Also, makeinfo
- ;; is more robust. --friedman 31-May-93
- ;(find-file "ispell.texinfo")
- ;(let ((old-dir default-directory)
- ; (default-directory "/tmp"))
- ; (texinfo-format-buffer))
- ;(Info-validate)
- ;(if (get-buffer " *problems in info file*")
- ; (kill-emacs 1))
- ;(write-region (point-min) (point-max) "ispell.info"))