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- /*
- * This file is part of ixemul.library for the Amiga.
- * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Markus M. Wild
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * $Id: ixemul.h,v 1.1 1992/05/14 20:36:14 mwild Exp $
- *
- * $Log: ixemul.h,v $
- * Revision 1.1 1992/05/14 20:36:14 mwild
- * Initial revision
- *
- */
- /* #include "version.h" */
- #ifdef START
- /* definitions for the assembler startup file */
- /* when I've REALLY lots of free time, I'll rewrite header files, but now... */
- /* amazingly works, contains only defines ;-)) */
- #include <exec/alerts.h>
- #define _LVOOpenLibrary -0x228
- #define _LVOCloseLibrary -0x19e
- #define _LVOAlert -0x6c
- #define _LVOFreeMem -0xd2
- #define _LVORemove -0xfc
- #define RTC_MATCHWORD 0x4afc
- #define RTF_AUTOINIT (1<<7)
- #define LIBF_CHANGED (1<<1)
- #define LIBF_SUMUSED (1<<2)
- /* seems there is an assembler bug in expression evaluation here.. */
- #define LIBF_DELEXP (1<<3)
- #define LIBB_DELEXP 3
- #define LN_TYPE 8
- #define LN_NAME 10
- #define NT_LIBRARY 9
- #define MP_FLAGS 14
- #define PA_IGNORE 2
- #define LIST_SIZEOF 14
- #define THISTASK 276
- #define INITBYTE(field,val) .word 0xe000; .word (field); .byte (val); .byte 0
- #define INITWORD(field,val) .word 0xd000; .word (field); .word (val)
- #define INITLONG(field,val) .word 0xc000; .word (field); .long (val)
- /*
- * our library base..
- */
- /* struct library */
- #define IXBASE_NODE 0
- #define IXBASE_FLAGS 14
- #define IXBASE_NEGSIZE 16
- #define IXBASE_POSSIZE 18
- #define IXBASE_VERSION 20
- #define IXBASE_REVISION 22
- #define IXBASE_IDSTRING 24
- #define IXBASE_SUM 28
- #define IXBASE_OPENCNT 32
- #define IXBASE_LIBRARY 34 /* size of library */
- /* custom part */
- /* get size of C_PRIVATE with print_base_size.c */
- #else /* C-part */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/libraries.h>
- #include <exec/execbase.h>
- #include <exec/semaphores.h>
- /* #include <exec/ports.h> */
- /* #include <libraries/dosextens.h> */
- /* #include <intuition/intuition.h> */
- /* #include <sys/types.h> */
- #ifdef KERNEL
- #define _INTERNAL_FILE
- #endif
- #include <sys/file.h>
- #include <sys/param.h>
- #include <packets.h>
- #include <sys/syscall.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #ifdef KERNEL
- #include <user.h>
- #endif
- #include <errno.h>
- /* configure this to the number of hash queues you like,
- * use a prime number !!
- */
- #define IX_NUM_SLEEP_QUEUES 31
- struct ixemul_base {
- struct Library ix_lib;
- unsigned char ix_myflags;
- unsigned char ix_pad;
- struct ExecBase* ix_sys_base;
- BPTR ix_seg_list;
- /* needed library bases */
- struct DOSBase *ix_dos_base;
- struct ArpBase *ix_arp_base;
- struct IntuitionBase *ix_intui_base;
- struct GfxBase *ix_gfx_base;
- struct MathIeeeSingBasBase *ix_ms_base;
- struct MathIeeeSingTransBase *ix_mst_base;
- struct MathIeeeDoubBasBase *ix_md_base;
- struct MathIeeeDoubTransBase *ix_mdt_base;
- /* the global file table with current size */
- struct file *ix_file_tab;
- struct file *ix_fileNFILE;
- struct file *ix_lastf;
- /* size of start of red zone from bottom of stack */
- int ix_red_zone_size;
- struct SignalSemaphore ix_semaph;
- int ix_membuf_limit;
- /* multiplier for id_BytesPerBlock to get to st_blksize, default 64 */
- int ix_fs_buf_factor;
- /* enable Unix meaning of slash a dir-separator.
- * Thus a///b is the same as a/b. Later, this flag enables /sys -> sys:
- * translation as well.
- */
- int :25,
- ix_translate_dots:1,
- ix_watch_stack:1,
- ix_force_translation:1,
- ix_translate_symlinks:1,
- ix_translate_slash:1,
- ix_beuh:1,
- ix_ignore_global_env:1;
- struct MinList ix_sleep_queues [IX_NUM_SLEEP_QUEUES];
- struct MinList ix_socket_list;
- };
- /* this is the only prototype of library functions, that are really used inside
- * the library. (So a user can patch a function, and the library will use
- * the new entry, and not a hard compiled address */
- int syscall (enum _syscall_ vector, ...);
- #ifdef KERNEL
- extern struct ixemul_base *ixemulbase;
- #define ix (*ixemulbase)
- #define u (*(struct user *)((*(struct ExecBase **)4)->ThisTask->tc_TrapData))
- static inline u_int get_usp (void)
- {
- u_int res;
- asm volatile ("movel usp,%0" : "=a" (res));
- return res;
- }
- static inline void set_usp (u_int new_usp)
- {
- asm volatile ("movel %0,usp" : /* no output */ : "a" (new_usp));
- }
- static inline u_int get_sp (void)
- {
- u_int res;
- asm volatile ("movel sp,%0" : "=a" (res));
- return res;
- }
- static inline void set_sp (u_int new_sp)
- {
- asm volatile ("movel %0,sp" : /* no output */ : "a" (new_sp));
- }
- static inline u_short get_sr (void)
- {
- u_short res;
- asm volatile ("movew sr,%0" : "=g" (res));
- return res;
- }
- static inline u_int get_fp (void)
- {
- u_int res;
- asm volatile ("movel a5,%0" : "=g" (res));
- return res;
- }
- #define PRIVATE
- #include <inline/exec.h>
- #undef PRIVATE
- #define BASE_EXT_DECL
- #define BASE_PAR_DECL
- #define BASE_PAR_DECL0
- #define BASE_NAME ix.ix_dos_base
- #include <inline/dos.h>
- #ifdef notyetneeded
- #define BASE_EXT_DECL
- #define BASE_PAR_DECL
- #define BASE_PAR_DECL0
- #define BASE_NAME ix.ix_arp_base
- #include <inline/arp.h>
- #define BASE_EXT_DECL
- #define BASE_PAR_DECL
- #define BASE_PAR_DECL0
- #define BASE_NAME ix.ix_intui_base
- #include <inline/intuition.h>
- #endif
- #define errno (* u.u_errno)
- extern struct MsgPort *ix_async_mp;
- #define __rwport (ix_async_mp)
- #else
- #define ix_errno (*((struct user *)(ixbase->ix_sys_base->ThisTask->tc_TrapData))->u_errno)
- #endif
- #endif