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- /*
- * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989 Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution is only permitted until one year after the first shipment
- * of 4.4BSD by the Regents. Otherwise, redistribution and use in source and
- * binary forms are permitted provided that: (1) source distributions retain
- * this entire copyright notice and comment, and (2) distributions including
- * binaries display the following acknowledgement: This product includes
- * software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its
- * contributors'' in the documentation or other materials provided with the
- * distribution and in all advertising materials mentioning features or use
- * of this software. Neither the name of the University nor the names of
- * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- * @(#)signal.h 7.11 (Berkeley) 7/1/90
- */
- #ifndef _SIGNAL_H
- #define _SIGNAL_H
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #define NSIG 33 /* counting 0; max = 33 (mask is 1-32) */
- #ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
- #include <sys/signal.h> /* codes for SIGILL, SIGFPE */
- #endif /* _POSIX_SOURCE */
- #define SIGHUP 1 /* hangup */
- #define SIGINT 2 /* interrupt */
- #define SIGQUIT 3 /* quit */
- #define SIGILL 4 /* illegal instruction (not reset when caught) */
- #ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
- #define SIGTRAP 5 /* trace trap (not reset when caught) */
- #endif
- #define SIGABRT 6 /* abort() */
- #ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
- #define SIGIOT SIGABRT /* compatibility */
- #define SIGEMT 7 /* EMT instruction */
- #endif
- #define SIGFPE 8 /* floating point exception */
- #define SIGKILL 9 /* kill (cannot be caught or ignored) */
- #ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
- #define SIGBUS 10 /* bus error */
- #endif
- #define SIGSEGV 11 /* segmentation violation */
- #ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
- #define SIGSYS 12 /* bad argument to system call */
- #endif
- #define SIGPIPE 13 /* write on a pipe with no one to read it */
- #define SIGALRM 14 /* alarm clock */
- #define SIGTERM 15 /* software termination signal from kill */
- #ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
- #define SIGURG 16 /* urgent condition on IO channel */
- #endif
- #define SIGSTOP 17 /* sendable stop signal not from tty */
- #define SIGTSTP 18 /* stop signal from tty */
- #define SIGCONT 19 /* continue a stopped process */
- #define SIGCHLD 20 /* to parent on child stop or exit */
- #define SIGTTIN 21 /* to readers pgrp upon background tty read */
- #define SIGTTOU 22 /* like TTIN for output if (tp->t_local<OSTOP) */
- #ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
- #define SIGIO 23 /* input/output possible signal */
- #define SIGXCPU 24 /* exceeded CPU time limit */
- #define SIGXFSZ 25 /* exceeded file size limit */
- #define SIGVTALRM 26 /* virtual time alarm */
- #define SIGPROF 27 /* profiling time alarm */
- #define SIGWINCH 28 /* window size changes */
- #define SIGINFO 29 /* information request */
- #endif
- #define SIGUSR1 30 /* user defined signal 1 */
- #define SIGUSR2 31 /* user defined signal 2 */
- #define SIGMSG 32 /* an AmigaDOS signal has been set. SIGMSG is normally ignored.
- (code is the mask of new signals) */
- #include <sys/cdefs.h>
- #ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
- typedef void (*sig_t)();
- #endif
- #if 0
- #ifndef KERNEL
- void (*signal())();
- #endif
- #endif
- typedef unsigned int sigset_t;
- int sigaddset __P((sigset_t *, int));
- int sigdelset __P((sigset_t *, int));
- int sigemptyset __P((sigset_t *));
- int sigfillset __P((sigset_t *));
- int sigismember __P((const sigset_t *, int));
- #define sigemptyset(set) ( *(set) = 0 )
- #define sigfillset(set) ( *(set) = ~(sigset_t)0, 0 )
- #define sigaddset(set, signo) ( *(set) |= 1 << ((signo) - 1), 0)
- #define sigdelset(set, signo) ( *(set) &= ~(1 << ((signo) - 1)), 0)
- #define sigismember(set, signo) ( (*(set) & (1 << ((signo) - 1))) != 0)
- /*
- * Signal vector "template" used in sigaction call.
- */
- struct sigaction {
- void (*sa_handler)(); /* signal handler */
- sigset_t sa_mask; /* signal mask to apply */
- int sa_flags; /* see signal options below */
- };
- #ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
- #define SA_ONSTACK 0x0001 /* take signal on signal stack */
- #define SA_RESTART 0x0002 /* do not restart system on signal return */
- #endif
- #define SA_NOCLDSTOP 0x0004 /* do not generate SIGCHLD on child stop */
- /*
- * Flags for sigprocmask:
- */
- #define SIG_BLOCK 1 /* block specified signal set */
- #define SIG_UNBLOCK 2 /* unblock specified signal set */
- #define SIG_SETMASK 3 /* set specified signal set */
- #ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
- /*
- * 4.3 compatibility:
- * Signal vector "template" used in sigvec call.
- */
- struct sigvec {
- void (*sv_handler)(); /* signal handler */
- int sv_mask; /* signal mask to apply */
- int sv_flags; /* see signal options below */
- };
- #define SV_INTERRUPT SA_RESTART /* same bit, opposite sense */
- #define sv_onstack sv_flags /* isn't compatibility wonderful! */
- /*
- * Structure used in sigaltstack call.
- */
- struct sigaltstack {
- char *ss_base; /* signal stack base */
- int ss_len; /* signal stack length */
- int ss_onstack; /* current status */
- };
- /*
- * Structure used in sigstack call.
- */
- struct sigstack {
- char *ss_sp; /* signal stack pointer */
- int ss_onstack; /* current status */
- };
- /*
- * Information pushed on stack when a signal is delivered.
- * This is used by the kernel to restore state following
- * execution of the signal handler. It is also made available
- * to the handler to allow it to restore state properly if
- * a non-standard exit is performed.
- */
- struct sigcontext {
- int sc_onstack; /* sigstack state to restore */
- int sc_mask; /* signal mask to restore */
- int sc_sp; /* sp to restore */
- int sc_fp; /* fp to restore */
- int sc_ap; /* ap to restore */
- int sc_pc; /* pc to restore */
- int sc_ps; /* psl to restore */
- };
- /*
- * Macro for converting signal number to a mask suitable for
- * sigblock().
- */
- #define sigmask(m) (1 << ((m)-1))
- #define BADSIG (void (*)())-1
- #endif /* _POSIX_SOURCE */
- #ifdef KERNEL
- #define SIG_CATCH (void (*)())2
- #define SIG_HOLD (void (*)())3
- #define sigcantmask (sigmask(SIGKILL)|sigmask(SIGSTOP))
- /*
- * get signal action for process and signal; currently only for current process
- */
- #define SIGACTION(p, sig) (u.u_signal[(sig)])
- /*
- * Determine signal that should be delivered to process p, the current process,
- * 0 if none. If there is a pending stop signal with default action,
- * the process stops in issig().
- */
- #define CURSIG(p) \
- (((p)->p_sig == 0 || \
- ((p)->p_flag&STRC) == 0 && ((p)->p_sig &~ (p)->p_sigmask) == 0) ? \
- 0 : issig(p))
- /*
- * Clear a pending signal from a process.
- */
- #define CLRSIG(p, sig) { (p)->p_sig &= ~sigmask(sig); }
- #endif
- #define SIG_ERR (void (*)(int))-1
- #define SIG_DFL (void (*)(int))0
- #define SIG_IGN (void (*)(int))1
- #ifndef KERNEL
- #include <sys/types.h>
- void (*signal __P((int, void (*) __P((int))))) __P((int));
- int raise __P((int));
- #ifndef _ANSI_SOURCE
- int kill __P((pid_t, int));
- int sigaction __P((int, const struct sigaction *, struct sigaction *));
- int sigpending __P((sigset_t *));
- int sigprocmask __P((int, const sigset_t *, sigset_t *));
- int sigsuspend __P((const sigset_t *));
- #endif /* !_ANSI_SOURCE */
- #if !defined(_ANSI_SOURCE) && !defined(_POSIX_SOURCE)
- int killpg __P((pid_t, int));
- void psignal __P((unsigned, const char *));
- int sigblock __P((int));
- int siginterrupt __P((int, int));
- int sigpause __P((int));
- int sigreturn __P((struct sigcontext *));
- int sigsetmask __P((int));
- int sigstack __P((const struct sigstack *, struct sigstack *));
- int sigvec __P((int, struct sigvec *, struct sigvec *));
- #endif /* !_ANSI_SOURCE && !_POSIX_SOURCE */
- #endif /* !KERNEL */
- #endif /* _SIGNAL_H */