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- GETFSSTAT(2) UNIX Programmer's Manual GETFSSTAT(2)
- ggeettffssssttaatt - get list of all mounted filesystems
- ##iinncclluuddee <<ssyyss//ttyyppeess..hh>>
- ##iinncclluuddee <<ssyyss//mmoouunntt..hh>>
- _i_n_t
- ggeettffssssttaatt(_s_t_r_u_c_t _s_t_a_t_f_s _*_b_u_f, _l_o_n_g _b_u_f_s_i_z_e, _i_n_t _f_l_a_g_s)
- GGeettffssssttaatt() returns information about all mounted filesystems. _B_u_f is a
- pointer to statfs structures defined as follows:
- typedef quad fsid_t;
- #define MNAMELEN 32 /* length of buffer for returned name */
- struct statfs {
- short f_type; /* type of filesystem (see below) */
- short f_flags; /* copy of mount flags */
- long f_fsize; /* fundamental filesystem block size */
- long f_bsize; /* optimal transfer block size */
- long f_blocks; /* total data blocks in filesystem */
- long f_bfree; /* free blocks in fs */
- long f_bavail; /* free blocks avail to nonsuperuser */
- long f_files; /* total file nodes in filesystem */
- long f_ffree; /* free file nodes in fs */
- fsid_t f_fsid; /* filesystem id */
- long f_spare[6]; /* spare for later */
- char f_mntonname[MNAMELEN]; /* directory on which mounted */
- char f_mntfromname[MNAMELEN]; /* mounted filesystem */
- };
- /*
- * File system types.
- */
- #define MOUNT_UFS 1
- #define MOUNT_NFS 2
- #define MOUNT_PC 3
- Fields that are undefined for a particular filesystem are set to 1. The
- buffer is filled with an array of _f_s_s_t_a_t structures, one for each mounted
- filesystem up to the size specified by _b_u_f_s_i_z_e.
- If _b_u_f is given as NULL, ggeettffssssttaatt() returns just the number of mounted
- filesystems.
- Normally _f_l_a_g_s should be specified as MNT_WAIT. If _f_l_a_g_s is set to
- MNT_NOWAIT, ggeettffssssttaatt() will return the information it has available
- without requesting an update from each filesystem. Thus, some of the in
- formation will be out of date, but ggeettffssssttaatt() will not block waiting for
- information from a filesystem that is unable to respond.
- Upon successful completion, the number of _f_s_s_t_a_t structures is returned.
- Otherwise, 1 is returned and the global variable _e_r_r_n_o is set to indi
- cate the error.
- GGeettffssssttaatt() fails if one or more of the following are true:
- EFAULT _B_u_f points to an invalid address.
- EIO An I/O error occurred while reading from or writing to the
- filesystem.
- statfs(2), fstab(5), mount(8)
- The ggeettffssssttaatt function call is currently under development.
- BSD Experimental July 23, 1991 2