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- SELECT(2) UNIX Programmer's Manual SELECT(2)
- sseelleecctt - synchronous I/O multiplexing
- ##iinncclluuddee <<uunniissttdd..hh>>
- ##iinncclluuddee <<ssyyss//ttyyppeess..hh>>
- ##iinncclluuddee <<ssyyss//ttiimmee..hh>>
- _i_n_t
- sseelleecctt(_i_n_t _n_f_d_s, _f_d___s_e_t _*_r_e_a_d_f_d_s, _f_d___s_e_t _*_w_r_i_t_e_f_d_s, _f_d___s_e_t _*_e_x_c_e_p_t_f_d_s,
- _s_t_r_u_c_t _t_i_m_e_v_a_l _*_t_i_m_e_o_u_t)
- FFDD__SSEETT(_f_d, _&_f_d_s_e_t)
- FFDD__CCLLRR(_f_d, _&_f_d_s_e_t)
- FFDD__IISSSSEETT(_f_d, _&_f_d_s_e_t)
- FFDD__ZZEERROO(_&_f_d_s_e_t)
- SSeelleecctt() examines the I/O descriptor sets whose addresses are passed in
- _r_e_a_d_f_d_s, _w_r_i_t_e_f_d_s, and _e_x_c_e_p_t_f_d_s to see if some of their descriptors are
- ready for reading, are ready for writing, or have an exceptional condi
- tion pending, respectively. The first _n_f_d_s descriptors are checked in
- each set; i.e., the descriptors from 0 through _n_f_d_s1 in the descriptor
- sets are examined. On return, sseelleecctt() replaces the given descriptor
- sets with subsets consisting of those descriptors that are ready for the
- requested operation. SSeelleecctt() returns the total number of ready descrip
- tors in all the sets.
- The descriptor sets are stored as bit fields in arrays of integers. The
- following macros are provided for manipulating such descriptor sets:
- FFDD__ZZEERROO(_&_f_d_s_e_t_x) initializes a descriptor set _f_d_s_e_t to the null set.
- FFDD__SSEETT(_f_d, _&_f_d_s_e_t) includes a particular descriptor _f_d in _f_d_s_e_t.
- FFDD__CCLLRR(_f_d, _&_f_d_s_e_t) removes _f_d from _f_d_s_e_t. FFDD__IISSSSEETT(_f_d, _&_f_d_s_e_t) is non
- zero if _f_d is a member of _f_d_s_e_t, zero otherwise. The behavior of these
- macros is undefined if a descriptor value is less than zero or greater
- than or equal to FD_SETSIZE, which is normally at least equal to the max
- imum number of descriptors supported by the system.
- If _t_i_m_e_o_u_t is a nonnil pointer, it specifies a maximum interval to wait
- for the selection to complete. If _t_i_m_e_o_u_t is a nil pointer, the select
- blocks indefinitely. To affect a poll, the _t_i_m_e_o_u_t argument should be
- nonnil, pointing to a zerovalued timeval structure.
- Any of _r_e_a_d_f_d_s, _w_r_i_t_e_f_d_s, and _e_x_c_e_p_t_f_d_s may be given as nil pointers if
- no descriptors are of interest.
- SSeelleecctt() returns the number of ready descriptors that are contained in
- the descriptor sets, or 1 if an error occurred. If the time limit ex
- pires, sseelleecctt() returns 0. If sseelleecctt() returns with an error, including
- one due to an interrupted call, the descriptor sets will be unmodified.
- An error return from sseelleecctt() indicates:
- [EBADF] One of the descriptor sets specified an invalid descriptor.
- [EINTR] A signal was delivered before the time limit expired and
- before any of the selected events occurred.
- [EINVAL] The specified time limit is invalid. One of its components
- is negative or too large.
- accept(2), connect(2), read(2), write(2), recv(2), send(2), getdta
- blesize(2)
- Although the provision of getdtablesize(2) was intended to allow user
- programs to be written independent of the kernel limit on the number of
- open files, the dimension of a sufficiently large bit field for select
- remains a problem. The default size FD_SETSIZE (currently 256) is some
- what larger than the current kernel limit to the number of open files.
- However, in order to accommodate programs which might potentially use a
- larger number of open files with select, it is possible to increase this
- size within a program by providing a larger definition of FD_SETSIZE be
- fore the inclusion of <_s_y_s_/_t_y_p_e_s_._h>.
- SSeelleecctt() should probably return the time remaining from the original
- timeout, if any, by modifying the time value in place. This may be im
- plemented in future versions of the system. Thus, it is unwise to assume
- that the timeout value will be unmodified by the sseelleecctt() call.
- The sseelleecctt function call appeared in 4.2BSD.
- 4.2 Berkeley Distribution March 10, 1991 2