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- CRYPT(3) UNIX Programmer's Manual CRYPT(3)
- ccrryypptt, sseettkkeeyy, eennccrryypptt, ddeess__sseettkkeeyy, ddeess__cciipphheerr - DES encryption
- _c_h_a_r
- **ccrryypptt(_c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_k_e_y, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_s_e_t_t_i_n_g)
- _i_n_t
- sseettkkeeyy(_c_h_a_r _*_k_e_y)
- _i_n_t
- eennccrryypptt(_c_h_a_r _*_b_l_o_c_k, _i_n_t _f_l_a_g)
- _i_n_t
- ddeess__sseettkkeeyy(_c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_k_e_y)
- _i_n_t
- ddeess__cciipphheerr(_c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_i_n, _c_h_a_r _*_o_u_t, _l_o_n_g _s_a_l_t, _i_n_t _c_o_u_n_t)
- The crypt function performs password encryption. It is derived from the
- NBS Data Encryption Standard. Additional code has been added to deter
- key search attempts. The first argument to ccrryypptt is a NULterminated
- string (normally a password typed by a user). The second is a character
- array, 9 bytes in length, consisting of an underscore (``_'') followed by
- 4 bytes of iteration count and 4 bytes of salt. Both the iteration _c_o_u_n_t
- and the _s_a_l_t are encoded with 6 bits per character, least significant
- bits first. The values 0 to 63 are encoded by the characters ``./09A
- Zaz'', respectively.
- The _s_a_l_t is used to induce disorder in to the DES algorithm in one of
- 16777216 possible ways (specifically, if bit _i of the _s_a_l_t is set then
- bits _i and _i_+_2_4 are swapped in the DES ``E'' box output). The _k_e_y is di
- vided into groups of 8 characters (a short final group is nullpadded)
- and the loworder 7 bits of each each character (56 bits per group) are
- used to form the DES key as follows: the first group of 56 bits becomes
- the initial DES key. For each additional group, the XOR of the group
- bits and the encryption of the DES key with itself becomes the next DES
- key. Then the final DES key is used to perform _c_o_u_n_t cumulative encryp
- tions of a 64bit constant. The value returned is a NULterminated
- string, 20 bytes in length, consisting of the _s_e_t_t_i_n_g followed by the en
- coded 64bit encryption.
- For compatibility with historical versions of crypt(3), the _s_e_t_t_i_n_g may
- consist of 2 bytes of salt, encoded as above, in which case an iteration
- _c_o_u_n_t of 25 is used, fewer perturbations of DES are available, at most 8
- characters of _k_e_y are used, and the returned value is a NULterminated
- string 13 bytes in length.
- The functions, eennccrryypptt(), sseettkkeeyy(), ddeess__sseettkkeeyy() and ddeess__cciipphheerr() allow
- limited access to the DES algorithm itself. The _k_e_y argument to sseettkkeeyy()
- is a 64 character array of binary values (numeric 0 or 1). A 56bit key
- is derived from this array by dividing the array into groups of 8 and ig
- noring the last bit in each group.
- The eennccrryypptt() argument _b_l_o_c_k is also a 64 character array of binary val
- ues. If the value of _f_l_a_g is 0, the argument _b_l_o_c_k is encrypted, other
- wise it is decrypted. The encryption or decryption is returned in the
- original array _b_l_o_c_k after using the key specified by sseettkkeeyy() to process
- it.
- The ddeess__sseettkkeeyy() and ddeess__cciipphheerr() functions are faster but less portable
- than sseettkkeeyy() and eennccrryypptt(). The argument to ddeess__sseettkkeeyy() is a character
- array of length 8. The _l_e_a_s_t significant bit in each character is ig
- nored and the next 7 bits of each character are concatenated to yield a
- 56bit key. The function ddeess__cciipphheerr() encrypts (or decrypts if _c_o_u_n_t is
- negative) the 64bits stored in the 8 characters at _i_n using abs(3) of
- _c_o_u_n_t iterations of DES and stores the 64bit result in the 8 characters
- at _o_u_t. The _s_a_l_t specifies perturbations to DES as described above.
- The function ccrryypptt() returns a pointer to the encrypted value on success
- and NULL on failure. The functions sseettkkeeyy(), eennccrryypptt(), ddeess__sseettkkeeyy(),
- and ddeess__cciipphheerr() return 0 on success and 1 on failure. Historically, the
- functions sseettkkeeyy() and eennccrryypptt() did not return any value. They have
- been provided return values primarily to distinguish implementations
- where hardware support is provided but not available or where the DES en
- cryption is not available due to the usual political silliness.
- login(1), passwd(1), getpass(3), passwd(5)
- Wayne Patterson, _M_a_t_h_e_m_a_t_i_c_a_l _C_r_y_p_t_o_l_o_g_y _f_o_r _C_o_m_p_u_t_e_r _S_c_i_e_n_t_i_s_t_s _a_n_d
- _M_a_t_h_e_m_a_t_i_c_i_a_n_s, ISBN 084767438X, 1987.
- R. Morris, and Ken Thompson, "Password Security: A Case History",
- _C_o_m_m_u_n_i_c_a_t_i_o_n_s _o_f _t_h_e _A_C_M, vol. 22, pp. 594597, Nov. 1979.
- M.E. Hellman, "DES will be Totally Insecure within Ten Years", _I_E_E_E
- _S_p_e_c_t_r_u_m, vol. 16, pp. 3239, July 1979.
- A rotorbased ccrryypptt() function appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX. The cur
- rent style ccrryypptt() first appeared in Version 7 AT&T UNIX.
- Dropping the _l_e_a_s_t significant bit in each character of the argument to
- ddeess__sseettkkeeyy() is ridiculous.
- The ccrryypptt() function leaves its result in an internal static object and
- returns a pointer to that object. Subsequent calls to ccrryypptt() will modi
- fy the same object.
- BSD Experimental May 21, 1991 2