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- CTIME(3) UNIX Programmer's Manual CTIME(3)
- aassccttiimmee, ccttiimmee, ddiiffffttiimmee, ggmmttiimmee, llooccaallttiimmee, mmkkttiimmee - transform binary
- date and time value to ASCII
- ##iinncclluuddee <<ssyyss//ttyyppeess..hh>>
- _e_x_t_e_r_n _c_h_a_r _*_t_z_n_a_m_e_[_2_]_;
- _c_h_a_r _*
- ccttiimmee(_c_o_n_s_t _t_i_m_e___t _*_c_l_o_c_k)
- _d_o_u_b_l_e
- ddiiffffttiimmee(_t_i_m_e___t _t_i_m_e_1, _t_i_m_e___t _t_i_m_e_0)
- ##iinncclluuddee <<ttiimmee..hh>>
- _c_h_a_r _*
- aassccttiimmee(_c_o_n_s_t _s_t_r_u_c_t _t_m _*_t_m)
- _s_t_r_u_c_t _t_m _*
- llooccaallttiimmee(_c_o_n_s_t _t_i_m_e___t _*_c_l_o_c_k)
- _s_t_r_u_c_t _t_m _*
- ggmmttiimmee(_c_o_n_s_t _t_i_m_e___t _*_c_l_o_c_k)
- _t_i_m_e___t
- mmkkttiimmee(_s_t_r_u_c_t _t_m _*_t_m)
- The functions ccttiimmee(), ggmmttiimmee() and llooccaallttiimmee() all take as an argument a
- time value representing the time in seconds since the Epoch (00:00:00
- UTC, January 1, 1970; see time(3)).
- The function llooccaallttiimmee() converts the time value pointed at by _c_l_o_c_k, and
- returns a pointer to a ``_s_t_r_u_c_t _t_m'' (described below) which contains the
- brokenout time information for the value after adjusting for the current
- time zone (and any other factors such as Daylight Saving Time). Time
- zone adjustments are performed as specified by the TZ environmental vari
- able (see tzset(3)). The function llooccaallttiimmee() uses tzset to initialize
- time conversion information if tzset has not already been called by the
- process.
- After filling in the tm structure, llooccaallttiimmee() sets the _t_m___i_s_d_s_t'th ele
- ment of _t_z_n_a_m_e to a pointer to an ASCII string that's the time zone ab
- breviation to be used with llooccaallttiimmee()'s return value.
- The function ggmmttiimmee() similarly converts the time value, but without any
- time zone adjustment, and returns a pointer to a tm structure (described
- below).
- The ccttiimmee() function adjusts the time value for the current time zone in
- the same manner as llooccaallttiimmee(), and returns a pointer to a 26character
- string of the form:
- Thu Nov 24 18:22:48 1986\n\0
- All the fields have constant width.
- The aassccttiimmee() function converts the broken down time in the structure _t_m
- pointed at by _*_t_m to the form shown in the example above.
- The function mmkkttiimmee() converts the brokendown time, expressed as local
- time, in the structure pointed to by tm into a time value with the same
- encoding as that of the values returned by the time(3) function, that is,
- seconds from the Epoch, UTC.
- The original values of the _t_m___w_d_a_y and _t_m___y_d_a_y components of the struc
- ture are ignored, and the original values of the other components are not
- restricted to their normal ranges. (A positive or zero value for
- _t_m___i_s_d_s_t causes mmkkttiimmee() to presume initially that summer time (for exam
- ple, Daylight Saving Time) is or is not in effect for the specified time,
- respectively. A negative value for _t_m___i_s_d_s_t causes the mmkkttiimmee() function
- to attempt to divine whether summer time is in effect for the specified
- time.)
- On successful completion, the values of the _t_m___w_d_a_y and _t_m___y_d_a_y compo
- nents of the structure are set appropriately, and the other components
- are set to represent the specified calendar time, but with their values
- forced to their normal ranges; the final value of _t_m___m_d_a_y is not set un
- til _t_m___m_o_n and _t_m___y_e_a_r are determined. MMkkttiimmee() returns the specified
- calendar time; if the calendar time cannot be represented, it returns -1;
- The ddiiffffttiimmee() function returns the difference between two calendar
- times, (_t_i_m_e_1 _t_i_m_e_0), expressed in seconds.
- External declarations as well as the tm structure definition are in the
- <_t_i_m_e_._h> include file. The tm structure includes at least the following
- fields:
- int tm_sec; /* seconds (0 60) */
- int tm_min; /* minutes (0 59) */
- int tm_hour; /* hours (0 23) */
- int tm_mday; /* day of month (1 31) */
- int tm_mon; /* month of year (0 11) */
- int tm_year; /* year - 1900 */
- int tm_wday; /* day of week (Sunday = 0) */
- int tm_yday; /* day of year (0 365) */
- int tm_isdst; /* is summer time in effect? */
- char *tm_zone; /* abbreviation of timezone name */
- long tm_gmtoff; /* offset from UTC in seconds */
- The field _t_m___i_s_d_s_t is nonzero if summer time is in effect.
- The field _t_m___g_m_t_o_f_f is the offset (in seconds) of the time represented
- from UTC, with positive values indicating east of the Prime Meridian.
- date(1), gettimeofday(2), getenv(3), time(3), tzset(3), tzfile(5)
- This manual page is derived from the time package contributed to Berkeley
- by Arthur Olsen and which appeared in 4.3BSD.
- Except for ddiiffffttiimmee() and mmkkttiimmee(), these functions leaves their result
- in an internal static object and return a pointer to that object. Subse
- quent calls to these function will modify the same object.
- The _t_m___z_o_n_e field of a returned tm structure points to a static array of
- characters, which will also be overwritten by any subsequent calls (as
- well as by subsequent calls to tzset(3) and tzsetwall(3)).
- Use of the external variable _t_z_n_a_m_e is discouraged; the _t_m___z_o_n_e entry in
- the tm structure is preferred.
- Avoid using outofrange values with mmkkttiimmee() when setting up lunch with
- promptness sticklers in Riyadh.
- 4.3 Berkeley Distribution April 19, 1991 3