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- GETOPT(3) UNIX Programmer's Manual GETOPT(3)
- ggeettoopptt - get option letter from argv
- ##iinncclluuddee <<ssttddlliibb..hh>>
- _e_x_t_e_r_n _c_h_a_r _*_o_p_t_a_r_g
- _e_x_t_e_r_n _i_n_t _o_p_t_i_n_d
- _e_x_t_e_r_n _i_n_t _o_p_t_e_r_r
- _i_n_t
- ggeettoopptt(_i_n_t _a_r_g_c, _c_h_a_r _* _c_o_n_s_t _*_a_r_g_v, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_o_p_t_s_t_r_i_n_g)
- The ggeettoopptt() function gets the next _k_n_o_w_n option character from _a_r_g_v. An
- option character is _k_n_o_w_n if it has been specified in the string of ac
- cepted option characters, _o_p_t_s_t_r_i_n_g.
- The option string _o_p_t_s_t_r_i_n_g may contain the following characters; letters
- and letters followed by a colon to indicate an option argument is to fol
- low. It does not matter to ggeettoopptt() if a following argument has leading
- white space.
- On return from ggeettoopptt(), _o_p_t_a_r_g points to an option argument, if it is
- anticipated, and the variable _o_p_t_i_n_d contains the index to the next _a_r_g_v
- argument for a subsequent call to ggeettoopptt().
- The variable _o_p_t_e_r_r and _o_p_t_i_n_d are both initialized to 1. In order to
- use ggeettoopptt() to evaluate multiple sets of arguments, or to evaluate a
- single set of arguments multiple times, _o_p_t_i_n_d must be initialized to the
- number of argv entries to be skipped in each evaluation.
- The ggeettoopptt() function returns an EOF when the argument list is exhausted,
- or a nonrecognized option is encountered. The interpretation of options
- in the argument list may be cancelled by the option `' (double dash)
- which causes ggeettoopptt() to signal the end of argument processing and return
- an EOF. When all options have been processed (i.e., up to the first non
- option argument), ggeettoopptt() returns EOF.
- If the ggeettoopptt() function encounters a character not found in the string
- _o_p_t_a_r_g or detects a missing option argument it writes error message `?'
- to the _s_t_d_e_r_r. Setting _o_p_t_e_r_r to a zero will disable these error mes
- sages.
- extern char *optarg;
- extern int optind;
- int bflag, ch, fd;
- bflag = 0;
- while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "bf:")) != EOF)
- switch(ch) {
- case 'b':
- bflag = 1;
- break;
- case 'f':
- if ((fd = open(optarg, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0) {
- (void)fprintf(stderr,
- "myname: unable to read file %s.\n", optarg);
- exit(1) ;
- }
- break;
- case '?':
- default:
- usage();
- }
- argc = optind;
- argv += optind;
- The ggeettoopptt() function appeared 4.3BSD.
- Option arguments are allowed to begin with ``-''; this is reasonable but
- reduces the amount of error checking possible.
- A single dash ``'' may be specified as an character in _o_p_t_s_t_r_i_n_g, howev
- er it should _n_e_v_e_r have an argument associated with it. This allows
- ggeettoopptt() to be used with programs that expect ``'' as an option flag.
- This practice is wrong, and should not be used in any current develop
- ment. It is provided for backward compatibility _o_n_l_y. By default, a sin
- gle dash causes ggeettoopptt() to return EOF. This is, we believe, compatible
- with System V.
- It is also possible to handle digits as option letters. This allows
- ggeettoopptt() to be used with programs that expect a number (``3'') as an op
- tion. This practice is wrong, and should not be used in any current de
- velopment. It is provided for backward compatibility _o_n_l_y. The following
- code fragment works fairly well.
- int length;
- char *p;
- while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "0123456789")) != EOF)
- switch (c) {
- case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
- case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
- p = argv[optind 1];
- if (p[0] == '' && p[1] == ch && !p[2])
- length = atoi(++p);
- else
- length = atoi(argv[optind] + 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- 4.3 Berkeley Distribution April 19, 1991 2