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- GLOB(3) UNIX Programmer's Manual GLOB(3)
- gglloobb, gglloobbffrreeee - generate pathnames matching a pattern
- ##iinncclluuddee <<gglloobb..hh>>
- _i_n_t
- gglloobb(_c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_p_a_t_t_e_r_n, _i_n_t _f_l_a_g_s, _c_o_n_s_t _i_n_t _(_*_e_r_r_f_u_n_c_)_(_c_h_a_r _*_, _i_n_t_),
- _g_l_o_b___t _*_p_g_l_o_b)
- _v_o_i_d
- gglloobbffrreeee(_g_l_o_b___t _*_p_g_l_o_b)
- The gglloobb() function is a pathname generator that implements the rules for
- file name pattern matching used by the shell.
- The include file _g_l_o_b_._h defines the structure type _g_l_o_b___t, which contains
- at least the following fields:
- typedef struct {
- int gl_pathc; /* count of total paths so far */
- int gl_matchc; /* count of paths matching pattern */
- int gl_offs; /* reserved at beginning of gl_pathv */
- int gl_flags; /* returned flags */
- char **gl_pathv; /* list of paths matching pattern */
- } glob_t;
- The argument _p_a_t_t_e_r_n is a pointer to a pathname pattern to be expanded.
- The gglloobb() argument matches all accessible pathnames against the pattern
- and creates a list of the pathnames that match. In order to have access
- to a pathname, gglloobb() requires search permission on every component of a
- path except the last and read permission on each directory of any file
- name component of _p_a_t_t_e_r_n that contains any of the special characters
- `*', `?' or `['.
- The gglloobb() argument stores the number of matched pathnames into the
- _g_l___p_a_t_h_c field, and a pointer to a list of pointers to pathnames into the
- _g_l___p_a_t_h_v field. The first pointer after the last pathname is NULL. If
- the pattern does not match any pathnames, the returned number of matched
- paths is set to zero.
- It is the caller's responsibility to create the structure pointed to by
- _p_g_l_o_b. The gglloobb() function allocates other space as needed, including the
- memory pointed to by _g_l___p_a_t_h_v.
- The argument _f_l_a_g_s is used to modify the behavior of gglloobb(). The value
- of _f_l_a_g_s is the bitwise inclusive OR of any of the following values de
- fined in _g_l_o_b_._h:
- GLOB_APPEND Append pathnames generated to the ones from a previous call
- (or calls) to gglloobb(). The value of _g_l___p_a_t_h_c will be the
- total matches found by this call and the previous call(s).
- The pathnames are appended to, not merged with the path
- names returned by the previous call(s). Between calls, the
- caller must not change the setting of the GLOB_DOOFFS flag,
- nor change the value of _g_l___o_f_f_s when GLOB_DOOFFS is set,
- nor (obviously) call gglloobbffrreeee() for _p_g_l_o_b.
- GLOB_DOOFFS Make use of the _g_l___o_f_f_s field. If this flag is set,
- _g_l___o_f_f_s is used to specify how many NULL pointers to
- prepend to the beginning of the _g_l___p_a_t_h_v field. In other
- words, _g_l___p_a_t_h_v will point to _g_l___o_f_f_s NULL pointers, fol
- lowed by _g_l___p_a_t_h_c pathname pointers, followed by a NULL
- pointer.
- GLOB_ERR Causes gglloobb() to return when it encounters a directory that
- it cannot open or read. Ordinarily, gglloobb() continues to
- find matches.
- GLOB_MARK Each pathname that is a directory that matches _p_a_t_t_e_r_n has
- a slash appended.
- GLOB_NOCHECK If _p_a_t_t_e_r_n does not match any pathname, then gglloobb() returns
- a list consisting of only _p_a_t_t_e_r_n, with the number of total
- pathnames is set to 1, and the number of matched pathnames
- set to 0. If GLOB_QUOTE is set, its effect is present in
- the pattern returned.
- GLOB_NOMAGIC Is the same as GLOB_NOCHECK but it only appends the _p_a_t_t_e_r_n
- if it does not contain any of the special characters ``*'',
- ``?'' or ``[''. GLOB_NOMAGIC is provided to simplify im
- plementing the historic csh(1) globbing behavior and should
- probably not be used anywhere else.
- GLOB_NOSORT By default, the pathnames are sorted in ascending ASCII or
- der; this flag prevents that sorting (speeding up gglloobb()).
- GLOB_QUOTE Use the backslash (`\') character for quoting: every occur
- rence of a backslash followed by a character in the pattern
- is replaced by that character, avoiding any special inter
- pretation of the character.
- If, during the search, a directory is encountered that cannot be opened
- or read and _e_r_r_f_u_n_c is nonNULL, gglloobb() calls _(_*_e_r_r_f_u_n_c_)_(_p_a_t_h_,_e_r_r_n_o_).
- This may be unintuitive: a pattern like `*/Makefile' will try to stat(2)
- `foo/Makefile' even if `foo' is not a directory, resulting in a call to
- _e_r_r_f_u_n_c. The error routine can suppress this action by testing for ENOENT
- and ENOTDIR; however, the GLOB_ERR flag will still cause an immediate re
- turn when this happens.
- If _e_r_r_f_u_n_c returns nonzero, gglloobb() stops the scan and returns GLOB_ABEND
- after setting _g_l___p_a_t_h_c and _g_l___p_a_t_h_v to reflect any paths already matched.
- This also happens if an error is encountered and GLOB_ERR is set in
- _f_l_a_g_s, regardless of the return value of _e_r_r_f_u_n_c, if called. If GLOB_ERR
- is not set and either _e_r_r_f_u_n_c is NULL or _e_r_r_f_u_n_c returns zero, the error
- is ignored.
- The gglloobbffrreeee() function frees any space associated with _p_g_l_o_b from a pre
- vious call(s) to gglloobb().
- On successful completion, gglloobb() returns zero. In addition the fields of
- _p_g_l_o_b contain the values described below:
- _g_l___p_a_t_h_c contains the total number of matched pathnames so far.
- This includes other matches from previous invocations of
- gglloobb() if GLOB_APPEND was specified.
- _g_l___m_a_t_c_h_c contains the number of matched pathnames in the current in
- vocation of gglloobb().
- _g_l___f_l_a_g_s contains a copy of the _f_l_a_g_s parameter with the bit
- GLOB_MAGCHAR set if _p_a_t_t_e_r_n contained any of the special
- characters ``*'', ``?'' or ``['', cleared if not.
- _g_l___p_a_t_h_v contains a pointer to a NULLterminated list of matched
- pathnames. However, if _g_l___p_a_t_h_c is zero, the contents of
- _g_l___p_a_t_h_v are undefined.
- If gglloobb() terminates due to an error, it sets errno and returns one of
- the following nonzero constants, which are defined in the include file
- <_g_l_o_b_._h>:
- GLOB_NOSPACE An attempt to allocate memory failed.
- GLOB_ABEND The scan was stopped because an error was encountered and
- either GLOB_ERR was set or _(_*_e_r_r_f_u_n_c_)_(_) returned nonzero.
- The arguments _p_g_l_o_b_-_>_g_l___p_a_t_h_c and _p_g_l_o_b_-_>_g_l___p_a_t_h_v are still set as speci
- fied above.
- sh(1), fnmatch(3), wordexp(3), regexp(3)
- The gglloobb() function is expected to be IEEE Std1003.2 (``POSIX'') compati
- ble with the exception that the flag GLOB_QUOTE and the fields _g_l___m_a_t_c_h_c
- and _g_l___f_l_a_g_s should not be used by applications striving for strict POSIX
- conformance.
- A rough equivalent of `ls l *.c *.h' can be obtained with the following
- code:
- GLOB_t g;
- g.gl_offs = 2;
- glob("*.c", GLOB_DOOFFS, NULL, &g);
- glob("*.h", GLOB_DOOFFS | GLOB_APPEND, NULL, &g);
- g.gl_pathv[0] = "ls";
- g.gl_pathv[1] = "l";
- execvp("ls", g.gl_pathv);
- The gglloobb() and gglloobbffrreeee() functions are currently under development.
- Patterns longer than MAXPATHLEN may cause unchecked errors.
- The gglloobb() argument may fail and set errno for any of the errors speci
- fied for the library routines stat(2), closedir(3), opendir(3),
- readdir(3), malloc(3), and free(3).
- BSD Experimental July 31, 1991 3