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- QSORT(3) UNIX Programmer's Manual QSORT(3)
- qqssoorrtt,, hheeaappssoorrtt - sort functions
- ##iinncclluuddee <<ssttddlliibb..hh>>
- _v_o_i_d
- qqssoorrtt(_v_o_i_d _*_b_a_s_e, _s_i_z_e___t _n_m_e_m_b, _s_i_z_e___t _s_i_z_e,
- _i_n_t _(_*_c_o_m_p_a_r_)_(_c_o_n_s_t _v_o_i_d _*_, _c_o_n_s_t _v_o_i_d _*_))
- _i_n_t
- hheeaappssoorrtt(_v_o_i_d _*_b_a_s_e, _s_i_z_e___t _n_m_e_m_b, _s_i_z_e___t _s_i_z_e,
- _i_n_t _(_*_c_o_m_p_a_r_)_(_c_o_n_s_t _v_o_i_d _*_, _c_o_n_s_t _v_o_i_d _*_))
- The qqssoorrtt() function is a modified partitionexchange sort, or quicksort.
- The hheeaappssoorrtt() function is a modified selection sort.
- The qqssoorrtt() and hheeaappssoorrtt() functions sort an array of _n_m_e_m_b objects, the
- initial member of which is pointed to by _b_a_s_e. The size of each object is
- specified by _s_i_z_e.
- The contents of the array are sorted in ascending order according to a
- comparison function pointed to by _c_o_m_p_a_r, which is called with two argu
- ments that point to the objects being compared.
- The comparison function must return an integer less than, equal to, or
- greater than zero if the first argument is considered to be respectively
- less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
- The functions qqssoorrtt() and hheeaappssoorrtt() are _n_o_t stable, that is, if two mem
- bers compare as equal, their order in the sorted array is undefined.
- The qqssoorrtt() function is an implementation of C.A.R. Hoare's ``quicksort''
- algorithm, a variant of partitionexchange sorting; in particular, see
- D.E. Knuth's Algorithm Q. QQssoorrtt() takes O N lg N average time. This im
- plementation uses median selection to avoid the traditional O N**2 worst
- case behavior.
- The hheeaappssoorrtt() function is an implementation of J.W.J. William's ``heap
- sort'' algorithm, a variant of selection sorting; in particular, see D.E.
- Knuth's Algorithm H. HHeeaappssoorrtt() takes O N lg N worstcase time. Its
- _o_n_l_y advantage over qqssoorrtt() is that it uses no additional memory.
- The qqssoorrtt() function returns no value.
- Upon successful completion, hheeaappssoorrtt() returns 0. Otherwise, it returns
- -1 and the global variable _e_r_r_n_o is set to indicate the error.
- The hheeaappssoorrtt() function succeeds unless:
- [EINVAL] The _s_i_z_e argument is zero.
- Previous versions of qqssoorrtt() did not permit the comparison routine to it
- self call qqssoorrtt(_3). This is no longer true.
- sort(1), radixsort(3)
- Hoare, C.A.R., "Quicksort", _T_h_e _C_o_m_p_u_t_e_r _J_o_u_r_n_a_l, 5:1, pp. 1015, 1962.
- Williams, J.W.J, "Heapsort", _C_o_m_m_u_n_i_c_a_t_i_o_n_s _o_f _t_h_e _A_C_M, 7:1, pp. 347348,
- 1964.
- Knuth, D.E., "Sorting and Searching", _T_h_e _A_r_t _o_f _C_o_m_p_u_t_e_r _P_r_o_g_r_a_m_m_i_n_g,
- Vol. 3, pp. 114123, 145149, 1968.
- The qqssoorrtt() function conforms to ANSI C3.1591989 (``ANSI C'').
- BSD Experimental June 29, 1991 2