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- SIGNAL(3) UNIX Programmer's Manual SIGNAL(3)
- ssiiggnnaall - simplified software signal facilities
- ##iinncclluuddee <<ssiiggnnaall..hh>>
- _v_o_i_d
- **ssiiggnnaall(_s_i_g, _f_u_n_c)()
- _v_o_i_d
- (**ffuunncc)()
- This ssiiggnnaall() facility is a simplified interface to the more general
- sigaction(2) facility.
- Signals allow the manipulation of a process from outside its domain as
- well as allowing the process to manipulate itself or copies of itself
- (children). There are two general types of signals: those that cause ter
- mination of a process and those that do not. Signals which cause termi
- nation of a program might result from an irrecoverable error or might be
- the result of a user at a terminal typing the `interrupt' character.
- Signals are used when a process is stopped because it wishes to access
- its control terminal while in the background (see tty(4)). Signals are
- optionally generated when a process resumes after being stopped, when the
- status of child processes changes, or when input is ready at the control
- terminal. Most signals result in the termination of the process receiv
- ing them if no action is taken; some signals instead cause the process
- receiving them to be stopped, or are simply discarded if the process has
- not requested otherwise. Except for the SIGKILL and SIGSTOP signals, the
- ssiiggnnaall() function allows for a signal to be caught, to be ignored, or to
- generate an interupt. These signals are defined in the file <_s_i_g_n_a_l_._h>:
- NNaammee DDeeffaauulltt AAccttiioonn DDeessccrriippttiioonn
- SIGHUP terminate process terminal line hangup
- SIGINT terminate process interrupt program
- SIGQUIT create core image quit program
- SIGILL create core image illegal instruction
- SIGTRAP create core image trace trap
- SIGABRT create core image abort(2) call (formerly SIGIOT)
- SIGEMT create core image emulate instruction executed
- SIGFPE create core image floatingpoint exception
- SIGKILL terminate process kill program
- SIGBUS create core image bus error
- SIGSEGV create core image segmentation violation
- SIGSYS create core image system call given invalid
- argument
- SIGPIPE terminate process write on a pipe with no reader
- SIGALRM terminate process realtime timer expired
- SIGTERM terminate process software termination signal
- SIGURG discard signal urgent condition present on
- socket
- SIGSTOP stop process stop (cannot be caught or
- ignored)
- SIGTSTP stop process stop signal generated from
- keyboard
- SIGCONT discard signal continue after stop
- SIGCHLD discard signal child status has changed
- SIGTTIN stop process background read attempted from
- control terminal
- SIGTTOU stop process background write attempted to
- control terminal
- SIGIO discard signal I/O is possible on a descriptor
- (see fcntl(2))
- SIGXCPU terminate process cpu time limit exceeded (see
- setrlimit(2))
- SIGXFSZ terminate process file size limit exceeded (see
- setrlimit(2))
- SIGVTALRM terminate process virtual time alarm (see
- setitimer(2))
- SIGPROF terminate process profiling timer alarm (see
- setitimer(2))
- SIGWINCH discard signal Window size change
- SIGINFO discard signal status request from keyboard
- SIGUSR1 terminate process User defined signal 1
- SIGUSR2 terminate process User defined signal 2
- The _f_u_n_c procedure allows a user to choose the action upon receipt of a
- signal. To set the default action of the signal to occur as listed
- above, _f_u_n_c should be SIG_DFL. A SIG_DFL resets the default action. To
- ignore the signal _f_u_n_c should be SIG_IGN. This will cause subsequent in
- stances of the signal to be ignored and pending instances to be discard
- ed. If SIG_IGN is not used, further occurrences of the signal are auto
- matically blocked and _f_u_n_c is called.
- The handled signal is unblocked with the function returns and the process
- continues from where it left off when the signal occured. UUnnlliikkee pprreevvii
- oouuss ssiiggnnaall ffaacciilliittiieess,, tthhee hhaannddlleerr ffuunncc(()) rreemmaaiinnss iinnssttaalllleedd aafftteerr aa ssiigg
- nnaall hhaass bbeeeenn ddeelliivveerreedd..
- For some system calls, if a signal is caught while the call is executing
- and the call is permaturely terminated, the call is automatically
- restarted. (The handler is installed using the SA_RESTART flag with
- sigaction(2).) The affected system calls include read(2), write(2),
- sendto(2), recvfrom(2), sendmsg(2) and recvmsg(2) on a communications
- channel or a low speed device and during a ioctl(2) or wait(2). However,
- calls that have already committed are not restarted, but instead return a
- partial success (for example, a short read count).
- When a process which has installed signal handlers forks, the child pro
- cess inherits the signals. All caught signals may be reset to their de
- fault action by a call to the execve(2) function; ignored signals remain
- ignored.
- The previous action is returned on a successful call. Otherwise, -1 is
- returned and the global variable _e_r_r_n_o is set to indicate the error.
- Signal will fail and no action will take place if one of the following
- occur:
- [EINVAL] _S_i_g is not a valid signal number.
- [EINVAL] An attempt is made to ignore or supply a handler for SIGKILL or
- kill(1), ptrace(2), kill(2), sigaction(2), sigprocmask(2),
- sigsuspend(2), sigstack(2), setjmp(3), tty(4)
- This ssiiggnnaall facility appeared in 4.0BSD.
- 4th Berkeley Distribution July 31, 1991 2