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- TIMES(3) UNIX Programmer's Manual TIMES(3)
- ttiimmeess - process times
- ##iinncclluuddee <<ssyyss//ttiimmeess..hh>>
- _c_l_o_c_k___t
- ttiimmeess(_s_t_r_u_c_t _t_m_s _*_t_p)
- TThhiiss iinntteerrffaaccee iiss oobbssoolleetteedd bbyy ggeettrruussaaggee((22)) aanndd ggeettttiimmeeooffddaayy((33))..
- The ttiimmeess() function returns the value of time in CLK_TCK's of a second
- since 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds, January 1, 1970, Coordinated Univer
- sal Time.
- It also fills in the structure pointed to by _t_p with timeaccounting in
- formation.
- The _t_m_s structure is defined as follows:
- typedef struct {
- clock_t tms_utime;
- clock_t tms_stime;
- clock_t tms_cutime;
- clock_t tms_cstime;
- }
- The elements of this structure are defined as follows:
- _t_m_s___u_t_i_m_e The CPU time charged for the execution of user instructions.
- _t_m_s___s_t_i_m_e The CPU time charged for execution by the system on behalf of
- the process.
- _t_m_s___c_u_t_i_m_e The sum of the _t_m_s___u_t_i_m_e _s and _t_m_s___c_u_t_i_m_e _s of the child pro
- cesses.
- _t_m_s___c_s_t_i_m_e The sum of the _t_m_s___s_t_i_m_es and _t_m_s___c_s_t_i_m_es of the child pro
- cesses.
- All times are in CLK_TCK's of a second.
- The times of a terminated child process are included in the _t_m_s___c_u_t_i_m_e
- and _t_m_s___c_s_t_i_m_e elements of the parent when one of the wait(2) functions
- returns the process ID of the terminated child to the parent. If an er
- ror occurs, ttiimmeess() returns the value ((clock_t)-1), and sets errno to
- indicate the error.
- The ttiimmeess() function may fail and set the global variable _e_r_r_n_o for any
- of the errors specified for the library routines getrusage(2) and
- gettimeofday(2).
- time(1), getrusage(2), gettimeofday(2), wait(2)
- The ttiimmeess() function conforms to IEEE Std1003.11988 (``POSIX'').
- 4th Berkeley Distribution April 19, 1991 1