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- GNU m4 THANKS file - last updated on 30 November 1993.
- Copyright (C) 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Francois Pinard <pinard@iro.umontreal.ca>, 1992.
- GNU m4 has originally been written by Rene' Seindal. Many people
- further contributed to GNU m4 by reporting problems, suggesting
- various improvements or submitting actual code. Here is a list of
- these people. Help me keep it complete and exempt of errors.
- Alan Magnuson awm@osc.edu
- Amos Shapira amoss@cs.huji.ac.il
- Andreas Gustafsson gson@niksula.hut.fi
- Assar Westerlund assar@nada.kth.se
- Ben A. Mesander ben@piglet.cr.usgs.gov
- Bjorn R. Bjornsson brb@falcon.is
- Brendan Kehoe brendan@cs.widener.edu
- David J. MacKenzie djm@eng.umd.edu
- Erez Zadok ezk@cs.columbia.edu
- Eric Allman eric@cs.berkeley.edu
- Eric Backus ericb@lsid.hp.com
- Franc,ois Pinard pinard@iro.umontreal.ca
- Geoff Russell grussell@guest.adelaide.edu.au
- Greg A. Woods woods@web.apc.org
- Hal Peterson hrp@pecan.cray.com
- Jason Merrill jason@jarthur.claremont.edu
- Jeffrey C. Gealow jgealow@mtl.mit.edu
- Jim Avera jima@netcom.com
- Jim Meyering meyering@comco.com
- Karl Berry karl@cs.umb.edu
- Karl Stiefvater qarl@wucs1.wustl.edu
- Kristine Lund lund@lpnaxp.in2p3.fr
- Krste Asanovic krste@icsi.berkeley.edu
- Marion Hakanson hakanson@cse.ogi.edu
- Mark Seiden mis@seiden.com
- Michael Fetterman mafetter@ichips.intel.com
- Michael L. Welcome welcome@bigbird.llnl.gov
- Mike Lijewski lijewski@theory.tc.cornell.edu
- Nick S. Kanakakorn skanan@otl.scu.edu
- Noah Friedman friedman@gnu.ai.mit.edu
- Pierre Gaumond gaumondp@ere.umontreal.ca
- Pierre Mathieu mathieu@geod.emr.ca
- Rene' Seindal seindal@bente.ihi.ku.dk
- Richard Pixley rich@cygnus.com
- Richard Stallman rms@gnu.ai.mit.edu
- Roland H. Pesch pesch@cygnus.com
- Roland McGrath roland@gnu.ai.mit.edu
- Scott Bartram deneb!scottb
- Skip Montanaro montanaro@crd.ge.com
- Stephen Perkins perkins@cps.msu.edu
- Steve Williamson willy@uinpla.npl.uiuc.edu
- Thorsten Ohl ohl@physics.harvard.edu
- Tom McConnell tmcconne@sedona.intel.com
- Tom Quinn trq@dionysos.thphys.ox.ac.uk
- Tom Tromey tromey@cns.caltech.edu
- Vivek P. Singhal singhal@cs.utexas.edu