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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- Distributed by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
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- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
- #include "config.h"
- #endif
- /* ansi2knr.c */
- /* Convert ANSI function declarations to K&R syntax */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- extern char *xmalloc ();
- #ifndef HAVE_STRING_H
- #ifndef STDC_HEADERS
- #define strchr index
- #endif
- #endif
- extern char *strchr ();
- /* Usage:
- ansi2knr input_file output_file
- * If no output_file is supplied, output goes to stdout.
- * There are no error messages.
- *
- * ansi2knr recognizes functions by seeing a non-keyword identifier
- * at the left margin, followed by a left parenthesis,
- * with a right parenthesis as the last character on the line.
- * It will recognize a multi-line header if the last character
- * on each line but the last is a left parenthesis or comma.
- * These algorithms ignore whitespace and comments, except that
- * the function name must be the first thing on the line.
- * The following constructs will confuse it:
- - Any other construct that starts at the left margin and
- follows the above syntax (such as a macro or function call).
- - Macros that tinker with the syntax of the function header.
- */
- /* Scanning macros */
- #define isidchar(ch) (isalnum(ch) || (ch) == '_')
- #define isidfirstchar(ch) (isalpha(ch) || (ch) == '_')
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- { FILE *in, *out;
- #define bufsize 500 /* arbitrary size */
- char buf[bufsize];
- char *line;
- switch ( argc )
- {
- default:
- printf("Usage: ansi2knr input_file [output_file]\n");
- exit(0);
- case 2:
- out = stdout; break;
- case 3:
- out = fopen(argv[2], "w");
- if ( out == NULL )
- { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s\n", argv[2]);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- in = fopen(argv[1], "r");
- if ( in == NULL )
- { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s\n", argv[1]);
- exit(1);
- }
- fprintf(out, "#line 1 \"%s\"\n", argv[1]);
- line = buf;
- while ( fgets(line, (unsigned)(buf + bufsize - line), in) != NULL )
- { switch ( test1(buf) )
- {
- case 1: /* a function */
- convert1(buf, out);
- break;
- case -1: /* maybe the start of a function */
- line = buf + strlen(buf);
- continue;
- default: /* not a function */
- fputs(buf, out);
- break;
- }
- line = buf;
- }
- if ( line != buf ) fputs(buf, out);
- fclose(out);
- fclose(in);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Skip over space and comments, in either direction. */
- char *
- skipspace(p, dir)
- register char *p;
- register int dir; /* 1 for forward, -1 for backward */
- { for ( ; ; )
- { while ( isspace(*p) ) p += dir;
- if ( !(*p == '/' && p[dir] == '*') ) break;
- p += dir; p += dir;
- while ( !(*p == '*' && p[dir] == '/') )
- { if ( *p == 0 ) return p; /* multi-line comment?? */
- p += dir;
- }
- p += dir; p += dir;
- }
- return p;
- }
- /*
- * Write blanks over part of a string.
- */
- void
- writeblanks(start, end)
- char *start;
- char *end;
- { char *p;
- for ( p = start; p < end; p++ ) *p = ' ';
- }
- /*
- * Test whether the string in buf is a function definition.
- * The string may contain and/or end with a newline.
- * Return as follows:
- * 0 - definitely not a function definition;
- * 1 - definitely a function definition;
- * -1 - may be the beginning of a function definition,
- * append another line and look again.
- */
- test1(buf)
- char *buf;
- { register char *p = buf;
- char *bend;
- char *endfn;
- int contin;
- if ( !isidfirstchar(*p) )
- return 0; /* no name at left margin */
- bend = skipspace(buf + strlen(buf) - 1, -1);
- switch ( *bend )
- {
- case ')': contin = 1; break;
- case '(':
- case ',': contin = -1; break;
- default: return 0; /* not a function */
- }
- while ( isidchar(*p) ) p++;
- endfn = p;
- p = skipspace(p, 1);
- if ( *p++ != '(' )
- return 0; /* not a function */
- p = skipspace(p, 1);
- if ( *p == ')' )
- return 0; /* no parameters */
- /* Check that the apparent function name isn't a keyword. */
- /* We only need to check for keywords that could be followed */
- /* by a left parenthesis (which, unfortunately, is most of them). */
- { static char *words[] =
- { "asm", "auto", "case", "char", "const", "double",
- "extern", "float", "for", "if", "int", "long",
- "register", "return", "short", "signed", "sizeof",
- "static", "switch", "typedef", "unsigned",
- "void", "volatile", "while", 0
- };
- char **key = words;
- char *kp;
- int len = endfn - buf;
- while ( (kp = *key) != 0 )
- { if ( strlen(kp) == len && !strncmp(kp, buf, len) )
- return 0; /* name is a keyword */
- key++;
- }
- }
- return contin;
- }
- convert1(buf, out)
- char *buf;
- FILE *out;
- { char *endfn = strchr(buf, '(') + 1;
- register char *p;
- char **breaks;
- unsigned num_breaks = 2; /* for testing */
- char **btop;
- char **bp;
- char **ap;
- top: p = endfn;
- breaks = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * num_breaks * 2);
- if ( breaks == 0 )
- { /* Couldn't allocate break table, give up */
- fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate break table!\n");
- fputs(buf, out);
- return -1;
- }
- btop = breaks + num_breaks * 2 - 2;
- bp = breaks;
- /* Parse the argument list */
- do
- { int level = 0;
- char *end = NULL;
- if ( bp >= btop )
- { /* Filled up break table. */
- /* Allocate a bigger one and start over. */
- free((char *)breaks);
- num_breaks <<= 1;
- goto top;
- }
- *bp++ = p;
- /* Find the end of the argument */
- for ( ; end == NULL; p++ )
- { switch(*p)
- {
- case ',': if ( !level ) end = p; break;
- case '(': level++; break;
- case ')': if ( --level < 0 ) end = p; break;
- case '/': p = skipspace(p, 1) - 1; break;
- default: ;
- }
- }
- p--; /* back up over terminator */
- /* Find the name being declared. */
- /* This is complicated because of procedure and */
- /* array modifiers. */
- for ( ; ; )
- { p = skipspace(p - 1, -1);
- switch ( *p )
- {
- case ']': /* skip array dimension(s) */
- case ')': /* skip procedure args OR name */
- { int level = 1;
- while ( level )
- switch ( *--p )
- {
- case ']': case ')': level++; break;
- case '[': case '(': level--; break;
- case '/': p = skipspace(p, -1) + 1; break;
- default: ;
- }
- }
- if ( *p == '(' && *skipspace(p + 1, 1) == '*' )
- { /* We found the name being declared */
- while ( !isidfirstchar(*p) )
- p = skipspace(p, 1) + 1;
- goto found;
- }
- break;
- default: goto found;
- }
- }
- found: if ( *p == '.' && p[-1] == '.' && p[-2] == '.' )
- { p++;
- if ( bp == breaks + 1 ) /* sole argument */
- writeblanks(breaks[0], p);
- else
- writeblanks(bp[-1] - 1, p);
- bp--;
- }
- else
- { while ( isidchar(*p) ) p--;
- *bp++ = p+1;
- }
- p = end;
- }
- while ( *p++ == ',' );
- *bp = p;
- /* Make a special check for 'void' arglist */
- if ( bp == breaks+2 )
- { p = skipspace(breaks[0], 1);
- if ( !strncmp(p, "void", 4) )
- { p = skipspace(p+4, 1);
- if ( p == breaks[2] - 1 )
- { bp = breaks; /* yup, pretend arglist is empty */
- writeblanks(breaks[0], p + 1);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Put out the function name */
- p = buf;
- while ( p != endfn ) putc(*p, out), p++;
- /* Put out the declaration */
- for ( ap = breaks+1; ap < bp; ap += 2 )
- { p = *ap;
- while ( isidchar(*p) ) putc(*p, out), p++;
- if ( ap < bp - 1 ) fputs(", ", out);
- }
- fputs(") ", out);
- /* Put out the argument declarations */
- for ( ap = breaks+2; ap <= bp; ap += 2 ) (*ap)[-1] = ';';
- fputs(breaks[0], out);
- free((char *)breaks);
- return 0;
- }