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GNU Info File | 1994-02-21 | 47.0 KB | 882 lines |
- This is Info file make.info, produced by Makeinfo-1.54 from the input
- file ./make.texinfo.
- This file documents the GNU Make utility, which determines
- automatically which pieces of a large program need to be recompiled,
- and issues the commands to recompile them.
- This is Edition 0.45, last updated 14 December 1993, of `The GNU
- Make Manual', for `make', Version 3.70 Beta.
- Copyright (C) 1988, '89, '90, '91, '92, '93 Free Software
- Foundation, Inc.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
- manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
- preserved on all copies.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
- this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
- the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
- permission notice identical to this one.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
- manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
- versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
- translation approved by the Free Software Foundation.
- File: make.info, Node: Concept Index, Next: Name Index, Prev: Complex Makefile, Up: Top
- Index of Concepts
- *****************
- * Menu:
- * +, and define: Sequences.
- * +=: Appending.
- * ,v (RCS file extension): Catalogue of Rules.
- * -, and define: Sequences.
- * .c: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .C: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .cc: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .ch: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .def: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .dvi: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .F: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .f: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .info: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .l: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .ln: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .mod: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .o: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .o: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .p: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .r: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .S: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .s: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .sh: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .sym: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .tex: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .texi: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .texinfo: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .txinfo: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .w: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .web: Catalogue of Rules.
- * .y: Catalogue of Rules.
- * :=: Setting.
- * :=: Flavors.
- * =: Flavors.
- * =: Setting.
- * @, and define: Sequences.
- * #include: Automatic Dependencies.
- * # (comments), in commands: Commands.
- * # (comments), in makefile: Makefile Contents.
- * $, in function call: Syntax of Functions.
- * $, in rules: Rule Syntax.
- * $, in variable name: Computed Names.
- * $, in variable reference: Reference.
- * %, in pattern rules: Pattern Intro.
- * %, quoting in patsubst: Text Functions.
- * %, quoting in vpath: Selective Search.
- * %, quoting in static pattern: Static Usage.
- * %, quoting with \ (backslash): Text Functions.
- * %, quoting with \ (backslash): Static Usage.
- * %, quoting with \ (backslash): Selective Search.
- * * (wildcard character): Wildcards.
- * -assume-new: Instead of Execution.
- * -assume-new: Options Summary.
- * -assume-new, and recursion: Options/Recursion.
- * -assume-old: Avoiding Compilation.
- * -assume-old: Options Summary.
- * -assume-old, and recursion: Options/Recursion.
- * -debug: Options Summary.
- * -directory: Recursion.
- * -directory: Options Summary.
- * -directory, and -print-directory: -w Option.
- * -directory, and recursion: Options/Recursion.
- * -dry-run: Echoing.
- * -dry-run: Options Summary.
- * -dry-run: Instead of Execution.
- * -environment-overrides: Options Summary.
- * -file: Options Summary.
- * -file: Makefile Names.
- * -file: Makefile Arguments.
- * -file, and recursion: Options/Recursion.
- * -help: Options Summary.
- * -ignore-errors: Options Summary.
- * -ignore-errors: Errors.
- * -include-dir: Include.
- * -include-dir: Options Summary.
- * -include-dir, and recursion: Options/Recursion.
- * -jobs: Options Summary.
- * -jobs: Parallel.
- * -jobs, and recursion: Options/Recursion.
- * -just-print: Instead of Execution.
- * -just-print: Echoing.
- * -just-print: Options Summary.
- * -keep-going: Options Summary.
- * -keep-going: Testing.
- * -keep-going: Errors.
- * -load-average: Options Summary.
- * -load-average: Parallel.
- * -makefile: Options Summary.
- * -makefile: Makefile Names.
- * -makefile: Makefile Arguments.
- * -max-load: Parallel.
- * -max-load: Options Summary.
- * -new-file: Options Summary.
- * -new-file: Instead of Execution.
- * -new-file, and recursion: Options/Recursion.
- * -no-builtin-rules: Options Summary.
- * -no-keep-going: Options Summary.
- * -no-print-directory: -w Option.
- * -no-print-directory: Options Summary.
- * -old-file: Avoiding Compilation.
- * -old-file: Options Summary.
- * -old-file, and recursion: Options/Recursion.
- * -print-data-base: Options Summary.
- * -print-directory: Options Summary.
- * -print-directory, and -directory: -w Option.
- * -print-directory, and recursion: -w Option.
- * -print-directory, disabling: -w Option.
- * -question: Instead of Execution.
- * -question: Options Summary.
- * -quiet: Echoing.
- * -quiet: Options Summary.
- * -recon: Instead of Execution.
- * -recon: Echoing.
- * -recon: Options Summary.
- * -silent: Options Summary.
- * -silent: Echoing.
- * -stop: Options Summary.
- * -touch: Options Summary.
- * -touch: Instead of Execution.
- * -touch, and recursion: MAKE Variable.
- * -version: Options Summary.
- * -warn-undefined-variables: Options Summary.
- * -what-if: Options Summary.
- * -what-if: Instead of Execution.
- * -b: Options Summary.
- * -C: Options Summary.
- * -C: Recursion.
- * -C, and -w: -w Option.
- * -C, and recursion: Options/Recursion.
- * -d: Options Summary.
- * -e: Options Summary.
- * -e (shell flag): Automatic Dependencies.
- * -f: Makefile Arguments.
- * -f: Makefile Names.
- * -f: Options Summary.
- * -f, and recursion: Options/Recursion.
- * -h: Options Summary.
- * -i: Options Summary.
- * -I: Options Summary.
- * -I: Include.
- * -i: Errors.
- * -I, and recursion: Options/Recursion.
- * -j: Options Summary.
- * -j: Parallel.
- * -j, and recursion: Options/Recursion.
- * -k: Testing.
- * -k: Options Summary.
- * -k: Errors.
- * -l: Options Summary.
- * -l (library search): Libraries/Search.
- * -l (load average): Parallel.
- * -m: Options Summary.
- * -M (to compiler): Automatic Dependencies.
- * -n: Echoing.
- * -n: Options Summary.
- * -n: Instead of Execution.
- * -o: Options Summary.
- * -o: Avoiding Compilation.
- * -o, and recursion: Options/Recursion.
- * -p: Options Summary.
- * -q: Instead of Execution.
- * -q: Options Summary.
- * -r: Options Summary.
- * -S: Options Summary.
- * -s: Echoing.
- * -s: Options Summary.
- * -t: Instead of Execution.
- * -t: Options Summary.
- * -t, and recursion: MAKE Variable.
- * -v: Options Summary.
- * -W: Instead of Execution.
- * -W: Options Summary.
- * -w: Options Summary.
- * -w, and -C: -w Option.
- * -w, and recursion: -w Option.
- * -W, and recursion: Options/Recursion.
- * -w, disabling: -w Option.
- * - (in commands): Errors.
- * .a (archives): Archive Suffix Rules.
- * .DEFAULT, used to override: Overriding Makefiles.
- * .d: Automatic Dependencies.
- * .PRECIOUS intermediate files: Chained Rules.
- * :: rules (double-colon): Double-Colon.
- * ? (wildcard character): Wildcards.
- * @ (in commands): Echoing.
- * all (standard target): Goals.
- * cd (shell command): Execution.
- * cd (shell command): MAKE Variable.
- * check (standard target): Goals.
- * clean (standard target): Goals.
- * clean target: Simple Makefile.
- * clean target: Cleanup.
- * clobber (standard target): Goals.
- * distclean (standard target): Goals.
- * dist (standard target): Goals.
- * FORCE: Force Targets.
- * install (standard target): Goals.
- * lint, rule to run: Catalogue of Rules.
- * lpr (shell command): Empty Targets.
- * lpr (shell command): Wildcard Examples.
- * make depend: Automatic Dependencies.
- * mostlyclean (standard target): Goals.
- * objects: Variables Simplify.
- * OBJECTS: Variables Simplify.
- * objs: Variables Simplify.
- * OBJS: Variables Simplify.
- * OBJ: Variables Simplify.
- * obj: Variables Simplify.
- * print (standard target): Goals.
- * print target: Empty Targets.
- * print target: Wildcard Examples.
- * README: Makefile Names.
- * realclean (standard target): Goals.
- * rm (shell command): Wildcard Examples.
- * rm (shell command): Simple Makefile.
- * rm (shell command): Errors.
- * rm (shell command): Phony Targets.
- * sed (shell command): Automatic Dependencies.
- * shar (standard target): Goals.
- * TAGS (standard target): Goals.
- * tar (standard target): Goals.
- * test (standard target): Goals.
- * touch (shell command): Wildcard Examples.
- * touch (shell command): Empty Targets.
- * VPATH, and implicit rules: Implicit/Search.
- * VPATH, and link libraries: Libraries/Search.
- * yacc: Sequences.
- * [...] (wildcard characters): Wildcards.
- * \ (backslash), for continuation lines: Simple Makefile.
- * \ (backslash), in commands: Execution.
- * \ (backslash), to quote %: Selective Search.
- * \ (backslash), to quote %: Static Usage.
- * \ (backslash), to quote %: Text Functions.
- * __.SYMDEF: Archive Symbols.
- * ~ (tilde): Wildcards.
- * TeX, rule to run: Catalogue of Rules.
- * appending to variables: Appending.
- * ar: Implicit Variables.
- * archive: Archives.
- * archive member targets: Archive Members.
- * archive symbol directory updating: Archive Symbols.
- * archive, suffix rule for: Archive Suffix Rules.
- * arguments of functions: Syntax of Functions.
- * as: Implicit Variables.
- * as: Catalogue of Rules.
- * assembly, rule to compile: Catalogue of Rules.
- * automatic generation of dependencies: Include.
- * automatic generation of dependencies: Automatic Dependencies.
- * automatic variables: Automatic.
- * backquotes: Shell Function.
- * backslash (\), for continuation lines: Simple Makefile.
- * backslash (\), in commands: Execution.
- * backslash (\), to quote %: Selective Search.
- * backslash (\), to quote %: Text Functions.
- * backslash (\), to quote %: Static Usage.
- * basename: Filename Functions.
- * broken pipe: Parallel.
- * bugs, reporting: Bugs.
- * built-in special targets: Special Targets.
- * C++, rule to compile: Catalogue of Rules.
- * C, rule to compile: Catalogue of Rules.
- * cc: Catalogue of Rules.
- * cc: Implicit Variables.
- * chains of rules: Chained Rules.
- * cleaning up: Cleanup.
- * co: Implicit Variables.
- * co: Catalogue of Rules.
- * combining rules by dependency: Combine By Dependency.
- * command line variables: Overriding.
- * commands: Rule Syntax.
- * commands, backslash (\) in: Execution.
- * commands, comments in: Commands.
- * commands, echoing: Echoing.
- * commands, empty: Empty Commands.
- * commands, errors in: Errors.
- * commands, execution: Execution.
- * commands, execution in parallel: Parallel.
- * commands, expansion: Shell Function.
- * commands, how to write: Commands.
- * commands, instead of executing: Instead of Execution.
- * commands, introduction to: Rule Introduction.
- * commands, quoting newlines in: Execution.
- * commands, sequences of: Sequences.
- * comments, in commands: Commands.
- * comments, in makefile: Makefile Contents.
- * compatibility: Features.
- * compatibility in exporting: Variables/Recursion.
- * compilation, testing: Testing.
- * computed variable name: Computed Names.
- * conditionals: Conditionals.
- * continuation lines: Simple Makefile.
- * conventions for makefiles: Makefile Conventions.
- * ctangle: Implicit Variables.
- * ctangle: Catalogue of Rules.
- * cweave: Catalogue of Rules.
- * cweave: Implicit Variables.
- * deducing commands (implicit rules): make Deduces.
- * default goal: How Make Works.
- * default goal: Rules.
- * default makefile name: Makefile Names.
- * default rules, last-resort: Last Resort.
- * defining variables verbatim: Defining.
- * deletion of target files: Interrupts.
- * dependencies: Rule Syntax.
- * dependencies, automatic generation: Include.
- * dependencies, automatic generation: Automatic Dependencies.
- * dependencies, introduction to: Rule Introduction.
- * dependencies, list of all: Automatic.
- * dependencies, list of changed: Automatic.
- * dependencies, varying (static pattern): Static Pattern.
- * dependency: Rules.
- * dependency pattern, implicit: Pattern Intro.
- * dependency pattern, static (not implicit): Static Usage.
- * directive: Makefile Contents.
- * directories, printing them: -w Option.
- * directories, updating archive symbol: Archive Symbols.
- * directory part: Filename Functions.
- * directory search (VPATH): Directory Search.
- * directory search (VPATH), and implicit rules: Implicit/Search.
- * directory search (VPATH), and link libraries: Libraries/Search.
- * directory search (VPATH), and shell commands: Commands/Search.
- * dollar sign ($), in function call: Syntax of Functions.
- * dollar sign ($), in rules: Rule Syntax.
- * dollar sign ($), in variable name: Computed Names.
- * dollar sign ($), in variable reference: Reference.
- * double-colon rules: Double-Colon.
- * duplicate words, removing: Text Functions.
- * echoing of commands: Echoing.
- * editor: Introduction.
- * Emacs (M-x compile): Errors.
- * empty commands: Empty Commands.
- * empty targets: Empty Targets.
- * environment: Environment.
- * environment, SHELL in: Execution.
- * environment, and recursion: Variables/Recursion.
- * errors (in commands): Errors.
- * errors with wildcards: Wildcard Pitfall.
- * execution, in parallel: Parallel.
- * execution, instead of: Instead of Execution.
- * execution, of commands: Execution.
- * exit status (errors): Errors.
- * explicit rule, definition of: Makefile Contents.
- * exporting variables: Variables/Recursion.
- * f77: Catalogue of Rules.
- * f77: Implicit Variables.
- * features of GNU make: Features.
- * features, missing: Missing.
- * file name functions: Filename Functions.
- * file name of makefile: Makefile Names.
- * file name of makefile, how to specify: Makefile Names.
- * file name prefix, adding: Filename Functions.
- * file name suffix: Filename Functions.
- * file name suffix, adding: Filename Functions.
- * file name with wildcards: Wildcards.
- * file name, basename of: Filename Functions.
- * file name, directory part: Filename Functions.
- * file name, nondirectory part: Filename Functions.
- * files, assuming new: Instead of Execution.
- * files, assuming old: Avoiding Compilation.
- * files, avoiding recompilation of: Avoiding Compilation.
- * files, intermediate: Chained Rules.
- * filtering out words: Text Functions.
- * filtering words: Text Functions.
- * finding strings: Text Functions.
- * flags: Options Summary.
- * flags for compilers: Implicit Variables.
- * flavors of variables: Flavors.
- * force targets: Force Targets.
- * Fortran, rule to compile: Catalogue of Rules.
- * functions: Functions.
- * functions, for file names: Filename Functions.
- * functions, for text: Text Functions.
- * functions, syntax of: Syntax of Functions.
- * g++: Implicit Variables.
- * g++: Catalogue of Rules.
- * gcc: Catalogue of Rules.
- * generating dependencies automatically: Include.
- * generating dependencies automatically: Automatic Dependencies.
- * get: Implicit Variables.
- * get: Catalogue of Rules.
- * globbing (wildcards): Wildcards.
- * goal: How Make Works.
- * goal, default: Rules.
- * goal, default: How Make Works.
- * goal, how to specify: Goals.
- * home directory: Wildcards.
- * IEEE Standard 1003.2: Overview.
- * implicit rule: Implicit Rules.
- * implicit rule, and VPATH: Implicit/Search.
- * implicit rule, and directory search: Implicit/Search.
- * implicit rule, definition of: Makefile Contents.
- * implicit rule, how to use: Using Implicit.
- * implicit rule, introduction to: make Deduces.
- * implicit rule, predefined: Catalogue of Rules.
- * implicit rule, search algorithm: Search Algorithm.
- * including (MAKEFILES variable): MAKEFILES Variable.
- * including other makefiles: Include.
- * incompatibilities: Missing.
- * Info, rule to format: Catalogue of Rules.
- * intermediate files: Chained Rules.
- * intermediate files, preserving: Chained Rules.
- * interrupt: Interrupts.
- * job slots: Parallel.
- * job slots, and recursion: Options/Recursion.
- * jobs, limiting based on load: Parallel.
- * joining lists of words: Filename Functions.
- * killing (interruption): Interrupts.
- * last-resort default rules: Last Resort.
- * ld: Catalogue of Rules.
- * lex: Catalogue of Rules.
- * lex: Implicit Variables.
- * Lex, rule to run: Catalogue of Rules.
- * libraries for linking, directory search: Libraries/Search.
- * library archive, suffix rule for: Archive Suffix Rules.
- * limiting jobs based on load: Parallel.
- * link libraries, and directory search: Libraries/Search.
- * linking, predefined rule for: Catalogue of Rules.
- * lint: Catalogue of Rules.
- * list of all dependencies: Automatic.
- * list of changed dependencies: Automatic.
- * load average: Parallel.
- * loops in variable expansion: Flavors.
- * m2c: Catalogue of Rules.
- * macro: Using Variables.
- * makefile: Introduction.
- * makefile name: Makefile Names.
- * makefile name, how to specify: Makefile Names.
- * makefile rule parts: Rule Introduction.
- * makefile, and MAKEFILES variable: MAKEFILES Variable.
- * makefile, conventions for: Makefile Conventions.
- * makefile, how make processes: How Make Works.
- * makefile, how to write: Makefiles.
- * makefile, including: Include.
- * makefile, overriding: Overriding Makefiles.
- * makefile, remaking of: Remaking Makefiles.
- * makefile, simple: Simple Makefile.
- * makeinfo: Catalogue of Rules.
- * makeinfo: Implicit Variables.
- * match-anything rule: Match-Anything Rules.
- * missing features: Missing.
- * mistakes with wildcards: Wildcard Pitfall.
- * modified variable reference: Substitution Refs.
- * Modula-2, rule to compile: Catalogue of Rules.
- * multiple rules for one target: Multiple Rules.
- * multiple rules for one target (::): Double-Colon.
- * multiple targets: Multiple Targets.
- * multiple targets, in pattern rule: Pattern Intro.
- * name of makefile: Makefile Names.
- * name of makefile, how to specify: Makefile Names.
- * nested variable reference: Computed Names.
- * newline, quoting, in commands: Execution.
- * newline, quoting, in makefile: Simple Makefile.
- * nondirectory part: Filename Functions.
- * old-fashioned suffix rules: Suffix Rules.
- * options: Options Summary.
- * options, and recursion: Options/Recursion.
- * options, setting from environment: Options/Recursion.
- * options, setting in makefiles: Options/Recursion.
- * order of pattern rules: Pattern Intro.
- * origin of variable: Origin Function.
- * overriding makefiles: Overriding Makefiles.
- * overriding variables with arguments: Overriding.
- * overriding with override: Override Directive.
- * parallel execution: Parallel.
- * parts of makefile rule: Rule Introduction.
- * Pascal, rule to compile: Catalogue of Rules.
- * pattern rule: Pattern Intro.
- * pattern rules, order of: Pattern Intro.
- * pattern rules, static (not implicit): Static Pattern.
- * pattern rules, static, syntax of: Static Usage.
- * pc: Catalogue of Rules.
- * pc: Implicit Variables.
- * phony targets: Phony Targets.
- * pitfalls of wildcards: Wildcard Pitfall.
- * portability: Features.
- * POSIX: Overview.
- * precious targets: Special Targets.
- * prefix, adding: Filename Functions.
- * preserving intermediate files: Chained Rules.
- * preserving with .PRECIOUS: Special Targets.
- * preserving with .PRECIOUS: Chained Rules.
- * printing directories: -w Option.
- * printing of commands: Echoing.
- * problems and bugs, reporting: Bugs.
- * problems with wildcards: Wildcard Pitfall.
- * processing a makefile: How Make Works.
- * question mode: Instead of Execution.
- * quoting %, in patsubst: Text Functions.
- * quoting %, in vpath: Selective Search.
- * quoting %, in static pattern: Static Usage.
- * quoting newline, in commands: Execution.
- * quoting newline, in makefile: Simple Makefile.
- * Ratfor, rule to compile: Catalogue of Rules.
- * RCS, rule to extract from: Catalogue of Rules.
- * recompilation: Introduction.
- * recompilation, avoiding: Avoiding Compilation.
- * recording events with empty targets: Empty Targets.
- * recursion: Recursion.
- * recursion, and -C: Options/Recursion.
- * recursion, and -f: Options/Recursion.
- * recursion, and -I: Options/Recursion.
- * recursion, and -j: Options/Recursion.
- * recursion, and -o: Options/Recursion.
- * recursion, and -t: MAKE Variable.
- * recursion, and -W: Options/Recursion.
- * recursion, and -w: -w Option.
- * recursion, and MAKEFILES variable: MAKEFILES Variable.
- * recursion, and MAKE variable: MAKE Variable.
- * recursion, and environment: Variables/Recursion.
- * recursion, and options: Options/Recursion.
- * recursion, and printing directories: -w Option.
- * recursion, and variables: Variables/Recursion.
- * recursion, level of: Variables/Recursion.
- * recursive variable expansion: Using Variables.
- * recursive variable expansion: Flavors.
- * recursively expanded variables: Flavors.
- * reference to variables: Reference.
- * reference to variables: Advanced.
- * relinking: How Make Works.
- * remaking makefiles: Remaking Makefiles.
- * removing duplicate words: Text Functions.
- * removing, to clean up: Cleanup.
- * reporting bugs: Bugs.
- * rm: Implicit Variables.
- * rule commands: Commands.
- * rule dependencies: Rule Syntax.
- * rule syntax: Rule Syntax.
- * rule targets: Rule Syntax.
- * rule, and $: Rule Syntax.
- * rule, double-colon (::): Double-Colon.
- * rule, explicit, definition of: Makefile Contents.
- * rule, how to write: Rules.
- * rule, implicit: Implicit Rules.
- * rule, implicit, and VPATH: Implicit/Search.
- * rule, implicit, and directory search: Implicit/Search.
- * rule, implicit, chains of: Chained Rules.
- * rule, implicit, definition of: Makefile Contents.
- * rule, implicit, how to use: Using Implicit.
- * rule, implicit, introduction to: make Deduces.
- * rule, implicit, predefined: Catalogue of Rules.
- * rule, introduction to: Rule Introduction.
- * rule, multiple for one target: Multiple Rules.
- * rule, no commands or dependencies: Force Targets.
- * rule, pattern: Pattern Intro.
- * rule, static pattern: Static Pattern.
- * rule, static pattern versus implicit: Static versus Implicit.
- * rule, with multiple targets: Multiple Targets.
- * s. (SCCS file prefix): Catalogue of Rules.
- * SCCS, rule to extract from: Catalogue of Rules.
- * search algorithm, implicit rule: Search Algorithm.
- * search path for dependencies (VPATH): Directory Search.
- * search path for dependencies (VPATH), and implicit rules: Implicit/Search.
- * search path for dependencies (VPATH), and link libraries: Libraries/Search.
- * searching for strings: Text Functions.
- * selecting words: Filename Functions.
- * sequences of commands: Sequences.
- * setting options from environment: Options/Recursion.
- * setting options in makefiles: Options/Recursion.
- * setting variables: Setting.
- * several rules for one target: Multiple Rules.
- * several targets in a rule: Multiple Targets.
- * shell command: Simple Makefile.
- * shell command, and directory search: Commands/Search.
- * shell command, execution: Execution.
- * shell command, function for: Shell Function.
- * shell file name pattern (in include): Include.
- * shell wildcards (in include): Include.
- * signal: Interrupts.
- * silent operation: Echoing.
- * simple makefile: Simple Makefile.
- * simple variable expansion: Using Variables.
- * simplifying with variables: Variables Simplify.
- * simply expanded variables: Flavors.
- * sorting words: Text Functions.
- * spaces, in variable values: Flavors.
- * spaces, stripping: Text Functions.
- * special targets: Special Targets.
- * specifying makefile name: Makefile Names.
- * standard input: Parallel.
- * standards conformance: Overview.
- * standards for makefiles: Makefile Conventions.
- * static pattern rule: Static Pattern.
- * static pattern rule, syntax of: Static Usage.
- * static pattern rule, versus implicit: Static versus Implicit.
- * stem: Pattern Match.
- * stem: Static Usage.
- * stem, variable for: Automatic.
- * strings, searching for: Text Functions.
- * stripping whitespace: Text Functions.
- * sub-make: Variables/Recursion.
- * subdirectories, recursion for: Recursion.
- * substitution variable reference: Substitution Refs.
- * suffix rule: Suffix Rules.
- * suffix rule, for archive: Archive Suffix Rules.
- * suffix, adding: Filename Functions.
- * suffix, function to find: Filename Functions.
- * suffix, substituting in variables: Substitution Refs.
- * switches: Options Summary.
- * symbol directories, updating archive: Archive Symbols.
- * syntax of rules: Rule Syntax.
- * tab character (in commands): Rule Syntax.
- * tabs in rules: Rule Introduction.
- * tangle: Implicit Variables.
- * tangle: Catalogue of Rules.
- * target: Rules.
- * target pattern, implicit: Pattern Intro.
- * target pattern, static (not implicit): Static Usage.
- * target, deleting on interrupt: Interrupts.
- * target, multiple in pattern rule: Pattern Intro.
- * target, multiple rules for one: Multiple Rules.
- * target, touching: Instead of Execution.
- * targets: Rule Syntax.
- * targets without a file: Phony Targets.
- * targets, built-in special: Special Targets.
- * targets, empty: Empty Targets.
- * targets, force: Force Targets.
- * targets, introduction to: Rule Introduction.
- * targets, multiple: Multiple Targets.
- * targets, phony: Phony Targets.
- * terminal rule: Match-Anything Rules.
- * testing compilation: Testing.
- * tex: Implicit Variables.
- * tex: Catalogue of Rules.
- * texi2dvi: Implicit Variables.
- * texi2dvi: Catalogue of Rules.
- * Texinfo, rule to format: Catalogue of Rules.
- * tilde (~): Wildcards.
- * touching files: Instead of Execution.
- * undefined variables, warning message: Options Summary.
- * updating archive symbol directories: Archive Symbols.
- * updating makefiles: Remaking Makefiles.
- * value: Using Variables.
- * value, how a variable gets it: Values.
- * variable: Using Variables.
- * variable definition: Makefile Contents.
- * variables: Variables Simplify.
- * variables, $ in name: Computed Names.
- * variables, and implicit rule: Automatic.
- * variables, appending to: Appending.
- * variables, automatic: Automatic.
- * variables, command line: Overriding.
- * variables, computed names: Computed Names.
- * variables, defining verbatim: Defining.
- * variables, environment: Environment.
- * variables, environment: Variables/Recursion.
- * variables, exporting: Variables/Recursion.
- * variables, flavors: Flavors.
- * variables, how they get their values: Values.
- * variables, how to reference: Reference.
- * variables, loops in expansion: Flavors.
- * variables, modified reference: Substitution Refs.
- * variables, nested references: Computed Names.
- * variables, origin of: Origin Function.
- * variables, overriding: Override Directive.
- * variables, overriding with arguments: Overriding.
- * variables, recursively expanded: Flavors.
- * variables, setting: Setting.
- * variables, simply expanded: Flavors.
- * variables, spaces in values: Flavors.
- * variables, substituting suffix in: Substitution Refs.
- * variables, substitution reference: Substitution Refs.
- * variables, warning for undefined: Options Summary.
- * varying dependencies: Static Pattern.
- * verbatim variable definition: Defining.
- * vpath: Directory Search.
- * weave: Catalogue of Rules.
- * weave: Implicit Variables.
- * Web, rule to run: Catalogue of Rules.
- * what if: Instead of Execution.
- * whitespace, in variable values: Flavors.
- * whitespace, stripping: Text Functions.
- * wildcard: Wildcards.
- * wildcard pitfalls: Wildcard Pitfall.
- * wildcard, function: Filename Functions.
- * wildcard, in include: Include.
- * wildcard, in archive member: Archive Members.
- * words, extracting first: Filename Functions.
- * words, filtering: Text Functions.
- * words, filtering out: Text Functions.
- * words, finding number: Filename Functions.
- * words, iterating over: Foreach Function.
- * words, joining lists: Filename Functions.
- * words, removing duplicates: Text Functions.
- * words, selecting: Filename Functions.
- * writing rule commands: Commands.
- * writing rules: Rules.
- * yacc: Catalogue of Rules.
- * yacc: Implicit Variables.
- * Yacc, rule to run: Catalogue of Rules.
- File: make.info, Node: Name Index, Prev: Concept Index, Up: Top
- Index of Functions, Variables, & Directives
- *******************************************
- * Menu:
- * $%: Automatic.
- * $(%D): Automatic.
- * $(%F): Automatic.
- * $(*D): Automatic.
- * $(*F): Automatic.
- * $(<D): Automatic.
- * $(<F): Automatic.
- * $(?D): Automatic.
- * $(?F): Automatic.
- * $(@D): Automatic.
- * $(@F): Automatic.
- * $(^D): Automatic.
- * $(^F): Automatic.
- * $*: Automatic.
- * $*, and static pattern: Static Usage.
- * $<: Automatic.
- * $?: Automatic.
- * $@: Automatic.
- * $^: Automatic.
- * % (automatic variable): Automatic.
- * %D (automatic variable): Automatic.
- * %F (automatic variable): Automatic.
- * * (automatic variable), unsupported bizarre usage: Missing.
- * * (automatic variable): Automatic.
- * *D (automatic variable): Automatic.
- * *F (automatic variable): Automatic.
- * .DEFAULT: Special Targets.
- * .DEFAULT: Last Resort.
- * .DEFAULT, and empty commands: Empty Commands.
- * .EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES: Variables/Recursion.
- * .EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES: Special Targets.
- * .IGNORE: Special Targets.
- * .IGNORE: Errors.
- * .PHONY: Special Targets.
- * .PHONY: Phony Targets.
- * .PRECIOUS: Interrupts.
- * .PRECIOUS: Special Targets.
- * .SILENT: Echoing.
- * .SILENT: Special Targets.
- * .SUFFIXES: Special Targets.
- * .SUFFIXES: Suffix Rules.
- * /usr/gnu/include: Include.
- * /usr/include: Include.
- * /usr/local/include: Include.
- * < (automatic variable): Automatic.
- * <D (automatic variable): Automatic.
- * <F (automatic variable): Automatic.
- * ? (automatic variable): Automatic.
- * ?D (automatic variable): Automatic.
- * ?F (automatic variable): Automatic.
- * @ (automatic variable): Automatic.
- * @D (automatic variable): Automatic.
- * @F (automatic variable): Automatic.
- * addprefix: Filename Functions.
- * addsuffix: Filename Functions.
- * AR: Implicit Variables.
- * ARFLAGS: Implicit Variables.
- * AS: Implicit Variables.
- * ASFLAGS: Implicit Variables.
- * basename: Filename Functions.
- * CC: Implicit Variables.
- * CFLAGS: Implicit Variables.
- * CO: Implicit Variables.
- * COFLAGS: Implicit Variables.
- * CPP: Implicit Variables.
- * CPPFLAGS: Implicit Variables.
- * CTANGLE: Implicit Variables.
- * CWEAVE: Implicit Variables.
- * CXX: Implicit Variables.
- * CXXFLAGS: Implicit Variables.
- * define: Defining.
- * dir: Filename Functions.
- * else: Conditional Syntax.
- * endef: Defining.
- * endif: Conditional Syntax.
- * export: Variables/Recursion.
- * FC: Implicit Variables.
- * FFLAGS: Implicit Variables.
- * filter: Text Functions.
- * filter-out: Text Functions.
- * findstring: Text Functions.
- * firstword: Filename Functions.
- * foreach: Foreach Function.
- * GET: Implicit Variables.
- * GFLAGS: Implicit Variables.
- * GNUmakefile: Makefile Names.
- * ifdef: Conditional Syntax.
- * ifeq: Conditional Syntax.
- * ifndef: Conditional Syntax.
- * ifneq: Conditional Syntax.
- * include: Include.
- * join: Filename Functions.
- * LDFLAGS: Implicit Variables.
- * LEX: Implicit Variables.
- * LFLAGS: Implicit Variables.
- * MAKE: MAKE Variable.
- * MAKE: Flavors.
- * Makefile: Makefile Names.
- * makefile: Makefile Names.
- * MAKEFILES: Variables/Recursion.
- * MAKEFLAGS: Options/Recursion.
- * MAKEINFO: Implicit Variables.
- * MAKELEVEL: Variables/Recursion.
- * MAKELEVEL: Flavors.
- * MAKE_COMMAND: MAKE Variable.
- * MFLAGS: Options/Recursion.
- * notdir: Filename Functions.
- * origin: Origin Function.
- * OUTPUT_OPTION: Catalogue of Rules.
- * override: Override Directive.
- * patsubst: Substitution Refs.
- * patsubst: Text Functions.
- * PC: Implicit Variables.
- * PFLAGS: Implicit Variables.
- * RFLAGS: Implicit Variables.
- * RM: Implicit Variables.
- * shell: Shell Function.
- * SHELL: Execution.
- * SHELL (command execution): Execution.
- * sort: Text Functions.
- * strip: Text Functions.
- * subst: Text Functions.
- * subst: Multiple Targets.
- * suffix: Filename Functions.
- * SUFFIXES: Suffix Rules.
- * TANGLE: Implicit Variables.
- * TEX: Implicit Variables.
- * TEXI2DVI: Implicit Variables.
- * unexport: Variables/Recursion.
- * vpath: Directory Search.
- * VPATH: Directory Search.
- * vpath: Selective Search.
- * VPATH: General Search.
- * WEAVE: Implicit Variables.
- * wildcard: Filename Functions.
- * wildcard: Wildcard Function.
- * word: Filename Functions.
- * words: Filename Functions.
- * YACC: Implicit Variables.
- * YACCR: Implicit Variables.
- * YFLAGS: Implicit Variables.
- * ^ (automatic variable): Automatic.
- * ^D (automatic variable): Automatic.
- * ^F (automatic variable): Automatic.