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- /* Implicit rule searching for GNU Make.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GNU Make.
- GNU Make is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- GNU Make is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- #include "make.h"
- #include "rule.h"
- #include "dep.h"
- #include "file.h"
- static int pattern_search ();
- /* For a FILE which has no commands specified, try to figure out some
- from the implicit pattern rules.
- Returns 1 if a suitable implicit rule was found,
- after modifying FILE to contain the appropriate commands and deps,
- or returns 0 if no implicit rule was found. */
- int
- try_implicit_rule (file, depth)
- struct file *file;
- unsigned int depth;
- {
- DEBUGPR ("Looking for an implicit rule for `%s'.\n");
- /* The order of these searches was previously reversed. My logic now is
- that since the non-archive search uses more information in the target
- (the archive search omits the archive name), it is more specific and
- should come first. */
- if (pattern_search (file, 0, depth, 0))
- return 1;
- #ifndef NO_ARCHIVES
- /* If this is an archive member reference, use just the
- archive member name to search for implicit rules. */
- if (ar_name (file->name))
- {
- DEBUGPR ("Looking for archive-member implicit rule for `%s'.\n");
- if (pattern_search (file, 1, depth, 0))
- return 1;
- }
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- #define DEBUGP2(msg, a1, a2) \
- do { \
- if (debug_flag) \
- { print_spaces (depth); printf (msg, a1, a2); fflush (stdout); } \
- } while (0)
- /* Search the pattern rules for a rule with an existing dependency to make
- FILE. If a rule is found, the appropriate commands and deps are put in FILE
- and 1 is returned. If not, 0 is returned.
- If ARCHIVE is nonzero, FILE->name is of the form "LIB(MEMBER)". A rule for
- "(MEMBER)" will be searched for, and "(MEMBER)" will not be chopped up into
- directory and filename parts.
- If an intermediate file is found by pattern search, the intermediate file
- is set up as a target by the recursive call and is also made a dependency
- of FILE.
- DEPTH is used for debugging messages. */
- static int
- pattern_search (file, archive, depth, recursions)
- struct file *file;
- int archive;
- unsigned int depth;
- unsigned int recursions;
- {
- /* Filename we are searching for a rule for. */
- char *filename = archive ? index (file->name, '(') : file->name;
- /* Length of FILENAME. */
- unsigned int namelen = strlen (filename);
- /* The last slash in FILENAME (or nil if there is none). */
- char *lastslash;
- /* This is a file-object used as an argument in
- recursive calls. It never contains any data
- except during a recursive call. */
- struct file *intermediate_file = 0;
- /* List of dependencies found recursively. */
- struct file **intermediate_files
- = (struct file **) alloca (max_pattern_deps * sizeof (struct file *));
- /* List of the patterns used to find intermediate files. */
- char **intermediate_patterns
- = (char **) alloca (max_pattern_deps * sizeof (char *));
- /* This buffer records all the dependencies actually found for a rule. */
- char **found_files = (char **) alloca (max_pattern_deps * sizeof (char *));
- /* Number of dep names now in FOUND_FILES. */
- unsigned int deps_found;
- /* Names of possible dependencies are constructed in this buffer. */
- register char *depname = (char *) alloca (namelen + max_pattern_dep_length);
- /* The start and length of the stem of FILENAME for the current rule. */
- register char *stem;
- register unsigned int stemlen;
- /* Buffer in which we store all the rules that are possibly applicable. */
- struct rule **tryrules
- = (struct rule **) alloca (num_pattern_rules * max_pattern_targets
- * sizeof (struct rule *));
- /* Number of valid elements in TRYRULES. */
- unsigned int nrules;
- /* The numbers of the rule targets of each rule
- in TRYRULES that matched the target file. */
- unsigned int *matches
- = (unsigned int *) alloca (num_pattern_rules * sizeof (unsigned int));
- /* Each element is nonzero if LASTSLASH was used in
- matching the corresponding element of TRYRULES. */
- char *checked_lastslash
- = (char *) alloca (num_pattern_rules * sizeof (char));
- /* The index in TRYRULES of the rule we found. */
- unsigned int foundrule;
- /* Nonzero if should consider intermediate files as dependencies. */
- int intermed_ok;
- /* Nonzero if we have matched a pattern-rule target
- that is not just `%'. */
- int specific_rule_matched = 0;
- register unsigned int i;
- register struct rule *rule;
- register struct dep *dep;
- char *p;
- #ifndef NO_ARCHIVES
- if (archive || ar_name (filename))
- lastslash = 0;
- else
- #endif
- {
- /* Set LASTSLASH to point at the last slash in FILENAME
- but not counting any slash at the end. (foo/bar/ counts as
- bar/ in directory foo/, not empty in directory foo/bar/.) */
- lastslash = rindex (filename, '/');
- if (lastslash != 0 && lastslash[1] == '\0')
- lastslash = 0;
- }
- /* First see which pattern rules match this target
- and may be considered. Put them in TRYRULES. */
- nrules = 0;
- for (rule = pattern_rules; rule != 0; rule = rule->next)
- {
- /* If the pattern rule has deps but no commands, ignore it.
- Users cancel built-in rules by redefining them without commands. */
- if (rule->deps != 0 && rule->cmds == 0)
- continue;
- /* If this rule is in use by a parent pattern_search,
- don't use it here. */
- if (rule->in_use)
- {
- DEBUGP2 ("Avoiding implicit rule recursion.%s%s\n", "", "");
- continue;
- }
- for (i = 0; rule->targets[i] != 0; ++i)
- {
- char *target = rule->targets[i];
- char *suffix = rule->suffixes[i];
- int check_lastslash;
- /* Rules that can match any filename and are not terminal
- are ignored if we're recursing, so that they cannot be
- intermediate files. */
- if (recursions > 0 && target[1] == '\0' && !rule->terminal)
- continue;
- if (rule->lens[i] > namelen)
- /* It can't possibly match. */
- continue;
- /* From the lengths of the filename and the pattern parts,
- find the stem: the part of the filename that matches the %. */
- stem = filename + (suffix - target - 1);
- stemlen = namelen - rule->lens[i] + 1;
- /* Set CHECK_LASTSLASH if FILENAME contains a directory
- prefix and the target pattern does not contain a slash. */
- check_lastslash = lastslash != 0 && index (target, '/') == 0;
- if (check_lastslash)
- {
- /* In that case, don't include the
- directory prefix in STEM here. */
- unsigned int difference = lastslash - filename + 1;
- if (difference > stemlen)
- continue;
- stemlen -= difference;
- stem += difference;
- }
- /* Check that the rule pattern matches the text before the stem. */
- if (check_lastslash)
- {
- if (stem > (lastslash + 1)
- && strncmp (target, lastslash + 1, stem - lastslash - 1))
- continue;
- }
- else if (stem > filename
- && strncmp (target, filename, stem - filename))
- continue;
- /* Check that the rule pattern matches the text after the stem.
- We could test simply use streq, but this way we compare the
- first two characters immediately. This saves time in the very
- common case where the first character matches because it is a
- period. */
- if (*suffix != stem[stemlen]
- || (*suffix != '\0' && !streq (&suffix[1], &stem[stemlen + 1])))
- continue;
- /* Record if we match a rule that not all filenames will match. */
- if (target[1] != '\0')
- specific_rule_matched = 1;
- /* A rule with no dependencies and no commands exists solely to set
- specific_rule_matched when it matches. Don't try to use it. */
- if (rule->deps == 0 && rule->cmds == 0)
- continue;
- /* Record this rule in TRYRULES and the index of the matching
- target in MATCHES. If several targets of the same rule match,
- that rule will be in TRYRULES more than once. */
- tryrules[nrules] = rule;
- matches[nrules] = i;
- checked_lastslash[nrules] = check_lastslash;
- ++nrules;
- }
- }
- /* If we have found a matching rule that won't match all filenames,
- retroactively reject any "terminal" rules that do always match. */
- if (specific_rule_matched)
- for (i = 0; i < nrules; ++i)
- if (!tryrules[i]->terminal)
- {
- register unsigned int j;
- for (j = 0; tryrules[i]->targets[j] != 0; ++j)
- if (tryrules[i]->targets[j][1] == '\0')
- break;
- if (tryrules[i]->targets[j] != 0)
- tryrules[i] = 0;
- }
- /* Try each rule once without intermediate files, then once with them. */
- for (intermed_ok = 0; intermed_ok == !!intermed_ok; ++intermed_ok)
- {
- /* Try each pattern rule till we find one that applies.
- If it does, copy the names of its dependencies (as substituted)
- and store them in FOUND_FILES. DEPS_FOUND is the number of them. */
- for (i = 0; i < nrules; i++)
- {
- int check_lastslash;
- rule = tryrules[i];
- /* RULE is nil when we discover that a rule,
- already placed in TRYRULES, should not be applied. */
- if (rule == 0)
- continue;
- /* Reject any terminal rules if we're
- looking to make intermediate files. */
- if (intermed_ok && rule->terminal)
- continue;
- /* Mark this rule as in use so a recursive
- pattern_search won't try to use it. */
- rule->in_use = 1;
- /* From the lengths of the filename and the matching pattern parts,
- find the stem: the part of the filename that matches the %. */
- stem = filename
- + (rule->suffixes[matches[i]] - rule->targets[matches[i]]) - 1;
- stemlen = namelen - rule->lens[matches[i]] + 1;
- check_lastslash = checked_lastslash[i];
- if (check_lastslash)
- {
- stem += lastslash - filename + 1;
- stemlen -= (lastslash - filename) + 1;
- }
- DEBUGP2 ("Trying pattern rule with stem `%.*s'.\n",
- (int) stemlen, stem);
- /* Try each dependency; see if it "exists". */
- deps_found = 0;
- for (dep = rule->deps; dep != 0; dep = dep->next)
- {
- /* If the dependency name has a %, substitute the stem. */
- p = index (dep_name (dep), '%');
- if (p != 0)
- {
- register unsigned int i;
- if (check_lastslash)
- {
- /* Copy directory name from the original FILENAME. */
- i = lastslash - filename + 1;
- bcopy (filename, depname, i);
- }
- else
- i = 0;
- bcopy (dep_name (dep), depname + i, p - dep_name (dep));
- i += p - dep_name (dep);
- bcopy (stem, depname + i, stemlen);
- i += stemlen;
- strcpy (depname + i, p + 1);
- p = depname;
- }
- else
- p = dep_name (dep);
- /* P is now the actual dependency name as substituted. */
- if (file_impossible_p (p))
- {
- /* If this dependency has already been ruled
- "impossible", then the rule fails and don't
- bother trying it on the second pass either
- since we know that will fail too. */
- DEBUGP2 ("Rejecting impossible %s dependency `%s'.\n",
- p == depname ? "implicit" : "rule", p);
- tryrules[i] = 0;
- break;
- }
- intermediate_files[deps_found] = 0;
- DEBUGP2 ("Trying %s dependency `%s'.\n",
- p == depname ? "implicit" : "rule", p);
- /* The DEP->changed flag says that this dependency resides in a
- nonexistent directory. So we normally can skip looking for
- the file. However, if CHECK_LASTSLASH is set, then the
- dependency file we are actually looking for is in a different
- directory (the one gotten by prepending FILENAME's directory),
- so it might actually exist. */
- if ((!dep->changed || check_lastslash)
- && (lookup_file (p) != 0 || file_exists_p (p)))
- {
- found_files[deps_found++] = savestring (p, strlen (p));
- continue;
- }
- /* This code, given FILENAME = "lib/foo.o", dependency name
- "lib/foo.c", and VPATH=src, searches for "src/lib/foo.c". */
- if (vpath_search (&p, (time_t *) 0))
- {
- DEBUGP2 ("Found dependency as `%s'.%s\n", p, "");
- found_files[deps_found++] = p;
- continue;
- }
- /* We could not find the file in any place we should look.
- Try to make this dependency as an intermediate file,
- but only on the second pass. */
- if (intermed_ok)
- {
- if (intermediate_file == 0)
- intermediate_file
- = (struct file *) alloca (sizeof (struct file));
- DEBUGP2 ("Looking for a rule with %s file `%s'.\n",
- "intermediate", p);
- bzero ((char *) intermediate_file, sizeof (struct file));
- intermediate_file->name = p;
- if (pattern_search (intermediate_file, 0, depth + 1,
- recursions + 1))
- {
- p = savestring (p, strlen (p));
- intermediate_patterns[deps_found]
- = intermediate_file->name;
- intermediate_file->name = p;
- intermediate_files[deps_found] = intermediate_file;
- intermediate_file = 0;
- /* Allocate an extra copy to go in FOUND_FILES,
- because every elt of FOUND_FILES is consumed
- or freed later. */
- found_files[deps_found] = savestring (p, strlen (p));
- ++deps_found;
- continue;
- }
- /* If we have tried to find P as an intermediate
- file and failed, mark that name as impossible
- so we won't go through the search again later. */
- file_impossible (p);
- }
- /* A dependency of this rule does not exist.
- Therefore, this rule fails. */
- break;
- }
- /* This rule is no longer `in use' for recursive searches. */
- rule->in_use = 0;
- if (dep != 0)
- {
- /* This pattern rule does not apply.
- If some of its dependencies succeeded,
- free the data structure describing them. */
- while (deps_found-- > 0)
- {
- register struct file *f = intermediate_files[deps_found];
- free (found_files[deps_found]);
- if (f != 0
- && (f->stem < f->name
- || f->stem > f->name + strlen (f->name)))
- free (f->stem);
- }
- }
- else
- /* This pattern rule does apply. Stop looking for one. */
- break;
- }
- /* If we found an applicable rule without
- intermediate files, don't try with them. */
- if (i < nrules)
- break;
- rule = 0;
- }
- /* RULE is nil if the loop went all the way
- through the list and everything failed. */
- if (rule == 0)
- return 0;
- foundrule = i;
- /* If we are recursing, store the pattern that matched
- FILENAME in FILE->name for use in upper levels. */
- if (recursions > 0)
- /* Kludge-o-matic */
- file->name = rule->targets[matches[foundrule]];
- /* FOUND_FILES lists the dependencies for the rule we found.
- This includes the intermediate files, if any.
- Convert them into entries on the deps-chain of FILE. */
- while (deps_found-- > 0)
- {
- register char *s;
- if (intermediate_files[deps_found] != 0)
- {
- /* If we need to use an intermediate file,
- make sure it is entered as a target, with the info that was
- found for it in the recursive pattern_search call.
- We know that the intermediate file did not already exist as
- a target; therefore we can assume that the deps and cmds
- of F below are null before we change them. */
- struct file *imf = intermediate_files[deps_found];
- register struct file *f = enter_file (imf->name);
- f->deps = imf->deps;
- f->cmds = imf->cmds;
- f->stem = imf->stem;
- imf = lookup_file (intermediate_patterns[deps_found]);
- if (imf != 0 && imf->precious)
- f->precious = 1;
- f->intermediate = 1;
- f->tried_implicit = 1;
- for (dep = f->deps; dep != 0; dep = dep->next)
- {
- dep->file = enter_file (dep->name);
- dep->name = 0;
- dep->file->tried_implicit |= dep->changed;
- }
- num_intermediates++;
- }
- dep = (struct dep *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct dep));
- s = found_files[deps_found];
- if (recursions == 0)
- {
- dep->name = 0;
- dep->file = lookup_file (s);
- if (dep->file == 0)
- /* enter_file consumes S's storage. */
- dep->file = enter_file (s);
- else
- /* A copy of S is already allocated in DEP->file->name.
- So we can free S. */
- free (s);
- }
- else
- {
- dep->name = s;
- dep->file = 0;
- dep->changed = 0;
- }
- if (intermediate_files[deps_found] == 0 && tryrules[foundrule]->terminal)
- {
- /* If the file actually existed (was not an intermediate file),
- and the rule that found it was a terminal one, then we want
- to mark the found file so that it will not have implicit rule
- search done for it. If we are not entering a `struct file' for
- it now, we indicate this with the `changed' flag. */
- if (dep->file == 0)
- dep->changed = 1;
- else
- dep->file->tried_implicit = 1;
- }
- dep->next = file->deps;
- file->deps = dep;
- }
- if (!checked_lastslash[foundrule])
- file->stem = stem[stemlen] == '\0' ? stem : savestring (stem, stemlen);
- else
- {
- /* We want to prepend the directory from
- the original FILENAME onto the stem. */
- file->stem = (char *) xmalloc (((lastslash + 1) - filename)
- + stemlen + 1);
- bcopy (filename, file->stem, (lastslash + 1) - filename);
- bcopy (stem, file->stem + ((lastslash + 1) - filename), stemlen);
- file->stem[((lastslash + 1) - filename) + stemlen] = '\0';
- }
- file->cmds = rule->cmds;
- /* Put the targets other than the one that
- matched into FILE's `also_make' member. */
- /* If there was only one target, there is nothing to do. */
- if (rule->targets[1] != 0)
- for (i = 0; rule->targets[i] != 0; ++i)
- if (i != matches[foundrule])
- {
- struct dep *new = (struct dep *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct dep));
- new->name = p = (char *) xmalloc (rule->lens[i] + stemlen + 1);
- bcopy (rule->targets[i], p,
- rule->suffixes[i] - rule->targets[i] - 1);
- p += rule->suffixes[i] - rule->targets[i] - 1;
- bcopy (stem, p, stemlen);
- p += stemlen;
- bcopy (rule->suffixes[i], p,
- rule->lens[i] - (rule->suffixes[i] - rule->targets[i]) + 1);
- new->file = enter_file (new->name);
- new->next = file->also_make;
- file->also_make = new;
- }
- return 1;
- }