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- /* Pattern and suffix rule internals for GNU Make.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GNU Make.
- GNU Make is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- GNU Make is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- #include "make.h"
- #include "commands.h"
- #include "dep.h"
- #include "file.h"
- #include "variable.h"
- #include "rule.h"
- static void freerule ();
- /* Chain of all pattern rules. */
- struct rule *pattern_rules;
- /* Pointer to last rule in the chain, so we can add onto the end. */
- struct rule *last_pattern_rule;
- /* Number of rules in the chain. */
- unsigned int num_pattern_rules;
- /* Maximum number of target patterns of any pattern rule. */
- unsigned int max_pattern_targets;
- /* Maximum number of dependencies of any pattern rule. */
- unsigned int max_pattern_deps;
- /* Maximum length of the name of a dependencies of any pattern rule. */
- unsigned int max_pattern_dep_length;
- /* Pointer to structure for the file .SUFFIXES
- whose dependencies are the suffixes to be searched. */
- struct file *suffix_file;
- /* Maximum length of a suffix. */
- unsigned int maxsuffix;
- /* Compute the maximum dependency length and maximum number of
- dependencies of all implicit rules. Also sets the subdir
- flag for a rule when appropriate, possibly removing the rule
- completely when appropriate. */
- void
- count_implicit_rule_limits ()
- {
- char *name;
- unsigned int namelen;
- register struct rule *rule, *lastrule;
- num_pattern_rules = max_pattern_targets = max_pattern_deps = 0;
- max_pattern_dep_length = 0;
- name = 0;
- namelen = 0;
- rule = pattern_rules;
- lastrule = 0;
- while (rule != 0)
- {
- unsigned int ndeps = 0;
- register struct dep *dep;
- struct rule *next = rule->next;
- unsigned int ntargets;
- ++num_pattern_rules;
- ntargets = 0;
- while (rule->targets[ntargets] != 0)
- ++ntargets;
- if (ntargets > max_pattern_targets)
- max_pattern_targets = ntargets;
- for (dep = rule->deps; dep != 0; dep = dep->next)
- {
- unsigned int len = strlen (dep->name);
- char *p = rindex (dep->name, '/');
- char *p2 = p != 0 ? index (dep->name, '%') : 0;
- ndeps++;
- if (len > max_pattern_dep_length)
- max_pattern_dep_length = len;
- if (p != 0 && p2 > p)
- {
- /* There is a slash before the % in the dep name.
- Extract the directory name. */
- if (p == dep->name)
- ++p;
- if (p - dep->name > namelen)
- {
- if (name != 0)
- free (name);
- namelen = p - dep->name;
- name = (char *) xmalloc (namelen + 1);
- }
- bcopy (dep->name, name, p - dep->name);
- name[p - dep->name] = '\0';
- /* In the deps of an implicit rule the `changed' flag
- actually indicates that the dependency is in a
- nonexistent subdirectory. */
- dep->changed = !dir_file_exists_p (name, "");
- if (dep->changed && *name == '/')
- {
- /* The name is absolute and the directory does not exist.
- This rule can never possibly match, since this dependency
- can never possibly exist. So just remove the rule from
- the list. */
- freerule (rule, lastrule);
- --num_pattern_rules;
- goto end_main_loop;
- }
- }
- else
- /* This dependency does not reside in a subdirectory. */
- dep->changed = 0;
- }
- if (ndeps > max_pattern_deps)
- max_pattern_deps = ndeps;
- lastrule = rule;
- end_main_loop:
- rule = next;
- }
- if (name != 0)
- free (name);
- }
- /* Create a pattern rule from a suffix rule.
- TARGET is the target suffix; SOURCE is the source suffix.
- CMDS are the commands.
- If TARGET is nil, it means the target pattern should be `(%.o)'.
- If SOURCE is nil, it means there should be no deps. */
- static void
- convert_suffix_rule (target, source, cmds)
- char *target, *source;
- struct commands *cmds;
- {
- char *targname, *targpercent, *depname;
- char **names, **percents;
- struct dep *deps;
- unsigned int len;
- if (target == 0)
- /* Special case: TARGET being nil means we are defining a
- `.X.a' suffix rule; the target pattern is always `(%.o)'. */
- {
- targname = savestring ("(%.o)", 5);
- targpercent = targname + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Construct the target name. */
- len = strlen (target);
- targname = xmalloc (1 + len + 1);
- targname[0] = '%';
- bcopy (target, targname + 1, len + 1);
- targpercent = targname;
- }
- names = (char **) xmalloc (2 * sizeof (char *));
- percents = (char **) alloca (2 * sizeof (char *));
- names[0] = targname;
- percents[0] = targpercent;
- names[1] = percents[1] = 0;
- if (source == 0)
- deps = 0;
- else
- {
- /* Construct the dependency name. */
- len = strlen (source);
- depname = xmalloc (1 + len + 1);
- depname[0] = '%';
- bcopy (source, depname + 1, len + 1);
- deps = (struct dep *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct dep));
- deps->next = 0;
- deps->name = depname;
- }
- create_pattern_rule (names, percents, 0, deps, cmds, 0);
- }
- /* Convert old-style suffix rules to pattern rules.
- All rules for the suffixes on the .SUFFIXES list
- are converted and added to the chain of pattern rules. */
- void
- convert_to_pattern ()
- {
- register struct dep *d, *d2;
- register struct file *f;
- register char *rulename;
- register unsigned int slen, s2len;
- /* Compute maximum length of all the suffixes. */
- maxsuffix = 0;
- for (d = suffix_file->deps; d != 0; d = d->next)
- {
- register unsigned int namelen = strlen (dep_name (d));
- if (namelen > maxsuffix)
- maxsuffix = namelen;
- }
- rulename = (char *) alloca ((maxsuffix * 2) + 1);
- for (d = suffix_file->deps; d != 0; d = d->next)
- {
- /* Make a rule that is just the suffix, with no deps or commands.
- This rule exists solely to disqualify match-anything rules. */
- convert_suffix_rule (dep_name (d), (char *) 0, (struct commands *) 0);
- f = d->file;
- if (f->cmds != 0)
- /* Record a pattern for this suffix's null-suffix rule. */
- convert_suffix_rule ("", dep_name (d), f->cmds);
- /* Record a pattern for each of this suffix's two-suffix rules. */
- slen = strlen (dep_name (d));
- bcopy (dep_name (d), rulename, slen);
- for (d2 = suffix_file->deps; d2 != 0; d2 = d2->next)
- {
- s2len = strlen (dep_name (d2));
- if (slen == s2len && streq (dep_name (d), dep_name (d2)))
- continue;
- bcopy (dep_name (d2), rulename + slen, s2len + 1);
- f = lookup_file (rulename);
- if (f == 0 || f->cmds == 0)
- continue;
- if (s2len == 2 && rulename[slen] == '.' && rulename[slen + 1] == 'a')
- /* A suffix rule `.X.a:' generates the pattern rule `(%.o): %.X'.
- It also generates a normal `%.a: %.X' rule below. */
- convert_suffix_rule ((char *) 0, /* Indicates `(%.o)'. */
- dep_name (d),
- f->cmds);
- /* The suffix rule `.X.Y:' is converted
- to the pattern rule `%.Y: %.X'. */
- convert_suffix_rule (dep_name (d2), dep_name (d), f->cmds);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Install the pattern rule RULE (whose fields have been filled in)
- at the end of the list (so that any rules previously defined
- will take precedence). If this rule duplicates a previous one
- (identical target and dependencies), the old one is replaced
- if OVERRIDE is nonzero, otherwise this new one is thrown out.
- When an old rule is replaced, the new one is put at the end of the
- list. Return nonzero if RULE is used; zero if not. */
- int
- new_pattern_rule (rule, override)
- register struct rule *rule;
- int override;
- {
- register struct rule *r, *lastrule;
- register unsigned int i, j;
- rule->in_use = 0;
- rule->terminal = 0;
- rule->next = 0;
- /* Search for an identical rule. */
- lastrule = 0;
- for (r = pattern_rules; r != 0; lastrule = r, r = r->next)
- for (i = 0; rule->targets[i] != 0; ++i)
- {
- for (j = 0; r->targets[j] != 0; ++j)
- if (!streq (rule->targets[i], r->targets[j]))
- break;
- if (r->targets[j] == 0)
- /* All the targets matched. */
- {
- register struct dep *d, *d2;
- for (d = rule->deps, d2 = r->deps;
- d != 0 && d2 != 0; d = d->next, d2 = d2->next)
- if (!streq (dep_name (d), dep_name (d2)))
- break;
- if (d == 0 && d2 == 0)
- /* All the dependencies matched. */
- if (override)
- {
- /* Remove the old rule. */
- freerule (r, lastrule);
- /* Install the new one. */
- if (pattern_rules == 0)
- pattern_rules = rule;
- else
- last_pattern_rule->next = rule;
- last_pattern_rule = rule;
- /* We got one. Stop looking. */
- goto matched;
- }
- else
- {
- /* The old rule stays intact. Destroy the new one. */
- freerule (rule, (struct rule *) 0);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- matched:;
- if (r == 0)
- {
- /* There was no rule to replace. */
- if (pattern_rules == 0)
- pattern_rules = rule;
- else
- last_pattern_rule->next = rule;
- last_pattern_rule = rule;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /* Install an implicit pattern rule based on the three text strings
- in the structure P points to. These strings come from one of
- the arrays of default implicit pattern rules.
- TERMINAL specifies what the `terminal' field of the rule should be. */
- void
- install_pattern_rule (p, terminal)
- struct pspec *p;
- int terminal;
- {
- register struct rule *r;
- char *ptr;
- r = (struct rule *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct rule));
- r->targets = (char **) xmalloc (2 * sizeof (char *));
- r->suffixes = (char **) xmalloc (2 * sizeof (char *));
- r->lens = (unsigned int *) xmalloc (2 * sizeof (unsigned int));
- r->targets[1] = 0;
- r->suffixes[1] = 0;
- r->lens[1] = 0;
- r->lens[0] = strlen (p->target);
- /* These will all be string literals, but we malloc space for
- them anyway because somebody might want to free them later on. */
- r->targets[0] = savestring (p->target, r->lens[0]);
- r->suffixes[0] = find_percent (r->targets[0]);
- if (r->suffixes[0] == 0)
- /* Programmer-out-to-lunch error. */
- abort ();
- else
- ++r->suffixes[0];
- ptr = p->dep;
- r->deps = (struct dep *) multi_glob (parse_file_seq (&ptr, '\0',
- sizeof (struct dep), 1),
- sizeof (struct dep));
- if (new_pattern_rule (r, 0))
- {
- r->terminal = terminal;
- r->cmds = (struct commands *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct commands));
- r->cmds->filename = 0;
- r->cmds->lineno = 0;
- /* These will all be string literals, but we malloc space for them
- anyway because somebody might want to free them later. */
- r->cmds->commands = savestring (p->commands, strlen (p->commands));
- r->cmds->command_lines = 0;
- }
- }
- /* Free all the storage used in RULE and take it out of the
- pattern_rules chain. LASTRULE is the rule whose next pointer
- points to RULE. */
- static void
- freerule (rule, lastrule)
- register struct rule *rule, *lastrule;
- {
- struct rule *next = rule->next;
- register unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; rule->targets[i] != 0; ++i)
- free (rule->targets[i]);
- free ((char *) rule->targets);
- free ((char *) rule->suffixes);
- free ((char *) rule->lens);
- /* We can't free the storage for the commands because there
- are ways that they could be in more than one place:
- * If the commands came from a suffix rule, they could also be in
- the `struct file's for other suffix rules or plain targets given
- on the same makefile line.
- * If two suffixes that together make a two-suffix rule were each
- given twice in the .SUFFIXES list, and in the proper order, two
- identical pattern rules would be created and the second one would
- be discarded here, but both would contain the same `struct commands'
- pointer from the `struct file' for the suffix rule. */
- free ((char *) rule);
- if (pattern_rules == rule)
- if (lastrule != 0)
- abort ();
- else
- pattern_rules = next;
- else if (lastrule != 0)
- lastrule->next = next;
- if (last_pattern_rule == rule)
- last_pattern_rule = lastrule;
- }
- /* Create a new pattern rule with the targets in the nil-terminated
- array TARGETS. If TARGET_PERCENTS is not nil, it is an array of
- pointers into the elements of TARGETS, where the `%'s are.
- The new rule has dependencies DEPS and commands from COMMANDS.
- It is a terminal rule if TERMINAL is nonzero. This rule overrides
- identical rules with different commands if OVERRIDE is nonzero.
- The storage for TARGETS and its elements is used and must not be freed
- until the rule is destroyed. The storage for TARGET_PERCENTS is not used;
- it may be freed. */
- void
- create_pattern_rule (targets, target_percents,
- terminal, deps, commands, override)
- char **targets, **target_percents;
- int terminal;
- struct dep *deps;
- struct commands *commands;
- int override;
- {
- register struct rule *r = (struct rule *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct rule));
- register unsigned int max_targets, i;
- r->cmds = commands;
- r->deps = deps;
- r->targets = targets;
- max_targets = 2;
- r->lens = (unsigned int *) xmalloc (2 * sizeof (unsigned int));
- r->suffixes = (char **) xmalloc (2 * sizeof (char *));
- for (i = 0; targets[i] != 0; ++i)
- {
- if (i == max_targets - 1)
- {
- max_targets += 5;
- r->lens = (unsigned int *)
- xrealloc ((char *) r->lens, max_targets * sizeof (unsigned int));
- r->suffixes = (char **)
- xrealloc ((char *) r->suffixes, max_targets * sizeof (char *));
- }
- r->lens[i] = strlen (targets[i]);
- r->suffixes[i] = (target_percents == 0 ? find_percent (targets[i])
- : target_percents[i]) + 1;
- if (r->suffixes[i] == 0)
- abort ();
- }
- if (i < max_targets - 1)
- {
- r->lens = (unsigned int *) xrealloc ((char *) r->lens,
- (i + 1) * sizeof (unsigned int));
- r->suffixes = (char **) xrealloc ((char *) r->suffixes,
- (i + 1) * sizeof (char *));
- }
- if (new_pattern_rule (r, override))
- r->terminal = terminal;
- }
- /* Print the data base of rules. */
- static void /* Useful to call from gdb. */
- print_rule (r)
- struct rule *r;
- {
- register unsigned int i;
- register struct dep *d;
- for (i = 0; r->targets[i] != 0; ++i)
- {
- fputs (r->targets[i], stdout);
- if (r->targets[i + 1] != 0)
- putchar (' ');
- else
- putchar (':');
- }
- if (r->terminal)
- putchar (':');
- for (d = r->deps; d != 0; d = d->next)
- printf (" %s", dep_name (d));
- putchar ('\n');
- if (r->cmds != 0)
- print_commands (r->cmds);
- }
- void
- print_rule_data_base ()
- {
- register unsigned int rules, terminal;
- register struct rule *r;
- puts ("\n# Implicit Rules");
- rules = terminal = 0;
- for (r = pattern_rules; r != 0; r = r->next)
- {
- ++rules;
- putchar ('\n');
- print_rule (r);
- if (r->terminal)
- ++terminal;
- }
- if (rules == 0)
- puts ("\n# No implicit rules.");
- else
- {
- printf ("\n# %u implicit rules, %u", rules, terminal);
- #ifndef NO_FLOAT
- printf (" (%.1f%%)", (double) terminal / (double) rules * 100.0);
- #endif
- puts (" terminal.");
- }
- if (num_pattern_rules != rules)
- fatal ("BUG: num_pattern_rules wrong! %u != %u",
- num_pattern_rules, rules);
- }