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- #include "EXTERN.h"
- #include "common.h"
- #include "INTERN.h"
- #include "util.h"
- #include "backupfile.h"
- void my_exit();
- static char *
- private_strerror (errnum)
- int errnum;
- {
- extern char *sys_errlist[];
- extern int sys_nerr;
- if (errnum > 0 && errnum <= sys_nerr)
- return sys_errlist[errnum];
- return "Unknown system error";
- }
- #define strerror private_strerror
- #endif /* !HAVE_STRERROR */
- /* Rename a file, copying it if necessary. */
- int
- move_file(from,to)
- char *from, *to;
- {
- char bakname[512];
- Reg1 char *s;
- Reg2 int i;
- Reg3 int fromfd;
- /* to stdout? */
- if (strEQ(to, "-")) {
- #ifdef DEBUGGING
- if (debug & 4)
- say2("Moving %s to stdout.\n", from);
- #endif
- fromfd = open(from, 0);
- if (fromfd < 0)
- pfatal2("internal error, can't reopen %s", from);
- while ((i=read(fromfd, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0)
- if (write(1, buf, i) != 1)
- pfatal1("write failed");
- Close(fromfd);
- return 0;
- }
- if (origprae) {
- Strcpy(bakname, origprae);
- Strcat(bakname, to);
- } else {
- #ifndef NODIR
- char *backupname = find_backup_file_name(to);
- if (backupname == (char *) 0)
- fatal1("out of memory\n");
- Strcpy(bakname, backupname);
- free(backupname);
- #else /* NODIR */
- Strcpy(bakname, to);
- Strcat(bakname, simple_backup_suffix);
- #endif /* NODIR */
- }
- if (stat(to, &filestat) == 0) { /* output file exists */
- dev_t to_device = filestat.st_dev;
- ino_t to_inode = filestat.st_ino;
- char *simplename = bakname;
- for (s=bakname; *s; s++) {
- if (*s == '/')
- simplename = s+1;
- }
- /* Find a backup name that is not the same file.
- Change the first lowercase char into uppercase;
- if that isn't sufficient, chop off the first char and try again. */
- while (stat(bakname, &filestat) == 0 &&
- to_device == filestat.st_dev && to_inode == filestat.st_ino) {
- /* Skip initial non-lowercase chars. */
- for (s=simplename; *s && !islower(*s); s++) ;
- if (*s)
- *s = toupper(*s);
- else
- Strcpy(simplename, simplename+1);
- }
- while (unlink(bakname) >= 0) ; /* while() is for benefit of Eunice */
- #ifdef DEBUGGING
- if (debug & 4)
- say3("Moving %s to %s.\n", to, bakname);
- #endif
- if (rename(to, bakname) < 0) {
- say4("Can't backup %s, output is in %s: %s\n", to, from,
- strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- while (unlink(to) >= 0) ;
- }
- #ifdef DEBUGGING
- if (debug & 4)
- say3("Moving %s to %s.\n", from, to);
- #endif
- if (rename(from, to) < 0) { /* different file system? */
- Reg4 int tofd;
- tofd = creat(to, 0666);
- if (tofd < 0) {
- say4("Can't create %s, output is in %s: %s\n",
- to, from, strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- fromfd = open(from, 0);
- if (fromfd < 0)
- pfatal2("internal error, can't reopen %s", from);
- while ((i=read(fromfd, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0)
- if (write(tofd, buf, i) != i)
- pfatal1("write failed");
- Close(fromfd);
- Close(tofd);
- }
- Unlink(from);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Copy a file. */
- void
- copy_file(from,to)
- char *from, *to;
- {
- Reg3 int tofd;
- Reg2 int fromfd;
- Reg1 int i;
- tofd = creat(to, 0666);
- if (tofd < 0)
- pfatal2("can't create %s", to);
- fromfd = open(from, 0);
- if (fromfd < 0)
- pfatal2("internal error, can't reopen %s", from);
- while ((i=read(fromfd, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0)
- if (write(tofd, buf, i) != i)
- pfatal2("write to %s failed", to);
- Close(fromfd);
- Close(tofd);
- }
- /* Allocate a unique area for a string. */
- char *
- savestr(s)
- Reg1 char *s;
- {
- Reg3 char *rv;
- Reg2 char *t;
- if (!s)
- s = "Oops";
- t = s;
- while (*t++);
- rv = malloc((MEM) (t - s));
- if (rv == Nullch) {
- if (using_plan_a)
- out_of_mem = TRUE;
- else
- fatal1("out of memory\n");
- }
- else {
- t = rv;
- while (*t++ = *s++);
- }
- return rv;
- }
- #if defined(lint) && defined(CANVARARG)
- say(pat) char *pat; { ; }
- fatal(pat) char *pat; { ; }
- pfatal(pat) char *pat; { ; }
- ask(pat) char *pat; { ; }
- #else
- /* Vanilla terminal output (buffered). */
- void
- say(pat,arg1,arg2,arg3)
- char *pat;
- long arg1,arg2,arg3;
- {
- fprintf(stderr, pat, arg1, arg2, arg3);
- Fflush(stderr);
- }
- /* Terminal output, pun intended. */
- void /* very void */
- fatal(pat,arg1,arg2,arg3)
- char *pat;
- long arg1,arg2,arg3;
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "patch: **** ");
- fprintf(stderr, pat, arg1, arg2, arg3);
- my_exit(1);
- }
- /* Say something from patch, something from the system, then silence . . . */
- void /* very void */
- pfatal(pat,arg1,arg2,arg3)
- char *pat;
- long arg1,arg2,arg3;
- {
- int errnum = errno;
- fprintf(stderr, "patch: **** ");
- fprintf(stderr, pat, arg1, arg2, arg3);
- fprintf(stderr, ": %s\n", strerror(errnum));
- my_exit(1);
- }
- /* Get a response from the user, somehow or other. */
- void
- ask(pat,arg1,arg2,arg3)
- char *pat;
- long arg1,arg2,arg3;
- {
- int ttyfd;
- int r;
- bool tty2 = isatty(2);
- Sprintf(buf, pat, arg1, arg2, arg3);
- Fflush(stderr);
- write(2, buf, strlen(buf));
- if (tty2) { /* might be redirected to a file */
- r = read(2, buf, sizeof buf);
- }
- else if (isatty(1)) { /* this may be new file output */
- Fflush(stdout);
- write(1, buf, strlen(buf));
- r = read(1, buf, sizeof buf);
- }
- else if ((ttyfd = open("/dev/tty", 2)) >= 0 && isatty(ttyfd)) {
- /* might be deleted or unwriteable */
- write(ttyfd, buf, strlen(buf));
- r = read(ttyfd, buf, sizeof buf);
- Close(ttyfd);
- }
- else if (isatty(0)) { /* this is probably patch input */
- Fflush(stdin);
- write(0, buf, strlen(buf));
- r = read(0, buf, sizeof buf);
- }
- else { /* no terminal at all--default it */
- buf[0] = '\n';
- r = 1;
- }
- if (r <= 0)
- buf[0] = 0;
- else
- buf[r] = '\0';
- if (!tty2)
- say1(buf);
- }
- #endif /* lint */
- /* How to handle certain events when not in a critical region. */
- void
- set_signals(reset)
- int reset;
- {
- #ifndef lint
- static RETSIGTYPE (*hupval)(),(*intval)();
- if (!reset) {
- hupval = signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
- if (hupval != SIG_IGN)
- hupval = (RETSIGTYPE(*)())my_exit;
- intval = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
- if (intval != SIG_IGN)
- intval = (RETSIGTYPE(*)())my_exit;
- }
- Signal(SIGHUP, hupval);
- Signal(SIGINT, intval);
- #endif
- }
- /* How to handle certain events when in a critical region. */
- void
- ignore_signals()
- {
- #ifndef lint
- Signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
- Signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
- #endif
- }
- /* Make sure we'll have the directories to create a file.
- If `striplast' is TRUE, ignore the last element of `filename'. */
- void
- makedirs(filename,striplast)
- Reg1 char *filename;
- bool striplast;
- {
- char tmpbuf[256];
- Reg2 char *s = tmpbuf;
- char *dirv[20]; /* Point to the NULs between elements. */
- Reg3 int i;
- Reg4 int dirvp = 0; /* Number of finished entries in dirv. */
- /* Copy `filename' into `tmpbuf' with a NUL instead of a slash
- between the directories. */
- while (*filename) {
- if (*filename == '/') {
- filename++;
- dirv[dirvp++] = s;
- *s++ = '\0';
- }
- else {
- *s++ = *filename++;
- }
- }
- *s = '\0';
- dirv[dirvp] = s;
- if (striplast)
- dirvp--;
- if (dirvp < 0)
- return;
- strcpy(buf, "mkdir");
- s = buf;
- for (i=0; i<=dirvp; i++) {
- struct stat sbuf;
- if (stat(tmpbuf, &sbuf) && errno == ENOENT) {
- while (*s) s++;
- *s++ = ' ';
- strcpy(s, tmpbuf);
- }
- *dirv[i] = '/';
- }
- if (s != buf)
- system(buf);
- }
- /* Make filenames more reasonable. */
- char *
- fetchname(at,strip_leading,assume_exists)
- char *at;
- int strip_leading;
- int assume_exists;
- {
- char *fullname;
- char *name;
- Reg1 char *t;
- char tmpbuf[200];
- int sleading = strip_leading;
- if (!at)
- return Nullch;
- while (isspace(*at))
- at++;
- #ifdef DEBUGGING
- if (debug & 128)
- say4("fetchname %s %d %d\n",at,strip_leading,assume_exists);
- #endif
- if (strnEQ(at, "/dev/null", 9)) /* so files can be created by diffing */
- return Nullch; /* against /dev/null. */
- name = fullname = t = savestr(at);
- /* Strip off up to `sleading' leading slashes and null terminate. */
- for (; *t && !isspace(*t); t++)
- if (*t == '/')
- if (--sleading >= 0)
- name = t+1;
- *t = '\0';
- /* If no -p option was given (957 is the default value!),
- we were given a relative pathname,
- and the leading directories that we just stripped off all exist,
- put them back on. */
- if (strip_leading == 957 && name != fullname && *fullname != '/') {
- name[-1] = '\0';
- if (stat(fullname, &filestat) == 0 && S_ISDIR (filestat.st_mode)) {
- name[-1] = '/';
- name=fullname;
- }
- }
- name = savestr(name);
- free(fullname);
- if (stat(name, &filestat) && !assume_exists) {
- char *filebase = basename(name);
- int pathlen = filebase - name;
- /* Put any leading path into `tmpbuf'. */
- strncpy(tmpbuf, name, pathlen);
- #define try(f, a1, a2) (Sprintf(tmpbuf + pathlen, f, a1, a2), stat(tmpbuf, &filestat) == 0)
- if ( try("RCS/%s%s", filebase, RCSSUFFIX)
- || try("RCS/%s" , filebase, 0)
- || try( "%s%s", filebase, RCSSUFFIX)
- || try("SCCS/%s%s", SCCSPREFIX, filebase)
- || try( "%s%s", SCCSPREFIX, filebase))
- return name;
- free(name);
- name = Nullch;
- }
- return name;
- }
- char *
- xmalloc (size)
- unsigned size;
- {
- register char *p = (char *) malloc (size);
- if (!p)
- fatal("out of memory");
- return p;
- }