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- sh(C) 06 January 1993 sh(C)
- _N_a_m_e
- sh - invoke the shell command interpreter
- _S_y_n_t_a_x
- sshh [ --aacceeiikknnrrssttuuvvxx ] [ _aa_rr_gg_ss ]
- _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n
- The shell is the standard command programming language that executes com-
- mands read from a terminal or a file. See ``Invocation'' below for the
- meaning of arguments to the shell.
- _C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s
- A _s_i_m_p_l_e-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d is a sequence of nonblank _w_o_r_d_s separated by _b_l_a_n_k_s (a
- _b_l_a_n_k is a tab or a space). The first word specifies the name of the
- command to be executed. Except as specified below, the remaining words
- are passed as arguments to the invoked command. The command name is
- passed as argument 0 (see eexxeecc(S)). The _v_a_l_u_e of a simple-command is its
- exit status if it terminates normally, or (octal) 1000+_ss_tt_aa_tt_uu_ss if it ter-
- minates abnormally. See ssiiggnnaall(S) for a list of status values.
- A _p_i_p_e_l_i_n_e is a sequence of one or more _c_o_m_m_a_n_d_s separated by a vertical
- bar (||). (The caret (^^), is an obsolete synonym for the vertical bar and
- should not be used in a pipeline. Scripts that use ``^'' for pipelines
- are incompatible with the Korn shell.) The standard output of each com-
- mand but the last is connected by a ppiippee(S) to the standard input of the
- next command. Each command is run as a separate process; the shell waits
- for the last command to terminate.
- A _l_i_s_t is a sequence of one or more pipelines separated by ;;, &&, &&&&, or
- ||||, and optionally terminated by ;; or &&. Of these four symbols, ;; and &&
- have equal precedence, which is lower than that of &&&& and ||||. The sym-
- bols &&&& and |||| also have equal precedence. A semicolon (;;) causes
- sequential execution of the preceding pipeline; an ampersand (&&) causes
- asynchronous execution of the preceding pipeline (that is, the shell does
- _n_o_t wait for that pipeline to finish). The symbol &&&& (||||) causes the
- _l_i_s_t following it to be executed only if the preceding pipeline returns a
- zero (nonzero) exit status. An arbitrary number of newlines may appear
- in a _l_i_s_t, instead of semicolons, to delimit commands.
- A _c_o_m_m_a_n_d is either a simple-command or one of the following commands.
- Unless otherwise stated, the value returned by a command is that of the
- last simple-command executed in the command:
- ffoorr _nn_aa_mm_ee [ iinn _ww_oo_rr_dd ... ]
- ddoo
- _ll_ii_ss_tt
- ddoonnee
- Each time a ffoorr command is executed, _nn_aa_mm_ee is set to the next _ww_oo_rr_dd taken
- from the iinn _ww_oo_rr_dd list. If iinn _ww_oo_rr_dd is omitted, then the ffoorr command exe-
- cutes the ddoo _ll_ii_ss_tt once for each positional parameter that is set (see
- ``Parameter substitution'' below). Execution ends when there are no more
- words in the list.
- ccaassee _ww_oo_rr_dd iinn
- [ _pp_aa_tt_tt_ee_rr_nn [ | _pp_aa_tt_tt_ee_rr_nn ] ... )) _ll_ii_ss_tt
- ;;;; ]
- eessaacc
- A ccaassee command executes the _ll_ii_ss_tt associated with the first _pp_aa_tt_tt_ee_rr_nn that
- matches _ww_oo_rr_dd. The form of the patterns is the same as that used for
- filename generation (see ``Filename generation'' below).
- iiff _ll_ii_ss_tt
- tthheenn
- _ll_ii_ss_tt
- [ eelliiff _ll_ii_ss_tt tthheenn
- _ll_ii_ss_tt ]
- ...
- [ eellssee _ll_ii_ss_tt ]
- ffii
- The _ll_ii_ss_tt following iiff is executed and, if it returns a zero exit status,
- the _ll_ii_ss_tt following the first tthheenn is executed. Otherwise, the _ll_ii_ss_tt fol-
- lowing eelliiff is executed and, if its value is zero, the _ll_ii_ss_tt following the
- next tthheenn is executed. Failing that, the eellssee _ll_ii_ss_tt is executed. If no
- eellssee _ll_ii_ss_tt or tthheenn _ll_ii_ss_tt is executed, then the iiff command returns a zero
- exit status.
- wwhhiillee _ll_ii_ss_tt
- ddoo
- _ll_ii_ss_tt
- ddoonnee
- A wwhhiillee command repeatedly executes the wwhhiillee _ll_ii_ss_tt and, if the exit
- status of the last command in the list is zero, executes the ddoo _ll_ii_ss_tt;
- otherwise the loop terminates. If no commands in the ddoo _ll_ii_ss_tt are exe-
- cuted, then the wwhhiillee command returns a zero exit status; uunnttiill may be
- used in place of wwhhiillee to negate the loop termination test.
- uunnttiill _ll_ii_ss_tt
- ddoo
- _ll_ii_ss_tt
- ddoonnee
- uunnttiill is similar to wwhhiillee, only uunnttiill continues execution until the first
- _ll_ii_ss_tt returns a zero exit status. In other words, uunnttiill works until the
- test condition succeeds (it works the whole time the command is failing);
- wwhhiillee works until the test condition fails. uunnttiill is useful when you are
- waiting for a particular event to occur.
- ((_ll_ii_ss_tt))
- Executes _ll_ii_ss_tt in a subshell.
- {{_ll_ii_ss_tt;;}}
- _ll_ii_ss_tt is simply executed.
- _nn_aa_mm_ee (()) {{_ll_ii_ss_tt;;}}
- Define a function which is referenced by _nn_aa_mm_ee. The body of functions is
- the _ll_ii_ss_tt of commands between {{ and }}. Execution of functions is
- described later (see ``Execution''.)
- The following words are recognized only as the first word of a command
- and when not quoted:
- iiff tthheenn eellssee eelliiff ffii ccaassee eessaacc
- ffoorr wwhhiillee uunnttiill ddoo ddoonnee {{ }}
- _C_o_m_m_e_n_t_s
- A word beginning with ## causes that word and all the following characters
- up to a newline to be ignored.
- _C_o_m_m_a_n_d _s_u_b_s_t_i_t_u_t_i_o_n
- The standard output from a command enclosed between grave accents ( `` `` )
- may be used as part or all of a word; trailing newlines are removed.
- No interpretation is done on the command string before the string is
- read, except to remove backslashes (\\) used to escape other characters.
- Backslashes may be used to escape grave accents (``) or other backslashes
- and are removed before the command string is read. Escaping grave
- accents allows nested command substitution. If the command substitution
- lies within a pair of double quotes ( "" `` ...... `` "" ), backslashes used to
- escape a double quote (\\"") will be removed; otherwise, they will be left
- intact.
- If a backslash is used to escape a newline character, both the backslash
- and the newline are removed (see the section on ``Quoting''). In addi-
- tion, backslashes used to escape dollar signs ( \\$$ ) are removed. Since
- no interpretation is done on the command string before it is read,
- inserting a backslash to escape a dollar sign has no effect. Backslashes
- that precede characters other than \\, ``, "", nneewwlliinnee, and $$ are left
- intact.
- _P_a_r_a_m_e_t_e_r _s_u_b_s_t_i_t_u_t_i_o_n
- The character $$ is used to introduce substitutable _p_a_r_a_m_e_t_e_r_s. There are
- two types of parameters, positional and keyword. If _p_a_r_a_m_e_t_e_r is a
- digit, it is a positional parameter. Positional parameters may be
- assigned values by sseett. Keyword parameters, (also known as variables)
- may be assigned values by writing:
- _nn_aa_mm_ee _== _vv_aa_ll_uu_ee [ _nn_aa_mm_ee _== _vv_aa_ll_uu_ee ] ...
- Pattern-matching is not performed on _vv_aa_ll_uu_ee. There cannot be a function
- and a variable with the same name.
- $${{_pp_aa_rr_aa_mm_ee_tt_ee_rr}}
- A _pp_aa_rr_aa_mm_ee_tt_ee_rr is a sequence of letters, digits, or underscores (a
- _n_a_m_e), a digit, or any of the characters **, @@, ##, ??, --, $$, and !!.
- The value, if any, of the parameter is substituted. The braces are
- required only when _pp_aa_rr_aa_mm_ee_tt_ee_rr is followed by a letter, digit, or
- underscore that is not to be interpreted as part of its name. A
- _n_a_m_e must begin with a letter or underscore. If _pp_aa_rr_aa_mm_ee_tt_ee_rr is a
- digit then it is a positional parameter. If _pp_aa_rr_aa_mm_ee_tt_ee_rr is ** or @@,
- then all the positional parameters, starting with $$11, are substi-
- tuted (separated by spaces). Parameter $$00 is set from argument zero
- when the shell is invoked.
- $${{_pp_aa_rr_aa_mm_ee_tt_ee_rr::--_ww_oo_rr_dd}}
- If _pp_aa_rr_aa_mm_ee_tt_ee_rr is set and is not a null argument, substitute its
- value; otherwise substitute _ww_oo_rr_dd.
- $${{_pp_aa_rr_aa_mm_ee_tt_ee_rr::==_ww_oo_rr_dd}}
- If _pp_aa_rr_aa_mm_ee_tt_ee_rr is not set or is null, then set it to _ww_oo_rr_dd; the value
- of the parameter is then substituted. Positional parameters may not
- be assigned to in this way.
- $${{_pp_aa_rr_aa_mm_ee_tt_ee_rr::??_ww_oo_rr_dd}}
- If _pp_aa_rr_aa_mm_ee_tt_ee_rr is set and is not a null argument, substitute its
- value; otherwise, print _ww_oo_rr_dd and exit from the shell. If _ww_oo_rr_dd is
- omitted, the message ``parameter null or not set'' is printed.
- $${{_pp_aa_rr_aa_mm_ee_tt_ee_rr::++_ww_oo_rr_dd}}
- If _pp_aa_rr_aa_mm_ee_tt_ee_rr is set and is not a null argument, substitute _ww_oo_rr_dd;
- otherwise substitute nothing.
- In the above, _ww_oo_rr_dd is not evaluated unless it is to be used as the sub-
- stituted string, so that in the following example, ppwwdd is executed only
- if dd is not set or is null:
- eecchhoo $${{dd::--((ggaappwwdd``}}
- If the colon (::) is omitted from the above expressions, then the shell
- only checks whether _pp_aa_rr_aa_mm_ee_tt_ee_rr is set.
- The following parameters are automatically set by the shell:
- ## The number of positional parameters in decimal
- -- Flags supplied to the shell on invocation or by the sseett command
- ?? The decimal value returned by the last synchronously executed com-
- mand
- $$ The process number of this shell
- !! The process number of the last background command invoked
- The following parameters are used by the shell:
- CCDDPPAATTHH Defines search path for the ccdd command. See the section
- ``cd'' under ``Special commands'' below.
- HHOOMMEE The default argument (home directory) for the ccdd command
- PPAATTHH The search path for commands (see ``Execution'' below)
- MMAAIILL If this variable is set to the name of a mail file, then
- the shell informs the user of the arrival of mail in the
- specified file
- MMAAIILLCCHHEECCKK This parameter specifies how often (in seconds) the shell
- will check for the arrival of mail in the files specified
- by the MMAAIILLPPAATTHH or MMAAIILL parameters. The default value is
- 600 seconds (10 minutes). If set to 0, the shell will
- check before each prompt.
- MMAAIILLPPAATTHH A colon ((::)) separated list of filenames. If this parameter
- is set, the shell informs the user of the arrival of mail
- in any of the specified files. Each filename can be fol-
- lowed by ``%'' and a message that will be printed when the
- modification time changes. The default message is
- ``you have mail''.
- PPSS11 Primary prompt string, by default ``$$ ''
- PPSS22 Secondary prompt string, by default ``>> ''
- IIFFSS Internal field separators, normally ssppaaccee, ttaabb, and nneewwlliinnee
- SSHHEELLLL When the shell is invoked, it scans the environment (see
- ``Environment'' below) for this name. If it is found and
- there is an `r' in the file name part of its value, the
- shell becomes a restricted shell.
- The shell gives default values to PPAATTHH, PPSS11, PPSS22, and IIFFSS, while HHOOMMEE and
- MMAAIILL are not set at all by the shell (although HHOOMMEE _i_s set by llooggiinn(M)).
- _B_l_a_n_k _i_n_t_e_r_p_r_e_t_a_t_i_o_n
- After parameter and command substitution, the results of substitution are
- scanned for internal field separator characters (those found in IIFFSS) and
- split into distinct arguments where such characters are found. Explicit
- null arguments ( """" or '''' ) are retained. Implicit null arguments (those
- resulting from _pp_aa_rr_aa_mm_ee_tt_ee_rr_ss that have no values) are removed.
- _F_i_l_e_n_a_m_e _g_e_n_e_r_a_t_i_o_n
- Following substitution, each command _ww_oo_rr_dd is scanned for the characters
- **, ??, and [[. If one of these characters appears, the word is regarded as
- a _pp_aa_tt_tt_ee_rr_nn. The word is replaced with alphabetically sorted filenames
- that match the pattern. If no filename is found that matches the pat-
- tern, the word is left unchanged. The character ``.'' at the start of a
- filename or immediately following a ``/'', as well as the character ``/''
- itself, must be matched explicitly. These characters and their matching
- patterns are:
- ** Matches any string, including the null string.
- ?? Matches any single character.
- [[...]] Matches any one of the enclosed characters. A pair of characters
- separated by ``-'' matches any character lexically between the
- pair, inclusive. If the first character following the opening
- bracket ([[) is an exclamation mark (!!), then any character not
- enclosed is matched.
- _Q_u_o_t_i_n_g
- The following characters have a special meaning to the shell and cause
- termination of a word unless quoted:
- ; & ( ) | ^ < > newline space tab
- A character may be _q_u_o_t_e_d (that is, made to stand for itself) by preced-
- ing it with a ``\''. The pair \\nneewwlliinnee is ignored. All characters
- enclosed between a pair of single quotation marks ('' ''), except a single
- quotation mark, are quoted. Inside double quotation marks ("" ""), parame-
- ter and command substitution occurs and ``\'' quotes the characters \\, ``,
- "", and $$. ""$$**"" is equivalent to ""$$11 $$22 ..."", whereas ""$$@@"" is equivalent
- to ""$$11"" ""$$22"" ...
- _P_r_o_m_p_t_i_n_g
- When used interactively, the shell prompts with the value of PPSS11 before
- reading a command. If at any time a newline is typed and further input
- is needed to complete a command, the secondary prompt (that is, the value
- of PPSS22) is issued.
- _S_p_e_l_l_i_n_g _c_h_e_c_k_e_r
- When using ccdd(C) the shell checks spelling. For example, if you change
- to a different directory using ccdd and misspell the directory name, the
- shell responds with an alternative spelling of an existing directory.
- Enter ``y'' and press <Return> (or just press <Return>) to change to the
- offered directory. If the offered spelling is incorrect, enter ``n'',
- then retype the command line. In this example the sshh(C) response is
- boldfaced:
- $ cd /usr/spol/uucp
- ccdd //uussrr//ssppooooll//uuuuccpp??y
- ookk
- _I_n_p_u_t/_O_u_t_p_u_t
- Before a command is executed, its input and output may be redirected
- using a special notation interpreted by the shell. The following may
- appear anywhere in a simple-command or may precede or follow a command.
- They are _n_o_t passed on to the invoked command; substitution occurs before
- _ww_oo_rr_dd or _dd_ii_gg_ii_tt is used:
- <<_ww_oo_rr_dd Use file _ww_oo_rr_dd as standard input (file descriptor 0).
- >>_ww_oo_rr_dd Use file _ww_oo_rr_dd as standard output (file descriptor 1). If
- the file does not exist, it is created; otherwise, it is
- truncated to zero length.
- >>>>_ww_oo_rr_dd Use file _ww_oo_rr_dd as standard output. If the file exists, out-
- put is appended to it (by first seeking the end-of-file);
- otherwise, the file is created.
- <<<<[--]_ww_oo_rr_dd The shell input is read up to a line that is the same as
- _ww_oo_rr_dd, or to an end-of-file. The resulting document becomes
- the standard input. If any character of _ww_oo_rr_dd is quoted, no
- interpretation is placed upon the characters of the docu-
- ment; otherwise, parameter and command substitution occurs,
- (unescaped) \\nneewwlliinnee is ignored, and ``\'' must be used to
- quote the characters \\, $$, ``, and the first character of
- _ww_oo_rr_dd. If ``-'' is appended to <<<<, all leading tabs are
- stripped from _ww_oo_rr_dd and from the document.
- <<&&_dd_ii_gg_ii_tt The standard input is duplicated from file descriptor _dd_ii_gg_ii_tt
- (see dduupp(S)). Similarly for the standard output using >>.
- <<&&-- The standard input is closed. Similarly for the standard
- output using >>.
- If one of the above is preceded by a digit, the file descriptor created
- is that specified by the digit (instead of the default 0 or 1). For
- example:
- ...... 22>>&&11
- creates file descriptor 2 that is a duplicate of file descriptor 1.
- If a command is followed by ``&'', the default standard input for the
- command is the empty file /_d_e_v/_n_u_l_l. Otherwise, the environment for the
- execution of a command contains the file descriptors of the invoking
- shell as modified by input/output specifications.
- _E_n_v_i_r_o_n_m_e_n_t
- The _e_n_v_i_r_o_n_m_e_n_t (see eennvviirroonn(M)) is a list of name-value pairs that is
- passed to an executed program in the same way as a normal argument list.
- The shell interacts with the environment in several ways. On invocation,
- the shell scans the environment and creates a parameter for each name
- found, giving it the corresponding value. Executed commands inherit the
- same environment. If the user modifies the values of these parameters or
- creates new ones, none of these affect the environment unless the eexxppoorrtt
- command is used to bind the shell's parameter to the environment. The
- environment seen by any executed command is composed of any unmodified
- name-value pairs originally inherited by the shell, minus any pairs
- removed by uunnsseett, plus any modifications or additions, all of which must
- be noted in eexxppoorrtt commands.
- The environment for any _s_i_m_p_l_e-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d may be augmented by prefixing it
- with one or more assignments to parameters. Thus:
- TTEERRMM==wwyy6600 _cc_mm_dd _aa_rr_gg_ss
- and
- (eexxppoorrtt TTEERRMM; TTEERRMM==wwyy6600; _cc_mm_dd _aa_rr_gg_ss)
- are equivalent (as far as the above execution of _cc_mm_dd is concerned).
- If the --kk flag is set, _a_l_l keyword arguments are placed in the environ-
- ment, even if they occur after the command name.
- _S_i_g_n_a_l_s
- The IINNTTEERRRRUUPPTT and QQUUIITT signals for an invoked command are ignored if the
- command is followed by ``&''; otherwise signals have the values inherited
- by the shell from its parent, with the exception of signal 11. See the
- ttrraapp command below.
- _E_x_e_c_u_t_i_o_n
- Each time a command is executed, the above substitutions are carried out.
- If the command name does not match a _s_p_e_c_i_a_l _c_o_m_m_a_n_d, but matches the
- name of a defined function, the function is executed in the shell process
- (note how this differs from the execution of shell procedures). The posi-
- tional parameters $$11,, $$22, ... are set to the arguments of the function.
- If the command name matches neither a _s_p_e_c_i_a_l _c_o_m_m_a_n_d nor the name of a
- defined function, a new process is created and an attempt is made to exe-
- cute the command via eexxeecc(S).
- The shell parameter PPAATTHH defines the search path for the directory con-
- taining the command. Alternative directory names are separated by a
- colon (::). The default path is :/_b_i_n:/_u_s_r/_b_i_n (specifying the current
- directory, /_b_i_n, and /_u_s_r/_b_i_n, in that order). Note that the current
- directory is specified by a null pathname, which can appear immediately
- after the equal sign or between the colon delimiters anywhere else in the
- path list. If the command name contains a ``/'', then the search path is
- not used. Otherwise, each directory in the path is searched for an exe-
- cutable file. If the file has execute permission but is not an _a._o_u_t
- file, it is assumed to be a file containing shell commands. A subshell
- (that is, a separate process) is spawned to read it. A parenthesized
- command is also executed in a subshell.
- Shell procedures are often used by users running the ccsshh. However, if
- the first character of the procedure is a ``#'' (comment character), ccsshh
- assumes the procedure is a ccsshh script, and invokes //bbiinn//ccsshh to execute
- it. Always start sshh procedures with some other character if ccsshh users are
- to run the procedure at any time. This invokes the standard shell
- //bbiinn//sshh.
- The location in the search path where a command was found is remembered
- by the shell (to help avoid unnecessary eexxeeccs later). If the command was
- found in a relative directory, its location must be re-determined when-
- ever the current directory changes. The shell forgets all remembered
- locations whenever the PPAATTHH variable is changed or the hhaasshh --rr command is
- executed (see hhaasshh in next section).
- _S_p_e_c_i_a_l _c_o_m_m_a_n_d_s
- Input/output redirection is permitted for these commands:
- :: No effect; the command does nothing. A zero exit code is returned.
- .. _ff_ii_ll_ee
- Reads and executes commands from _ff_ii_ll_ee and returns. The search path
- specified by PPAATTHH is used to find the directory containing _ff_ii_ll_ee.
- bbrreeaakk [ _nn ]
- Exits from the enclosing ffoorr, wwhhiillee, or uunnttiill loop, if any. If _nn is
- specified, it breaks _nn levels.
- ccoonnttiinnuuee [ _nn ]
- Resumes the next iteration of the enclosing ffoorr, wwhhiillee, or uunnttiill
- loop. If _nn is specified, it resumes at the _nn-th enclosing loop.
- ccdd [ _aa_rr_gg ]
- Changes the current directory to _aa_rr_gg. The shell parameter HHOOMMEE is
- the default _aa_rr_gg. The shell parameter CCDDPPAATTHH defines the search path
- for the directory containing _aa_rr_gg. Alternative directory names are
- separated by a colon (:). The default path is <null> (specifying
- the current directory). Note that the current directory is speci-
- fied by a null path name, which can appear immediately after the
- equal sign or between the colon delimiters anywhere else in the path
- list. If _aa_rr_gg begins with a ``/'', the search path is not used.
- Otherwise, each directory in the path is searched for _aa_rr_gg.
- If the shell is reading its commands from a terminal, and the speci-
- fied directory does not exist (or some component cannot be
- searched), spelling correction is applied to each component of
- _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y, in a search for the ``correct'' name. The shell then
- asks whether or not to try and change directory to the corrected
- directory name; an answer of nn means ``no'', and anything else is
- taken as ``yes''.
- eecchhoo [ _aa_rr_gg ]
- Writes arguments separated by blanks and terminated by a newline on
- the standard output. Arguments may be enclosed in quotes. Quotes
- are required so that the shell correctly interprets these special
- escape sequences:
- \\bb Backspace
- \\cc Prints line without newline.
- \\ff Form feed
- \\nn Newline
- \\rr Carriage return
- \\tt Tab
- \\vv Vertical tab
- \\\\ Backslash
- \\_nn The 8-bit character whose ASCII code is the 1, 2 or 3-digit
- octal number _nn. _nn must start with a zero.
- eevvaall [ _aa_rr_gg ... ]
- The arguments are read as input to the shell and the resulting
- command(s) executed.
- eexxeecc [ _aa_rr_gg ... ]
- The command specified by the arguments is executed in place of this
- shell without creating a new process. Input/output arguments may
- appear and, if no other arguments are given, cause the shell
- input/output to be modified.
- eexxiitt [ _nn ]
- Causes the shell to exit with the exit status specified by _nn. If _nn
- is omitted, the exit status is that of the last command executed.
- An end-of-file will also cause the shell to exit.
- eexxppoorrtt [ _nn_aa_mm_ee ... ]
- The given _nn_aa_mm_ees are marked for automatic export to the _e_n_v_i_r_o_n_m_e_n_t
- of subsequently executed commands. If no arguments are given, a
- list of all names that are exported in this shell is printed.
- ggeettooppttss
- Used in shell scripts to support command syntax standards (see
- IInnttrroo(C)); it parses positional parameters and checks for legal
- options. See ggeettooppttss(C) for usage and description.
- hhaasshh [ --rr ] [ _nn_aa_mm_ee ... ]
- For each _nn_aa_mm_ee, the location in the search path of the command speci-
- fied by _nn_aa_mm_ee is determined and remembered by the shell. The --rr
- option causes the shell to forget all remembered locations. If no
- arguments are given, information about remembered commands is
- presented. ``Hits'' is the number of times a command has been
- invoked by the shell process. ``Cost'' is a measure of the work
- required to locate a command in the search path. There are certain
- situations which require that the stored location of a command be
- recalculated. Commands for which this will be done are indicated by
- an asterisk (**) adjacent to the ``hits'' information. ``Cost'' will
- be incremented when the recalculation is done.
- nneewwggrrpp [ _aa_rr_gg ... ]
- Equivalent to eexxeecc nneewwggrrpp _aa_rr_gg ...
- ppwwdd Print the current working directory. See ppwwdd(C) for usage and
- description.
- rreeaadd [ _nn_aa_mm_ee ... ]
- One line is read from the standard input and the first word is
- assigned to the first _nn_aa_mm_ee, the second word to the second _nn_aa_mm_ee,
- etc., with leftover words assigned to the last _nn_aa_mm_ee. The return
- code is 0 unless an end-of-file is encountered.
- rreeaaddoonnllyy [ _nn_aa_mm_ee ... ]
- The given _nn_aa_mm_ees are marked rreeaaddoonnllyy and the values of these _nn_aa_mm_ees
- may not be changed by subsequent assignment. If no arguments are
- given, a list of all rreeaaddoonnllyy names is printed.
- rreettuurrnn [ _nn ]
- Causes a function to exit with the return value specified by _nn. If
- _nn is omitted, the return status is that of the last command
- executed.
- sseett [ --aaeeffhhkknnuuvvxx [ _aa_rr_gg ... ] ]
- --aa Mark variables which are modified or created for export.
- --ee If the shell is noninteractive, exits immediately if a command
- exits with a nonzero exit status.
- --ff Disables filename generation.
- --hh Locates and remembers function commands as functions are defined
- (function commands are normally located when the function is
- executed). For example, if hh is set, /_b_i_n/_t_t_y is added to the
- hash table when:
- showtty(){
- tty
- }
- is declared. If hh is unset, the function is not added to the
- hash table until showtty is called.
- --kk Places all keyword arguments in the environment for a command,
- not just those that precede the command name.
- --nn Reads commands but does not execute them.
- --uu Treats unset variables as an error when substituting.
- --vv Prints shell input lines as they are read.
- --xx Prints commands and their arguments as they are executed.
- Although this flag is passed to subshells, it does not enable
- tracing in those subshells.
- ---- Does not change any of the flags; useful in setting $1 to ``-''.
- Using ``+'' rather than ``-'' causes these flags to be turned
- off. These flags can also be used upon invocation of the shell.
- The current set of flags may be found in $$--. The remaining
- arguments are positional parameters and are assigned, in order,
- to $$11, $$22, ... If no arguments are given, the values of all
- names are printed.
- sshhiifftt [_nn]
- The positional parameters from $$22 ... are renamed $$11 ... If _nn is
- specified, shift the positional parameters by _nn places. sshhiifftt is the
- only way to access positional parameters above $$99.
- tteesstt Evaluates conditional expressions. See tteesstt(C) for usage and
- description.
- ttiimmeess
- Prints the accumulated user and system times for processes run from
- the shell.
- ttrraapp [ _aa_rr_gg ] [ _nn ] ...
- _aa_rr_gg is a command to be read and executed when the shell receives
- signal(s) _nn. (Note that _aa_rr_gg is scanned once when the trap is set
- and once when the trap is taken.) Trap commands are executed in
- order of signal number. The highest signal number allowed is 16.
- Any attempt to set a trap on a signal that was ignored on entry to
- the current shell is ineffective. An attempt to trap on signal 11
- (memory fault) produces an error. If _aa_rr_gg is absent, all trap(s) _nn
- are reset to their original values. If _aa_rr_gg is the null string, this
- signal is ignored by the shell and by the commands it invokes. If _nn
- is 0, the command _aa_rr_gg is executed on exit from the shell. The ttrraapp
- command with no arguments prints a list of commands associated with
- each signal number.
- ttyyppee [ _nn_aa_mm_ee ... ]
- For each _nn_aa_mm_ee, indicate how it would be interpreted if used as a
- command name.
- uulliimmiitt [ _nn ]
- imposes a size limit of _nn blocks on files written by the shell and
- its child processes (files of any size may be read). Any user may
- decrease the file size limit, but only the super user (_r_o_o_t) can
- increase the limit. With no argument, the current limit is printed.
- If no option is given and a number is specified, --ff is assumed.
- uunnsseett [ _nn_aa_mm_ee ... ]
- For each _nn_aa_mm_ee, remove the corresponding variable or function. The
- variables PPAATTHH, PPSS11, PPSS22, MMAAIILLCCHHEECCKK and IIFFSS cannot be unset.
- uummaasskk [ _oo_oo_oo ]
- The user file-creation mask is set to the octal number _oo_oo_oo where _oo
- is an octal digit (see uummaasskk(C)). If _oo_oo_oo is omitted, the current
- value of the mask is printed.
- wwaaiitt [ _nn ]
- Waits for the specified process to terminate, and reports the termi-
- nation status. If _nn is not given, all currently active child pro-
- cesses are waited for. The return code from this command is always
- 0.
- _I_n_v_o_c_a_t_i_o_n
- If the shell is invoked through eexxeecc(S) and the first character of argu-
- ment 0 is ``-'', commands are initially read from /_e_t_c/_p_r_o_f_i_l_e and then
- from $$HHOOMMEE/._p_r_o_f_i_l_e, if such files exist. Thereafter, commands are read
- as described below, which is also the case when the shell is invoked as
- //bbiinn//sshh. The flags below are interpreted by the shell on invocation
- only; note that unless the --cc or --ss flag is specified, the first argument
- is assumed to be the name of a file containing commands, and the remain-
- ing arguments are passed as positional parameters to that command file:
- --cc _ss_tt_rr_ii_nn_gg If the --cc flag is present, commands are read from _ss_tt_rr_ii_nn_gg.
- --ss If the --ss flag is present or if no arguments remain, commands
- are read from the standard input. Any remaining arguments
- specify the positional parameters. Shell output is written to
- file descriptor 2.
- --tt If the --tt flag is present, a single command is read and exe-
- cuted, and the shell exits. This flag is intended for use by C
- programs only and is not useful interactively.
- --ii If the --ii flag is present or if the shell input and output are
- attached to a terminal, this shell is _i_n_t_e_r_a_c_t_i_v_e. In this
- case, TTEERRMMIINNAATTEE is ignored (so that kkiillll 00 does not kill an
- interactive shell) and IINNTTEERRRRUUPPTT is caught and ignored (so that
- wwaaiitt is interruptible). In all cases, QQUUIITT is ignored by the
- shell.
- --rr If the --rr flag is present, the shell is a restricted shell (see
- rrsshh(C)).
- The remaining flags and arguments are described under the sseett command
- above.
- _E_x_i_t _s_t_a_t_u_s
- Errors detected by the shell, such as syntax errors, cause the shell to
- return a nonzero exit status. If the shell is being used noninterac-
- tively, execution of the shell file is abandoned. Otherwise, the shell
- returns the exit status of the last command executed. See the eexxiitt com-
- mand above.
- _F_i_l_e_s
- /_e_t_c/_p_r_o_f_i_l_e system default _p_r_o_f_i_l_e, read by login shells before
- $$HHOOMMEE/._p_r_o_f_i_l_e
- $$HHOOMMEE/._p_r_o_f_i_l_e read by login shell at login
- /_t_m_p/_s_h* temporary file for <<<<
- /_d_e_v/_n_u_l_l source of empty file
- _S_e_e _a_l_s_o
- aa..oouutt(FP), ccdd(C), dduupp(S), eennvv(C), eennvviirroonn(M), eexxeecc(S), ffoorrkk(S), kksshh(C),
- llooggiinn(M), nneewwggrrpp(C), ppiippee(S), pprrooffiillee(M), rrsshh(C), ssiiggnnaall(S), tteesstt(C),
- uummaasskk(C), uummaasskk(S) and wwaaiitt(S).
- _N_o_t_e_s
- The command rreeaaddoonnllyy (without arguments) produces the same type of output
- as the command eexxppoorrtt.
- If <<<< is used to provide standard input to an asynchronous process
- invoked by &&, the shell gets mixed up about naming the input document; a
- garbage file /_t_m_p/_s_h* is created and the shell complains about not being
- able to find that file by another name.
- If a command is executed, and a command with the same name is installed
- in a directory in the search path before the directory where the original
- command was found, the shell will continue to eexxeecc the original command.
- Use the hhaasshh command to correct this situation.
- If you move the current directory or one above it, ppwwdd may not give the
- correct response. Use the ccdd command with a full pathname to correct
- this situation.
- When a sshh user logs in, the system reads and executes commands in
- /_e_t_c/_p_r_o_f_i_l_e before executing commands in the user's $$HHOOMMEE/._p_r_o_f_i_l_e. You
- can, therefore, modify the environment for all sshh users on the system by
- editing /_e_t_c/_p_r_o_f_i_l_e.
- The shell doesn't treat the high (eighth) bit in the characters of a com-
- mand line argument specially, nor does it strip the eighth bit from the
- characters of error messages. Previous versions of the shell used the
- eighth bit as a quoting mechanism.
- Existing programs that set the eighth bit of characters in order to quote
- them as part of the shell command line should be changed to use of the
- standard shell quoting mechanisms (see the section on ``Quoting'').
- Words used to specify filenames in input/output redirection are not
- expanded for filename generation (see the section on ``Filename
- generation''). For example, ccaatt ffiillee11 >> aa** will create a file named _a*.
- Because commands in pipelines are run as separate processes, variables
- set in a pipeline have no effect on the parent shell.
- If you get the error message:
- fork failed - too many processes
- try using the wwaaiitt(C) command to clean up your background processes. If
- this doesn't help, the system process table is probably full or you have
- too many active foreground processes (there is a limit to the number of
- processes that be can associated with your login, and the number the sys-
- tem can keep track of).
- _W_a_r_n_i_n_g_s
- Not all processes of a 3 or more stage pipeline are children of the
- shell, and thus cannot be waited for.
- For wwaaiitt _nn, if _nn is not an active process id, all your shell's currently
- active background processes are waited for and the return code will be
- zero.
- _S_t_a_n_d_a_r_d_s _c_o_n_f_o_r_m_a_n_c_e
- sshh is conformant with:
- AT&T SVID Issue 2;
- and X/Open Portability Guide, Issue 3, 1989.