home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * lexical analysis and source input
- */
- #ifndef lint
- static char *RCSid = "$Id: lex.c,v 1.2 1992/04/25 08:33:28 sjg Exp $";
- #endif
- #include "stdh.h"
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <setjmp.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include "sh.h"
- #include "expand.h"
- int ttyfd = -1; /* tty fd for edit and jobs */
- char *history[HISTORY]; /* saved commands */
- char **histptr = history - 1; /* last history item */
- int histpush; /* number of pushed fc commands */
- /* we set s->str to NULLSTR instead of "", so that ungetsc() works */
- static char nullstr [] = {0, 0};
- #define NULLSTR (nullstr + 1)
- static int expanding_alias;
- static int alias;
- static void readhere ARGS((struct ioword *iop));
- static int getsc_ ARGS((void));
- /* optimized getsc_() */
- #define getsc() ((*source->str != 0) ? *source->str++ : getsc_())
- #define ungetsc() (source->str--)
- /*
- * Lexical analyzer
- *
- * tokens are not regular expressions, they are LL(1).
- * for example, "${var:-${PWD}}", and "$(size $(whence ksh))".
- * hence the state stack.
- */
- int
- yylex(cf)
- int cf;
- {
- register int c, state;
- char states [64], *statep = states;
- XString ws; /* expandable output word */
- register char *wp; /* output word pointer */
- register char *sp, *dp;
- int istate;
- int c2;
- static int rec_alias_cnt = 0;
- static struct tbl *rec_alias_table[20];
- if (expanding_alias) {
- expanding_alias = 0;
- while (rec_alias_cnt-- > 0)
- rec_alias_table[rec_alias_cnt]->flag &= ~EXPALIAS;
- rec_alias_cnt = 0;
- }
- Again:
- Xinit(ws, wp, 64);
- if (cf&ONEWORD)
- istate = SWORD;
- else if (cf&LETEXPR)
- istate = SDPAREN;
- else { /* normal lexing */
- istate = SBASE;
- while ((c = getsc()) == ' ' || c == '\t')
- ;
- if (c == '#')
- while ((c = getsc()) != 0 && c != '\n')
- ;
- ungetsc();
- }
- if (alias) { /* trailing ' ' in alias definition */
- alias = 0;
- cf |= ALIAS;
- }
- /* collect non-special or quoted characters to form word */
- for (*statep = state = istate;
- !((c = getsc()) == 0 || (state == SBASE && ctype(c, C_LEX1))); ) {
- Xcheck(ws, wp);
- switch (state) {
- case SBASE:
- Sbase:
- switch (c) {
- case '\\':
- c = getsc();
- if (c != '\n')
- *wp++ = QCHAR, *wp++ = c;
- else
- if (wp == Xstring(ws, wp))
- goto Again;
- break;
- case '\'':
- *++statep = state = SSQUOTE;
- *wp++ = OQUOTE;
- break;
- case '"':
- *++statep = state = SDQUOTE;
- *wp++ = OQUOTE;
- break;
- default:
- goto Subst;
- }
- break;
- Subst:
- switch (c) {
- case '\\':
- c = getsc();
- switch (c) {
- case '\n':
- break;
- case '"': case '\\':
- case '$': case '`':
- Xcheck(ws, wp);
- *wp++ = QCHAR, *wp++ = c;
- break;
- default:
- Xcheck(ws, wp);
- *wp++ = CHAR, *wp++ = '\\';
- *wp++ = CHAR, *wp++ = c;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case '$':
- c = getsc();
- if (c == '(') {
- *++statep = state = SPAREN;
- *wp++ = COMSUB;
- } else
- if (c == '{') {
- *++statep = state = SBRACE;
- *wp++ = OSUBST;
- c = getsc();
- do {
- Xcheck(ws, wp);
- *wp++ = c;
- c = getsc();
- } while (ctype(c, C_ALPHA|C_DIGIT));
- *wp++ = 0;
- /* todo: more compile-time checking */
- if (c == '}')
- ungetsc();
- else if (c == '#' || c == '%') {
- /* Korn pattern trimming */
- if (getsc() == c)
- c |= 0x80;
- else
- ungetsc();
- *wp++ = c;
- } else if (c == ':')
- *wp++ = 0x80|getsc();
- else
- *wp++ = c;
- } else if (ctype(c, C_ALPHA)) {
- *wp++ = OSUBST;
- do {
- Xcheck(ws, wp);
- *wp++ = c;
- c = getsc();
- } while (ctype(c, C_ALPHA|C_DIGIT));
- *wp++ = 0;
- *wp++ = CSUBST;
- ungetsc();
- } else if (ctype(c, C_DIGIT|C_VAR1)) {
- Xcheck(ws, wp);
- *wp++ = OSUBST;
- *wp++ = c;
- *wp++ = 0;
- *wp++ = CSUBST;
- } else {
- *wp++ = CHAR, *wp++ = '$';
- ungetsc();
- }
- break;
- case '`':
- *++statep = state = SBQUOTE;
- *wp++ = COMSUB;
- break;
- default:
- *wp++ = CHAR, *wp++ = c;
- }
- break;
- case SSQUOTE:
- if (c == '\'') {
- state = *--statep;
- *wp++ = CQUOTE;
- } else
- *wp++ = QCHAR, *wp++ = c;
- break;
- case SDQUOTE:
- if (c == '"') {
- state = *--statep;
- *wp++ = CQUOTE;
- } else
- goto Subst;
- break;
- case SPAREN:
- if (c == '(')
- *++statep = state;
- else if (c == ')')
- state = *--statep;
- if (state == SPAREN)
- *wp++ = c;
- else
- *wp++ = 0; /* end of COMSUB */
- break;
- case SBRACE:
- if (c == '}') {
- state = *--statep;
- *wp++ = CSUBST;
- } else
- goto Sbase;
- break;
- case SBQUOTE:
- if (c == '`') {
- *wp++ = 0;
- state = *--statep;
- } else if (c == '\\') {
- switch (c = getsc()) {
- case '\n':
- break;
- case '\\':
- case '$': case '`':
- *wp++ = c;
- break;
- default:
- *wp++ = '\\';
- *wp++ = c;
- break;
- }
- } else
- *wp++ = c;
- break;
- case SWORD: /* ONEWORD */
- goto Subst;
- case SDPAREN: /* LETEXPR */
- if (c == ')') {
- if (getsc() == ')') {
- c = 0;
- goto Done;
- } else
- ungetsc();
- }
- goto Subst;
- }
- }
- Done:
- Xcheck(ws, wp);
- if (state != istate)
- yyerror("no closing quote");
- if (c == '<' || c == '>') {
- char *cp = Xstring(ws, wp);
- if (wp > cp && cp[0] == CHAR && digit(cp[1])) {
- wp = cp; /* throw away word */
- c2/*unit*/ = cp[1] - '0';
- } else
- c2/*unit*/ = c == '>'; /* 0 for <, 1 for > */
- }
- if (wp == Xstring(ws, wp) && state == SBASE) {
- Xfree(ws, sp); /* free word */
- /* no word, process LEX1 character */
- switch (c) {
- default:
- return c;
- case '|':
- case '&':
- case ';':
- if (getsc() == c)
- c = (c == ';') ? BREAK :
- (c == '|') ? LOGOR :
- (c == '&') ? LOGAND :
- else
- ungetsc();
- return c;
- case '>':
- case '<': {
- register struct ioword *iop;
- iop = (struct ioword *) alloc(sizeof(*iop), ATEMP);
- iop->unit = c2/*unit*/;
- c2 = getsc();
- if (c2 == '>' || c2 == '<') {
- iop->flag = c != c2 ? IORDWR : c == '>' ? IOCAT : IOHERE;
- c2 = getsc();
- } else
- iop->flag = c == '>' ? IOWRITE : IOREAD;
- if (iop->flag == IOHERE)
- if (c2 == '-')
- iop->flag |= IOSKIP;
- else
- ungetsc();
- else
- if (c2 == '&')
- iop->flag = IODUP;
- else if (c2 == '!' && iop->flag == IOWRITE)
- iop->flag |= IOCLOB;
- else
- ungetsc();
- yylval.iop = iop;
- return REDIR;
- }
- case '\n':
- gethere();
- if (cf & CONTIN)
- goto Again;
- return c;
- case '(':
- c2 = getsc();
- if (c2 == ')')
- c = MPAREN;
- else if (c2 == '(')
- c = MDPAREN;
- else
- ungetsc();
- case ')':
- return c;
- }
- }
- *wp++ = EOS; /* terminate word */
- yylval.cp = Xclose(ws, wp);
- if (state == SWORD || state == SDPAREN) /* ONEWORD? */
- return LWORD;
- ungetsc(); /* unget terminator */
- /* copy word to unprefixed string ident */
- for (sp = yylval.cp, dp = ident; dp < ident+IDENT && (c = *sp++) == CHAR; )
- *dp++ = *sp++;
- /* Make sure the ident array stays '\0' padded */
- while (dp <= ident+IDENT)
- *dp++ = '\0';
- #if 0
- if (*ident == '~' || (dp = strchr(ident, '=')) != NULL && dp[1] == '~')
- "Tilde expansion";
- #endif
- if (c != EOS)
- *ident = 0; /* word is not unquoted */
- if (*ident != 0 && (cf&(KEYWORD|ALIAS))) {
- register struct tbl *p;
- p = tsearch(&lexicals, ident, hash(ident));
- if (p != NULL && (p->flag&ISSET))
- if (p->type == CKEYWD && (cf&KEYWORD)) {
- afree(yylval.cp, ATEMP);
- return p->val.i;
- } else if (p->type == CALIAS && (cf&ALIAS) &&
- !(p->flag&EXPALIAS)) {
- register Source *s;
- if (rec_alias_cnt == sizeof(rec_alias_table)/sizeof(rec_alias_table[0]))
- yyerror("excessive recusrsive aliasing");
- else
- rec_alias_table[rec_alias_cnt++] = p;
- p->flag |= EXPALIAS;
- /* check for recursive aliasing */
- for (s = source; s->type == SALIAS; s = s->next)
- if (s->u.tblp == p)
- return LWORD;
- afree(yylval.cp, ATEMP);
- /* push alias expansion */
- s = pushs(SALIAS);
- s->str = p->val.s;
- s->u.tblp = p;
- s->next = source;
- source = s;
- goto Again;
- }
- }
- return LWORD;
- }
- static void readhere();
- gethere()
- {
- register struct ioword **p;
- for (p = heres; p < herep; p++)
- readhere(*p);
- herep = heres;
- }
- /*
- * read "<<word" text into temp file
- * todo: set up E_ERR to fclose(f) on unwind
- */
- static void
- readhere(iop)
- register struct ioword *iop;
- {
- register FILE *f;
- struct temp *h;
- register int c;
- char *eof;
- register char *cp;
- char line [LINE+1];
- eof = evalstr(iop->name, 0);
- h = maketemp(ATEMP);
- h->next = e.temps; e.temps = h;
- iop->name = h->name;
- f = fopen(h->name, "w");
- if (f == NULL)
- errorf("Cannot create temporary file\n");
- setvbuf(f, (char *)NULL, _IOFBF, BUFSIZ);
- for (;;) {
- cp = line;
- while ((c = getsc()) != '\n') {
- if (c == 0)
- errorf("here document `%s' unclosed\n", eof);
- if (cp >= line+LINE)
- break;
- *cp++ = c;
- }
- ungetsc();
- *cp = 0;
- for (cp = line; iop->flag&IOSKIP && *cp == '\t'; cp++)
- ;
- if (strcmp(eof, cp) == 0 || c == 0)
- break;
- while ((c = *cp++) != '\0')
- putc(c, f);
- while ((c = getsc()) != '\n') {
- if (c == 0)
- errorf("here document `%s' unclosed\n", eof);
- putc(c, f);
- }
- putc(c, f);
- }
- fclose(f);
- }
- void
- yyerror(msg)
- const char *msg;
- {
- yynerrs++;
- while (source->type == SALIAS) /* pop aliases */
- source = source->next;
- if (source->file != NULL)
- shellf("%s[%d]: ", source->file, source->line);
- source->str = NULLSTR; /* zap pending input */
- errorf("%s\n", msg);
- }
- /*
- * input for yylex with alias expansion
- */
- Source *
- pushs(type)
- int type;
- {
- register Source *s;
- s = (Source *) alloc(sizeof(Source), ATEMP);
- s->type = type;
- s->str = NULLSTR;
- s->line = 0;
- s->file = NULL;
- s->echo = 0;
- s->next = NULL;
- return s;
- }
- static int
- getsc_()
- {
- register Source *s = source;
- register int c;
- extern void mprint();
- while ((c = *s->str++) == 0) {
- s->str = NULL; /* return 0 for EOF by default */
- switch (s->type) {
- case SEOF:
- s->str = NULLSTR;
- return 0;
- case STTY:
- if (histpush < 0) { /* commands pushed by dofc */
- s->type = SHIST;
- s->str = NULLSTR;
- continue;
- }
- s->line++;
- s->str = line;
- line[0] = '\0';
- mprint();
- pprompt(prompt);
- flushshf(1); flushshf(2);
- /*
- * This allows the arival of a SIGCHLD
- * to not disturb us until we are ready.
- * BSD and other systems that
- * automatically rety a read after an
- * interrupt don't need this but it
- * doesn't do any harm either.
- */
- retry:
- #ifdef EDIT
- #ifdef EMACS
- if (flag[FEMACS])
- c = x_read(ttyfd, line, LINE);
- else
- #endif
- #ifdef VI
- if (flag[FVI])
- c = x_read(ttyfd, line, LINE);
- else
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifdef amigados
- c = tty_read(ttyfd, line, LINE);
- #else
- c = read(ttyfd, line, LINE);
- #endif
- if (c < 0 && sigchld_caught)
- {
- goto retry;
- }
- if (c < 0) /* read error */
- c = 0;
- line[c] = '\0';
- prompt = strval(global("PS2"));
- if (c == 0) { /* EOF */
- s->str = NULL;
- s->line--;
- } else {
- c = 0;
- while(line[c] && ctype(line[c], C_IFS))
- c++;
- if (!line[c]) {
- s->str = &line[c - 1];
- s->line--;
- } else {
- s->str = &line[c];
- histsave(s->str);
- }
- }
- break;
- case SHIST:
- if (histpush == 0) {
- s->type = STTY;
- s->str = NULLSTR;
- continue;
- }
- s->line++;
- s->str = histptr[++histpush];
- #if 0
- pprompt("!< "); /* todo: PS9 */
- #endif
- shellf("%s\n", s->str);
- strcpy(line, s->str);
- s->str = strchr(line, 0);
- *s->str++ = '\n';
- *s->str = 0;
- s->str = line;
- break;
- case SFILE:
- s->line++;
- s->str = fgets(line, LINE, s->u.file);
- if (s->str == NULL)
- if (s->u.file != stdin)
- fclose(s->u.file);
- break;
- case SWSTR:
- break;
- case SSTRING:
- s->str = "\n";
- s->type = SEOF;
- break;
- case SWORDS:
- s->str = *s->u.strv++;
- s->type = SWORDSEP;
- break;
- case SWORDSEP:
- if (*s->u.strv == NULL) {
- s->str = "\n";
- s->type = SEOF;
- } else {
- s->str = " ";
- s->type = SWORDS;
- }
- break;
- case SALIAS:
- s->str = s->u.tblp->val.s;
- if (s->str[0] != 0) {
- c = strchr(s->str, 0)[-1];
- if (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
- alias = 1; /* trailing ' ' */
- }
- source = s = s->next;
- expanding_alias = 1;
- continue;
- }
- if (s->str == NULL) {
- s->type = SEOF;
- s->str = NULLSTR;
- return 0;
- }
- if (s->echo)
- fputs(s->str, shlout);
- }
- return c;
- }
- pprompt(cp)
- register char *cp;
- {
- while (*cp != 0)
- if (*cp != '!')
- putc(*cp++, shlout);
- else
- if (*++cp == '!')
- putc(*cp++, shlout);
- else
- shellf("%d", source->line);
- fflush(shlout);
- }