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GNU Info File | 1993-04-15 | 42.7 KB | 970 lines |
- This is Info file /home/gd/gnu/termcap/termcap.info, produced by
- Makeinfo-1.52 from the input file /home/gd/gnu/termcap/termcap.texi.
- This file documents the termcap library of the GNU system.
- Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
- manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
- preserved on all copies.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
- this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
- the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
- permission notice identical to this one.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
- manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
- versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
- translation approved by the Foundation.
- File: termcap.info, Node: Naming, Next: Inheriting, Prev: Capability Format, Up: Data Base
- Terminal Type Name Conventions
- ==============================
- There are conventions for choosing names of terminal types. For one
- thing, all letters should be in lower case. The terminal type for a
- terminal in its most usual or most fundamental mode of operation should
- not have a hyphen in it.
- If the same terminal has other modes of operation which require
- different terminal descriptions, these variant descriptions are given
- names made by adding suffixes with hyphens. Such alternate descriptions
- are used for two reasons:
- * When the terminal has a switch that changes its behavior. Since
- the computer cannot tell how the switch is set, the user must tell
- the computer by choosing the appropriate terminal type name.
- For example, the VT-100 has a setup flag that controls whether the
- cursor wraps at the right margin. If this flag is set to "wrap",
- you must use the terminal type `vt100-am'. Otherwise you must use
- `vt100-nam'. Plain `vt100' is defined as a synonym for either
- `vt100-am' or `vt100-nam' depending on the preferences of the
- local site.
- The standard suffix `-am' stands for "automatic margins".
- * To give the user a choice in how to use the terminal. This is done
- when the terminal has a switch that the computer normally controls.
- For example, the Ann Arbor Ambassador can be configured with many
- screen sizes ranging from 20 to 60 lines. Fewer lines make bigger
- characters but more lines let you see more of what you are editing.
- As a result, users have different preferences. Therefore, termcap
- provides terminal types for many screen sizes. If you choose type
- `aaa-30', the terminal will be configured to use 30 lines; if you
- choose `aaa-48', 48 lines will be used, and so on.
- Here is a list of standard suffixes and their conventional meanings:
- `-w'
- Short for "wide". This is a mode that gives the terminal more
- columns than usual. This is normally a user option.
- `-am'
- "Automatic margins". This is an alternate description for use when
- the terminal's margin-wrap switch is on; it contains the `am'
- flag. The implication is that normally the switch is off and the
- usual description for the terminal says that the switch is off.
- `-nam'
- "No automatic margins". The opposite of `-am', this names an
- alternative description which lacks the `am' flag. This implies
- that the terminal is normally operated with the margin-wrap switch
- turned on, and the normal description of the terminal says so.
- `-na'
- "No arrows". This terminal description initializes the terminal to
- keep its arrow keys in local mode. This is a user option.
- `-rv'
- "Reverse video". This terminal description causes text output for
- normal video to appear as reverse, and text output for reverse
- video to come out as normal. Often this description differs from
- the usual one by interchanging the two strings which turn reverse
- video on and off.
- This is a user option; you can choose either the "reverse video"
- variant terminal type or the normal terminal type, and termcap will
- obey.
- `-s'
- "Status". Says to enable use of a status line which ordinary
- output does not touch (*note Status Line::.).
- Some terminals have a special line that is used only as a status
- line. For these terminals, there is no need for an `-s' variant;
- the status line commands should be defined by default. On other
- terminals, enabling a status line means removing one screen line
- from ordinary use and reducing the effective screen height. For
- these terminals, the user can choose the `-s' variant type to
- request use of a status line.
- Says to operate with NLINES lines on the screen, for terminals
- such as the Ambassador which provide this as an option. Normally
- this is a user option; by choosing the terminal type, you control
- how many lines termcap will use.
- `-NPAGESp'
- Says that the terminal has NPAGES pages worth of screen memory,
- for terminals where this is a hardware option.
- `-unk'
- Says that description is not for direct use, but only for
- reference in `tc' capabilities. Such a description is a kind of
- subroutine, because it describes the common characteristics of
- several variant descriptions that would use other suffixes in
- place of `-unk'.
- File: termcap.info, Node: Inheriting, Next: Changing, Prev: Naming, Up: Data Base
- Inheriting from Related Descriptions
- ====================================
- When two terminal descriptions are similar, their identical parts do
- not need to be given twice. Instead, one of the two can be defined in
- terms of the other, using the `tc' capability. We say that one
- description "refers to" the other, or "inherits from" the other.
- The `tc' capability must be the last one in the terminal description,
- and its value is a string which is the name of another terminal type
- which is referred to. For example,
- N9|aaa|ambassador|aaa-30|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines:\
- :ti=\E[2J\E[30;0;0;30p:\
- :te=\E[60;0;0;30p\E[30;1H\E[J:\
- :li#30:tc=aaa-unk:
- defines the terminal type `aaa-30' (also known as plain `aaa') in terms
- of `aaa-unk', which defines everything about the Ambassador that is
- independent of screen height. The types `aaa-36', `aaa-48' and so on
- for other screen heights are likewise defined to inherit from `aaa-unk'.
- The capabilities overridden by `aaa-30' include `li', which says how
- many lines there are, and `ti' and `te', which configure the terminal
- to use that many lines.
- The effective terminal description for type `aaa' consists of the
- text shown above followed by the text of the description of `aaa-unk'.
- The `tc' capability is handled automatically by `tgetent', which finds
- the description thus referenced and combines the two descriptions
- (*note Find::.). Therefore, only the implementor of the terminal
- descriptions needs to think about using `tc'. Users and application
- programmers do not need to be concerned with it.
- Since the reference terminal description is used last, capabilities
- specified in the referring description override any specifications of
- the same capabilities in the reference description.
- The referring description can cancel out a capability without
- specifying any new value for it by means of a special trick. Write the
- capability in the referring description, with the character `@' after
- the capability name, as follows:
- NZ|aaa-30-nam|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines/no automatic-margins:\
- :am@:tc=aaa-30:
- File: termcap.info, Node: Changing, Prev: Inheriting, Up: Data Base
- When Changes in the Data Base Take Effect
- =========================================
- Each application program must read the terminal description from the
- data base, so a change in the data base is effective for all jobs
- started after the change is made.
- The change will usually have no effect on a job that have been in
- existence since before the change. The program probably read the
- terminal description once, when it was started, and is continuing to
- use what it read then. If the program does not have a feature for
- reexamining the data base, then you will need to run it again (probably
- killing the old job).
- If the description in use is coming from the `TERMCAP' environment
- variable, then the data base file is effectively overridden, and
- changes in it will have no effect until you change the `TERMCAP'
- variable as well. For example, some users' `.login' files
- automatically copy the terminal description into `TERMCAP' to speed
- startup of applications. If you have done this, you will need to
- change the `TERMCAP' variable to make the changed data base take effect.
- File: termcap.info, Node: Capabilities, Next: Summary, Prev: Data Base, Up: Top
- Definitions of the Terminal Capabilities
- ****************************************
- This section is divided into many subsections, each for one aspect of
- use of display terminals. For writing a display program, you usually
- need only check the subsections for the operations you want to use.
- For writing a terminal description, you must read each subsection and
- fill in the capabilities described there.
- String capabilities that are display commands may require numeric
- parameters (*note Parameters::.). Most such capabilities do not use
- parameters. When a capability requires parameters, this is explicitly
- stated at the beginning of its definition. In simple cases, the first
- or second sentence of the definition mentions all the parameters, in
- the order they should be given, using a name in upper case for each
- one. For example, the `rp' capability is a command that requires two
- parameters; its definition begins as follows:
- String of commands to output a graphic character C, repeated N
- times.
- In complex cases or when there are many parameters, they are
- described explicitly.
- When a capability is described as obsolete, this means that programs
- should not be written to look for it, but terminal descriptions should
- still be written to provide it.
- When a capability is described as very obsolete, this means that it
- should be omitted from terminal descriptions as well.
- * Menu:
- * Basic:: Basic characteristics.
- * Screen Size:: Screen size, and what happens when it changes.
- * Cursor Motion:: Various ways to move the cursor.
- * Wrapping:: What happens if you write a character in the last column.
- * Scrolling:: Pushing text up and down on the screen.
- * Windows:: Limiting the part of the window that output affects.
- * Clearing:: Erasing one or many lines.
- * Insdel Line:: Making new blank lines in mid-screen; deleting lines.
- * Insdel Char:: Inserting and deleting characters within a line.
- * Standout:: Highlighting some of the text.
- * Underlining:: Underlining some of the text.
- * Cursor Visibility:: Making the cursor more or less easy to spot.
- * Bell:: Attracts user's attention; not localized on the screen.
- * Keypad:: Recognizing when function keys or arrows are typed.
- * Meta Key:: META acts like an extra shift key.
- * Initialization:: Commands used to initialize or reset the terminal.
- * Pad Specs:: Info for the kernel on how much padding is needed.
- * Status Line:: A status line displays "background" information.
- * Half-Line:: Moving by half-lines, for superscripts and subscripts.
- * Printer:: Controlling auxiliary printers of display terminals.
- File: termcap.info, Node: Basic, Next: Screen Size, Up: Capabilities
- Basic Characteristics
- =====================
- This section documents the capabilities that describe the basic and
- nature of the terminal, and also those that are relevant to the output
- of graphic characters.
- `os'
- Flag whose presence means that the terminal can overstrike. This
- means that outputting a graphic character does not erase whatever
- was present in the same character position before. The terminals
- that can overstrike include printing terminals, storage tubes (all
- obsolete nowadays), and many bit-map displays.
- `eo'
- Flag whose presence means that outputting a space erases a
- character position even if the terminal supports overstriking. If
- this flag is not present and overstriking is supported, output of
- a space has no effect except to move the cursor.
- (On terminals that do not support overstriking, you can always
- assume that outputting a space at a position erases whatever
- character was previously displayed there.)
- `gn'
- Flag whose presence means that this terminal type is a generic type
- which does not really describe any particular terminal. Generic
- types are intended for use as the default type assigned when the
- user connects to the system, with the intention that the user
- should specify what type he really has. One example of a generic
- type is the type `network'.
- Since the generic type cannot say how to do anything interesting
- with the terminal, termcap-using programs will always find that the
- terminal is too weak to be supported if the user has failed to
- specify a real terminal type in place of the generic one. The
- `gn' flag directs these programs to use a different error message:
- "You have not specified your real terminal type", rather than
- "Your terminal is not powerful enough to be used".
- `hc'
- Flag whose presence means this is a hardcopy terminal.
- `rp'
- String of commands to output a graphic character C, repeated N
- times. The first parameter value is the ASCII code for the desired
- character, and the second parameter is the number of times to
- repeat the character. Often this command requires padding
- proportional to the number of times the character is repeated.
- This effect can be had by using parameter arithmetic with
- `%'-sequences to compute the amount of padding, then generating
- the result as a number at the front of the string so that `tputs'
- will treat it as padding.
- `hz'
- Flag whose presence means that the ASCII character `~' cannot be
- output on this terminal because it is used for display commands.
- Programs handle this flag by checking all text to be output and
- replacing each `~' with some other character(s). If this is not
- done, the screen will be thoroughly garbled.
- The old Hazeltine terminals that required such treatment are
- probably very rare today, so you might as well not bother to
- support this flag.
- `CC'
- String whose presence means the terminal has a settable command
- character. The value of the string is the default command
- character (which is usually ESC).
- All the strings of commands in the terminal description should be
- written to use the default command character. If you are writing
- an application program that changes the command character, use the
- `CC' capability to figure out how to translate all the display
- commands to work with the new command character.
- Most programs have no reason to look at the `CC' capability.
- `xb'
- Flag whose presence identifies Superbee terminals which are unable
- to transmit the characters ESC and `Control-C'. Programs which
- support this flag are supposed to check the input for the code
- sequences sent by the F1 and F2 keys, and pretend that ESC or
- `Control-C' (respectively) had been read. But this flag is
- obsolete, and not worth supporting.
- File: termcap.info, Node: Screen Size, Next: Cursor Motion, Prev: Basic, Up: Capabilities
- Screen Size
- ===========
- A terminal description has two capabilities, `co' and `li', that
- describe the screen size in columns and lines. But there is more to
- the question of screen size than this.
- On some operating systems the "screen" is really a window and the
- effective width can vary. On some of these systems, `tgetnum' uses the
- actual width of the window to decide what value to return for the `co'
- capability, overriding what is actually written in the terminal
- description. On other systems, it is up to the application program to
- check the actual window width using a system call. For example, on BSD
- 4.3 systems, the system call `ioctl' with code `TIOCGWINSZ' will tell
- you the current screen size.
- On all window systems, termcap is powerless to advise the application
- program if the user resizes the window. Application programs must deal
- with this possibility in a system-dependent fashion. On some systems
- the C shell handles part of the problem by detecting changes in window
- size and setting the `TERMCAP' environment variable appropriately.
- This takes care of application programs that are started subsequently.
- It does not help application programs already running.
- On some systems, including BSD 4.3, all programs using a terminal get
- a signal named `SIGWINCH' whenever the screen size changes. Programs
- that use termcap should handle this signal by using `ioctl TIOCGWINSZ'
- to learn the new screen size.
- `co'
- Numeric value, the width of the screen in character positions.
- Even hardcopy terminals normally have a `co' capability.
- `li'
- Numeric value, the height of the screen in lines.
- File: termcap.info, Node: Cursor Motion, Next: Wrapping, Prev: Screen Size, Up: Capabilities
- Cursor Motion
- =============
- Termcap assumes that the terminal has a "cursor", a spot on the
- screen where a visible mark is displayed, and that most display
- commands take effect at the position of the cursor. It follows that
- moving the cursor to a specified location is very important.
- There are many terminal capabilities for different cursor motion
- operations. A terminal description should define as many as possible,
- but most programs do not need to use most of them. One capability,
- `cm', moves the cursor to an arbitrary place on the screen; this by
- itself is sufficient for any application as long as there is no need to
- support hardcopy terminals or certain old, weak displays that have only
- relative motion commands. Use of other cursor motion capabilities is an
- optimization, enabling the program to output fewer characters in some
- common cases.
- If you plan to use the relative cursor motion commands in an
- application program, you must know what the starting cursor position
- is. To do this, you must keep track of the cursor position and update
- the records each time anything is output to the terminal, including
- graphic characters. In addition, it is necessary to know whether the
- terminal wraps after writing in the rightmost column. *Note Wrapping::.
- One other motion capability needs special mention: `nw' moves the
- cursor to the beginning of the following line, perhaps clearing all the
- starting line after the cursor, or perhaps not clearing at all. This
- capability is a least common denominator that is probably supported
- even by terminals that cannot do most other things such as `cm' or `do'.
- Even hardcopy terminals can support `nw'.
- `cm'
- String of commands to position the cursor at line L, column C.
- Both parameters are origin-zero, and are defined relative to the
- screen, not relative to display memory.
- All display terminals except a few very obsolete ones support `cm',
- so it is acceptable for an application program to refuse to
- operate on terminals lacking `cm'.
- `ho'
- String of commands to move the cursor to the upper left corner of
- the screen (this position is called the "home position"). In
- terminals where the upper left corner of the screen is not the
- same as the beginning of display memory, this command must go to
- the upper left corner of the screen, not the beginning of display
- memory.
- Every display terminal supports this capability, and many
- application programs refuse to operate if the `ho' capability is
- missing.
- `ll'
- String of commands to move the cursor to the lower left corner of
- the screen. On some terminals, moving up from home position does
- this, but programs should never assume that will work. Just
- output the `ll' string (if it is provided); if moving to home
- position and then moving up is the best way to get there, the `ll'
- command will do that.
- `cr'
- String of commands to move the cursor to the beginning of the line
- it is on. If this capability is not specified, many programs
- assume they can use the ASCII carriage return character for this.
- `le'
- String of commands to move the cursor left one column. Unless the
- `bw' flag capability is specified, the effect is undefined if the
- cursor is at the left margin; do not use this command there. If
- `bw' is present, this command may be used at the left margin, and
- it wraps the cursor to the last column of the preceding line.
- `nd'
- String of commands to move the cursor right one column. The
- effect is undefined if the cursor is at the right margin; do not
- use this command there, not even if `am' is present.
- `up'
- String of commands to move the cursor vertically up one line. The
- effect of sending this string when on the top line is undefined;
- programs should never use it that way.
- `do'
- String of commands to move the cursor vertically down one line.
- The effect of sending this string when on the bottom line is
- undefined; programs should never use it that way.
- Some programs do use `do' to scroll up one line if used at the
- bottom line, if `sf' is not defined but `sr' is. This is only to
- compensate for certain old, incorrect terminal descriptions. (In
- principle this might actually lead to incorrect behavior on other
- terminals, but that seems to happen rarely if ever.) But the
- proper solution is that the terminal description should define
- `sf' as well as `do' if the command is suitable for scrolling.
- The original idea was that this string would not contain a newline
- character and therefore could be used without disabling the
- kernel's usual habit of converting of newline into a
- carriage-return newline sequence. But many terminal descriptions
- do use newline in the `do' string, so this is not possible; a
- program which sends the `do' string must disable output conversion
- in the kernel (*note Initialize::.).
- `bw'
- Flag whose presence says that `le' may be used in column zero to
- move to the last column of the preceding line. If this flag is
- not present, `le' should not be used in column zero.
- `nw'
- String of commands to move the cursor to start of next line,
- possibly clearing rest of line (following the cursor) before
- moving.
- `DO', `UP', `LE', `RI'
- Strings of commands to move the cursor N lines down vertically, up
- vertically, or N columns left or right. Do not attempt to move
- past any edge of the screen with these commands; the effect of
- trying that is undefined. Only a few terminal descriptions provide
- these commands, and most programs do not use them.
- `CM'
- String of commands to position the cursor at line L, column C,
- relative to display memory. Both parameters are origin-zero.
- This capability is present only in terminals where there is a
- difference between screen-relative and memory-relative addressing,
- and not even in all such terminals.
- `ch'
- String of commands to position the cursor at column C in the same
- line it is on. This is a special case of `cm' in which the
- vertical position is not changed. The `ch' capability is provided
- only when it is faster to output than `cm' would be in this
- special case. Programs should not assume most display terminals
- have `ch'.
- `cv'
- String of commands to position the cursor at line L in the same
- column. This is a special case of `cm' in which the horizontal
- position is not changed. The `cv' capability is provided only
- when it is faster to output than `cm' would be in this special
- case. Programs should not assume most display terminals have `cv'.
- `sc'
- String of commands to make the terminal save the current cursor
- position. Only the last saved position can be used. If this
- capability is present, `rc' should be provided also. Most
- terminals have neither.
- `rc'
- String of commands to make the terminal restore the last saved
- cursor position. If this capability is present, `sc' should be
- provided also. Most terminals have neither.
- `ff'
- String of commands to advance to the next page, for a hardcopy
- terminal.
- `ta'
- String of commands to move the cursor right to the next hardware
- tab stop column. Missing if the terminal does not have any kind of
- hardware tabs. Do not send this command if the kernel's terminal
- modes say that the kernel is expanding tabs into spaces.
- `bt'
- String of commands to move the cursor left to the previous hardware
- tab stop column. Missing if the terminal has no such ability; many
- terminals do not. Do not send this command if the kernel's
- terminal modes say that the kernel is expanding tabs into spaces.
- The following obsolete capabilities should be included in terminal
- descriptions when appropriate, but should not be looked at by new
- programs.
- `nc'
- Flag whose presence means the terminal does not support the ASCII
- carriage return character as `cr'. This flag is needed because
- old programs assume, when the `cr' capability is missing, that
- ASCII carriage return can be used for the purpose. We use `nc' to
- tell the old programs that carriage return may not be used.
- New programs should not assume any default for `cr', so they need
- not look at `nc'. However, descriptions should contain `nc'
- whenever they do not contain `cr'.
- `xt'
- Flag whose presence means that the ASCII tab character may not be
- used for cursor motion. This flag exists because old programs
- assume, when the `ta' capability is missing, that ASCII tab can be
- used for the purpose. We use `xt' to tell the old programs not to
- use tab.
- New programs should not assume any default for `ta', so they need
- not look at `xt' in connection with cursor motion. Note that `xt'
- also has implications for standout mode (*note Standout::.). It
- is obsolete in regard to cursor motion but not in regard to
- standout.
- In fact, `xt' means that the terminal is a Teleray 1061.
- `bc'
- Very obsolete alternative name for the `le' capability.
- `bs'
- Flag whose presence means that the ASCII character backspace may be
- used to move the cursor left. Obsolete; look at `le' instead.
- `nl'
- Obsolete capability which is a string that can either be used to
- move the cursor down or to scroll. The same string must scroll
- when used on the bottom line and move the cursor when used on any
- other line. New programs should use `do' or `sf', and ignore `nl'.
- If there is no `nl' capability, some old programs assume they can
- use the newline character for this purpose. These programs follow
- a bad practice, but because they exist, it is still desirable to
- define the `nl' capability in a terminal description if the best
- way to move down is *not* a newline.
- File: termcap.info, Node: Wrapping, Next: Scrolling, Prev: Cursor Motion, Up: Capabilities
- Wrapping
- ========
- "Wrapping" means moving the cursor from the right margin to the left
- margin of the following line. Some terminals wrap automatically when a
- graphic character is output in the last column, while others do not.
- Most application programs that use termcap need to know whether the
- terminal wraps. There are two special flag capabilities to describe
- what the terminal does when a graphic character is output in the last
- column.
- `am'
- Flag whose presence means that writing a character in the last
- column causes the cursor to wrap to the beginning of the next line.
- If `am' is not present, writing in the last column leaves the
- cursor at the place where the character was written.
- Writing in the last column of the last line should be avoided on
- terminals with `am', as it may or may not cause scrolling to occur
- (*note Scrolling::.). Scrolling is surely not what you would
- intend.
- If your program needs to check the `am' flag, then it also needs
- to check the `xn' flag which indicates that wrapping happens in a
- strange way. Many common terminals have the `xn' flag.
- `xn'
- Flag whose presence means that the cursor wraps in a strange way.
- At least two distinct kinds of strange behavior are known; the
- termcap data base does not contain anything to distinguish the two.
- On Concept-100 terminals, output in the last column wraps the
- cursor almost like an ordinary `am' terminal. But if the next
- thing output is a newline, it is ignored.
- DEC VT-100 terminals (when the wrap switch is on) do a different
- strange thing: the cursor wraps only if the next thing output is
- another graphic character. In fact, the wrap occurs when the
- following graphic character is received by the terminal, before the
- character is placed on the screen.
- On both of these terminals, after writing in the last column a
- following graphic character will be displayed in the first column
- of the following line. But the effect of relative cursor motion
- characters such as newline or backspace at such a time depends on
- the terminal. The effect of erase or scrolling commands also
- depends on the terminal. You can't assume anything about what
- they will do on a terminal that has `xn'. So, to be safe, you
- should never do these things at such a time on such a terminal.
- To be sure of reliable results on a terminal which has the `xn'
- flag, output a `cm' absolute positioning command after writing in
- the last column. Another safe thing to do is to output
- carriage-return newline, which will leave the cursor at the
- beginning of the following line.
- File: termcap.info, Node: Scrolling, Next: Windows, Prev: Wrapping, Up: Capabilities
- Scrolling
- =========
- "Scrolling" means moving the contents of the screen up or down one or
- more lines. Moving the contents up is "forward scrolling"; moving them
- down is "reverse scrolling".
- Scrolling happens after each line of output during ordinary output
- on most display terminals. But in an application program that uses
- termcap for random-access output, scrolling happens only when
- explicitly requested with the commands in this section.
- Some terminals have a "scroll region" feature. This lets you limit
- the effect of scrolling to a specified range of lines. Lines outside
- the range are unaffected when scrolling happens. The scroll region
- feature is available if either `cs' or `cS' is present.
- `sf'
- String of commands to scroll the screen one line up, assuming it is
- output with the cursor at the beginning of the bottom line.
- `sr'
- String of commands to scroll the screen one line down, assuming it
- is output with the cursor at the beginning of the top line.
- `do'
- A few programs will try to use `do' to do the work of `sf'. This
- is not really correct--it is an attempt to compensate for the
- absence of a `sf' command in some old terminal descriptions.
- Since these terminal descriptions do define `sr', perhaps at one
- time the definition of `do' was different and it could be used for
- scrolling as well. But it isn't desirable to combine these two
- functions in one capability, since scrolling often requires more
- padding than simply moving the cursor down. Defining `sf' and
- `do' separately allows you to specify the padding properly. Also,
- all sources agree that `do' should not be relied on to do
- scrolling.
- So the best approach is to add `sf' capabilities to the
- descriptions of these terminals, copying the definition of `do' if
- that does scroll.
- `SF'
- String of commands to scroll the screen N lines up, assuming it is
- output with the cursor at the beginning of the bottom line.
- `SR'
- String of commands to scroll the screen N lines down, assuming it
- is output with the cursor at the beginning of the top line.
- `cs'
- String of commands to set the scroll region. This command takes
- two parameters, START and END, which are the line numbers
- (origin-zero) of the first line to include in the scroll region
- and of the last line to include in it. When a scroll region is
- set, scrolling is limited to the specified range of lines; lines
- outside the range are not affected by scroll commands.
- Do not try to move the cursor outside the scroll region. The
- region remains set until explicitly removed. To remove the scroll
- region, use another `cs' command specifying the full height of the
- screen.
- The cursor position is undefined after the `cs' command is set, so
- position the cursor with `cm' immediately afterward.
- `cS'
- String of commands to set the scroll region using parameters in
- different form. The effect is the same as if `cs' were used.
- Four parameters are required:
- 1. Total number of lines on the screen.
- 2. Number of lines above desired scroll region.
- 3. Number of lines below (outside of) desired scroll region.
- 4. Total number of lines on the screen, the same as the first
- parameter.
- This capability is a GNU extension that was invented to allow the
- Ann Arbor Ambassador's scroll-region command to be described; it
- could also be done by putting non-Unix `%'-sequences into a `cs'
- string, but that would have confused Unix programs that used the
- `cs' capability with the Unix termcap. Currently only GNU Emacs
- uses the `cS' capability.
- `ns'
- Flag which means that the terminal does not normally scroll for
- ordinary sequential output. For modern terminals, this means that
- outputting a newline in ordinary sequential output with the cursor
- on the bottom line wraps to the top line. For some obsolete
- terminals, other things may happen.
- The terminal may be able to scroll even if it does not normally do
- so. If the `sf' capability is provided, it can be used for
- scrolling regardless of `ns'.
- `da'
- Flag whose presence means that lines scrolled up off the top of the
- screen may come back if scrolling down is done subsequently.
- The `da' and `db' flags do not, strictly speaking, affect how to
- scroll. But programs that scroll usually need to clear the lines
- scrolled onto the screen, if these flags are present.
- `db'
- Flag whose presence means that lines scrolled down off the bottom
- of the screen may come back if scrolling up is done subsequently.
- `lm'
- Numeric value, the number of lines of display memory that the
- terminal has. A value of zero means that the terminal has more
- display memory than can fit on the screen, but no fixed number of
- lines. (The number of lines may depend on the amount of text in
- each line.)
- Any terminal description that defines `SF' should also define `sf';
- likewise for `SR' and `sr'. However, many terminals can only scroll by
- one line at a time, so it is common to find `sf' and not `SF', or `sr'
- without `SR'.
- Therefore, all programs that use the scrolling facilities should be
- prepared to work with `sf' in the case that `SF' is absent, and
- likewise with `sr'. On the other hand, an application program that
- uses only `sf' and not `SF' is acceptable, though slow on some
- terminals.
- When outputting a scroll command with `tputs', the NLINES argument
- should be the total number of lines in the portion of the screen being
- scrolled. Very often these commands require padding proportional to
- this number of lines. *Note Padding::.
- File: termcap.info, Node: Windows, Next: Clearing, Prev: Scrolling, Up: Capabilities
- Windows
- =======
- A "window", in termcap, is a rectangular portion of the screen to
- which all display operations are restricted. Wrapping, clearing,
- scrolling, insertion and deletion all operate as if the specified
- window were all the screen there was.
- `wi'
- String of commands to set the terminal output screen window. This
- string requires four parameters, all origin-zero:
- 1. The first line to include in the window.
- 2. The last line to include in the window.
- 3. The first column to include in the window.
- 4. The last column to include in the window.
- Most terminals do not support windows.
- File: termcap.info, Node: Clearing, Next: Insdel Line, Prev: Windows, Up: Capabilities
- Clearing Parts of the Screen
- ============================
- There are several terminal capabilities for clearing parts of the
- screen to blank. All display terminals support the `cl' string, and
- most display terminals support all of these capabilities.
- `cl'
- String of commands to clear the entire screen and position the
- cursor at the upper left corner.
- `cd'
- String of commands to clear the line the cursor is on, and all the
- lines below it, down to the bottom of the screen. This command
- string should be used only with the cursor in column zero; their
- effect is undefined if the cursor is elsewhere.
- `ce'
- String of commands to clear from the cursor to the end of the
- current line.
- `ec'
- String of commands to clear N characters, starting with the
- character that the cursor is on. This command string is expected
- to leave the cursor position unchanged. The parameter N should
- never be large enough to reach past the right margin; the effect
- of such a large parameter would be undefined.
- Clear to end of line (`ce') is extremely important in programs that
- maintain an updating display. Nearly all display terminals support this
- operation, so it is acceptable for a an application program to refuse to
- work if `ce' is not present. However, if you do not want this
- limitation, you can accomplish clearing to end of line by outputting
- spaces until you reach the right margin. In order to do this, you must
- know the current horizontal position. Also, this technique assumes
- that writing a space will erase. But this happens to be true on all
- the display terminals that fail to support `ce'.
- File: termcap.info, Node: Insdel Line, Next: Insdel Char, Prev: Clearing, Up: Capabilities
- Insert/Delete Line
- ==================
- "Inserting a line" means creating a blank line in the middle of the
- screen, and pushing the existing lines of text apart. In fact, the
- lines above the insertion point do not change, while the lines below
- move down, and one is normally lost at the bottom of the screen.
- "Deleting a line" means causing the line to disappear from the
- screen, closing up the gap by moving the lines below it upward. A new
- line appears at the bottom of the screen. Usually this line is blank,
- but on terminals with the `db' flag it may be a line previously moved
- off the screen bottom by scrolling or line insertion.
- Insertion and deletion of lines is useful in programs that maintain
- an updating display some parts of which may get longer or shorter.
- They are also useful in editors for scrolling parts of the screen, and
- for redisplaying after lines of text are killed or inserted.
- Many terminals provide commands to insert or delete a single line at
- the cursor position. Some provide the ability to insert or delete
- several lines with one command, using the number of lines to insert or
- delete as a parameter. Always move the cursor to column zero before
- using any of these commands.
- `al'
- String of commands to insert a blank line before the line the
- cursor is on. The existing line, and all lines below it, are
- moved down. The last line in the screen (or in the scroll region,
- if one is set) disappears and in most circumstances is discarded.
- It may not be discarded if the `db' is present (*note
- Scrolling::.).
- The cursor must be at the left margin before this command is used.
- This command does not move the cursor.
- `dl'
- String of commands to delete the line the cursor is on. The
- following lines move up, and a blank line appears at the bottom of
- the screen (or bottom of the scroll region). If the terminal has
- the `db' flag, a nonblank line previously pushed off the screen
- bottom may reappear at the bottom.
- The cursor must be at the left margin before this command is used.
- This command does not move the cursor.
- `AL'
- String of commands to insert N blank lines before the line that
- the cursor is on. It is like `al' repeated N times, except that
- it is as fast as one `al'.
- `DL'
- String of commands to delete N lines starting with the line that
- the cursor is on. It is like `dl' repeated N times, except that
- it is as fast as one `dl'.
- Any terminal description that defines `AL' should also define `al';
- likewise for `DL' and `dl'. However, many terminals can only insert or
- delete one line at a time, so it is common to find `al' and not `AL',
- or `dl' without `DL'.
- Therefore, all programs that use the insert and delete facilities
- should be prepared to work with `al' in the case that `AL' is absent,
- and likewise with `dl'. On the other hand, it is acceptable to write
- an application that uses only `al' and `dl' and does not look for `AL'
- or `DL' at all.
- If a terminal does not support line insertion and deletion directly,
- but does support a scroll region, the effect of insertion and deletion
- can be obtained with scrolling. However, it is up to the individual
- user program to check for this possibility and use the scrolling
- commands to get the desired result. It is fairly important to implement
- this alternate strategy, since it is the only way to get the effect of
- line insertion and deletion on the popular VT100 terminal.
- Insertion and deletion of lines is affected by the scroll region on
- terminals that have a settable scroll region. This is useful when it is
- desirable to move any few consecutive lines up or down by a few lines.
- *Note Scrolling::.
- The line pushed off the bottom of the screen is not lost if the
- terminal has the `db' flag capability; instead, it is pushed into
- display memory that does not appear on the screen. This is the same
- thing that happens when scrolling pushes a line off the bottom of the
- screen. Either reverse scrolling or deletion of a line can bring the
- apparently lost line back onto the bottom of the screen. If the
- terminal has the scroll region feature as well as `db', the pushed-out
- line really is lost if a scroll region is in effect.
- When outputting an insert or delete command with `tputs', the NLINES
- argument should be the total number of lines from the cursor to the
- bottom of the screen (or scroll region). Very often these commands
- require padding proportional to this number of lines. *Note Padding::.
- For `AL' and `DL' the NLINES argument should *not* depend on the
- number of lines inserted or deleted; only the total number of lines
- affected. This is because it is just as fast to insert two or N lines
- with `AL' as to insert one line with `al'.