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- info(1) info(1)
- info - GNU's hypertext system
- iinnffoo [ ----ooppttiioonn--nnaammee ooppttiioonn--vvaalluuee ] mmeennuu--iitteemm......
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- The GNU project has a hypertext system called _I_n_f_o which
- allows the same source file to be either printed as a
- paper manual, or viewed using iinnffoo.. It is possible to use
- the iinnffoo program from inside Emacs, or to use the stand-
- alone version described here. This manual page gives a
- brief summary of its capabilities.
- ----ddiirreeccttoorryy ddiirreeccttoorryy--ppaatthh
- Add ddiirreeccttoorryy--ppaatthh to the list of directory paths
- searched when iinnffoo needs to find a file. You may
- issue ----ddiirreeccttoorryy multiple times. Alternatively,
- you may specify a value for the environment vari-
- able IINNFFOOPPAATTHH;; if ----ddiirreeccttoorryy is not given, the
- value of IINNFFOOPPAATTHH is used. The value of IINNFFOOPPAATTHH
- is a colon separated list of directory names. If
- you do not supply either IINNFFOOPPAATTHH or ----ddiirreeccttoorryy--
- ppaatthh,, iinnffoo uses a default path.
- --ff ffiilleennaammee
- Specify a particular iinnffoo file to visit. By
- default, iinnffoo visits the file ddiirr;; if you use this
- option, iinnffoo will start with ((FFIILLEENNAAMMEE))TToopp as the
- first file and node.
- --nn nnooddeennaammee
- Specify a particular node to visit in the initial
- file that iinnffoo loads. This is especially useful in
- conjunction with ----ffiillee.. You may specify ----nnooddee
- multiple times.
- --oo ffiillee
- Direct output to ffiillee instead of starting an inter-
- active iinnffoo session.
- --hh Produce a relatively brief description of the
- available iinnffoo options.
- ----vveerrssiioonn
- Print the version information of iinnffoo and exit.
- mmeennuu--iitteemm
- iinnffoo treats its remaining arguments as the names of
- 7th December 1990 1
- info(1) info(1)
- menu items. The first argument is a menu item in
- the initial node visited, while the second argument
- is a menu item in the first argument's node. You
- can easily move to the node of your choice by spec-
- ifying the menu names which describe the path to
- that node. For example,
- iinnffoo eemmaaccss bbuuffffeerrss
- first selects the menu item eemmaaccss in the node
- ((ddiirr))TToopp,, and then selects the menu item bbuuffffeerrss in
- the node ((eemmaaccss))TToopp..
- When in iinnffoo the following commands are available:
- hh Invoke the Info tutorial.
- ?? Get a short summary of iinnffoo commands.
- hh Select the iinnffoo node from the main directory; this
- is much more complete than just using ??..
- CCttrrll--gg Abort whatever you are doing.
- CCttrrll--ll Redraw the screen.
- Selecting other nodes:
- nn Move to the "next" node of this node.
- pp Move to the "previous" node of this node.
- uu Move to this node's "up" node.
- mm Pick a menu item specified by name. Picking a menu
- item causes another node to be selected. You do not
- need to type a complete nodename; if you type a few
- letters and then a space or tab iinnffoo will will try
- to fill in the rest of the nodename. If you ask for
- further completion without typing any more charac-
- ters you'll be given a list of possibilities; you
- can also get the list with ??.. If you type a few
- characters and then hit return iinnffoo will try to do
- a completion, and if it is ambigous use the first
- possibility.
- ff Follow a cross reference. You are asked for the
- name of the reference, using command completion as
- for mm..
- ll Move to the last node you were at.
- Moving within a node:
- 7th December 1990 2
- info(1) info(1)
- SSppaaccee Scroll forward a page.
- DDEELL Scroll backward a page.
- bb Go to the beginning of this node.
- Advanced commands:
- qq Quit iinnffoo..
- 11 Pick first item in node's menu.
- 22 ---- 55 Pick second ... fifth item in node's menu.
- gg Move to node specified by name. You may include
- ss Search through this iinnffoo file for a specified
- string, and select the node in which the next
- occurrence is found.
- MM--xx pprriinntt--nnooddee
- Pipe the contents of the current node through the
- command in the environment variable
- exist, the node is simply piped to llpprr..
- A colon-separated list of directories to search for
- iinnffoo files. Used if ----ddiirreeccttoorryy is not given.
- The command used for printing.
- eemmaaccss(1)
- Brian Fox, Free Software Foundation
- bfox@ai.mit.edu
- Robert Lupton; updated by Robert J. Chassell.
- rhl@astro.princeton.edu; bob@gnu.ai.mit.edu
- 7th December 1990 3