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Document FastLife Version 2.7 documentation
FastLife Program Documentation
Version 2.7 16-Jan-1994
FastLife is an Amiga implementation of Conway's Game of Life.
FastLife may be freely distributed.
Amiga Software Release 2.04+ and LIBS:reqtools.library 38+ are required
to run FastLife.
1. Quick Start
NOTE - Kickstart 2.04+ and LIBS:reqtools.library 38.961+ are required to
run FastLife.
1. Double click on the FastLife Icon
2. Select "Cancel" in the screen mode requester
3. Select the "Control-Run" menu item
1. Double-click on the FastLife Icon
2. Select "Cancel" in the screen mode requester
3. Select "Project-Open" menu item
4. Select "acorn.life" and press <return>
5. Click in the center of the screen
6. Select the "Control-Run" menu item
2. Credits
o Intuition interface and integration by Ron Charlton
o Blitter life routines by Tomas Rokicki
o Requesters use ReqTools by Nico Francois
3. Features and Changes
3.1. Features
o Full Intuition interface
o Any screen width and height (if you have enough memory)
o Screen mode and screen size requester
o Random Field Generation
o Torus mode (screen edge wraps around)
o Speed control
o Run for a specified number of generations
o Run to a specified generation
o Runs from Workbench and CLI under Kickstart 2.04+
o 150+ Life patterns in text file format
o 14 new "SpaceFiller" patterns
3.2. Changes from FastLife 2.2
FastLife uses new, blazingly fast Life routines written by Tomas
Rokicki. FastLife can now update a 320 by 200 screen at up to 170
generations per second on a 25 MHz Amiga 3000, depending on what pattern
is displayed. Your mileage may vary.
You can get Tomas' Life program, version 6.1, on Fred Fish disk 837.
FastLife no longer has a CPU mode and BLITTER mode; it always uses
Tomas' routines.
FastLife will generate a random field on request.
FastLife has a torus option that connects the top edge of the life
universe to the bottom edge and the left edge to the right edge.
FastLife has AmigaGuide format documentation.
Miscelleanous corrections (that I hope no one has found a need for) have
been made.
4. The Game of Life
In 1970 John Horton Conway, a mathematician at the University of
Cambridge, invented the game of Life. It was introduced by Martin
Gardner in his October 1970 Scientific American column. Conway's goal
was to create a board "game" with simple rules that would exhibit
complex behavior. The game is played on an infinite checkerboard. Each
cell on the checkerboard, is either alive or dead (ON or OFF). Time
moves in steps; each step marks the life of one generation.
Each cell's condition (ON or OFF) in the next generation is based on the
life in it and its eight neighboring cells. A cell is represented by
the asterisk (*) below; its eight neighbors are numbered -
Three rules decide a cell's state in the next generation:
1. If there are 2 ON neighbors the cell stays ON or OFF
2. If there are 3 ON neighbors the cell is ON
3. 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 ON neighbors the cell is OFF
The analogy to real life is this: too many neighbors and the cell dies
from overcrowding, too few neighbors and the cell dies from loneliness.
Three cells results in trisexual mating.
The ON/OFF state is determined for all cells on the board before
changing to the next generation.
FastLife uses one pixel on the screen to represent one cell on the
board. The screen dimensions determine how many cells are available in
FastLife, so the board is not infinite, as defined by Conway.
An excellent reference for learning more about the history and
philosophical implications of Life is
"The Recursive Universe" by William Poundstone,
Contemporary Books, Chicago, 1985
The book consists of alternating chapters about Conway's game of Life
and modern physics, and what the game of Life can reveal about the
beginning of biological life and its replication.
5. About FastLife
I developed FastLife because I wanted to combine the speed of Tomas
Rokicki's Life routines with an Intuition interface and access to many
of the classic Life patterns.
The Life patterns supplied with FastLife are stored in a simple text
file (see `File Format' below). Although FastLife does not allow
on-screen editing of Life patterns, you may use your favorite text
editor to create text file patterns to load into FastLife.
Conway defined an infinite board for Life; FastLife limits itself to the
size of a screen on your Amiga. Patterns that spread to the edge of the
screen will be "eaten" away there, unless you have the `Torus' option
turned on, so you should be sure that you select a screen size that will
contain the entire pattern you want to view. This corruption of the
Life pattern at the edge of the screen is not detected by FastLife; you
must observe for yourself when this happens.
The corruption occurs at the edge of the screen, which may not be the
same as edge of what is visible to you, depending on whether you choose
a screen size larger than the default for the screen mode.
6. Starting FastLife
You may start FastLife from either the Workbench or CLI (Shell).
You may start FastLife from Workbench by double-clicking its icon.
Several ToolTypes may be used. To set a ToolType click once on
FastLife's icon and then press Right-Amiga-I. Click on New or an
existing ToolType to edit. Enter for example,
Finally, select Save. FastLife will then honor the ToolType. The
supplied icon has parentheses around most of the ToolTypes. Remove the
parentheses to use that ToolType.
The ToolTypes available are:
You must use uppercase for the text to the left of the equal sign for
FastLife to recognize the ToolType.
Do not change the WINDOW= ToolType. It is used to display error messages
under unusual circumstances.
The character that follows ALIVECHAR= indicates what character in
Picture files represents an ON cell. All other characters in the pattern
will indicate OFF cells.
The string that follows FILEPAT= determines what file names appear in
the Open file requester. Amiga wildcards are supported. "?" (no quotes)
in the string matches any one character. "#?" (no quotes) matches any
number of characters. Upper/lowercase do not matter. Some examples:
#?.life any name ending in ".life"
#?.??? any name that has a three-character extension
#?breeder#? any name that contains "breeder" anywhere in it
6.2. SHELL or CLI
You may start FastLife from a Shell or CLI by typing
1> FastLife or
1> run FastLife
FastLife's template is ALIVECHAR/K,FILEPAT/K. Typing
1> FastLife ?
will display the template and wait for you to enter arguments.
To specify the Picture file character for ON pixels as the uppercase
letter 'O' use
1> FastLife FILEPAT #?.lif
will set the file requester pattern to "#?.lif" initially. You can
change the settings for CALCMODE and FILEPAT after FastLife has started.
NOTE - The Life files supplied with FastLife all end in ".life".
"#?.life" is FastLife's default pattern.
7. Using FastLife
7.1. Effects of Screen Mode & Size
WARNING - The Amiga is capable of producing screen modes that will cause
physical damage to certain types of monitors. See your Amiga
documentation for further information. Do not select screen modes that
your monitor does not support.
You may choose a screen width, height, and one of several screen modes
for the FastLife screen. The screen mode determines the maximum number
of pixels visible vertically and horizontally. Width and height
determine the actual size of the screen, part of which may not be
For instance, if you select a screen mode of NTSC:Lores, width of
600 and height of 512, then a life patte