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- This is a much modified version of the public domain spread sheet sc,
- posted several years ago by Mark Weiser as vc, originally by James Gosling.
- CHANGES lists the changes since 6.1 to 6.21.
- Sc6.16 was released to comp.sources.misc and four sets of patches
- bring Sc6.16->6.17->6.18->6.19->6.21.
- Current maintainer: nstar!sawmill!prslnk!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- When you get it built, try "sc tutorial.sc" for a simple introduction
- to the basic commands.
- To print a quick reference card, type the command:
- scqref | [your_printer_commmand]
- If you have the command 'file' that uses /etc/magic add the line:
- 38 string Spreadsheet sc file
- Psc formats ascii files for use in the spreadsheet. If you don't have
- getopts, there is a public domain version by Henry Spencer hidden away in
- the VMS_NOTES file.
- I have modified the Makefile to make it easy for you to call the
- program what you want. Just change "name=sc" and "NAME=SC" to
- "name=myfavoritename" and "NAME=MYFAVORITENAME" and try "make
- myfavoritename".
- Similarly, you can make the documentation with "make myfavoritename.man".
- "make install" will make and install the code in EXDIR. The
- installation steps and documentation all key off of the name. The
- makefile even changes the name in the nroffable man page. If you don't
- have nroff, you will have to change sc.man yourself.
- This release has been tested against a Sequent S81 running DYNIX 3.0.17
- (BSD 4.2):cc, atscc, gcc, AT&T SysV 3.2.2:cc, gcc, ESIX SysV 3.2 Rev D:cc, gcc.
- Just check the Makefile for the system flags. I have heard
- reports of lots of other machines that work. If you have problems with
- lex.c, and don't care about arrow keys, define SIMPLE (-DSIMPLE in the
- makefile). SIMPLE causes the arrow keys to not be used.
- If you have problems with your yacc saying: too many terminals ...127...
- Find a different yacc: bison, Berkeley yacc, Pd yacc, etc. AT&T's Sys V
- yacc has small, fixed sized tables. SCO will allow dynamic yacc tables
- when given the correct flags.
- Guidelines for Hackers:
- If you want to send changes you have made to SC, please feel free to do
- so. If they work :-) and seem worthwhile, I'll put them in.
- a) Please refrain from wholesale "style" or "cleanup" changes. It is easy
- to add your changes but it makes it hard to merge in the next guy's
- stuff if he used the release as a base. Suggestions are welcome.
- b) Leave my $Revision: identifiers alone-they help me track what you used
- as a base. If you check the code into rcs, delete the "$"s on the
- Revison lines before you do.
- c) Please abide by the style in the code when you make your changes. It is easy
- to break things trying to make them look "right".
- d) If you do string functions, please, PLEASE pay attention to null pointers,
- use scxmalloc, scxrealloc, and scxfree; and scxfree those arguments.
- e) Please don't forget to document your changes in both help.c and sc.doc.
- f) WHEN sending diffs: please use diff -c (context diff, and possibly
- more than three lines on each side), I get a lot of code and
- things move.
- g) Please send an explanation of what your code does and how to use/test it.
- Disclaimer:
- Starting 4/4/90: (I will be maintaining Sc for a while at least,
- Robert Bond has been very busy lately)
- Archives:
- 1) (FTP) jpd@usl.edu James Dugal
- pc.usl.edu in the pub/unix directory
- 2) (UUCP) marc@dumbcat.sf.ca.us (Marco S Hyman)
- dumbcat Any ACU 9600 14157850194 "" \d\r in:--in: nuucp word: guest
- dumbcat Any ACU 2400 14157850194 "" \d\r in:-BREAK-in: nuucp word: guest
- dumbcat Any ACU 1200 14157850194 "" \d\r in:-BREAK-in:-BREAK-in: nuucp word: guest
- Note: dumbcat speaks 9600 at V.32 -- sorry, this is not a Telebit modem.
- (Grab dumbcat!~/INDEX for a complete list)
- 3) Sc6.16 was posted in comp.sources.misc, about Jun 4 1991, Volume 20, Issues
- 035-041. There were then 4 patches: Sc6.16->Sc6.17, Sc6.17->Sc6.18,
- Sc6.18->Sc6.19, and Sc6.19->Sc6.21.
- 4) (FTP) Paul A Vixie <uunet!decwrl!vixie>
- gatekeeper.dec.com in /pub/misc/sc-6.21.tar.Z
- Sc is not a product of ProsLink, Inc. It is supplied as is with no
- warranty, express or implied, as a service to Usenet readers. It is not
- copyrighted, either. Have at it.
- Jeff Buhrt
- ProsLink, Inc.
- nstar!sawmill!prslnk!buhrt