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- /* SC A Spreadsheet Calculator
- * Command routines
- *
- * original by James Gosling, September 1982
- * modifications by Mark Weiser and Bruce Israel,
- * University of Maryland
- *
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- *
- * $Revision: 6.21 $
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #if defined(BSD42) || defined(BSD43)
- #include <strings.h>
- #else
- #ifndef SYSIII
- #include <string.h>
- #endif
- #endif
- #include <curses.h>
- #if defined(BSD42) || defined(BSD43) || defined(VMS)
- #include <sys/file.h>
- #else
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #endif
- #include "sc.h"
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #ifdef SYSV3
- extern void exit();
- #else
- extern int exit();
- #endif
- void openrow();
- void syncref();
- void unspecial();
- extern int errno;
- /* a linked list of free [struct ent]'s, uses .next as the pointer */
- extern struct ent *freeents;
- /* a linked list of free [struct enodes]'s, uses .e.o.left as the pointer */
- extern struct enode *freeenodes;
- #define DEFCOLDELIM ':'
- /* copy the current row (currow) and place the cursor in the new row */
- void
- duprow()
- {
- if (currow >= maxrows - 1 || maxrow >= maxrows - 1) {
- if (!growtbl(GROWROW, 0, 0))
- return;
- }
- modflg++;
- currow++;
- openrow (currow);
- for (curcol = 0; curcol <= maxcol; curcol++) {
- register struct ent *p = *ATBL(tbl, currow - 1, curcol);
- if (p) {
- register struct ent *n;
- n = lookat (currow, curcol);
- (void)copyent ( n, p, 1, 0);
- }
- }
- for (curcol = 0; curcol <= maxcol; curcol++) {
- register struct ent *p = *ATBL(tbl, currow, curcol);
- if (p && (p -> flags & is_valid) && !p -> expr)
- break;
- }
- if (curcol > maxcol)
- curcol = 0;
- }
- /* copy the current column (curcol) and place the cursor in the new column */
- void
- dupcol()
- {
- if (curcol >= maxcols - 1 || maxcol >= maxcols - 1) {
- if (!growtbl(GROWCOL, 0, 0))
- return;
- }
- modflg++;
- curcol++;
- opencol (curcol, 1);
- for (currow = 0; currow <= maxrow; currow++) {
- register struct ent *p = *ATBL(tbl, currow, curcol - 1);
- if (p) {
- register struct ent *n;
- n = lookat (currow, curcol);
- copyent ( n, p, 0, 1);
- }
- }
- for (currow = 0; currow <= maxrow; currow++) {
- register struct ent *p = *ATBL(tbl, currow, curcol);
- if (p && (p -> flags & is_valid) && !p -> expr)
- break;
- }
- if (currow > maxrow)
- currow = 0;
- }
- /* insert 'arg' rows before currow */
- void
- insertrow(arg)
- register int arg;
- {
- while (--arg>=0) openrow (currow);
- }
- /* delete 'arg' rows starting at currow (deletes from currow downward) */
- void
- deleterow(arg)
- register int arg;
- {
- if (any_locked_cells(currow, 0, currow + arg - 1, maxcol))
- error("Locked cells encountered. Nothing changed");
- else {
- flush_saved();
- erase_area(currow, 0, currow + arg - 1, maxcol);
- currow += arg;
- while (--arg>=0) closerow (--currow);
- sync_refs();
- }
- }
- void
- erase_area(sr, sc, er, ec)
- int sr, sc, er, ec;
- {
- register int r, c;
- register struct ent **pp;
- if (sr > er) {
- r = sr; sr = er; er= r;
- }
- if (sc > ec) {
- c = sc; sc = ec; ec= c;
- }
- if (sr < 0)
- sr = 0;
- if (sc < 0)
- sc = 0;
- checkbounds(&er, &ec);
- for (r = sr; r <= er; r++) {
- for (c = sc; c <= ec; c++) {
- pp = ATBL(tbl, r, c);
- if (*pp && !((*pp)->flags&is_locked)) {
- free_ent(*pp);
- *pp = (struct ent *)0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * deletes the expression associated w/ a cell and turns it into a constant
- * containing whatever was on the screen
- */
- void
- valueize_area(sr, sc, er, ec)
- int sr, sc, er, ec;
- {
- register int r, c;
- register struct ent *p;
- if (sr > er) {
- r = sr; sr = er; er= r;
- }
- if (sc > ec) {
- c = sc; sc = ec; ec= c;
- }
- if (sr < 0)
- sr = 0;
- if (sc < 0)
- sc = 0;
- checkbounds(&er, &ec);
- for (r = sr; r <= er; r++) {
- for (c = sc; c <= ec; c++) {
- p = *ATBL(tbl, r, c);
- if (p && p->flags&is_locked) {
- error(" Cell %s%d is locked", coltoa(c), r);
- continue;
- }
- if (p && p->expr) {
- efree(p->expr);
- p->expr = (struct enode *)0;
- p->flags &= ~is_strexpr;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void
- pullcells(to_insert)
- int to_insert;
- {
- register struct ent *p, *n;
- register int deltar, deltac;
- int minrow, mincol;
- int mxrow, mxcol;
- int numrows, numcols;
- if (! to_fix)
- {
- error ("No data to pull");
- return;
- }
- minrow = maxrows;
- mincol = maxcols;
- mxrow = 0;
- mxcol = 0;
- for (p = to_fix; p; p = p->next) {
- if (p->row < minrow)
- minrow = p->row;
- if (p->row > mxrow)
- mxrow = p->row;
- if (p->col < mincol)
- mincol = p->col;
- if (p->col > mxcol)
- mxcol = p->col;
- }
- numrows = mxrow - minrow + 1;
- numcols = mxcol - mincol + 1;
- deltar = currow - minrow;
- deltac = curcol - mincol;
- if (to_insert == 'r') {
- insertrow(numrows);
- deltac = 0;
- } else if (to_insert == 'c') {
- opencol(curcol, numcols);
- deltar = 0;
- }
- FullUpdate++;
- modflg++;
- for (p = to_fix; p; p = p->next) {
- n = lookat (p->row + deltar, p->col + deltac);
- (void) clearent(n);
- copyent( n, p, deltar, deltac);
- n -> flags = p -> flags & ~is_deleted;
- }
- }
- void
- colshow_op()
- {
- register int i,j;
- for (i=0; i<maxcols; i++)
- if (col_hidden[i])
- break;
- for(j=i; j<maxcols; j++)
- if (!col_hidden[j])
- break;
- j--;
- if (i>=maxcols)
- error ("No hidden columns to show");
- else {
- (void) sprintf(line,"show %s:", coltoa(i));
- (void) sprintf(line + strlen(line),"%s",coltoa(j));
- linelim = strlen (line);
- }
- }
- void
- rowshow_op()
- {
- register int i,j;
- for (i=0; i<maxrows; i++)
- if (row_hidden[i])
- break;
- for(j=i; j<maxrows; j++)
- if (!row_hidden[j]) {
- break;
- }
- j--;
- if (i>=maxrows)
- error ("No hidden rows to show");
- else {
- (void) sprintf(line,"show %d:%d", i, j);
- linelim = strlen (line);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Given a row/column command letter, emit a small menu, then read a qualifier
- * character for a row/column command and convert it to 'r' (row), 'c'
- * (column), or 0 (unknown). If ch is 'p', an extra qualifier 'm' is allowed.
- */
- int
- get_rcqual (ch)
- int ch;
- {
- error ("%sow/column: r: row c: column%s",
- (ch == 'i') ? "Insert r" :
- (ch == 'a') ? "Append r" :
- (ch == 'd') ? "Delete r" :
- (ch == 'p') ? "Pull r" :
- (ch == 'v') ? "Values r" :
- (ch == 'z') ? "Zap r" :
- (ch == 's') ? "Show r" : "R",
- (ch == 'p') ? " m: merge" : "");
- (void) refresh();
- switch (nmgetch())
- {
- case 'r':
- case 'l':
- case 'h':
- case ctl('f'):
- case ctl('b'): return ('r');
- case 'c':
- case 'j':
- case 'k':
- case ctl('p'):
- case ctl('n'): return ('c');
- case 'm': return ((ch == 'p') ? 'm' : 0);
- case ESC:
- case ctl('g'): return (ESC);
- default: return (0);
- }
- }
- void
- openrow (rs)
- int rs;
- {
- register r, c;
- struct ent **tmprow, **pp;
- if (rs > maxrow) maxrow = rs;
- if (maxrow >= maxrows - 1 || rs > maxrows - 1) {
- if (!growtbl(GROWROW, rs, 0))
- return;
- }
- /*
- * save the last active row+1, shift the rows downward, put the last
- * row in place of the first
- */
- tmprow = tbl[++maxrow];
- for (r = maxrow; r > rs; r--) {
- row_hidden[r] = row_hidden[r-1];
- tbl[r] = tbl[r-1];
- pp = ATBL(tbl, r, 0);
- for (c = 0; c < maxcols; c++, pp++)
- if (*pp)
- (*pp)->row = r;
- }
- tbl[r] = tmprow; /* the last row was never used.... */
- FullUpdate++;
- modflg++;
- }
- /* delete row r */
- void
- closerow (r)
- register r;
- {
- register struct ent **pp;
- register c;
- struct ent **tmprow;
- if (r > maxrow) return;
- /* save the row and empty it out */
- tmprow = tbl[r];
- pp = ATBL(tbl, r, 0);
- for (c=maxcol+1; --c>=0; pp++) {
- if (*pp)
- { free_ent(*pp);
- *pp = (struct ent *)0;
- }
- }
- /* move the rows, put the deleted, but now empty, row at the end */
- for (; r < maxrows - 1; r++) {
- row_hidden[r] = row_hidden[r+1];
- tbl[r] = tbl[r+1];
- pp = ATBL(tbl, r, 0);
- for (c = 0; c < maxcols; c++, pp++)
- if (*pp)
- (*pp)->row = r;
- }
- tbl[r] = tmprow;
- maxrow--;
- FullUpdate++;
- modflg++;
- }
- void
- opencol (cs, numcol)
- int cs;
- int numcol;
- {
- register r;
- register struct ent **pp;
- register c;
- register lim = maxcol-cs+1;
- int i;
- if (cs > maxcol)
- maxcol = cs;
- maxcol += numcol;
- if ((maxcol >= maxcols - 1) && !growtbl(GROWCOL, 0, maxcol))
- return;
- for (i = maxcol; i > cs; i--) {
- fwidth[i] = fwidth[i-numcol];
- precision[i] = precision[i-numcol];
- realfmt[i] = realfmt[i-numcol];
- col_hidden[i] = col_hidden[i-numcol];
- }
- for (c = cs; c - cs < numcol; c++)
- { fwidth[c] = DEFWIDTH;
- precision[c] = DEFPREC;
- realfmt[c] = DEFREFMT;
- }
- for (r=0; r<=maxrow; r++) {
- pp = ATBL(tbl, r, maxcol);
- for (c=lim; --c>=0; pp--)
- if (pp[0] = pp[-numcol])
- pp[0]->col += numcol;
- pp = ATBL(tbl, r, cs);
- for (c = cs; c - cs < numcol; c++, pp++)
- *pp = (struct ent *)0;
- }
- FullUpdate++;
- modflg++;
- }
- /* delete group of columns (1 or more) */
- void
- closecol (cs, numcol)
- int cs;
- int numcol;
- {
- register r;
- register struct ent **pp;
- register struct ent *q;
- register c;
- register lim = maxcol-cs;
- int i;
- char buf[50];
- if (lim - numcol < -1)
- { (void) sprintf(buf, "Can't delete %d column%s %d columns left", numcol,
- (numcol > 1 ? "s," : ","), lim+1);
- error(buf);
- return;
- }
- if (any_locked_cells(0, curcol, maxrow, curcol + numcol - 1)) {
- error("Locked cells encountered. Nothing changed");
- return;
- }
- flush_saved();
- erase_area(0, curcol, maxrow, curcol + numcol - 1);
- sync_refs();
- /* clear then copy the block left */
- lim = maxcols - numcol - 1;
- for (r=0; r<=maxrow; r++) {
- for (c = cs; c - cs < numcol; c++)
- if (q = *ATBL(tbl, r, c))
- free_ent(q);
- pp = ATBL(tbl, r, cs);
- for (c=cs; c <= lim; c++, pp++)
- { if (c > lim)
- *pp = (struct ent *)0;
- else
- if (pp[0] = pp[numcol])
- pp[0]->col -= numcol;
- }
- c = numcol;
- for (; --c >= 0; pp++)
- *pp = (struct ent *)0;
- }
- for (i = cs; i < maxcols - numcol - 1; i++) {
- fwidth[i] = fwidth[i+numcol];
- precision[i] = precision[i+numcol];
- realfmt[i] = realfmt[i+numcol];
- col_hidden[i] = col_hidden[i+numcol];
- }
- for (; i < maxcols - 1; i++) {
- fwidth[i] = DEFWIDTH;
- precision[i] = DEFPREC;
- realfmt[i] = DEFREFMT;
- col_hidden[i] = FALSE;
- }
- maxcol -= numcol;
- FullUpdate++;
- modflg++;
- }
- void
- doend(rowinc, colinc)
- int rowinc, colinc;
- {
- register struct ent *p;
- int r, c;
- if (VALID_CELL(p, currow, curcol)) {
- r = currow + rowinc;
- c = curcol + colinc;
- if (r >= 0 && r < maxrows &&
- c >= 0 && c < maxcols &&
- !VALID_CELL(p, r, c)) {
- currow = r;
- curcol = c;
- }
- }
- if (!VALID_CELL(p, currow, curcol)) {
- switch (rowinc) {
- case -1:
- while (!VALID_CELL(p, currow, curcol) && currow > 0)
- currow--;
- break;
- case 1:
- while (!VALID_CELL(p, currow, curcol) && currow < maxrows-1)
- currow++;
- break;
- case 0:
- switch (colinc) {
- case -1:
- while (!VALID_CELL(p, currow, curcol) && curcol > 0)
- curcol--;
- break;
- case 1:
- while (!VALID_CELL(p, currow, curcol) && curcol < maxcols-1)
- curcol++;
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- error (""); /* clear line */
- return;
- }
- switch (rowinc) {
- case -1:
- while (VALID_CELL(p, currow, curcol) && currow > 0)
- currow--;
- break;
- case 1:
- while (VALID_CELL(p, currow, curcol) && currow < maxrows-1)
- currow++;
- break;
- case 0:
- switch (colinc) {
- case -1:
- while (VALID_CELL(p, currow, curcol) && curcol > 0)
- curcol--;
- break;
- case 1:
- while (VALID_CELL(p, currow, curcol) && curcol < maxcols-1)
- curcol++;
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (!VALID_CELL(p, currow, curcol)) {
- currow -= rowinc;
- curcol -= colinc;
- }
- }
- /* Modified 9/17/90 THA to handle more formats */
- void
- doformat(c1,c2,w,p,r)
- int c1,c2,w,p,r;
- {
- register int i;
- int crows = 0;
- int ccols = c2;
- if (c1 >= maxcols && !growtbl(GROWCOL, 0, c1)) c1 = maxcols-1 ;
- if (c2 >= maxcols && !growtbl(GROWCOL, 0, c2)) c2 = maxcols-1 ;
- if (w > COLS - RESCOL - 2) {
- error("Format too large - Maximum = %d", COLS - RESCOL - 2);
- w = COLS-RESCOL-2;
- }
- if (p > w) {
- error("Precision too large");
- p = w;
- }
- checkbounds(&crows, &ccols);
- if (ccols < c2) {
- error("Format statement failed to create implied column %d", c2);
- return;
- }
- for(i = c1; i<=c2; i++)
- fwidth[i] = w, precision[i] = p, realfmt[i] = r;
- FullUpdate++;
- modflg++;
- }
- void
- print_options(f)
- FILE *f;
- {
- if(
- autocalc &&
- propagation == 10 &&
- calc_order == BYROWS &&
- !numeric &&
- prescale == 1.0 &&
- !extfunc &&
- showcell &&
- showtop &&
- tbl_style == 0 &&
- craction == 0 &&
- rowlimit == -1 &&
- collimit == -1
- )
- return; /* No reason to do this */
- (void) fprintf(f, "set");
- if(!autocalc)
- (void) fprintf(f," !autocalc");
- if(propagation != 10)
- (void) fprintf(f, " iterations = %d", propagation);
- if(calc_order != BYROWS )
- (void) fprintf(f, " bycols");
- if (numeric)
- (void) fprintf(f, " numeric");
- if (prescale != 1.0)
- (void) fprintf(f, " prescale");
- if (extfunc)
- (void) fprintf(f, " extfun");
- if (!showcell)
- (void) fprintf(f, " !cellcur");
- if (!showtop)
- (void) fprintf(f, " !toprow");
- if (tbl_style)
- (void) fprintf(f, " tblstyle = %s", tbl_style == TBL ? "tbl" :
- tbl_style == LATEX ? "latex" :
- tbl_style == SLATEX ? "slatex" :
- tbl_style == TEX ? "tex" :
- tbl_style == FRAME ? "frame" : "0" );
- if (craction)
- (void) fprintf(f, " craction = %d", craction);
- if (rowlimit >= 0)
- (void) fprintf(f, " rowlimit = %d", rowlimit);
- if (collimit >= 0)
- (void) fprintf(f, " collimit = %d", collimit);
- (void) fprintf(f, "\n");
- }
- void
- printfile (fname, r0, c0, rn, cn)
- char *fname;
- int r0, c0, rn, cn;
- {
- FILE *f;
- static char *pline = NULL; /* only malloc once, malloc is slow */
- static unsigned fbufs_allocated = 0;
- int plinelim;
- int pid;
- int fieldlen, nextcol;
- register row, col;
- register struct ent **pp;
- if ((strcmp(fname, curfile) == 0) &&
- !yn_ask("Confirm that you want to destroy the data base: (y,n)")) {
- return;
- }
- if (!pline && (pline = scxmalloc((unsigned)(FBUFLEN *
- ++fbufs_allocated))) == (char *)NULL)
- { error("Malloc failed in printfile()");
- return;
- }
- if ((f = openout(fname, &pid)) == (FILE *)0)
- { error ("Can't create file \"%s\"", fname);
- return;
- }
- for (row=r0;row<=rn; row++) {
- register c = 0;
- if (row_hidden[row])
- continue;
- pline[plinelim=0] = '\0';
- for (pp = ATBL(tbl, row, col=c0); col<=cn;
- pp += nextcol-col, col = nextcol, c += fieldlen) {
- nextcol = col+1;
- if (col_hidden[col]) {
- fieldlen = 0;
- continue;
- }
- fieldlen = fwidth[col];
- if (*pp) {
- char *s;
- /*
- * dynamically allocate pline, making sure we are not
- * attempting to write 'out of bounds'.
- */
- while(c > (fbufs_allocated * FBUFLEN)) {
- if((pline = scxrealloc
- ((char *)pline,
- (unsigned)(FBUFLEN * ++fbufs_allocated)))
- == NULL) {
- error ("Realloc failed in printfile()");
- return;
- }
- }
- while (plinelim<c) pline[plinelim++] = ' ';
- plinelim = c;
- if ((*pp)->flags&is_valid) {
- while(plinelim + fwidth[col] >
- (fbufs_allocated * FBUFLEN)) {
- if((pline = ((char *)scxrealloc
- ((char *)pline,
- (unsigned)(FBUFLEN * ++fbufs_allocated))))
- == NULL) {
- error ("Realloc failed in printfile()");
- return;
- }
- }
- if ((*pp)->cellerror)
- (void) sprintf (pline+plinelim, "%*s",
- fwidth[col],
- ((*pp)->cellerror == CELLERROR ? "ERROR" : "INVALID"));
- else
- {
- if ((*pp)->format) {
- char field[FBUFLEN];
- format ((*pp)->format, (*pp)->v, field,
- sizeof(field));
- (void) sprintf (pline+plinelim, "%*s", fwidth[col],
- field);
- } else {
- char field[FBUFLEN];
- (void) engformat(realfmt[col], fwidth[col],
- precision[col], (*pp) -> v,
- field, sizeof(field));
- (void) sprintf (pline+plinelim, "%*s", fwidth[col],
- field);
- }
- }
- plinelim += strlen (pline+plinelim);
- }
- if (s = (*pp)->label) {
- int slen;
- char *start, *last;
- register char *fp;
- struct ent *nc;
- /*
- * Figure out if the label slops over to a blank field. A
- * string started with backslah is defining repition char
- */
- slen = strlen(s);
- if ( *s == '\\' && *(s+1)!= '\0' )
- slen = fwidth[col];
- while (slen > fieldlen && nextcol <= cn &&
- !((nc = lookat(row,nextcol))->flags & is_valid) &&
- !(nc->label)) {
- if (!col_hidden[nextcol])
- fieldlen += fwidth[nextcol];
- nextcol++;
- }
- if (slen > fieldlen)
- slen = fieldlen;
- while(c + fieldlen + 2 > (fbufs_allocated * FBUFLEN)) {
- if((pline = ((char *)scxrealloc
- ((char *)pline,
- (unsigned)(FBUFLEN * ++fbufs_allocated))))
- == NULL) {
- error ("scxrealloc failed in printfile()");
- return;
- }
- }
- /* Now justify and print */
- start = (*pp)->flags & is_leftflush ? pline + c
- : pline + c + fieldlen - slen;
- if( (*pp)->flags & is_label )
- start = pline + (c + ((fwidth[col]>slen)?(fwidth[col]-slen)/2:0));
- last = pline + c + fieldlen;
- fp = plinelim < c ? pline + plinelim : pline + c;
- while (fp < start)
- *fp++ = ' ';
- if( *s == '\\' && *(s+1)!= '\0' ) {
- char *strt;
- strt = ++s;
- while(slen--) {
- *fp++ = *s++; if( *s == '\0' ) s = strt;
- }
- }
- else
- while (slen--)
- *fp++ = *s++;
- if (!((*pp)->flags & is_valid) || fieldlen != fwidth[col])
- while(fp < last)
- *fp++ = ' ';
- if (plinelim < fp - pline)
- plinelim = fp - pline;
- }
- }
- }
- pline[plinelim++] = '\n';
- pline[plinelim] = '\0';
- (void) fputs (pline, f);
- }
- closeout(f, pid);
- }
- void
- tblprintfile (fname, r0, c0, rn, cn)
- char *fname;
- int r0, c0, rn, cn;
- {
- FILE *f;
- int pid;
- register row, col;
- register struct ent **pp;
- char coldelim = DEFCOLDELIM;
- if ((strcmp(fname, curfile) == 0) &&
- !yn_ask("Confirm that you want to destroy the data base: (y,n)"))
- return;
- if ((f = openout(fname, &pid)) == (FILE *)0)
- { error ("Can't create file \"%s\"", fname);
- return;
- }
- if ( tbl_style == TBL ) {
- fprintf(f,".\\\" ** %s spreadsheet output \n.TS\n",progname);
- fprintf(f,"tab(%c);\n",coldelim);
- for (col=c0;col<=cn; col++) fprintf(f," n");
- fprintf(f, ".\n");
- }
- else if ( tbl_style == LATEX ) {
- fprintf(f,"%% ** %s spreadsheet output\n\\begin{tabular}{",progname);
- for (col=c0;col<=cn; col++) fprintf(f,"c");
- fprintf(f, "}\n");
- coldelim = '&';
- }
- else if ( tbl_style == SLATEX ) {
- fprintf(f,"%% ** %s spreadsheet output\n!begin<tabular><",progname);
- for (col=c0;col<=cn; col++) fprintf(f,"c");
- fprintf(f, ">\n");
- coldelim = '&';
- }
- else if ( tbl_style == TEX ) {
- fprintf(f,"{\t%% ** %s spreadsheet output\n\\settabs %d \\columns\n",
- progname, cn-c0+1);
- coldelim = '&';
- }
- else if ( tbl_style == FRAME ) {
- fprintf(f,"<MIFFile 3.00> # generated by the sc spreadsheet calculator\n");
- fprintf(f,"<Tbls\n");
- fprintf(f," <Tbl \n");
- fprintf(f," <TblID 1> # This table's ID is 1\n");
- fprintf(f," <TblFormat \n");
- fprintf(f," <TblTag `Format A'> # Table Format Catalog\n");
- fprintf(f," > # end of TblFormat\n");
- fprintf(f," <TblNumColumns %d> # Has %d columns\n",cn-c0+1,cn-c0+1);
- fprintf(f," <TblTitleContent\n");
- fprintf(f," <Para\n");
- fprintf(f," <PgfTag `TableTitle'> # Forces lookup in Paragraph Format Catalog\n");
- fprintf(f," <ParaLine\n");
- fprintf(f," <String `%s'>\n",fname);
- fprintf(f," > # end of ParaLine\n");
- fprintf(f," > # end of Para\n");
- fprintf(f," > # end of TblTitleContent\n");
- fprintf(f," <TblH # The heading\n");
- fprintf(f," <Row # The heading row\n");
- for (col=c0; col <= cn; col++) {
- fprintf(f," <Cell <CellContent <Para # Cell in column \n");
- fprintf(f," <PgfTag `CellHeading'> # in Paragraph Format Catalog\n");
- fprintf(f," <ParaLine <String `%c'>>\n",'A'+col);
- fprintf(f," >>> # end of Cell\n");
- }
- fprintf(f," > # end of Row\n");
- fprintf(f," > # end of TblH\n");
- fprintf(f," <TblBody # The body\n");
- }
- for (row=r0; row<=rn; row++) {
- if ( tbl_style == TEX )
- (void) fprintf (f, "\\+");
- else if ( tbl_style == FRAME ) {
- fprintf(f," <Row # The next body row\n");
- }
- for (pp = ATBL(tbl, row, col=c0); col<=cn; col++, pp++) {
- if ( tbl_style == FRAME ) {
- fprintf(f," <Cell <CellContent <Para\n");
- fprintf(f," <PgfTag `CellBody'> # in Paragraph Format Catalog\n");
- fprintf(f," <ParaLine <String `");
- }
- if (*pp) {
- char *s;
- if ((*pp)->flags&is_valid) {
- if ((*pp)->cellerror) {
- (void) fprintf (f, "%*s",
- fwidth[col],
- ((*pp)->cellerror == CELLERROR ? "ERROR" : "INVALID"));
- }
- else
- if ((*pp)->format) {
- char field[FBUFLEN];
- (void) format ((*pp)->format, (*pp)->v, field,
- sizeof(field));
- unspecial (f, field, coldelim);
- } else {
- char field[FBUFLEN];
- (void) engformat(realfmt[col], fwidth[col],
- precision[col], (*pp) -> v,
- field, sizeof(field));
- unspecial (f, field, coldelim);
- }
- }
- if (s = (*pp)->label) {
- unspecial (f, s, coldelim);
- }
- }
- if (tbl_style == FRAME) {
- fprintf(f, "'>>\n");
- fprintf(f," >>> # end of Cell\n");
- }
- if ( col < cn )
- if (tbl_style != FRAME)
- (void) fprintf(f,"%c", coldelim);
- }
- if ( tbl_style == LATEX ) {
- if ( row < rn ) (void) fprintf (f, "\\\\");
- }
- else if ( tbl_style == SLATEX ) {
- if ( row < rn ) (void) fprintf (f, "!!");
- }
- else if ( tbl_style == TEX ) {
- (void) fprintf (f, "\\cr");
- }
- else if ( tbl_style == FRAME ) {
- fprintf(f," > # end of Row\n");
- }
- (void) fprintf (f,"\n");
- }
- if ( tbl_style == TBL )
- (void) fprintf (f,".TE\n.\\\" ** end of %s spreadsheet output\n", progname);
- else if ( tbl_style == LATEX )
- (void) fprintf (f,"\\end{tabular}\n%% ** end of %s spreadsheet output\n", progname);
- else if ( tbl_style == SLATEX )
- (void) fprintf (f,"!end<tabular>\n%% ** end of %s spreadsheet output\n", progname);
- else if ( tbl_style == TEX )
- (void) fprintf (f,"}\n%% ** end of %s spreadsheet output\n", progname);
- else if ( tbl_style == FRAME ) {
- fprintf(f," > # end of TblBody\n");
- fprintf(f," ># end of Tbl\n");
- fprintf(f,"> # end of Tbls\n");
- fprintf(f,"<TextFlow <Para \n");
- fprintf(f," <PgfTag Body> \n");
- fprintf(f," <ParaLine <ATbl 1>> # Reference to table ID 1\n");
- fprintf(f,">>\n");
- }
- closeout(f, pid);
- }
- /* unspecial (backquote) things that are special chars in a table */
- void
- unspecial(f, str, delim)
- FILE *f;
- char *str;
- int delim;
- {
- if( *str == '\\' ) str++; /* delete wheeling string operator, OK? */
- while (*str)
- { if (((tbl_style == LATEX) || (tbl_style == SLATEX) ||
- (tbl_style == TEX)) &&
- ((*str == delim) || (*str == '$') || (*str == '#') ||
- (*str == '%') || (*str == '{') || (*str == '}') ||
- (*str == '[') || (*str == ']') || (*str == '&')))
- putc('\\', f);
- putc(*str, f);
- str++;
- }
- }
- struct enode *
- copye (e, Rdelta, Cdelta)
- register struct enode *e;
- int Rdelta, Cdelta;
- {
- register struct enode *ret;
- if (e == (struct enode *)0) {
- ret = (struct enode *)0;
- } else if (e->op & REDUCE) {
- int newrow, newcol;
- if (freeenodes)
- { ret = freeenodes;
- freeenodes = ret->e.o.left;
- }
- else
- ret = (struct enode *) scxmalloc ((unsigned) sizeof (struct enode));
- ret->op = e->op;
- newrow=e->e.r.left.vf & FIX_ROW ? e->e.r.left.vp->row :
- e->e.r.left.vp->row+Rdelta;
- newcol=e->e.r.left.vf & FIX_COL ? e->e.r.left.vp->col :
- e->e.r.left.vp->col+Cdelta;
- ret->e.r.left.vp = lookat (newrow, newcol);
- ret->e.r.left.vf = e->e.r.left.vf;
- newrow=e->e.r.right.vf & FIX_ROW ? e->e.r.right.vp->row :
- e->e.r.right.vp->row+Rdelta;
- newcol=e->e.r.right.vf & FIX_COL ? e->e.r.right.vp->col :
- e->e.r.right.vp->col+Cdelta;
- ret->e.r.right.vp = lookat (newrow, newcol);
- ret->e.r.right.vf = e->e.r.right.vf;
- } else {
- if (freeenodes)
- { ret = freeenodes;
- freeenodes = ret->e.o.left;
- }
- else
- ret = (struct enode *) scxmalloc ((unsigned) sizeof (struct enode));
- ret->op = e->op;
- switch (ret->op) {
- case 'v':
- {
- int newrow, newcol;
- newrow=e->e.v.vf & FIX_ROW ? e->e.v.vp->row :
- e->e.v.vp->row+Rdelta;
- newcol=e->e.v.vf & FIX_COL ? e->e.v.vp->col :
- e->e.v.vp->col+Cdelta;
- ret->e.v.vp = lookat (newrow, newcol);
- ret->e.v.vf = e->e.v.vf;
- break;
- }
- case 'k':
- ret->e.k = e->e.k;
- break;
- case 'f':
- ret->e.o.right = copye (e->e.o.right,0,0);
- ret->e.o.left = (struct enode *)0;
- break;
- case '$':
- ret->e.s = scxmalloc((unsigned) strlen(e->e.s)+1);
- (void) strcpy(ret->e.s, e->e.s);
- break;
- default:
- ret->e.o.right = copye (e->e.o.right,Rdelta,Cdelta);
- ret->e.o.left = copye (e->e.o.left,Rdelta,Cdelta);
- break;
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /*
- * sync_refs and syncref are used to remove references to
- * deleted struct ents. Note that the deleted structure must still
- * be hanging around before the call, but not referenced by an entry
- * in tbl. Thus the free_ent calls in sc.c
- */
- void
- sync_refs ()
- {
- register i,j;
- register struct ent *p;
- sync_ranges();
- for (i=0; i<=maxrow; i++)
- for (j=0; j<=maxcol; j++)
- if ((p = *ATBL(tbl, i, j)) && p->expr)
- syncref(p->expr);
- }
- void
- syncref(e)
- register struct enode *e;
- {
- if (e == (struct enode *)0)
- return;
- else if (e->op & REDUCE) {
- e->e.r.right.vp = lookat(e->e.r.right.vp->row, e->e.r.right.vp->col);
- e->e.r.left.vp = lookat(e->e.r.left.vp->row, e->e.r.left.vp->col);
- } else {
- switch (e->op) {
- case 'v':
- e->e.v.vp = lookat(e->e.v.vp->row, e->e.v.vp->col);
- break;
- case 'k':
- break;
- case '$':
- break;
- default:
- syncref(e->e.o.right);
- syncref(e->e.o.left);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* mark a row as hidden */
- void
- hiderow(arg)
- int arg;
- {
- register int r1;
- register int r2;
- r1 = currow;
- r2 = r1 + arg - 1;
- if (r1 < 0 || r1 > r2) {
- error ("Invalid range");
- return;
- }
- if (r2 >= maxrows-1)
- { if (!growtbl(GROWROW, arg+1, 0))
- { error("You can't hide the last row");
- return;
- }
- }
- FullUpdate++;
- modflg++;
- while (r1 <= r2)
- row_hidden[r1++] = 1;
- }
- /* mark a column as hidden */
- void
- hidecol(arg)
- int arg;
- {
- register int c1;
- register int c2;
- c1 = curcol;
- c2 = c1 + arg - 1;
- if (c1 < 0 || c1 > c2) {
- error ("Invalid range");
- return;
- }
- if (c2 >= maxcols-1)
- { if ((arg >= ABSMAXCOLS-1) || !growtbl(GROWCOL, 0, arg+1))
- { error("You can't hide the last col");
- return;
- }
- }
- FullUpdate++;
- modflg++;
- while (c1 <= c2)
- col_hidden[c1++] = TRUE;
- }
- /* mark a row as not-hidden */
- void
- showrow(r1, r2)
- int r1, r2;
- {
- if (r1 < 0 || r1 > r2) {
- error ("Invalid range");
- return;
- }
- if (r2 > maxrows-1) {
- r2 = maxrows-1;
- }
- FullUpdate++;
- modflg++;
- while (r1 <= r2)
- row_hidden[r1++] = 0;
- }
- /* mark a column as not-hidden */
- void
- showcol(c1, c2)
- int c1, c2;
- {
- if (c1 < 0 || c1 > c2) {
- error ("Invalid range");
- return;
- }
- if (c2 > maxcols-1) {
- c2 = maxcols-1;
- }
- FullUpdate++;
- modflg++;
- while (c1 <= c2)
- col_hidden[c1++] = FALSE;
- }
- /* Open the output file, setting up a pipe if needed */
- FILE *
- openout(fname, rpid)
- char *fname;
- int *rpid;
- {
- int pipefd[2];
- int pid;
- FILE *f;
- char *efname;
- while (*fname && (*fname == ' ')) /* Skip leading blanks */
- fname++;
- if (*fname != '|') { /* Open file if not pipe */
- *rpid = 0;
- efname = findhome(fname);
- #ifdef DOBACKUPS
- if (!backup_file(efname) &&
- (yn_ask("Could not create backup copy, Save anyhow?: (y,n)") != 1))
- return(0);
- #endif
- return(fopen(efname, "w"));
- }
- #if defined(MSDOS)
- error("Piping not available under MS-DOS\n");
- return(0);
- #else
- fname++; /* Skip | */
- if ( pipe (pipefd) < 0) {
- error("Can't make pipe to child");
- *rpid = 0;
- return(0);
- }
- deraw();
- #ifdef VMS
- fprintf(stderr, "No son tasks available yet under VMS--sorry\n");
- #else /* VMS */
- if ((pid=fork()) == 0) /* if child */
- {
- (void) close (0); /* close stdin */
- (void) close (pipefd[1]);
- (void) dup (pipefd[0]); /* connect to pipe input */
- (void) signal (SIGINT, SIG_DFL); /* reset */
- (void) execl ("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", fname, 0);
- exit (-127);
- }
- else /* else parent */
- {
- *rpid = pid;
- if ((f = fdopen (pipefd[1], "w")) == (FILE *)0)
- {
- (void) kill (pid, -9);
- error ("Can't fdopen output");
- (void) close (pipefd[1]);
- *rpid = 0;
- return(0);
- }
- }
- #endif /* VMS */
- return(f);
- #endif /* MSDOS */
- }
- /* close a file opened by openout(), if process wait for return */
- void
- closeout(f, pid)
- FILE *f;
- int pid;
- {
- int temp;
- (void) fclose (f);
- #if !defined(MSDOS)
- if (pid) {
- while (pid != wait(&temp)) /**/;
- (void) printf("Press RETURN to continue ");
- (void) fflush(stdout);
- (void) nmgetch();
- goraw();
- }
- #endif /* MSDOS */
- }
- void
- copyent(n,p,dr,dc)
- register struct ent *n, *p;
- int dr, dc;
- {
- if(!n||!p){error("internal error");return;}
- n -> v = p -> v;
- n -> flags = p -> flags;
- n -> expr = copye (p -> expr, dr, dc);
- n -> label = (char *)0;
- if (p -> label) {
- n -> label = scxmalloc ((unsigned) (strlen (p -> label) + 1));
- (void) strcpy (n -> label, p -> label);
- }
- n -> format = 0;
- if (p -> format) {
- n -> format = scxmalloc ((unsigned) (strlen (p -> format) + 1));
- (void) strcpy (n -> format, p -> format);
- }
- }
- void
- write_fd (f, r0, c0, rn, cn)
- register FILE *f;
- int r0, c0, rn, cn;
- {
- register struct ent **pp;
- register r, c;
- extern char *v_name();
- (void) fprintf (f, "# This data file was generated by the Spreadsheet ");
- (void) fprintf (f, "Calculator.\n");
- (void) fprintf (f, "# You almost certainly shouldn't edit it.\n\n");
- print_options(f);
- for (c=0; c<maxcols; c++)
- if (fwidth[c] != DEFWIDTH || precision[c] != DEFPREC || realfmt[c] != DEFREFMT )
- (void) fprintf (f, "format %s %d %d %d\n",coltoa(c),fwidth[c],precision[c],realfmt[c]);
- for (c=c0; c<cn; c++) {
- if (col_hidden[c]) {
- (void) fprintf(f, "hide %s\n", coltoa(c));
- }
- }
- for (r=r0; r<=rn; r++) {
- if (row_hidden[r]) {
- (void) fprintf(f, "hide %d\n", r);
- }
- }
- write_range(f);
- if (mdir)
- (void) fprintf(f, "mdir \"%s\"\n", mdir);
- for (r=r0; r<=rn; r++) {
- pp = ATBL(tbl, r, c0);
- for (c=c0; c<=cn; c++, pp++)
- if (*pp) {
- if ((*pp)->label) {
- edits(r,c);
- (void) fprintf(f, "%s\n",line);
- }
- if ((*pp)->flags&is_valid) {
- editv (r, c);
- (void) fprintf (f, "%s\n",line);
- }
- if ((*pp)->format) {
- editfmt (r, c);
- (void) fprintf (f, "%s\n",line);
- }
- if ((*pp)->flags&is_locked)
- (void) fprintf(f, "lock %s%d\n", coltoa((*pp)->col),
- (*pp)->row) ;
- }
- }
- if (rndinfinity)
- fprintf(f, "set rndinfinity\n");
- fprintf(f, "goto %s\n", v_name( currow, curcol ) );
- }
- int
- writefile (fname, r0, c0, rn, cn)
- char *fname;
- int r0, c0, rn, cn;
- {
- register FILE *f;
- char save[PATHLEN];
- int pid;
- #if !defined(VMS) && !defined(MSDOS) && defined(CRYPT_PATH)
- if (Crypt) {
- return (cwritefile(fname, r0, c0, rn, cn));
- }
- #endif /* VMS */
- if (*fname == '\0') fname = curfile;
- (void) strcpy(save,fname);
- if ((f= openout(fname, &pid)) == (FILE *)0)
- { error ("Can't create file \"%s\"", fname);
- return (-1);
- }
- write_fd(f, r0, c0, rn, cn);
- closeout(f, pid);
- if (!pid) {
- (void) strcpy(curfile, save);
- modflg = 0;
- error("File \"%s\" written.",curfile);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- void
- readfile (fname,eraseflg)
- char *fname;
- int eraseflg;
- {
- register FILE *f;
- char save[PATHLEN];
- int tempautolabel;
- tempautolabel = autolabel; /* turn off auto label when */
- autolabel = 0; /* when reading a file */
- if (*fname == '*' && mdir) {
- (void) strcpy(save, mdir);
- *fname = '/';
- (void) strcat(save, fname);
- } else {
- if (*fname == '\0')
- fname = curfile;
- (void) strcpy(save,fname);
- }
- #if !defined(VMS) && !defined(MSDOS) && defined(CRYPT_PATH)
- if (Crypt) {
- creadfile(save, eraseflg);
- return;
- }
- #endif /* VMS */
- if (eraseflg && strcmp(fname,curfile) && modcheck(" first")) return;
- if ((f = fopen(findhome(save), "r")) == (FILE *)0)
- { error ("Can't read file \"%s\"", save);
- return;
- }
- if (eraseflg) erasedb ();
- loading++;
- while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) {
- linelim = 0;
- if (line[0] != '#') (void) yyparse ();
- }
- --loading;
- (void) fclose (f);
- linelim = -1;
- modflg++;
- if (eraseflg) {
- (void) strcpy(curfile,save);
- modflg = 0;
- }
- autolabel = tempautolabel;
- EvalAll();
- }
- /* erase the database (tbl, etc.) */
- void
- erasedb ()
- {
- register r, c;
- for (c = 0; c<=maxcol; c++) {
- fwidth[c] = DEFWIDTH;
- precision[c] = DEFPREC;
- realfmt[c] = DEFREFMT;
- }
- for (r = 0; r<=maxrow; r++) {
- register struct ent **pp = ATBL(tbl, r, 0);
- for (c=0; c++<=maxcol; pp++)
- if (*pp) {
- if ((*pp)->expr) efree ((*pp) -> expr);
- if ((*pp)->label) scxfree ((char *)((*pp) -> label));
- (*pp)->next = freeents; /* save [struct ent] for reuse */
- freeents = *pp;
- *pp = (struct ent *)0;
- }
- }
- maxrow = 0;
- maxcol = 0;
- clean_range();
- FullUpdate++;
- }
- /* moves curcol back one displayed column */
- void
- backcol(arg)
- int arg;
- {
- while (--arg>=0) {
- if (curcol)
- curcol--;
- else
- {error ("At column A"); break;}
- while(col_hidden[curcol] && curcol)
- curcol--;
- }
- }
- /* moves curcol forward one displayed column */
- void
- forwcol(arg)
- int arg;
- {
- while (--arg>=0) {
- if (curcol < maxcols - 1)
- curcol++;
- else
- if (!growtbl(GROWCOL, 0, arg)) /* get as much as needed */
- break;
- else
- curcol++;
- while(col_hidden[curcol]&&(curcol<maxcols-1))
- curcol++;
- }
- }
- /* moves currow forward one displayed row */
- void
- forwrow(arg)
- int arg;
- {
- while (--arg>=0) {
- if (currow < maxrows - 1)
- currow++;
- else
- if (!growtbl(GROWROW, arg, 0)) /* get as much as needed */
- break;
- else
- currow++;
- while (row_hidden[currow]&&(currow<maxrows-1))
- currow++;
- }
- }
- /* moves currow backward one displayed row */
- void
- backrow(arg)
- int arg;
- {
- while (--arg>=0) {
- if (currow)
- currow--;
- else
- {error ("At row zero"); break;}
- while (row_hidden[currow] && currow)
- currow--;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Show a cell's label string or expression value. May overwrite value if
- * there is one already displayed in the cell. Created from old code in
- * update(), copied with minimal changes.
- */
- void
- showstring (string, dirflush, hasvalue, row, col, nextcolp, mxcol, fieldlenp, r, c)
- char *string; /* to display */
- int dirflush; /* or rightflush or centered */
- int hasvalue; /* is there a numeric value? */
- int row, col; /* spreadsheet location */
- int *nextcolp; /* value returned through it */
- int mxcol; /* last column displayed? */
- int *fieldlenp; /* value returned through it */
- int r, c; /* screen row and column */
- {
- register int nextcol = *nextcolp;
- register int fieldlen = *fieldlenp;
- char field[FBUFLEN];
- int slen;
- char *start, *last;
- register char *fp;
- struct ent *nc;
- /* This figures out if the label is allowed to
- slop over into the next blank field */
- slen = strlen (string);
- if( *string == '\\' && *(string+1)!= '\0' )
- slen = fwidth[col];
- while ((slen > fieldlen) && (nextcol <= mxcol) &&
- !((nc = lookat (row, nextcol)) -> flags & is_valid) &&
- !(nc->label)) {
- if (! col_hidden [nextcol])
- fieldlen += fwidth [nextcol];
- nextcol++;
- }
- if (slen > fieldlen)
- slen = fieldlen;
- /* Now justify and print */
- start = (dirflush&is_leftflush) ? field : field + fieldlen - slen;
- if( dirflush & is_label )
- start = field + ((slen<fwidth[col])?(fieldlen-slen)/2:0);
- last = field+fieldlen;
- fp = field;
- while (fp < start)
- *fp++ = ' ';
- if( *string == '\\' && *(string+1)!= '\0') {
- char *strt;
- strt = ++string;
- while(slen--) {
- *fp++ = *string++;
- if( *string == '\0' )
- string = strt;
- }
- }
- else
- while (slen--)
- *fp++ = *string++;
- if ((! hasvalue) || fieldlen != fwidth[col])
- while (fp < last)
- *fp++ = ' ';
- *fp = '\0';
- #ifdef VMS
- mvaddstr(r, c, field); /* this is a macro */
- #else
- (void) mvaddstr(r, c, field);
- #endif
- *nextcolp = nextcol;
- *fieldlenp = fieldlen;
- }
- int
- etype(e)
- register struct enode *e;
- {
- if (e == (struct enode *)0)
- return NUM;
- switch (e->op) {
- case UPPER: case LOWER: case CAPITAL:
- case O_SCONST: case '#': case DATE: case FMT: case STINDEX:
- case EXT: case SVAL: case SUBSTR:
- return (STR);
- case '?':
- case IF:
- return(etype(e->e.o.right->e.o.left));
- case 'f':
- return(etype(e->e.o.right));
- case O_VAR: {
- register struct ent *p;
- p = e->e.v.vp;
- if (p->expr)
- return(p->flags & is_strexpr ? STR : NUM);
- else if (p->label)
- return(STR);
- else
- return(NUM);
- }
- default:
- return(NUM);
- }
- }
- /* return 1 if yes given, 0 otherwise */
- int
- yn_ask(msg)
- char *msg;
- { char ch;
- (void) move (0, 0);
- (void) clrtoeol ();
- (void) addstr (msg);
- (void) refresh();
- ch = nmgetch();
- if ( ch != 'y' && ch != 'Y' && ch != 'n' && ch != 'N' ) {
- if (ch == ctl('g') || ch == ESC)
- return(-1);
- error("y or n response required");
- return (-1);
- }
- if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y')
- return(1);
- else
- return(0);
- }
- /* expand a ~ in a path to your home directory */
- #if !defined(AMIGA) && !defined(MSDOS) && !defined(VMS)
- #include <pwd.h>
- #endif
- char *
- findhome(path)
- char *path;
- {
- static char *HomeDir = NULL;
- extern char *getenv();
- if (*path == '~')
- { char *pathptr;
- char tmppath[PATHLEN];
- if (HomeDir == NULL)
- { HomeDir = getenv("HOME");
- if (HomeDir == NULL)
- HomeDir = "/";
- }
- pathptr = path + 1;
- if ((*pathptr == '/') || (*pathptr == '\0'))
- { strcpy(tmppath, HomeDir);
- }
- #if !defined(AMIGA) && !defined(MSDOS) && !defined(VMS)
- else
- { struct passwd *pwent;
- extern struct passwd *getpwnam();
- char *namep;
- char name[50];
- namep = name;
- while ((*pathptr != '\0') && (*pathptr != '/'))
- *(namep++) = *(pathptr++);
- *namep = '\0';
- if ((pwent = getpwnam(name)) == NULL)
- { (void) sprintf(path, "Can't find user %s", name);
- return(NULL);
- }
- strcpy(tmppath, pwent->pw_dir);
- }
- #endif
- strcat(tmppath, pathptr);
- strcpy(path, tmppath);
- }
- return(path);
- }
- #ifdef DOBACKUPS
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- /*
- * make a backup copy of a file, use the same mode and name in the format
- * [path/]#file~
- * return 1 if we were successful, 0 otherwise
- */
- int
- backup_file(path)
- char *path;
- {
- struct stat statbuf;
- char fname[PATHLEN];
- char tpath[PATHLEN];
- #ifdef sequent
- static char *buf = NULL;
- static unsigned buflen = 0;
- #else
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- #endif
- char *tpp;
- int infd, outfd;
- int count;
- /* tpath will be the [path/]file ---> [path/]#file~ */
- strcpy(tpath, path);
- if ((tpp = strrchr(tpath, '/')) == NULL)
- tpp = tpath;
- else
- tpp++;
- strcpy(fname, tpp);
- (void) sprintf(tpp, "#%s~", fname);
- if (stat(path, &statbuf) == 0)
- {
- /* if we know the optimum block size, use it */
- #ifdef sequent
- if ((statbuf.st_blksize > buflen) || (buf == NULL))
- { buflen = statbuf.st_blksize;
- if ((buf = scxrealloc(buf, buflen)) == (char *)0)
- { buflen = 0;
- return(0);
- }
- }
- #endif
- if ((infd = open(path, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0)
- return(0);
- if ((outfd = open(tpath, O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT,
- statbuf.st_mode)) < 0)
- return(0);
- #ifdef sequent
- while((count = read(infd, buf, statbuf.st_blksize)) > 0)
- #else
- while((count = read(infd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0)
- #endif
- { if (write(outfd, buf, count) != count)
- { count = -1;
- break;
- }
- }
- close(infd);
- close(outfd);
- return((count < 0) ? 0 : 1);
- }
- else
- if (errno == ENOENT)
- return(1);
- return(0);
- }
- #endif
- static int day_month_starts[12] = {0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334};
- double convert_date(d, m, y)
- int d;
- int m;
- int y;
- {
- /* Convert to years since 1970. (or 2000, fix by 2070) */
- if (y > 1970) y -= 1970; /* Full year given */
- else if (y >= 70) y -= 70; /* Years since 1900 */
- else y += 30; /* Years since 2000 */
- /* Use quarter days to compensate for leap years. */
- return (double)((y * (365 * 4 + 1) + day_month_starts[m-1] * 4 + d * 4 - 2) *
- 6 * 60 * 60);
- }