home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1992-05-11 | 39.4 KB | 1,406 lines |
- *** ../620/CHANGES Thu May 7 16:22:07 1992
- --- CHANGES Fri May 8 12:31:13 1992
- ***************
- *** 1,10 ****
- ! CHANGES BETWEEN 6.20 and 6.19
- Mark R. Rubin
- -noted a problem using bison 1.16 (use any version but 1.16)
- Marco S Hyman/Ian */and others
- -Crypt/CRYPT_PATH define problem
- Paul Eggert
- ! -sc.doc $Revision: 6.20 $ 'buglet'
- Ulf Noren/Dave Lewis
- -AIX3.1/Microport System V/AT don't have notimeout()
- changed NONOTIMEOUT to NO_NOTIMEOUT, define if not present
- --- 1,10 ----
- ! CHANGES BETWEEN 6.21 and 6.19
- Mark R. Rubin
- -noted a problem using bison 1.16 (use any version but 1.16)
- Marco S Hyman/Ian */and others
- -Crypt/CRYPT_PATH define problem
- Paul Eggert
- ! -sc.doc $Revision: 6.21 $ 'buglet'
- Ulf Noren/Dave Lewis
- -AIX3.1/Microport System V/AT don't have notimeout()
- changed NONOTIMEOUT to NO_NOTIMEOUT, define if not present
- *** ../620/README Thu May 7 16:22:07 1992
- --- README Fri May 8 12:31:14 1992
- ***************
- *** 1,9 ****
- This is a much modified version of the public domain spread sheet sc,
- posted several years ago by Mark Weiser as vc, originally by James Gosling.
- ! CHANGES lists the changes since 6.1 to 6.20.
- Sc6.16 was released to comp.sources.misc and four sets of patches
- ! bring Sc6.16->6.17->6.18->6.19->6.20.
- Current maintainer: nstar!sawmill!prslnk!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- --- 1,9 ----
- This is a much modified version of the public domain spread sheet sc,
- posted several years ago by Mark Weiser as vc, originally by James Gosling.
- ! CHANGES lists the changes since 6.1 to 6.21.
- Sc6.16 was released to comp.sources.misc and four sets of patches
- ! bring Sc6.16->6.17->6.18->6.19->6.21.
- Current maintainer: nstar!sawmill!prslnk!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- ***************
- *** 83,92 ****
- 3) Sc6.16 was posted in comp.sources.misc, about Jun 4 1991, Volume 20, Issues
- 035-041. There were then 4 patches: Sc6.16->Sc6.17, Sc6.17->Sc6.18,
- ! Sc6.18->Sc6.19, and Sc6.19->Sc6.20.
- 4) (FTP) Paul A Vixie <uunet!decwrl!vixie>
- ! gatekeeper.dec.com in /pub/misc/sc-6.20.tar.Z
- Sc is not a product of ProsLink, Inc. It is supplied as is with no
- warranty, express or implied, as a service to Usenet readers. It is not
- --- 83,92 ----
- 3) Sc6.16 was posted in comp.sources.misc, about Jun 4 1991, Volume 20, Issues
- 035-041. There were then 4 patches: Sc6.16->Sc6.17, Sc6.17->Sc6.18,
- ! Sc6.18->Sc6.19, and Sc6.19->Sc6.21.
- 4) (FTP) Paul A Vixie <uunet!decwrl!vixie>
- ! gatekeeper.dec.com in /pub/misc/sc-6.21.tar.Z
- Sc is not a product of ProsLink, Inc. It is supplied as is with no
- warranty, express or implied, as a service to Usenet readers. It is not
- *** ../620/sc.doc Thu May 7 16:22:08 1992
- --- sc.doc Fri May 8 12:31:15 1992
- ***************
- *** 15,21 ****
- .\" - TPs use default indent except for function names, then 18.
- .\" - Smallify uppercase strings.
- .\" - Avoid passive voice and third person.
- ! .\" $Revision: 6.20 $
- .\"
- --- 15,21 ----
- .\" - TPs use default indent except for function names, then 18.
- .\" - Smallify uppercase strings.
- .\" - Avoid passive voice and third person.
- ! .\" $Revision: 6.21 $
- .\"
- *** ../620/psc.doc Thu May 7 16:22:08 1992
- --- psc.doc Fri May 8 12:31:16 1992
- ***************
- *** 1,4 ****
- ! .\" $Revision: 6.20 $
- ppname \- prepare pname files
- --- 1,4 ----
- ! .\" $Revision: 6.21 $
- ppname \- prepare pname files
- *** ../620/build.com Thu May 7 16:22:09 1992
- --- build.com Fri May 8 12:31:17 1992
- ***************
- *** 1,6 ****
- $! VMS command file to build SC and PSC (requires bison) on VMS
- $! SC:
- ! $! $Revision: 6.19 $
- $! bison -d gram.y
- $! ren gram_tab.c gram.c
- $ cc'p1' /define=("SIMPLE","SIGVOID") sc.c
- --- 1,6 ----
- $! VMS command file to build SC and PSC (requires bison) on VMS
- $! SC:
- ! $! $Revision: 6.21 $
- $! bison -d gram.y
- $! ren gram_tab.c gram.c
- $ cc'p1' /define=("SIMPLE","SIGVOID") sc.c
- *** ../620/Makefile Thu May 7 16:22:09 1992
- --- Makefile Fri May 8 12:31:18 1992
- ***************
- *** 1,4 ****
- ! # Makefile $Revision: 6.20 $
- #
- # 1) Select the proper EXDIR (path), MANDIR, MANEXT, LIBDIR, SIGVOID,
- # RE_COMP/REGCMP, DFLT_PAGER, and FMOD. Most of the other things aren't
- --- 1,4 ----
- ! # Makefile $Revision: 6.21 $
- #
- # 1) Select the proper EXDIR (path), MANDIR, MANEXT, LIBDIR, SIGVOID,
- # RE_COMP/REGCMP, DFLT_PAGER, and FMOD. Most of the other things aren't
- ***************
- *** 422,428 ****
- name=$(name) NAME=$(NAME) LIBDIR=$(LIBDIR) sh torev sc.doc > $(name).1
- # sed -e s/pname/$(name)/g -e s/PNAME/$(NAME)/g \
- # -e s%#LIBDIR#%$(LIBDIR)%g sc.doc > $(name).1
- ! # REVISION=`sed -e '/Revision/!D' -e 's/.*$Revision: 6.20 $(
- # sed -e s/pname/$(name)/g -e s/PNAME/$(NAME)/g \
- # -e s%#LIBDIR#%$(LIBDIR)%g \
- # -e 's/#REVISION#/$(REVISION)/' sc.doc > $(name).1
- --- 422,428 ----
- name=$(name) NAME=$(NAME) LIBDIR=$(LIBDIR) sh torev sc.doc > $(name).1
- # sed -e s/pname/$(name)/g -e s/PNAME/$(NAME)/g \
- # -e s%#LIBDIR#%$(LIBDIR)%g sc.doc > $(name).1
- ! # REVISION=`sed -e '/Revision/!D' -e 's/.*$Revision: 6.21 $(
- # sed -e s/pname/$(name)/g -e s/PNAME/$(NAME)/g \
- # -e s%#LIBDIR#%$(LIBDIR)%g \
- # -e 's/#REVISION#/$(REVISION)/' sc.doc > $(name).1
- *** ../620/cmds.c Thu May 7 16:22:10 1992
- --- cmds.c Fri May 8 12:31:19 1992
- ***************
- *** 7,13 ****
- *
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- *
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- --- 7,13 ----
- *
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- *
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- ***************
- *** 676,682 ****
- (void) fprintf(f, " tblstyle = %s", tbl_style == TBL ? "tbl" :
- tbl_style == LATEX ? "latex" :
- tbl_style == SLATEX ? "slatex" :
- ! tbl_style == TEX ? "tex" : "0" );
- if (craction)
- (void) fprintf(f, " craction = %d", craction);
- if (rowlimit >= 0)
- --- 676,683 ----
- (void) fprintf(f, " tblstyle = %s", tbl_style == TBL ? "tbl" :
- tbl_style == LATEX ? "latex" :
- tbl_style == SLATEX ? "slatex" :
- ! tbl_style == TEX ? "tex" :
- ! tbl_style == FRAME ? "frame" : "0" );
- if (craction)
- (void) fprintf(f, " craction = %d", craction);
- if (rowlimit >= 0)
- ***************
- *** 899,910 ****
- --- 900,948 ----
- progname, cn-c0+1);
- coldelim = '&';
- }
- + else if ( tbl_style == FRAME ) {
- + fprintf(f,"<MIFFile 3.00> # generated by the sc spreadsheet calculator\n");
- + fprintf(f,"<Tbls\n");
- + fprintf(f," <Tbl \n");
- + fprintf(f," <TblID 1> # This table's ID is 1\n");
- + fprintf(f," <TblFormat \n");
- + fprintf(f," <TblTag `Format A'> # Table Format Catalog\n");
- + fprintf(f," > # end of TblFormat\n");
- + fprintf(f," <TblNumColumns %d> # Has %d columns\n",cn-c0+1,cn-c0+1);
- + fprintf(f," <TblTitleContent\n");
- + fprintf(f," <Para\n");
- + fprintf(f," <PgfTag `TableTitle'> # Forces lookup in Paragraph Format Catalog\n");
- + fprintf(f," <ParaLine\n");
- + fprintf(f," <String `%s'>\n",fname);
- + fprintf(f," > # end of ParaLine\n");
- + fprintf(f," > # end of Para\n");
- + fprintf(f," > # end of TblTitleContent\n");
- + fprintf(f," <TblH # The heading\n");
- + fprintf(f," <Row # The heading row\n");
- + for (col=c0; col <= cn; col++) {
- + fprintf(f," <Cell <CellContent <Para # Cell in column \n");
- + fprintf(f," <PgfTag `CellHeading'> # in Paragraph Format Catalog\n");
- + fprintf(f," <ParaLine <String `%c'>>\n",'A'+col);
- + fprintf(f," >>> # end of Cell\n");
- + }
- + fprintf(f," > # end of Row\n");
- + fprintf(f," > # end of TblH\n");
- + fprintf(f," <TblBody # The body\n");
- + }
- for (row=r0; row<=rn; row++) {
- if ( tbl_style == TEX )
- (void) fprintf (f, "\\+");
- + else if ( tbl_style == FRAME ) {
- + fprintf(f," <Row # The next body row\n");
- + }
- for (pp = ATBL(tbl, row, col=c0); col<=cn; col++, pp++) {
- + if ( tbl_style == FRAME ) {
- + fprintf(f," <Cell <CellContent <Para\n");
- + fprintf(f," <PgfTag `CellBody'> # in Paragraph Format Catalog\n");
- + fprintf(f," <ParaLine <String `");
- + }
- if (*pp) {
- char *s;
- if ((*pp)->flags&is_valid) {
- ***************
- *** 932,939 ****
- unspecial (f, s, coldelim);
- }
- }
- if ( col < cn )
- ! (void) fprintf(f,"%c", coldelim);
- }
- if ( tbl_style == LATEX ) {
- if ( row < rn ) (void) fprintf (f, "\\\\");
- --- 970,982 ----
- unspecial (f, s, coldelim);
- }
- }
- + if (tbl_style == FRAME) {
- + fprintf(f, "'>>\n");
- + fprintf(f," >>> # end of Cell\n");
- + }
- if ( col < cn )
- ! if (tbl_style != FRAME)
- ! (void) fprintf(f,"%c", coldelim);
- }
- if ( tbl_style == LATEX ) {
- if ( row < rn ) (void) fprintf (f, "\\\\");
- ***************
- *** 944,949 ****
- --- 987,995 ----
- else if ( tbl_style == TEX ) {
- (void) fprintf (f, "\\cr");
- }
- + else if ( tbl_style == FRAME ) {
- + fprintf(f," > # end of Row\n");
- + }
- (void) fprintf (f,"\n");
- }
- ***************
- *** 955,960 ****
- --- 1001,1015 ----
- (void) fprintf (f,"!end<tabular>\n%% ** end of %s spreadsheet output\n", progname);
- else if ( tbl_style == TEX )
- (void) fprintf (f,"}\n%% ** end of %s spreadsheet output\n", progname);
- + else if ( tbl_style == FRAME ) {
- + fprintf(f," > # end of TblBody\n");
- + fprintf(f," ># end of Tbl\n");
- + fprintf(f,"> # end of Tbls\n");
- + fprintf(f,"<TextFlow <Para \n");
- + fprintf(f," <PgfTag Body> \n");
- + fprintf(f," <ParaLine <ATbl 1>> # Reference to table ID 1\n");
- + fprintf(f,">>\n");
- + }
- closeout(f, pid);
- }
- *** ../620/crypt.c Thu May 7 16:22:10 1992
- --- crypt.c Fri May 8 12:31:19 1992
- ***************
- *** 2,8 ****
- * Encryption utilites
- * Bradley Williams
- * {allegra,ihnp4,uiucdcs,ctvax}!convex!williams
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- */
- #if !defined(VMS) && !defined(MSDOS) && defined(CRYPT_PATH)
- --- 2,8 ----
- * Encryption utilites
- * Bradley Williams
- * {allegra,ihnp4,uiucdcs,ctvax}!convex!williams
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- */
- #if !defined(VMS) && !defined(MSDOS) && defined(CRYPT_PATH)
- *** ../620/format.c Thu May 7 16:22:11 1992
- --- format.c Fri May 8 12:31:21 1992
- ***************
- *** 3,9 ****
- * Mark Nagel <nagel@ics.uci.edu>
- * 20 July 1989
- *
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- *
- * bool
- * format(fmt, num, buf, buflen)
- --- 3,9 ----
- * Mark Nagel <nagel@ics.uci.edu>
- * 20 July 1989
- *
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- *
- * bool
- * format(fmt, num, buf, buflen)
- *** ../620/gram.y Thu May 7 16:22:11 1992
- --- gram.y Fri May 8 12:31:22 1992
- ***************
- *** 9,15 ****
- *
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3/88, see list of changes.
- *
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- */
- --- 9,15 ----
- *
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3/88, see list of changes.
- *
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- */
- ***************
- *** 146,151 ****
- --- 146,152 ----
- %token K_LATEX
- %token K_SLATEX
- %token K_TEX
- + %token K_FRAME
- %token K_MYROW
- %token K_MYCOL
- ***************
- *** 155,160 ****
- --- 156,162 ----
- %token K_CRCOL
- %token K_ROWLIMIT
- %token K_COLLIMIT
- + %token K_NUMITER
- %left '?' ':'
- %left '|'
- ***************
- *** 373,378 ****
- --- 375,381 ----
- | '@' K_MYROW { $$ = new(MYROW, ENULL, ENULL);}
- | '@' K_MYCOL { $$ = new(MYCOL, ENULL, ENULL);}
- | '@' K_COLTOA '(' e ')' { $$ = new(COLTOA, ENULL, $4);}
- + | '@' K_NUMITER { $$ = new(NUMITER, ENULL, ENULL);}
- ;
- /* expressions */
- ***************
- *** 466,471 ****
- --- 469,475 ----
- | K_TBLSTYLE '=' K_LATEX { tbl_style = LATEX; }
- | K_TBLSTYLE '=' K_SLATEX { tbl_style = SLATEX; }
- | K_TBLSTYLE '=' K_TEX { tbl_style = TEX; }
- + | K_TBLSTYLE '=' K_FRAME { tbl_style = FRAME; }
- | K_RNDINFINITY { rndinfinity = 1; FullUpdate++; }
- | '!' K_RNDINFINITY { rndinfinity = 0; FullUpdate++; }
- | K_CRACTION '=' NUMBER { craction = $3; }
- *** ../620/help.c Thu May 7 16:22:13 1992
- --- help.c Fri May 8 12:31:24 1992
- ***************
- *** 2,14 ****
- * Help functions for sc
- * R. Bond, 1988
- * J. Buhrt 1990
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- */
- #ifdef QREF
- #include <stdio.h>
- char *header = " Quick Reference";
- ! char *revision = "$Revision: 6.20 $";
- #else
- #include <curses.h>
- #include "sc.h"
- --- 2,14 ----
- * Help functions for sc
- * R. Bond, 1988
- * J. Buhrt 1990
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- */
- #ifdef QREF
- #include <stdio.h>
- char *header = " Quick Reference";
- ! char *revision = "$Revision: 6.21 $";
- #else
- #include <curses.h>
- #include "sc.h"
- *** ../620/interp.c Thu May 7 16:22:14 1992
- --- interp.c Fri May 8 12:31:27 1992
- ***************
- *** 7,13 ****
- *
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- */
- #define DEBUGDTS 1 /* REMOVE ME */
- --- 7,13 ----
- *
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- */
- #define DEBUGDTS 1 /* REMOVE ME */
- *** ../620/lex.c Thu May 7 16:22:16 1992
- --- lex.c Fri May 8 12:31:28 1992
- ***************
- *** 7,13 ****
- *
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3/88, see list of changes.
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- *
- */
- --- 7,13 ----
- *
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3/88, see list of changes.
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- *
- */
- *** ../620/psc.c Thu May 7 16:22:16 1992
- --- psc.c Fri May 8 12:31:29 1992
- ***************
- *** 17,23 ****
- * Author: Robert Bond
- * Adjustments: Jeff Buhrt and Eric Putz
- */
- ! char *rev = "$Revision: 6.20 $";
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- --- 17,23 ----
- * Author: Robert Bond
- * Adjustments: Jeff Buhrt and Eric Putz
- */
- ! char *rev = "$Revision: 6.21 $";
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- *** ../620/range.c Thu May 7 16:22:17 1992
- --- range.c Fri May 8 12:31:29 1992
- ***************
- *** 4,10 ****
- *
- * Robert Bond, 4/87
- *
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- --- 4,10 ----
- *
- * Robert Bond, 4/87
- *
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- *** ../620/sc.c Thu May 7 16:22:18 1992
- --- sc.c Fri May 8 12:31:31 1992
- ***************
- *** 8,14 ****
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- * Currently supported by sequent!sawmill!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- *
- */
- --- 8,14 ----
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- * Currently supported by sequent!sawmill!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- *
- */
- *** ../620/sc.h Thu May 7 16:22:19 1992
- --- sc.h Fri May 8 12:31:32 1992
- ***************
- *** 6,12 ****
- * University of Maryland
- * R. Bond 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- *
- */
- --- 6,12 ----
- * University of Maryland
- * R. Bond 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- *
- */
- *** ../620/screen.c Thu May 7 16:22:20 1992
- --- screen.c Fri May 8 12:31:33 1992
- ***************
- *** 8,14 ****
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- * Currently supported by sequent!sawmill!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- *
- */
- --- 8,14 ----
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- * Currently supported by sequent!sawmill!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- *
- */
- *** ../620/version.c Thu May 7 16:22:20 1992
- --- version.c Fri May 8 12:31:33 1992
- ***************
- *** 4,7 ****
- * The part after the first colon, except the last char, appears on the screen.
- */
- ! char *rev = "$Revision: 6.20 $";
- --- 4,7 ----
- * The part after the first colon, except the last char, appears on the screen.
- */
- ! char *rev = "$Revision: 6.21 $";
- *** ../620/vi.c Thu May 7 16:22:20 1992
- --- vi.c Fri May 8 12:31:34 1992
- ***************
- *** 1,7 ****
- /* SC A Spreadsheet Calculator
- *
- * One line vi emulation
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- --- 1,7 ----
- /* SC A Spreadsheet Calculator
- *
- * One line vi emulation
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- *** ../620/vmtbl.c Thu May 7 16:22:21 1992
- --- vmtbl.c Fri May 8 12:31:35 1992
- ***************
- *** 8,14 ****
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- * Currently supported by sequent!sawmill!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- *
- */
- #ifdef PSC
- --- 8,14 ----
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- * Currently supported by sequent!sawmill!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- *
- */
- #ifdef PSC
- *** ../620/xmalloc.c Thu May 7 16:22:21 1992
- --- xmalloc.c Fri May 8 12:31:35 1992
- ***************
- *** 1,6 ****
- /*
- * A safer saner malloc, for careless programmers
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- --- 1,6 ----
- /*
- * A safer saner malloc, for careless programmers
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- *** ../620/CHANGES Thu May 7 16:22:07 1992
- --- CHANGES Fri May 8 12:31:13 1992
- ***************
- *** 1,10 ****
- ! CHANGES BETWEEN 6.20 and 6.19
- Mark R. Rubin
- -noted a problem using bison 1.16 (use any version but 1.16)
- Marco S Hyman/Ian */and others
- -Crypt/CRYPT_PATH define problem
- Paul Eggert
- ! -sc.doc $Revision: 6.20 $ 'buglet'
- Ulf Noren/Dave Lewis
- -AIX3.1/Microport System V/AT don't have notimeout()
- changed NONOTIMEOUT to NO_NOTIMEOUT, define if not present
- --- 1,10 ----
- ! CHANGES BETWEEN 6.21 and 6.19
- Mark R. Rubin
- -noted a problem using bison 1.16 (use any version but 1.16)
- Marco S Hyman/Ian */and others
- -Crypt/CRYPT_PATH define problem
- Paul Eggert
- ! -sc.doc $Revision: 6.21 $ 'buglet'
- Ulf Noren/Dave Lewis
- -AIX3.1/Microport System V/AT don't have notimeout()
- changed NONOTIMEOUT to NO_NOTIMEOUT, define if not present
- *** ../620/README Thu May 7 16:22:07 1992
- --- README Fri May 8 12:31:14 1992
- ***************
- *** 1,9 ****
- This is a much modified version of the public domain spread sheet sc,
- posted several years ago by Mark Weiser as vc, originally by James Gosling.
- ! CHANGES lists the changes since 6.1 to 6.20.
- Sc6.16 was released to comp.sources.misc and four sets of patches
- ! bring Sc6.16->6.17->6.18->6.19->6.20.
- Current maintainer: nstar!sawmill!prslnk!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- --- 1,9 ----
- This is a much modified version of the public domain spread sheet sc,
- posted several years ago by Mark Weiser as vc, originally by James Gosling.
- ! CHANGES lists the changes since 6.1 to 6.21.
- Sc6.16 was released to comp.sources.misc and four sets of patches
- ! bring Sc6.16->6.17->6.18->6.19->6.21.
- Current maintainer: nstar!sawmill!prslnk!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- ***************
- *** 83,92 ****
- 3) Sc6.16 was posted in comp.sources.misc, about Jun 4 1991, Volume 20, Issues
- 035-041. There were then 4 patches: Sc6.16->Sc6.17, Sc6.17->Sc6.18,
- ! Sc6.18->Sc6.19, and Sc6.19->Sc6.20.
- 4) (FTP) Paul A Vixie <uunet!decwrl!vixie>
- ! gatekeeper.dec.com in /pub/misc/sc-6.20.tar.Z
- Sc is not a product of ProsLink, Inc. It is supplied as is with no
- warranty, express or implied, as a service to Usenet readers. It is not
- --- 83,92 ----
- 3) Sc6.16 was posted in comp.sources.misc, about Jun 4 1991, Volume 20, Issues
- 035-041. There were then 4 patches: Sc6.16->Sc6.17, Sc6.17->Sc6.18,
- ! Sc6.18->Sc6.19, and Sc6.19->Sc6.21.
- 4) (FTP) Paul A Vixie <uunet!decwrl!vixie>
- ! gatekeeper.dec.com in /pub/misc/sc-6.21.tar.Z
- Sc is not a product of ProsLink, Inc. It is supplied as is with no
- warranty, express or implied, as a service to Usenet readers. It is not
- *** ../620/sc.doc Thu May 7 16:22:08 1992
- --- sc.doc Fri May 8 12:31:15 1992
- ***************
- *** 15,21 ****
- .\" - TPs use default indent except for function names, then 18.
- .\" - Smallify uppercase strings.
- .\" - Avoid passive voice and third person.
- ! .\" $Revision: 6.20 $
- .\"
- --- 15,21 ----
- .\" - TPs use default indent except for function names, then 18.
- .\" - Smallify uppercase strings.
- .\" - Avoid passive voice and third person.
- ! .\" $Revision: 6.21 $
- .\"
- *** ../620/psc.doc Thu May 7 16:22:08 1992
- --- psc.doc Fri May 8 12:31:16 1992
- ***************
- *** 1,4 ****
- ! .\" $Revision: 6.20 $
- ppname \- prepare pname files
- --- 1,4 ----
- ! .\" $Revision: 6.21 $
- ppname \- prepare pname files
- *** ../620/build.com Thu May 7 16:22:09 1992
- --- build.com Fri May 8 12:31:17 1992
- ***************
- *** 1,6 ****
- $! VMS command file to build SC and PSC (requires bison) on VMS
- $! SC:
- ! $! $Revision: 6.19 $
- $! bison -d gram.y
- $! ren gram_tab.c gram.c
- $ cc'p1' /define=("SIMPLE","SIGVOID") sc.c
- --- 1,6 ----
- $! VMS command file to build SC and PSC (requires bison) on VMS
- $! SC:
- ! $! $Revision: 6.21 $
- $! bison -d gram.y
- $! ren gram_tab.c gram.c
- $ cc'p1' /define=("SIMPLE","SIGVOID") sc.c
- *** ../620/Makefile Thu May 7 16:22:09 1992
- --- Makefile Fri May 8 12:31:18 1992
- ***************
- *** 1,4 ****
- ! # Makefile $Revision: 6.20 $
- #
- # 1) Select the proper EXDIR (path), MANDIR, MANEXT, LIBDIR, SIGVOID,
- # RE_COMP/REGCMP, DFLT_PAGER, and FMOD. Most of the other things aren't
- --- 1,4 ----
- ! # Makefile $Revision: 6.21 $
- #
- # 1) Select the proper EXDIR (path), MANDIR, MANEXT, LIBDIR, SIGVOID,
- # RE_COMP/REGCMP, DFLT_PAGER, and FMOD. Most of the other things aren't
- ***************
- *** 422,428 ****
- name=$(name) NAME=$(NAME) LIBDIR=$(LIBDIR) sh torev sc.doc > $(name).1
- # sed -e s/pname/$(name)/g -e s/PNAME/$(NAME)/g \
- # -e s%#LIBDIR#%$(LIBDIR)%g sc.doc > $(name).1
- ! # REVISION=`sed -e '/Revision/!D' -e 's/.*$Revision: 6.20 $(
- # sed -e s/pname/$(name)/g -e s/PNAME/$(NAME)/g \
- # -e s%#LIBDIR#%$(LIBDIR)%g \
- # -e 's/#REVISION#/$(REVISION)/' sc.doc > $(name).1
- --- 422,428 ----
- name=$(name) NAME=$(NAME) LIBDIR=$(LIBDIR) sh torev sc.doc > $(name).1
- # sed -e s/pname/$(name)/g -e s/PNAME/$(NAME)/g \
- # -e s%#LIBDIR#%$(LIBDIR)%g sc.doc > $(name).1
- ! # REVISION=`sed -e '/Revision/!D' -e 's/.*$Revision: 6.21 $(
- # sed -e s/pname/$(name)/g -e s/PNAME/$(NAME)/g \
- # -e s%#LIBDIR#%$(LIBDIR)%g \
- # -e 's/#REVISION#/$(REVISION)/' sc.doc > $(name).1
- *** ../620/cmds.c Thu May 7 16:22:10 1992
- --- cmds.c Fri May 8 13:40:24 1992
- ***************
- *** 7,13 ****
- *
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- *
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- --- 7,13 ----
- *
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- *
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- ***************
- *** 676,682 ****
- (void) fprintf(f, " tblstyle = %s", tbl_style == TBL ? "tbl" :
- tbl_style == LATEX ? "latex" :
- tbl_style == SLATEX ? "slatex" :
- ! tbl_style == TEX ? "tex" : "0" );
- if (craction)
- (void) fprintf(f, " craction = %d", craction);
- if (rowlimit >= 0)
- --- 676,683 ----
- (void) fprintf(f, " tblstyle = %s", tbl_style == TBL ? "tbl" :
- tbl_style == LATEX ? "latex" :
- tbl_style == SLATEX ? "slatex" :
- ! tbl_style == TEX ? "tex" :
- ! tbl_style == FRAME ? "frame" : "0" );
- if (craction)
- (void) fprintf(f, " craction = %d", craction);
- if (rowlimit >= 0)
- ***************
- *** 699,704 ****
- --- 700,724 ----
- int fieldlen, nextcol;
- register row, col;
- register struct ent **pp;
- + char file[32];
- + char path[256];
- + char *tpp;
- +
- + /* printfile will be the [path/]file ---> [path/]file.out,
- + * file is limited to 14 characters.
- + */
- + if (*fname == '\0') {
- + strcpy(path, curfile);
- +
- + if ((tpp = strrchr(path, '/')) == NULL)
- + tpp = path;
- + else
- + tpp++;
- + strcpy(file, tpp);
- + file[10] = '\0';
- + sprintf(tpp, "%s.asc", file);
- + fname = path;
- + }
- if ((strcmp(fname, curfile) == 0) &&
- !yn_ask("Confirm that you want to destroy the data base: (y,n)")) {
- ***************
- *** 866,871 ****
- --- 886,916 ----
- register row, col;
- register struct ent **pp;
- char coldelim = DEFCOLDELIM;
- + char file[32];
- + char path[256];
- + char *tpp;
- +
- + /* tblprintfile will be the [path/]file ---> [path/]file.out,
- + * file is limited to 14 characters.
- + */
- + if (*fname == '\0') {
- + strcpy(path, curfile);
- + if ((tpp = strrchr(path, '/')) == NULL)
- + tpp = path;
- + else
- + tpp++;
- + strcpy(file, tpp);
- + file[10] = '\0';
- + if (tbl_style == 0)
- + sprintf(tpp, "%s.cln", file);
- + else if (tbl_style == TBL)
- + sprintf(tpp, "%s.tbl", file);
- + else if (tbl_style == LATEX)
- + sprintf(tpp, "%s.lat", file);
- + else if (tbl_style == TEX)
- + sprintf(tpp, "%s.tex", file);
- + fname = path;
- + }
- if ((strcmp(fname, curfile) == 0) &&
- !yn_ask("Confirm that you want to destroy the data base: (y,n)"))
- ***************
- *** 899,910 ****
- --- 944,992 ----
- progname, cn-c0+1);
- coldelim = '&';
- }
- + else if ( tbl_style == FRAME ) {
- + fprintf(f,"<MIFFile 3.00> # generated by the sc spreadsheet calculator\n");
- + fprintf(f,"<Tbls\n");
- + fprintf(f," <Tbl \n");
- + fprintf(f," <TblID 1> # This table's ID is 1\n");
- + fprintf(f," <TblFormat \n");
- + fprintf(f," <TblTag `Format A'> # Table Format Catalog\n");
- + fprintf(f," > # end of TblFormat\n");
- + fprintf(f," <TblNumColumns %d> # Has %d columns\n",cn-c0+1,cn-c0+1);
- + fprintf(f," <TblTitleContent\n");
- + fprintf(f," <Para\n");
- + fprintf(f," <PgfTag `TableTitle'> # Forces lookup in Paragraph Format Catalog\n");
- + fprintf(f," <ParaLine\n");
- + fprintf(f," <String `%s'>\n",fname);
- + fprintf(f," > # end of ParaLine\n");
- + fprintf(f," > # end of Para\n");
- + fprintf(f," > # end of TblTitleContent\n");
- + fprintf(f," <TblH # The heading\n");
- + fprintf(f," <Row # The heading row\n");
- + for (col=c0; col <= cn; col++) {
- + fprintf(f," <Cell <CellContent <Para # Cell in column \n");
- + fprintf(f," <PgfTag `CellHeading'> # in Paragraph Format Catalog\n");
- + fprintf(f," <ParaLine <String `%c'>>\n",'A'+col);
- + fprintf(f," >>> # end of Cell\n");
- + }
- + fprintf(f," > # end of Row\n");
- + fprintf(f," > # end of TblH\n");
- + fprintf(f," <TblBody # The body\n");
- + }
- for (row=r0; row<=rn; row++) {
- if ( tbl_style == TEX )
- (void) fprintf (f, "\\+");
- + else if ( tbl_style == FRAME ) {
- + fprintf(f," <Row # The next body row\n");
- + }
- for (pp = ATBL(tbl, row, col=c0); col<=cn; col++, pp++) {
- + if ( tbl_style == FRAME ) {
- + fprintf(f," <Cell <CellContent <Para\n");
- + fprintf(f," <PgfTag `CellBody'> # in Paragraph Format Catalog\n");
- + fprintf(f," <ParaLine <String `");
- + }
- if (*pp) {
- char *s;
- if ((*pp)->flags&is_valid) {
- ***************
- *** 932,939 ****
- unspecial (f, s, coldelim);
- }
- }
- if ( col < cn )
- ! (void) fprintf(f,"%c", coldelim);
- }
- if ( tbl_style == LATEX ) {
- if ( row < rn ) (void) fprintf (f, "\\\\");
- --- 1014,1026 ----
- unspecial (f, s, coldelim);
- }
- }
- + if (tbl_style == FRAME) {
- + fprintf(f, "'>>\n");
- + fprintf(f," >>> # end of Cell\n");
- + }
- if ( col < cn )
- ! if (tbl_style != FRAME)
- ! (void) fprintf(f,"%c", coldelim);
- }
- if ( tbl_style == LATEX ) {
- if ( row < rn ) (void) fprintf (f, "\\\\");
- ***************
- *** 944,949 ****
- --- 1031,1039 ----
- else if ( tbl_style == TEX ) {
- (void) fprintf (f, "\\cr");
- }
- + else if ( tbl_style == FRAME ) {
- + fprintf(f," > # end of Row\n");
- + }
- (void) fprintf (f,"\n");
- }
- ***************
- *** 955,960 ****
- --- 1045,1059 ----
- (void) fprintf (f,"!end<tabular>\n%% ** end of %s spreadsheet output\n", progname);
- else if ( tbl_style == TEX )
- (void) fprintf (f,"}\n%% ** end of %s spreadsheet output\n", progname);
- + else if ( tbl_style == FRAME ) {
- + fprintf(f," > # end of TblBody\n");
- + fprintf(f," ># end of Tbl\n");
- + fprintf(f,"> # end of Tbls\n");
- + fprintf(f,"<TextFlow <Para \n");
- + fprintf(f," <PgfTag Body> \n");
- + fprintf(f," <ParaLine <ATbl 1>> # Reference to table ID 1\n");
- + fprintf(f,">>\n");
- + }
- closeout(f, pid);
- }
- *** ../620/crypt.c Thu May 7 16:22:10 1992
- --- crypt.c Fri May 8 12:31:19 1992
- ***************
- *** 2,8 ****
- * Encryption utilites
- * Bradley Williams
- * {allegra,ihnp4,uiucdcs,ctvax}!convex!williams
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- */
- #if !defined(VMS) && !defined(MSDOS) && defined(CRYPT_PATH)
- --- 2,8 ----
- * Encryption utilites
- * Bradley Williams
- * {allegra,ihnp4,uiucdcs,ctvax}!convex!williams
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- */
- #if !defined(VMS) && !defined(MSDOS) && defined(CRYPT_PATH)
- *** ../620/format.c Thu May 7 16:22:11 1992
- --- format.c Fri May 8 13:40:26 1992
- ***************
- *** 3,9 ****
- * Mark Nagel <nagel@ics.uci.edu>
- * 20 July 1989
- *
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- *
- * bool
- * format(fmt, num, buf, buflen)
- --- 3,9 ----
- * Mark Nagel <nagel@ics.uci.edu>
- * 20 July 1989
- *
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- *
- * bool
- * format(fmt, num, buf, buflen)
- ***************
- *** 489,495 ****
- * format is used. The formats are: example
- * 0: Fixed point (default) 0.00010
- * 1: Scientific 1.00E-04
- ! * 2: Engineering 100.00u
- *
- * The format command 'f' now uses three values. The first two are the
- * width and precision, and the last one is the format value 0, 1, or 2 as
- --- 489,495 ----
- * format is used. The formats are: example
- * 0: Fixed point (default) 0.00010
- * 1: Scientific 1.00E-04
- ! * 2: Engineering 100.00e-06
- *
- * The format command 'f' now uses three values. The first two are the
- * width and precision, and the last one is the format value 0, 1, or 2 as
- ***************
- *** 499,507 ****
- * resulting string is too long to fit into the passed buffer, the
- * function returns false. Otherwise the function returns true.
- *
- ! * When a number is formatted as engineering and is outside of the range
- ! * of typically used engineering exponents, the format reverts to
- ! * scientific.
- *
- * To preserve compatability with old spreadsheet files, the third value
- * may be missing, and the default will be fixed point (format 0).
- --- 499,506 ----
- * resulting string is too long to fit into the passed buffer, the
- * function returns false. Otherwise the function returns true.
- *
- ! * When a number is formatted as engineering and is outside of the range,
- ! * the format reverts to scientific.
- *
- * To preserve compatability with old spreadsheet files, the third value
- * may be missing, and the default will be fixed point (format 0).
- ***************
- *** 518,525 ****
- #define REFMTDATE 3
- #endif
- - char engmult[] = "afpnum kMGT";
- -
- bool
- engformat(fmt, width, lprecision, val, buf, buflen)
- int fmt;
- --- 517,522 ----
- ***************
- *** 529,534 ****
- --- 526,537 ----
- char *buf;
- int buflen;
- {
- +
- + static char *engmult[] = {
- + "-18", "-15", "-12", "-09", "-06", "-03",
- + "+00",
- + "+03", "+06", "+09", "+12", "+15", "+18"
- + };
- int engind = 0;
- double engmant, pow(), engabs, engexp;
- if (buflen < width) return (false);
- ***************
- *** 557,563 ****
- if ((engabs >= 1e6) && (engabs < 1e9 )) engind=8;
- if ((engabs >= 1e9) && (engabs < 1e12 )) engind=9;
- if ((engabs >= 1e12) && (engabs < 1e15 )) engind=10;
- ! if ((engabs <1e-18) || (engabs >=1e15))
- {
- /* Revert to floating point */
- (void) sprintf(buf,"%*.*E", width, lprecision, val);
- --- 560,568 ----
- if ((engabs >= 1e6) && (engabs < 1e9 )) engind=8;
- if ((engabs >= 1e9) && (engabs < 1e12 )) engind=9;
- if ((engabs >= 1e12) && (engabs < 1e15 )) engind=10;
- ! if ((engabs >= 1e15) && (engabs < 1e18 )) engind=11;
- ! if ((engabs >= 1e18) && (engabs < 1e21 )) engind=12;
- ! if ((engabs <1e-18) || (engabs >=1e21))
- {
- /* Revert to floating point */
- (void) sprintf(buf,"%*.*E", width, lprecision, val);
- ***************
- *** 566,572 ****
- {
- engexp= (double) (engind-6)*3;
- engmant= val/pow(10.0e0,engexp);
- ! (void) sprintf(buf,"%*.*f%c", width-1,
- lprecision, engmant, engmult[engind]);
- }
- }
- --- 571,577 ----
- {
- engexp= (double) (engind-6)*3;
- engmant= val/pow(10.0e0,engexp);
- ! (void) sprintf(buf,"%*.*fe%s", width-4,
- lprecision, engmant, engmult[engind]);
- }
- }
- *** ../620/gram.y Thu May 7 16:22:11 1992
- --- gram.y Fri May 8 12:31:22 1992
- ***************
- *** 9,15 ****
- *
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3/88, see list of changes.
- *
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- */
- --- 9,15 ----
- *
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3/88, see list of changes.
- *
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- */
- ***************
- *** 146,151 ****
- --- 146,152 ----
- %token K_LATEX
- %token K_SLATEX
- %token K_TEX
- + %token K_FRAME
- %token K_MYROW
- %token K_MYCOL
- ***************
- *** 155,160 ****
- --- 156,162 ----
- %token K_CRCOL
- %token K_ROWLIMIT
- %token K_COLLIMIT
- + %token K_NUMITER
- %left '?' ':'
- %left '|'
- ***************
- *** 373,378 ****
- --- 375,381 ----
- | '@' K_MYROW { $$ = new(MYROW, ENULL, ENULL);}
- | '@' K_MYCOL { $$ = new(MYCOL, ENULL, ENULL);}
- | '@' K_COLTOA '(' e ')' { $$ = new(COLTOA, ENULL, $4);}
- + | '@' K_NUMITER { $$ = new(NUMITER, ENULL, ENULL);}
- ;
- /* expressions */
- ***************
- *** 466,471 ****
- --- 469,475 ----
- | K_TBLSTYLE '=' K_LATEX { tbl_style = LATEX; }
- | K_TBLSTYLE '=' K_SLATEX { tbl_style = SLATEX; }
- | K_TBLSTYLE '=' K_TEX { tbl_style = TEX; }
- + | K_TBLSTYLE '=' K_FRAME { tbl_style = FRAME; }
- | K_RNDINFINITY { rndinfinity = 1; FullUpdate++; }
- | '!' K_RNDINFINITY { rndinfinity = 0; FullUpdate++; }
- | K_CRACTION '=' NUMBER { craction = $3; }
- *** ../620/help.c Thu May 7 16:22:13 1992
- --- help.c Fri May 8 12:31:24 1992
- ***************
- *** 2,14 ****
- * Help functions for sc
- * R. Bond, 1988
- * J. Buhrt 1990
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- */
- #ifdef QREF
- #include <stdio.h>
- char *header = " Quick Reference";
- ! char *revision = "$Revision: 6.20 $";
- #else
- #include <curses.h>
- #include "sc.h"
- --- 2,14 ----
- * Help functions for sc
- * R. Bond, 1988
- * J. Buhrt 1990
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- */
- #ifdef QREF
- #include <stdio.h>
- char *header = " Quick Reference";
- ! char *revision = "$Revision: 6.21 $";
- #else
- #include <curses.h>
- #include "sc.h"
- *** ../620/interp.c Thu May 7 16:22:14 1992
- --- interp.c Fri May 8 12:31:27 1992
- ***************
- *** 7,13 ****
- *
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- */
- #define DEBUGDTS 1 /* REMOVE ME */
- --- 7,13 ----
- *
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- */
- #define DEBUGDTS 1 /* REMOVE ME */
- *** ../620/lex.c Thu May 7 16:22:16 1992
- --- lex.c Fri May 8 12:31:28 1992
- ***************
- *** 7,13 ****
- *
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3/88, see list of changes.
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- *
- */
- --- 7,13 ----
- *
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3/88, see list of changes.
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- *
- */
- *** ../620/psc.c Thu May 7 16:22:16 1992
- --- psc.c Fri May 8 12:31:29 1992
- ***************
- *** 17,23 ****
- * Author: Robert Bond
- * Adjustments: Jeff Buhrt and Eric Putz
- */
- ! char *rev = "$Revision: 6.20 $";
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- --- 17,23 ----
- * Author: Robert Bond
- * Adjustments: Jeff Buhrt and Eric Putz
- */
- ! char *rev = "$Revision: 6.21 $";
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- *** ../620/range.c Thu May 7 16:22:17 1992
- --- range.c Fri May 8 12:31:29 1992
- ***************
- *** 4,10 ****
- *
- * Robert Bond, 4/87
- *
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- --- 4,10 ----
- *
- * Robert Bond, 4/87
- *
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- *** ../620/sc.c Thu May 7 16:22:18 1992
- --- sc.c Fri May 8 12:31:31 1992
- ***************
- *** 8,14 ****
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- * Currently supported by sequent!sawmill!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- *
- */
- --- 8,14 ----
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- * Currently supported by sequent!sawmill!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- *
- */
- *** ../620/sc.h Thu May 7 16:22:19 1992
- --- sc.h Fri May 8 12:31:32 1992
- ***************
- *** 6,12 ****
- * University of Maryland
- * R. Bond 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- *
- */
- --- 6,12 ----
- * University of Maryland
- * R. Bond 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- *
- */
- *** ../620/screen.c Thu May 7 16:22:20 1992
- --- screen.c Fri May 8 12:31:33 1992
- ***************
- *** 8,14 ****
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- * Currently supported by sequent!sawmill!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- *
- */
- --- 8,14 ----
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- * Currently supported by sequent!sawmill!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- *
- */
- *** ../620/version.c Thu May 7 16:22:20 1992
- --- version.c Fri May 8 12:31:33 1992
- ***************
- *** 4,7 ****
- * The part after the first colon, except the last char, appears on the screen.
- */
- ! char *rev = "$Revision: 6.20 $";
- --- 4,7 ----
- * The part after the first colon, except the last char, appears on the screen.
- */
- ! char *rev = "$Revision: 6.21 $";
- *** ../620/vi.c Thu May 7 16:22:20 1992
- --- vi.c Fri May 8 12:31:34 1992
- ***************
- *** 1,7 ****
- /* SC A Spreadsheet Calculator
- *
- * One line vi emulation
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- --- 1,7 ----
- /* SC A Spreadsheet Calculator
- *
- * One line vi emulation
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- *** ../620/vmtbl.c Thu May 7 16:22:21 1992
- --- vmtbl.c Fri May 8 12:31:35 1992
- ***************
- *** 8,14 ****
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- * Currently supported by sequent!sawmill!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- *
- */
- #ifdef PSC
- --- 8,14 ----
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- * Currently supported by sequent!sawmill!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- *
- */
- #ifdef PSC
- *** ../620/xmalloc.c Thu May 7 16:22:21 1992
- --- xmalloc.c Fri May 8 12:31:35 1992
- ***************
- *** 1,6 ****
- /*
- * A safer saner malloc, for careless programmers
- ! * $Revision: 6.20 $
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- --- 1,6 ----
- /*
- * A safer saner malloc, for careless programmers
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- */
- #include <stdio.h>