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Text File | 1993-11-11 | 76.4 KB | 1,849 lines |
- pname - spreadsheet calculator
- ppnnaammee [ --cc ] [ --mm ] [ --nn ] [ --rr ] [ --xx ] [ _f_i_l_e ]
- The spreadsheet calculator _p_n_a_m_e is based on rectangular
- tables much like a financial spreadsheet. When invoked it
- presents you with a table organized as rows and columns of
- cells. If invoked without a _f_i_l_e argument, the table is
- initially empty. Otherwise _f_i_l_e is read in (see the _G_e_t
- command below). Each cell may have associated with it a
- numeric value, a label string, and/or an expression (for-
- mula) which evaluates to a numeric value or label string,
- often based on other cell values.
- For a on-line tutorial, type the command:
- pname #LIBDIR#/tutorial.pname
- To print a quick reference card, type the command:
- pnameqref | [your_printer_commmand]
- --cc Start the program with the recalculation being done
- in column order.
- --mm Start the program with automatic recalculation dis-
- abled. The spreadsheet will be recalculated only
- when the ``@'' command is used.
- --nn Start the program in quick numeric entry mode (see
- below).
- --rr Start the program with the recalculation being done
- in row order (default option).
- --xx Cause the _G_e_t and _P_u_t commands (see below) to
- encrypt and decrypt data files.
- --RR Start the program with automatic newline action set
- to increment the row (see below).
- --CC Start the program with automatic newline action set
- to increment the column (see below).
- All of these options can be changed with the _^_T and _S com-
- mands (see below) while _p_n_a_m_e is running. Options speci-
- fied when _p_n_a_m_e is invoked override options saved in the
- data file.
- 1
- GGeenneerraall IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
- The screen is divided into four regions. The top line is
- for entering commands and displaying cell values. The
- second line is for messages from _p_n_a_m_e. The third line
- and the first four columns show the column and row num-
- bers, from which are derived cell addresses, e.g. _A_0 for
- the cell in column A, row 0. Note that column names are
- case-insensitive: you can enter _A_0 or _a_0.
- The rest of the screen forms a window looking at a portion
- of the table. The total number of display rows and
- columns available, hence the number of table rows and
- columns displayed, is set by _c_u_r_s_e_s(3) and may be overrid-
- den by setting the LINES and COLUMNS environment vari-
- ables, respectively.
- The screen has two cursors: a cell cursor, indicated by a
- highlighted cell and a ``<'' on the screen, and a charac-
- ter cursor, indicated by the terminal's hardware cursor.
- The cell and character cursors are often the same. They
- differ when you type a command on the top line.
- If a cell's numeric value is wider than the column width
- (see the _f command), the cell is filled with asterisks.
- If a cell's label string is wider than the column width,
- it is truncated at the start of the next non-blank cell in
- the row, if any.
- Cursor control commands and row and column commands can be
- prefixed by a numeric argument which indicates how many
- times the command is to be executed. You can type _^_U
- before a repeat count if quick numeric entry mode is
- enabled or if the number is to be entered while the char-
- acter cursor is on the top line.
- Commands which use the terminal's control key, such as _^_N,
- work both when a command is being typed and when in normal
- mode.
- CChhaannggiinngg OOppttiioonnss
- ^^TT_o Toggle options. This command allows you to switch
- the state of one option selected by _o. A small
- menu lists the choices for _o when you type _^_T. The
- options selected are saved when the data and formu-
- las are saved so that you will have the same setup
- next time you enter the spreadsheet.
- aa Automatic Recalculation. When set, each
- change in the spreadsheet causes the entire
- spreadsheet be recalculated. Normally this
- is not noticeable, but for very large
- spreadsheets, it may be faster to clear
- automatic recalculation mode and update the
- 2
- spreadsheet via explicit ``@'' commands.
- Default is automatic recalculation on.
- cc Current cell highlighting. If enabled, the
- current cell is highlighted (using the ter-
- minal's standout mode, if available) in
- addition to being marked by the cell cursor.
- ee External function execution. When disabled,
- external functions (see _@_e_x_t() below) are
- not called. This saves a lot of time at
- each screen update. External functions are
- disabled by default. If disabled, and
- external functions are used anywhere, a
- warning is printed each time the screen is
- updated, and the result of _@_e_x_t() is the
- value from the previous call, if any, or a
- null string.
- ll Autolabeling. If enabled, using the define
- command (/d) causes a label to be automati-
- cally generated in the cell to the left of
- the defined cell. This is only done if the
- cell to the left is empty. Default is
- enabled.
- nn Quick numeric entry. If enabled, a typed
- digit is assumed to be the start of a
- numeric value for the current cell, not a
- repeat count, unless preceded by _^_U. The
- cursor controls (_^_P, _^_N, _^_B, _^_F) in this
- mode will end a numeric entry.
- tt Top line display. If enabled, the name and
- value of the current cell is displayed on
- the top line. If there is an associated
- label string, the first character of the
- string value is ``|'' for a centered string,
- ``<'' for a leftstring or ``>'' for a right-
- string (see below), followed by "_s_t_r_i_n_g" for
- a constant string or {_e_x_p_r} for a string
- expression. A constant string may be pre-
- ceeded with a backslash (`\'). In this case
- the constant string will be used as a
- ``wheel'' to fill a column, e.g. "\-" for a
- line in a column, and "\Yeh " for
- "Yeh Yeh Ye". If the cell has a numeric
- value, it follows as [_v_a_l_u_e], which may be a
- constant or expression.
- xx Encryption. See the --xx option.
- $$ Dollar prescale. If enabled, all numeric
- ccoonnssttaannttss (not expressions) which you enter
- 3
- are multipled by 0.01 so you don't have to
- keep typing the decimal point if you enter
- lots of dollar figures.
- rr Newline action. This option toggles between
- three cases. The default is no action. If
- this option is used once, after each command
- which is terminated by a newline character
- is completed, the current cell will be moved
- down one row. If this option is used again,
- after each command which is terminated by a
- newline character is completed, the current
- cell will be moved right one column.
- Another use of this option will restore the
- default action.
- zz Set newline action limits. This option sets
- limits to the newline action option above.
- When this option is invoked, the row and
- column of the current cell are remembered.
- If a later newline action would take the
- current cell to the right of the remembered
- column, then the current cell is instead
- moved to the first column of the next row.
- If a newline action would take the current
- cell below the remembered row, then the cur-
- rent cell is instead moved to the top row of
- the next column.
- The quick numeric entry, newline action and set
- newline action limits options can be combined to
- allow very quick entry of large amounts of data.
- If all the data to be entered is in a single row or
- column then setting the quick numeric entry and the
- appropriate newline action will allow the numbers
- to be entered without any explicit commands to
- position the current cell or enter a number.
- If the data entry involves several entries in each
- row for many rows, then setting the quick numeric
- entry option, setting the newline action to move
- right after each entry and setting the newline
- action limits on the last column on which data
- should be entered will allow the data to entered
- quickly. If necessary, columns which do not need
- data to be entered can be hidden with the zz com-
- mand. Similar arrangements can be made for enter-
- ing several rows of data in each column.
- SS Set options. This command allows you to set vari-
- ous options. A small menu lists the options that
- cannot be changed through _^_T above.
- 4
- bbyyrroowwss/bbyyccoollss
- Specify the order cell evaluation when
- updating. These options also affect the
- order in which cells are filled (see _/_f) and
- whether a row or column is cleared by an _x
- command.
- iitteerraattiioonnss_=_n
- Set the maximum number of recalculations
- before the screen is displayed again. _I_t_e_r_-
- _a_t_i_o_n_s is set to 10 by default.
- ttbbllssttyyllee_=_s
- Control the output of the _T command. _s can
- be: 00 (default) to give colon delimited
- fields, with no _t_b_l control lines; ttbbll to
- give colon delimited fields, with _t_b_l(1)
- control lines; llaatteexx to give a _L_a_T_e_X tabular
- environment; ssllaatteexx to give a _S_L_a_T_e_X _(_S_c_a_n_-
- _d_i_n_a_v_i_a_n _L_a_T_e_X_) tabular environment; tteexx to
- give a _T_e_X simple tabbed alignment with
- ampersands as delimiters; and ffrraammee to give
- a tblstyle output for FrameMaker.
- Other _S_e_t options are normally used only in _p_n_a_m_e
- data files since they are available through _^_T.
- You can also use them interactively
- aauuttooccaallcc/!!aauuttooccaallcc
- Set/clear auto recalculation mode.
- nnuummeerriicc/!!nnuummeerriicc
- Set/clear numeric mode.
- pprreessccaallee/!!pprreessccaallee
- Set/clear numeric prescale mode.
- eexxttffuunn/!!eexxttffuunn
- Enable/disable external functions.
- cceellllccuurr/!!cceellllccuurr
- Set/clear current cell highlighting mode.
- ttoopprrooww/!!ttoopprrooww
- Set/clear top row display mode.
- rrnnddiinnffiinniittyy/!!rrnnddiinnffiinniittyy
- default: round-to-even (banker's round), *.5
- will round to the closest even number; doing
- a 'set rndinfinity' will round *.5 up to the
- next integer (rounding to infinity).
- ccrraaccttiioonn_=_n
- Set the newline action. _n can be: 00
- 5
- (default) to give no action; 11 to move down
- after each entry; or 22 to move right after
- each entry.
- rroowwlliimmiitt_=_n
- Set the remembered limit for the maximum row
- below which the current cell will be moved
- to the top of the next column if the newline
- action is set to move the current cell down.
- _n can be --11 (default) to disable this facil-
- ity.
- ccoolllliimmiitt_=_n
- Set the remembered limit for the maximum
- column to the right of which the current
- cell will be moved to the left of the next
- row if the newline action is set to move the
- current cell right. _n can be --11 (default)
- to disable this facility.
- CCuurrssoorr CCoonnttrrooll CCoommmmaannddss
- ^^PP Move the cell cursor up to the previous row.
- ^^NN Move the cell cursor down to the next row.
- ^^BB Move the cell cursor backward one column.
- ^^FF Move the cell cursor forward one column.
- hh,, jj,, kk,, ll
- If the character cursor is not on the top line,
- these are alternate, _v_i-compatible cell cursor con-
- trols (left, down, up, right). Space is just like
- l (right).
- HH,, JJ,, KK,, LL
- If the character cursor is not on the top line,
- these move the cursor by half pages (left, down,
- up, right).
- ^^HH If the character cursor is not on the top line, _^_H
- is the same as _^_B.
- SSPPAACCEE If the character cursor is not on the top line, the
- space bar is the same as _^_F.
- TTAABB If the character cursor is on the top line, TAB
- starts a range (see below). Otherwise, it is the
- same as _^_F.
- AArrrrooww KKeeyyss
- The terminal's arrow keys provide another alternate
- set of cell cursor controls if they exist and are
- 6
- supported in the appropriate _t_e_r_m_c_a_p entry. Some
- terminals have arrow keys which conflict with other
- control key codes. For example, a terminal might
- send _^_H when the back arrow key is pressed. In
- these cases, the conflicting arrow key performs the
- same function as the key combination it mimics.
- ^^ Move the cell cursor up to row 0 of the current
- column.
- ## Move the cell cursor down to the last valid row of
- the current column.
- 00 Move the cell cursor backward to column A of the
- current row. This command must be prefixed with _^_U
- if quick numeric entry mode is enabled.
- $$ Move the cell cursor forward to the last valid col-
- umn of the current row.
- bb Scan the cursor backward (left and up) to the pre-
- vious valid cell.
- ww Scan the cursor forward (right and down) to the
- next valid cell.
- ^^EE_d Go to end of range. Follow _^_E by a direction indi-
- cator such as _^_P or _j. If the cell cursor starts
- on a non-blank cell, it goes in the indicated
- direction until the last non-blank adjacent cell.
- If the cell cursor starts on a blank cell, it goes
- in the indicated direction until the first non-
- blank cell. This command is useful when specifying
- ranges of adjacent cells (see below), especially
- when the range is bigger than the visible window.
- gg Go to a cell. _p_n_a_m_e prompts for a cell's name, a
- regular expression surrounded by quotes, or a num-
- ber. If a cell's name such as _a_e_1_2_2 or a the name
- of a defined range is given, the cell cursor goes
- directly to that cell. If a quoted regular expres-
- sion such as " _T_a_x _T_a_b_l_e " or " _^_J_a_n _[_0_-_9_]_*_$ " is
- given, _p_n_a_m_e searches for a cell containing a
- string matching the regular expression. See
- _r_e_g_e_x_(_3_) or _e_d_(_1_) for more details on the form of
- regular expressions. If a number is given, _p_n_a_m_e
- will search for a cell containing that number.
- Searches for either strings or numbers proceed for-
- ward from the current cell, wrapping back to a0 at
- the end of the table, and terminate at the current
- cell if the string or number is not found. You may
- also go to a cell with an ERROR (divide by zero,
- etc in this cell) or INVALID (references a cell
- containing an ERROR). _g _e_r_r_o_r will take you to the
- 7
- next ERROR, while _g _i_n_v_a_l_i_d take you to the next
- invalid. The last _g command is saved, and can be
- re-issued by entering _g_<_r_e_t_u_r_n_>.
- CCeellll EEnnttrryy aanndd EEddiittiinngg CCoommmmaannddss
- Cells can contain both a numeric value and a string value.
- Either value can be the result of an expression, but not
- both at once, i.e. each cell can have only one expression
- associated with it. Entering a valid numeric expression
- alters the cell's previous numeric value, if any, and
- replaces the cell's previous string expression, if any,
- leaving only the previously computed constant label
- string. Likewise, entering a valid string expression
- alters the cell's the previous label string, if any, and
- replaces the cell's previous numeric expression, if any,
- leaving only the previously computed constant numeric
- value.
- == Enter a numeric constant or expression into the
- current cell. _p_n_a_m_e prompts for the expression on
- the top line. The usual way to enter a number into
- a cell is to type ``='', then enter the number in
- response to the prompt on the top line. The quick
- numeric entry option, enabled through the --nn option
- or _^_T command, shows the prompt when you enter the
- first digit of a number (you can skip typing
- ``='').
- << Enter a label string into the current cell to be
- flushed left against the left edge of the cell.
- "" Enter a label string into the current cell to be
- centered in the column.
- >> Enter a label string into the current cell to be
- flushed right against the right edge of the cell.
- FF Enter a format string into the current cell. This
- format string overrides the precision specified
- with the ``f'' command. The format only applies to
- numeric values. The following characters can be
- used to build a format string:
- ## Digit placeholder. If the number has fewer
- digits on either side of the decimal point
- than there are `#' characters in the for-
- mat, the extra `#' characters are ignored.
- The number is rounded to the number of digit
- placeholders as there are to the right of
- the decimal point. If there are more digits
- in the number than there are digit place-
- holders on the left side of the decimal
- point, then those digits are displayed.
- 8
- 00 Digit placeholder. Same as for `#' except
- that the number is padded with zeroes on
- either side of the decimal point. The num-
- ber of zeroes used in padding is determined
- by the number of digit placeholders after
- the `0' for digits on the left side of the
- decimal point and by the number of digit
- placeholders before the `0' for digits on
- the right side of the decimal point.
- .. Decimal point. Determines how many digits
- are placed on the right and left sides of
- the decimal point in the number. Note that
- numbers smaller than 1 will begin with a
- decimal point if the left side of the deci-
- mal point contains only a `#' digit place-
- holder. Use a `0' placeholder to get a
- leading zero in decimal formats.
- %% Percentage. For each `%' character in the
- format, the actual number gets multiplied by
- 100 (only for purposes of formatting -- the
- original number is left unmodified) and the
- `%' character is placed in the same position
- as it is in the format.
- ,, Thousands separator. The presence of a `,'
- in the format (multiple commas are treated
- as one) will cause the number to be format-
- ted with a `,' separating each set of three
- digits in the integer part of the number
- with numbering beginning from the right end
- of the integer.
- \\ Quote. This character causes the next char-
- acter to be inserted into the formatted
- string directly with no special interpreta-
- tion.
- EE-- EE++ ee-- ee++
- Scientific format. Causes the number to
- formatted in scientific notation. The case
- of the `E' or `e' given is preserved. If
- the format uses a `+', then the sign is
- always given for the exponent value. If the
- format uses a `-', then the sign is only
- given when the exponent value is negative.
- Note that if there is no digit placeholder
- following the `+' or `-', then that part of
- the formatted number is left out. In gen-
- eral, there should be one or more digit
- placeholders after the `+' or `-'.
- ;; Format selector. Use this character to
- 9
- separate the format into two distinct for-
- mats. The format to the left of the `;'
- character will be used if the number given
- is zero or positive. The format to the
- right of the `;' character is used if the
- number given is negative.
- Some example formats are integer (``0'' or ``#''),
- fixed (``0.00''), percentage (``0%'' or ``0.00%''),
- scientific (``0.00E+00''), and currency
- (``$#,0.00;($#,0.00)'').
- Strings you enter must start with ". You can leave off
- the trailing " and _p_n_a_m_e will add it for you. You can
- also enter a string expression by backspacing over the
- opening " in the prompt.
- ee Edit the value associated with the current cell.
- This is identical to ``='' except that the command
- line starts out containing the old numeric value or
- expression associated with the cell. The editing
- in this mode is vi-like.
- ^^hh Move back a character
- ++ Forward through history (neat) (same as j)
- -- Backward through history (neat) (same as k)
- EESSCC Done editing
- TTAABB Mark && append a range (ex: A0:A0)
- TAB, move around within a range; TAB, append
- range string.
- CCRR Save
- $$ Goto last column
- .. Insert current dot buffer
- // Search for a string in the history
- EESSCC edit the string you typed
- CCRR search
- ^^hh backspace
- 00 Goto column 0
- DD Delete to send
- II Insert at column 0; ESC revert back to edit
- mode
- RR Replace mode; ESC revert back to edit mode
- 10
- XX Delete the char to the left
- aa Append after cursor; ESC revert back to edit
- mode
- bb Move back a word
- cc Change mode; ESC revert back to edit mode
- dd Delete ...
- bb back word
- ff forward (right)
- hh back char
- ll forward
- tt delete forward up to a given char (next
- char typed)
- ww delete next word forward
- ff Find the next char typed
- hh Move left a char
- ii Insert before cursor; ESC revert back to
- edit mode
- jj Forward through history (neat) (same as +)
- kk Backward through history (neat) (same as -)
- ll Move right a char
- nn Continue search
- qq Stop editing
- rr Replace char
- tt Goto a char
- uu Undo
- ww Forward a word
- xx Delete the current char (moving to the
- right)
- EE Edit the string associated with the current cell.
- This is identical to ``<'', ``"'', or ``>'' except
- that the command line starts out containing the old
- string value or expression associated with the
- cell. SEE ee ABOVE.
- To enter and edit a cell's number part, use the ``='' and
- _e commands. To enter and edit a cell's string part, use
- 11
- the ``<'', ``"'', ``>'', and _E commands. See the sections
- below on numeric and string expressions for more informa-
- tion.
- xx Clear the current cell. Deletes the numeric value,
- label string, and/or numeric or string expression.
- You can prefix this command with a count of the
- number of cells on the current row to clear. The
- current column is used if column recalculation
- order is set. Cells cleared with this command may
- be recalled with any of the _p_u_l_l commands (see
- below).
- mm Mark a cell to be used as the source for the _c_o_p_y
- command.
- cc Copy the last marked cell to the current cell,
- updating row and column references in its numeric
- or string expression, if any.
- ++ If not in numeric mode, add the current numeric
- argument (default 1) to the value of the current
- cell. In numeric mode, ``+'' introduces a new
- numeric expression or value, the same as ``=''.
- -- If not in numeric mode, subtract the current
- numeric argument (default 1) from the value of the
- current cell. In numeric mode, ``-'' introduces a
- new, negative, numeric expression or value, like
- ``=''.
- RREETTUURRNN If you are not editing a cell (top line is empty),
- pressing RETURN will make _p_n_a_m_e enter insert mode.
- At this point you may type any valid command or
- press EESSCC once to edit.
- FFiillee CCoommmmaannddss
- GG Get a new database from a file. If encryption is
- enabled, the file is decrypted before it is loaded
- into the spreadsheet.
- PP Put the current database into a file. If encryp-
- tion is enabled, the file is encrypted before it is
- saved.
- WW Write a listing of the current database into a file
- in a form that matches its appearance on the
- screen. This differs from the _P_u_t command in that
- its files are intended to be reloaded with _G_e_t,
- while _W_r_i_t_e produces a file for people to look at.
- Hidden rows or columns are not shown when the data
- is printed.
- 12
- TT Write a listing of the current database to a file,
- but include delimiters suitable for processing by
- the _t_b_l, _L_a_T_e_X, or _T_e_X table processors. The
- delimiters are controlled by the _t_b_l_s_t_y_l_e option.
- See _S_e_t above. The delimiters are are a colon (:)
- for style _0 or _t_b_l and an ampersand (&) for style
- _l_a_t_e_x or _t_e_x.
- With the _P_u_t, _W_r_i_t_e, and _T_a_b_l_e commands, the optional
- range argument writes a subset of the spreadsheet to the
- output file.
- With the _W_r_i_t_e and _T_a_b_l_e commands, if you try to write to
- the last file used with the _G_e_t or _P_u_t commands, or the
- file specified on the command line when _p_n_a_m_e was invoked,
- you are asked to confirm that the (potentially) dangerous
- operation is really what you want.
- The three output commands, _P_u_t, _W_r_i_t_e, and _T_a_b_l_e, can pipe
- their (unencrypted only) output to a program. To use this
- feature, enter ``| program'' to the prompt asking for a
- filename. For example, to redirect the output of the
- _W_r_i_t_e command to the printer, you might enter ``| lpr
- -p''.
- MM Merge the database from the named file into the
- current database. Values and expressions defined
- in the named file are read into the current spread-
- sheet overwriting the existing entries at matching
- cell locations.
- RR Run macros. Since _p_n_a_m_e files are saved as ASCII
- files, it is possible to use them as primitive
- macro definition files. The _R_u_n command makes this
- easier. It's like the _M_e_r_g_e command, but prints a
- saved path name as the start of the filename to
- merge in. The string to use is set with the _D_e_f_i_n_e
- command. To write macros, you must be familiar
- with the file format written by the _P_u_t command.
- This facility is still primitive and could be much
- improved.
- DD Define a path for the _R_u_n command to use.
- All file operations take a filename as the first argument
- to the prompt on the top line. The prompt supplies a " to
- aid in typing in the filename. The filename can also be
- obtained from a cell's label string or string expression.
- In this case, delete the leading " with the backspace key
- and enter a cell name such as _a_2_2 instead. If the result-
- ing string starts with ``|'', the rest of the string is
- interpreted as a UNIX command, as above.
- 13
- RRooww aanndd CCoolluummnn CCoommmmaannddss
- These commands can be used on either rows or columns. The
- second letter of the command is either a row designator
- (one of the characters _r, _^_B, _^_F, _h, _l) or a column desig-
- nator (one of _c, _^_P, _^_N, _k, _j). A small menu lists the
- choices for the second letter when you type the first let-
- ter of one of these commands. Commands which move or copy
- cells also modify the row and column references in
- affected cell expressions. The references may be frozen
- by using the _f_i_x_e_d operator or using the _$ character in
- the reference to the cell (see below).
- iirr,, iicc Insert a new row (column) by moving the row (col-
- umn) containing the cell cursor, and all following
- rows (columns), down (right) one row (column). The
- new row (column) is empty.
- aarr,, aacc Append a new row (column) immediately following the
- current row (column). It is initialized as a copy
- of the current one.
- ddrr,, ddcc Delete the current row (column).
- pprr,, ppcc,, ppmm
- Pull deleted rows (columns) back into the spread-
- sheet. The last deleted set of cells is put back
- into the spreadsheet at the current location. _p_r
- inserts enough rows to hold the data. _p_c inserts
- enough columns to hold the data. _p_m (merge) does
- not insert rows or columns; it overwrites the cells
- beginning at the current cell cursor location.
- vvrr,, vvcc Remove expressions from the affected rows
- (columns), leaving only the values which were in
- the cells before the command was executed.
- zzrr,, zzcc Hide (``zap'') the current row (column). This
- keeps a row (column) from being displayed but keeps
- it in the data base. The status of the rows and
- columns is saved with the data base so hidden rows
- and columns will be still be hidden when you reload
- the spreadsheet. Hidden rows or columns are not
- printed by the _W command.
- ssrr,, sscc Show hidden rows (columns). Enter a range of rows
- (columns) to be revealed. The default is the first
- range of rows (columns) currently hidden. This
- command ignores the repeat count, if any.
- ff Set the output format to be used for printing the
- numeric values in each cell in the current column.
- Enter three numbers: the total width in characters
- of the column, the number of digits to follow deci-
- mal points, and the format type. Format types are
- 14
- 0 for fixed point, 1 for scientific notation, 2 for
- engineering notation, and 3 for dates. Values are
- rounded off to the least significant digit dis-
- played. The total column width affects displays of
- strings as well as numbers. A preceding count can
- be used to affect more than one column. This com-
- mand has only a column version (no second letter).
- @@mmyyrrooww,, @@mmyyccooll
- Are functions that return the row or column of the
- current cell respectively. ex: The cell directly
- above a cell in the D column could then be accessed
- by @nval("d",@myrow-1). NOTE: @myrow and @mycol
- can't be used in specifying ranges.
- RRaannggee CCoommmmaannddss
- Range operations affect a rectangular region on the screen
- defined by the upper left and lower right cells in the
- region. All of the commands in this class start with a
- slash; the second letter of the command indicates which
- command. A small menu lists the choices for the second
- letter when you type ``/''. _p_n_a_m_e prompts for needed
- parameters for each command. Phrases surrounded by square
- brackets in the prompt are informational only and may be
- erased with the backspace key.
- Prompts requesting variable names may be satisfied with
- either an explicit variable name, such as _A_1_0, or with a
- variable name previously defined in a _/_d command (see
- below). Range name prompts require either an explicit
- range such as _A_1_0_:_B_2_0, or a range name previously defined
- with a _/_d command. A default range shown in the second
- line is used if you omit the range from the command or
- press the TAB key (see below). The default range can be
- changed by moving the cell cursor via the control commands
- (_^_P, _^_N, _^_B, _^_F) or the arrow keys. The cells in the
- default range are highlighted (using the terminal's stand-
- out mode, if available).
- //xx Clear a range. Cells cleared with this command may
- be recalled with any of the _p_u_l_l commands.
- //vv Values only. This command removes the expressions
- from a range of cells, leaving just the values of
- the expressions.
- //cc Copy a source range to a destination range. The
- source and destination may be different sizes. The
- result is always one or more full copies of the
- source. Copying a row to a row yields a row.
- Copying a column to a column yields a column.
- Copying a range to anything yields a range. Copy-
- ing a row to a column or a column to a row yields a
- range with as many copies of the source as there
- 15
- are cells in the destination. This command can be
- used to duplicate a cell through an arbitrary range
- by making the source a single cell range such as
- _b_2_0_:_b_2_0.
- //ff Fill a range with constant values starting with a
- given value and increasing by a given increment.
- Each row is filled before moving on to the next row
- if row order recalculation is set. Column order
- fills each column in the range before moving on to
- the next column. The start and increment numbers
- may be positive or negative. To fill all cells
- with the same value, give an increment of zero.
- //dd Use this command to assign a symbolic name to a
- single cell or a rectangular range of cells on the
- screen. The parameters are the name, surrounded by
- "", and either a single cell name such as _A_1_0 or a
- range such as _a_1_:_b_2_0. Names defined in this fash-
- ion are used by the program in future prompts, may
- be entered in response to prompts requesting a cell
- or range name, and are saved when the spreadsheet
- is saved with the _P_u_t command. Names defined must
- be more than two alpha characters long to differen-
- tiate them from a column names, and must not have
- embedded special characters. Names may include the
- character ``_'' or numerals as long as they occur
- after the first three alpha characters.
- //ll Use this command to lock the current cell or a
- range of cells, i.e make them immune to any type of
- editing. A locked cell can't be changed in anyway
- until it is unlocked.
- //UU This command is the opposite of the _/_l command and
- thus unlocks a locked cell and makes it editable.
- //ss This command lists (shows) the currently defined
- range names. If there are no defined range names,
- then a message is given, otherwise it pipes output
- to _s_o_r_t, then to _l_e_s_s. If the environment variable
- PAGER is set, its value is used in place of _l_e_s_s_.
- //uu Use this command to undefine a previously defined
- range name.
- //FF Use this command to assign a value format string
- (see the ``F'' cell entry command) to a range of
- cells.
- MMiisscceellllaanneeoouuss CCoommmmaannddss
- QQ
- qq
- 16
- ^^CC Exit from _p_n_a_m_e. If you made any changes since the
- last _G_e_t or _P_u_t, _p_n_a_m_e asks about saving your data
- before exiting.
- ^^GG
- EESSCC Abort entry of the current command.
- ?? Enter an interactive help facility. Lets you look
- up brief summaries of the main features of the pro-
- gram. The help facility is structured like this
- manual page so it is easy to find more information
- on a particular topic.
- !! Shell escape. _p_n_a_m_e prompts for a shell command to
- run. End the command line with the RETURN key. If
- the environment variable SHELL is defined, that
- shell is run. If not, /bin/sh is used. Giving a
- null command line starts the shell in interactive
- mode. A second ``!'' repeats the previous command.
- ^^LL Redraw the screen.
- ^^RR Redraw the screen with special highlighting of
- cells to be filled in. This is useful for finding
- values you need to provide or update in a form with
- which you aren't familiar or of which you have for-
- gotten the details.
- It's also useful for checking a form you are creat-
- ing. All cells which contain constant numeric val-
- ues (not the result of a numeric expression) are
- highlighted temporarily, until the next screen
- change, however minor. To avoid ambiguity, the
- current range (if any) and current cell are not
- highlighted.
- ^^XX This command is similar to _^_R, but highlights cells
- which have expressions. It also displays the
- expressions in the highlighted cells as left-
- flushed strings, instead of the numeric values
- and/or label strings of those cells. This command
- makes it easier to check expressions, at least when
- they fit in their cells or the following cell(s)
- are blank so the expressions can slop over (like
- label strings). In the latter case, the slop over
- is not cleared on the next screen update, so you
- may want to type _^_L after the _^_X in order to clean
- up the screen.
- @@ Recalculates the spreadsheet.
- ^^VV Type, in the command line, the name of the current
- cell (the one at the cell cursor). This is useful
- when entering expressions which refer to other
- 17
- cells in the table.
- ^^WW Type, in the command line, the expression attached
- to the current cell. If there is none, the result
- is ``?''.
- ^^AA Type, in the command line, the numeric value of the
- current cell, if any.
- The _^_V, _^_W, and _^_A commands only work when the character
- cursor is on the command line and beyond the first charac-
- ter.
- TTAABB When the character cursor is on the top line,
- defines a range of cells via the cursor control
- commands or the arrow keys. The range is high-
- lighted, starts at the cell where you typed TAB,
- and continues through the current cell cursor.
- Pressing TAB again causes the highlighted range to
- be entered into the command line and the highlight-
- ing to be turned off. This is most useful for
- defining ranges to functions such as _@_s_u_m().
- Pressing ``)'' acts just like typing the TAB key
- the second time and adds the closing ``)''. Note
- that when you give a range command, you don't need
- to press the first TAB to begin defining a range
- starting with the current cell.
- VVaarriiaabbllee NNaammeess
- Normally, a variable name is just the name of a cell, such
- as _K_2_0. The value is the numeric or string value of the
- cell, according to context.
- When a cell's expression (formula) is copied to another
- location via _c_o_p_y or _r_a_n_g_e_-_c_o_p_y, variable references are
- by default offset by the amount the formula moved. This
- allows the new formula to work on new data. If cell ref-
- erences are not to change, you can either use the _f_i_x_e_d
- operator (see below), or one of the following variations
- on the cell name.
- _K_2_0 References cell _K_2_0; the reference changes when the
- formula is copied.
- $$_K$$_2_0 Always refers to cell _K_2_0; the reference stays
- fixed when the formula is copied.
- $$_K_2_0 Keeps the column fixed at column K; the row is free
- to vary.
- _K$$_2_0 Similarly, this fixes the row and allows the column
- to vary.
- These conventions also hold on defined ranges. Range
- 18
- references vary when formulas containing them are copied.
- If the range is defined with fixed variable references,
- the references do not change.
- ffiixxeedd To make a variable not change automatically when a
- cell moves, put the word _f_i_x_e_d in front of the ref-
- erence, for example: B1 * fixed C3.
- NNuummeerriicc EExxpprreessssiioonnss
- Numeric expressions used with the ``='' and _e commands
- have a fairly conventional syntax. Terms may be con-
- stants, variable names, parenthesized expressions, and
- negated terms. Ranges may be operated upon with range
- functions such as sum (_@_s_u_m()) and average (_@_a_v_g()).
- Terms may be combined using binary operators.
- --e Negation.
- e++e Addition.
- e--e Subtraction.
- e**e Multiplication.
- e//e Division.
- e1%%e2 e1 mod e2.
- e^^e Exponentiation.
- e<<e
- e<<==e
- e==e
- e!!==e
- e>>==e
- e>>e Relationals: true (1) if and only if the indicated
- relation holds, else false (0). Note that ``<='',
- ``!='', and ``>='' are converted to their ``~()''
- equivalents.
- ~~e Boolean operator NOT.
- e&&e Boolean operator AND.
- e||e Boolean operator OR.
- @if((ee,,e,ee))
- e??e::e Conditional: If the first expression is true then
- the value of the second is returned, otherwise the
- value of the third.
- Operator precedence from highest to lowest is:
- -, ~
- ^
- *, /
- 19
- +, -
- <, <=, =, !=, >=, >
- &
- |
- ?:
- BBuuiilltt--iinn RRaannggee FFuunnccttiioonnss
- These functions return numeric values.
- @@ssuumm(r) Sum all valid (nonblank) entries in the
- region whose two corners are defined by
- the two variable names (e.g. _c_5_:_e_1_4) or
- the range name specified.
- @@pprroodd(r) Multiply together all valid (nonblank)
- entries in the specified region.
- @@aavvgg(r) Average all valid (nonblank) entries in
- the specified region.
- @@ccoouunntt(r) Count all valid (nonblank) entries in
- the specified region.
- @@mmaaxx(r) Return the maximum value in the speci-
- fied region. See also the multi argu-
- ment version of _@_m_a_x below.
- @@mmiinn(r) Return the minimum value in the speci-
- fied region. See also the multi argu-
- ment version of _@_m_i_n below.
- @@ssttddddeevv(r) Return the sample standard deviation of
- the cells in the specified region.
- @@llooookkuupp(e,r)
- @@llooookkuupp(se,r) Evaluates the expression then searches
- through the range _r for a matching
- value. The range should be either a
- single row or a single column. The
- expression can be either a string
- expression or a numeric expression. If
- it is a numeric expression, the range is
- searched for the the last value less
- than or equal to _e. If the expression
- is a string expression, the string por-
- tions of the cells in the range are
- searched for an exact string match. The
- value returned is the numeric value from
- the next row and the same column as the
- match, if the range was a single row, or
- the value from the next column and the
- same row as the match if the range was a
- single column.
- @@hhllooookkuupp(e,r,n)
- @@hhllooookkuupp(se,r,n) Evaluates the expression then searches
- through the first row in the range _r for
- a matching value. The expression can be
- either a string expression or a numeric
- expression. If it is a numeric expres-
- sion, the row is searched for the the
- last value less than or equal to _e. If
- the expression is a string expression,
- 20
- the string portions of the cells in the
- row are searched for an exact string
- match. The value returned is the
- numeric value from the same column _n
- rows below the match.
- @@vvllooookkuupp(e,r,n)
- @@vvllooookkuupp(se,r,n) Evaluates the expression then searches
- through the first column in the range _r
- for a matching value. The expression
- can be either a string expression or a
- numeric expression. If it is a numeric
- expression, the column is searched for
- the the last value less than or equal to
- _e. If the expression is a string
- expression, the string portions of the
- cells in the column are searched for an
- exact string match. The value returned
- is the numeric value from the same row _n
- columns to the right of the match.
- @@iinnddeexx(e,r) Use the value of the expression _e to
- index into the range _r. The numeric
- value at that position is returned. The
- value 1 selects the first item in the
- range, 2 selects the second item, etc.
- _R should be either a single row or a
- single column.
- @@ssttiinnddeexx(e,r) Use the value of _e to index into the
- range _r. The string value at that posi-
- tion is returned. The value 1 selects
- the first item in the range, 2 selects
- the second item, etc. The range should
- be either a single row or a single col-
- umn.
- BBuuiilltt--iinn NNuummeerriicc FFuunnccttiioonnss
- All of these functions operate on floating point numbers
- (doubles) and return numeric values. Most of them are
- standard system functions more fully described in _m_a_t_h(3).
- The trig functions operate with angles in radians.
- @@ssqqrrtt(e) Return the square root of _e.
- @@eexxpp(e) Return the exponential function of _e.
- @@llnn(e) Return the natural logarithm of _e.
- @@lloogg(e) Return the base 10 logarithm of _e.
- @@fflloooorr(e) Return the largest integer not greater
- than _e.
- 21
- @@cceeiill(e) Return the smallest integer not less
- than _e.
- @@rrnndd(e) Round _e to the nearest integer.
- default: round-to-even (banker's round),
- *.5 will round to the closest even num-
- ber; 'set rndinfinity' will round *.5 up
- to the next integer.
- @@rroouunndd(e,n) Round _e to _n decimal places. n may be
- positive to round off the right side of
- the decimal, and negative to round off
- the left side. See @rnd(e) above for
- rounding types.
- @@aabbss(e)
- @@ffaabbss(e) Return the absolute value of _e.
- @@ppooww(e1,e2) Return _e_1 raised to the power of _e_2.
- @@hhyyppoott(e1,e2) Return sqrt(e1*e1+e2*e2), taking precau-
- tions against unwarranted overflows.
- ppii @@ppii A constant quite close to pi.
- @@ddttrr(e) Convert _e in degrees to radians.
- @@rrttdd(e) Convert _e in radians to degrees.
- @@ssiinn(e)
- @@ccooss(e)
- @@ttaann(e) Return trigonometric functions of radian
- arguments. The magnitude of the argu-
- ments are not checked to assure meaning-
- ful results.
- @@aassiinn(e) Return the arc sine of _e in the range
- -pi/2 to pi/2.
- @@aaccooss(e) Return the arc cosine of _e in the range
- 0 to pi.
- @@aattaann(e) Return the arc tangent of _e in the range
- -pi/2 to pi/2.
- @@aattaann22(e1,e2) Returns the arc tangent of _e_1/_e_2 in the
- range -pi to pi.
- @@mmaaxx(e1,e2,...) Return the maximum of the values of the
- expressions. Two or more expressions
- may be specified. See also the range
- version of _@_m_a_x above.
- @@mmiinn(e1,e2,...) Return the minimum of the values of the
- expressions. Two or more expressions
- may be specified. See also the range
- version of _@_m_i_n above.
- @@ssttoonn(se) Convert string expression _s_e to a
- numeric value.
- 22
- @@eeqqss(se1,se2) Return 1 if string expression _s_e_1 has
- the same value as string expression _s_e_2,
- 0 otherwise.
- @@nnvvaall(se,e) Return the numeric value of a cell
- selected by name. String expression _s_e
- must evaluate to a column name
- (``A''-``AE'') and _e must evaluate to a
- row number (0-199). If _s_e or _e is out
- of bounds, or the cell has no numeric
- value, the result is 0. You can use
- this for simple table lookups. Be sure
- the table doesn't move unexpectedly!
- See also _@_s_v_a_l() below.
- SSttrriinngg EExxpprreessssiioonnss
- String expressions are made up of constant strings (char-
- acters surrounded by double quotation marks), variables
- (cell names, which refer to the cells's label strings or
- expressions), and string functions. Note that string
- expressions are only allowed when entering a cell's label
- string, not its numeric part. Also note that string
- expression results may be left or right flushed or cen-
- tered, according to the type of the cell's string label.
- ## Concatenate strings. For example, the string
- expression
- A0 # "zy dog"
- displays the string ``the lazy dog'' in the cell if
- the value of _A_0's string is ``the la''.
- BBuuiilltt--iinn SSttrriinngg FFuunnccttiioonnss
- @@ssuubbssttrr(se,e1,e2) Extract and return from string expres-
- sion _s_e the substring indexed by charac-
- ter number _e_1 through character number
- _e_2 (defaults to the size of _s_e if beyond
- the end of it). If _e_1 is less than 1 or
- greater than _e_2, the result is the null
- string. For example,
- @substr ("Nice jacket", 4, 7)
- returns the string ``e jac''.
- @@ffmmtt(se,e) Convert a number to a string. The argu-
- ment _s_e must be a valid _p_r_i_n_t_f(3) format
- string. _e is converted according to the
- standard rules. For example, the
- expression
- @fmt ("**%6.3f**", 10.5)
- 23
- yields the string ``**10.500**''. _e is
- a double, so applicable formats are e,
- E, f, g, and G. Try ``%g'' as a start-
- ing point.
- @@ssvvaall(se,e) Return the string value of a cell
- selected by name. String expression _s_e
- must evaluate to a column name
- (``A''-``AE'') and _e must evaluate to a
- row number (0-199). If _s_e or _e is out
- of bounds, or the cell has no string
- value, the result is the null string.
- You can use this for simple table
- lookups. Be sure the table doesn't move
- unexpectedly!
- @@uuppppeerr(e) and @@lloowweerr(e) will case the string
- expression to upper or lower.
- @@ccaappiittaall(e) will convert the first letter of words
- in a string into upper case and other
- letters to lower case (the latter if all
- letters of the string are upper case).
- @@uuppppeerr(e) and @@lloowweerr(e) will case the string
- expression to upper or lower.
- @@ccaappiittaall(e) will convert the first letter of words
- in a string into upper case.
- @@eexxtt(se,e) Call an external function (program or
- script). The purpose is to allow arbi-
- trary functions on values, e.g. table
- lookups and interpolations. String
- expression _s_e is a command or command
- line to call with _p_o_p_e_n(3). The value
- of _e is converted to a string and
- appended to the command line as an argu-
- ment. The result of _@_e_x_t() is a string:
- the first line printed to standard out-
- put by the command. The command should
- emit exactly one output line. Addi-
- tional output, or output to standard
- error, messes up the screen. _@_e_x_t()
- returns a null string and prints an
- appropriate warning if external func-
- tions are disabled, _s_e is null, or the
- attempt to run the command fails.
- External functions can be slow to run,
- and if enabled are called at each screen
- update, so they are disabled by default.
- You can enable them with _^_T when you
- really want them called.
- 24
- A simple example:
- @ext ("echo", a1)
- You can use _@_s_t_o_n() to convert the
- _@_e_x_t() result back to a number. For
- example:
- @ston (@ext ("form.sc.ext", a9 +
- b9))
- Note that you can built a command line
- (including more argument values) from a
- string expression with concatenation.
- You can also "hide" the second argument
- by ending the command line (first argu-
- ment) with `` #'' (shell comment).
- @@ccoollttooaa(e) Returns a string name for a column from
- the numeric argument. For example:
- @coltoa(@mycol-1)
- @nval(coltoa(@mycol-1), @myrow+1)
- BBuuiilltt--iinn FFiinnaanncciiaall FFuunnccttiioonnss
- Financial functions compute the mortgage (or loan) pay-
- ment, future value, and the present value functions. Each
- accepts three arguments, an amount, a rate of interest
- (per period), and the number of periods. These functions
- are the same as those commonly found in other spreadsheets
- and financial calculators
- @@ppmmtt(e1,e2,e3) _@_p_m_t(60000,.01,360) computes the monthly
- payments for a $60000 mortgage at 12%
- annual interest (.01 per month) for 30
- years (360 months).
- @@ffvv(e1,e2,e3) _@_f_v(100,.005,36) computes the future
- value for of 36 monthly payments of $100
- at 6% interest (.005 per month). It
- answers the question: "How much will I
- have in 36 months if I deposit $100 per
- month in a savings account paying 6%
- interest compounded monthly?"
- @@ppvv(e1,e2,e3) _@_p_v(1000,.015,36) computes the present
- value of an a ordinary annuity of 36
- monthly payments of $1000 at 18% annual
- interest. It answers the question: "How
- much can I borrow at 18% for 30 years if
- I pay $1000 per month?"
- 25
- BBuuiilltt--iinn DDaattee aanndd TTiimmee FFuunnccttiioonnss
- Time for _p_n_a_m_e follows the system standard: the number of
- seconds since 1970. All date and time functions except
- _@_d_a_t_e() return numbers, not strings.
- @@nnooww Return the current time encoded as the
- number of seconds since the beginning of
- the epoch (December 31, 1969, midnight,
- GMT.)
- @@ddttss(e1,e2,e3) _@_d_t_s(9,14,1988) converts the date
- September 14, 1988 to the number of sec-
- onds from the epoch to the first second
- of 9/14/88, local time. For example,
- _@_d_a_t_e(_@_d_t_s(12,14,1976)) yields
- _T_u_e _D_e_c _1_4 _0_0_:_0_0_:_0_0 _1_9_7_6
- The month should be range from 1 to 12,
- the day should range from 1 to the num-
- ber of days in the specified month, and
- the year should range from 1970 to 1999.
- @@ttttss(e1,e2,e3) _@_t_t_s(8,20,45) converts the time 8:40:45
- to the number of seconds since midnight,
- the night before. The hour should range
- from 0 to 23; the minutes and seconds
- should range from 0 to 59.
- The following functions take the time in seconds (e.g.
- from _@_n_o_w) as an argument and return the specified value.
- The functions all convert from GMT to local time.
- @@ddaattee(e) Convert the time in seconds to a date
- string 24 characters long in the follow-
- ing form:
- _S_u_n _S_e_p _1_6 _0_1_:_0_3_:_5_2 _1_9_7_3
- Note that you can extract parts of this
- fixed-format string with _@_s_u_b_s_t_r().
- @@yyeeaarr(e) Return the year. Valid years begin with
- 1970. The last legal year is system
- dependent.
- @@mmoonntthh(e) Return the month, encoded as 1 (January)
- to 12 (December).
- @@ddaayy(e) Return the day of the month, encoded as
- 1 to 31.
- @@hhoouurr(e) Return the number of hours since mid-
- night, encoded as 0 to 23.
- 26
- @@mmiinnuuttee(e) Return the number of minutes since the
- last full hour, encoded as 0 to 59.
- @@sseeccoonndd(e) Return the number of seconds since the
- last full minute, encoded as 0 to 59.
- SSpprreeaaddsshheeeett UUppddaattee
- Re-evaluation of spreadsheet expressions is done by row or
- by column depending on the selected calculation order.
- Evaluation is repeated up to _i_t_e_r_a_t_i_o_n_s times for each
- update if necessary, so forward references usually work as
- expected. See _s_e_t above. If stability is not reached
- after ten iterations, a warning is printed. This is usu-
- ally due to a long series of forward references, or to
- unstable cyclic references (for example, set _A_0's expres-
- sion to ``A0+1'').
- @@nnuummiitteerr Returns the number of iterations per-
- formed so far.
- #LIBDIR#/tutorial.pname tutorial spread-
- sheet
- bc(1), dc(1), crypt(1), ppname(1)
- Top-to-bottom, left-to-right evaluation of expressions is
- silly. A proper following of the dependency graph with
- (perhaps) recourse to relaxation should be implemented.
- Only one previous value is saved from any call of _@_e_x_t().
- If it is used more than once in a spreadsheet and external
- functions are enabled and later disabled, the last
- returned value pops up in several places.
- On some systems, if the cell cursor is in column 0 with
- topline enabled (so the current cell is highlighted), or
- if any cell in column 0 is highlighted, the corresponding
- row number gets displayed and then blanked during a screen
- refresh. This looks like a bug in _c_u_r_s_e_s.
- Many commands give no indication (a message or beep) if
- they have null effect. Some should give confirmation of
- their action, but they don't.
- This is a much modified version of a public domain spread
- sheet originally authored by James Gosling, and subse-
- quently modified and posted to USENET by Mark Weiser under
- the name _v_c. The program was subsequently renamed _s_c, and
- further modified by numerous contributors, Jeff Buhrt of
- Proslink, Inc. ({sequent, uunet}!sawmill!prslnk!buhrt)
- 27
- and Robert Bond of Sequent, prominent among them. Other
- contributors include: Tom Anderson, Glenn T. Barry, Gre-
- gory Bond, Stephen (Steve) M. Brooks, Peter Brower, John
- Campbell, Lawrence Cipriani, Jim Clausing, Dave Close,
- Chris Cole, Jonathan Crompron, David I. Dalva, Glen Ditch-
- field, Sam Drake, James P. Dugal, Paul Eggert, Andy Fyfe,
- Jack Goral, Piercarlo "Peter" Grandi, Henk Hesselink, Jef-
- frey C Honig, Kurt Horton, Jonathan I. Kamens, Peter King,
- Tom Kloos, Casey Leedom, Jay Lepreau, Dave Lewis, Rick
- Linck, Soren Lundsgaard, Tad Mannes, Rob McMahon, Chris
- Metcalf, Mark Nagel, Ulf Noren, Marius Olafsson, Gene H.
- Olson, Henk P. Penning, Rick Perry, Larry Philps, Eric
- Putz, Jim Richardson, Michael Richardson, R. P. C.
- Rodgers, Kim Sanders, Mike Schwartz, Alan Silverstein,
- Lowell Skoog, Herr Soeryantono, Tim Theisen, Tom Tkacik,
- Andy Valencia, Adri Verhoef, Rick Walker, Petri Wessman,
- and Tim Wilson.
- 28