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- The NautilusIter.anim animation is a 352x220, 32 color, 131 frame
- animation, showing an area of the Mandelbrot set as the number of
- iterations increases. The effect is of bands of colour spilling onto
- the screen in organic and unpredictable ways.
- The frames for this animation were calculated in a total of about
- 100 seconds, using Mand2000. They were generated using the
- `IterMovie' ARexx script which is supplied with Mand2000. This script
- is invoked and controlled from the Mand2000 menus and requesters, and
- NO KNOWLEDGE of ARexx is required to use it. Customizing it requires
- any text editor (preferably CygnusEd) and minor knowledge of ARexx.
- The area displayed by the animation is the `Nautilus' area, from
- the Mand2000 `good spots' menu.
- The AxisMandIter.anim was created using the same technique.
- Mand2000 is a tryware fractal exploration program, with a feature
- list and ease of use that has to be seen to be believed. Demo
- versions of Mand2000 are available on many networks and bulletin
- boards, or the full version can be obtained directly from Cygnus
- Software for $34.95, including shipping and handling. See below for
- details on ordering it.
- A few quotes from those who have tried Mand2000:
- > Excellent program... one of the best uploads I've seen all year. Harv
- > It is far and away the most entertaining peice of software I have
- > purchased this year. Brick Eksten Eco Development
- > I -really- like Mand2000! Coz
- > Mand2000 is the coolest generator I've ever seen. ... nahtan
- > It's definitely a cool program, Bruce. The innovative features do make
- > it the best mandelbrot program on the Amiga, certainly that I've seen.
- > Steve Tibbett
- Technical explanation:
- The Nautilus iteration animation was created using the
- IterMovie.mnd2 ARexx script, provided with Mand2000. If all of the
- ARexx scripts are installed then the `Start Iter Movie' menu item in
- the user menu will invoke this script.
- The Nautilus iteration movie shows the effect of increasing the
- maximum number of iterations for each frame. As the number of
- iterations increases, more and more pixels overflow and are coloured
- in. The exact iteration counts of particular pixels can be seen by
- running Mand2000, selecting Nautilus from the good spots menu, then
- opening up a status window. As you move the mouse around the Nautilus
- window, the iteration count of the pixel under the mouse will be
- displayed.
- To re-create this movie, select Nautilus from the good spots menu
- in Mand2000. Wait until it has finished calculating. Then select
- `Start Iter Movie' from the user menu. This will invoke the
- IterMovie.mnd2 script. Two requesters should appear. One is the max
- iterations requester, the other is an instruction requester. Use the
- slider on the max iterations requester to set the maximum iterations
- to approximately 600 - at which level the screen should be almost
- entirely coloured. Then select `Continue' on the requester with the
- instructions. Another requester containing instructions will appear.
- Now use the slider on the max iterations requester to set the maximum
- iterations to approximately 122, at which point the screen should be
- completely black. Then select continue on the requester with the
- instructions.
- A final requester will ask if you want the frames written out an
- anim file by ADPro. If you have ADPro running and would like an anim
- file created directly say yes. Otherwise say no, and the individual
- frames will be written out to the ram disk, where you can later put
- them into a single animation file. The individual frames will be
- written out to RAM:IterFramennnnn, with nnnnn representing the frame
- number plus 10000. If the default option of `Create icons always' is
- set then postage stamp versions of the frames can be seen by looking
- at the ram disk from the workbench for the miniature icon versions of
- the pictures.
- At this point Mand2000 will begin calculating the animation. The
- individual frames will be written out quite quickly - approximately
- one frame per second on the Amiga 4000. This incredible speed is
- possible because Mand2000 has already calculated the entire picture at
- the higher iteration levels, and is capable of accurately displaying
- what the picture would look like at lower iteration levels, without
- recalculating anything. Without this optimization, this animation
- would take approximately 40 times longer to calculate.
- This is all much easier to do than it sounds, and Mand2000's full
- online help (select any menu item, press the help key) makes it even
- easier.
- To calculate the original frame more quickly Mand2000 makes use
- of the fact that part of the picture is symmetrical about the x-axis.
- It knows that it can reflect the imagery and iteration information
- across the axis, and avoid some calculations.
- The final optimization which Mand2000 can do is an option in the
- `Set misc...' menu called `Sneaky pixels'. This optimization
- increases the speed of calculating large areas of the same colour, at
- a slight risk of calculating some erroneous pixels.
- Finally, to find out where this beautiful and unique area of the
- Mandelbrot set is, select `Show location' and a new window will open
- and display the location of `Nautilus'.
- Nautilus is found near the left edge of the Mandelbrot set at a
- magnification of 256 thousand million.
- Technical note:
- For best results the IterMovie.mnd2 script often has to be
- adjusted slightly for different pictures so that the appropriate
- number of frames will be generated, with the right amount of change
- occurring between frames. Settings for several popular locations are
- in the IterMovie.mnd2 script, most of them are commented out. For
- best results with the Nautilus iteration movie, make sure that the
- Nautilus settings are uncommented. The number of frames is never
- specified explicitly, but is set implicitly by setting the increments,
- and by setting the starting and finishing iteration values.
- Experiment with different values.
- The location that the frames are written to defaults to the RAM
- disk, for maximum speed. You can, however, go into the ARexx script
- with a text editor and change the destination file pattern to anywhere
- you want.
- This animation may be freely distributed on a non-profit basis,
- as long as this complete text file is distributed with it. The images
- within may be used as long as full credit is given to Cygnus Software
- and Mand2000.
- The demo version of Mand2000 only allows saving of small images.
- The full version of Mand2000, with no image size restrictions, full
- online help and much, much more, is available from Cygnus Software or
- you can order it from our European distributor, ICP Verlag. Just fill
- out one of these order forms:
- Cygnus Software
- 33 University Square, #199
- Madison, WI, 53715, USA
- Dear Maam/Sir,
- I would like to order a copy of Mand2000 for my Amiga __00. I
- have enclosed US $34.95 (in a cheque, money order, postal order, or
- US cash). I understand that this not only pays for Mand2000, but also
- for shipping and handling to anywhere in the world. Wow, what a great
- deal.
- I heard about Mand2000 through...
- My favourite features are...
- My least favourite feature is...
- Thanks for writing such a __________ product. Please send my
- registered copy to:
- Sincerely,
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ICP-Verlag
- Innere Cramer Klette Str. 6,
- D-90403 Nürnberg,
- Germany
- Dear Maam/Sir,
- I live in Europe and I would like to order a copy of Mand2000 for
- my Amiga __00. I have enclosed 69 DM per copy, plus 5 DM per order
- for shipping to Germany or 15DM per order for shipping elsewhere in
- Europe.
- I heard about Mand2000 through...
- My favourite features are...
- My least favourite feature is...
- Thanks for publishing such a __________ product. Please send my
- registered copy to:
- Sincerely,