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- The Julia animation was created using the JuliaMovie.mnd2 ARexx
- script, provided with Mand2000. If all of the ARexx scripts are
- installed then the `Start Julia Movie' menu item in the user menu will
- invoke this script.
- The Julia animation demonstrates the effect that changing the
- Julia seed has on the Julia set, and demonstrates the dramatic changes
- that happen when the Julia seed crosses from the coloured fringes of
- the Mandelbrot set into the Mandelbrot set proper. The Julia seed
- value can be seen as a moving cross on the inset Mandelbrot set, and
- the Julia set can be seen to explode into blackness when the seed
- reaches the black area which is the actual Mandelbrot set. This
- explosion of blackness is the original definition of what constitutes
- the Mandelbrot set.
- To re-create this movie, run Mand2000 and select New Julia from
- the project menu. This will open up a Julia fractal window and a
- Julia seed requester. To make the Julia window the backdrop window,
- select `Backdrop' from the setup window when the Julia window is
- selected. Now carefully position the Mandelbrot window, which is now
- in the foreground, and the Julia seed requester. For my animation I
- placed the Julia seed window behind the Mandelbrot window, where it
- can not be seen. I chose not to actually close it, because then the
- Julia seed would not have been displayed.
- At this point you may also want to adjust the displayed location
- of the Julia set by zooming or panning. Dragging with the mouse and
- using the `Zoom in 10%' and `Zoom out 10%' menu options gives you very
- delicate control. The best effects in Julia movies such as these
- occur when the Julia and Mandelbrot sets have been zoomed in very
- little.
- If you want to adjust the displayed location of the Mandelbrot
- set, you should either use the numeric keypad and arrow keys for
- scrolling, or you should temporarily turn of `Track mouse' in the
- Julia seed requester. When the `Track mouse' option is on, you can
- not scroll the Mandelbrot window with the mouse, because the mouse
- is used to adjust the seed location.
- When all is in order and you have chosen an appropriate palette,
- set the seed location you would like the movie to start with. Then
- select `Start Julia Movie'. A requester will come up giving you some
- instructions. Select the seed location you would like the movie to
- end with, then select `Continue' on the requester with the
- instructions. You will be asked whether you would like the frames
- written out to an animation file by ADPro. The alternative, if you
- select cancel, is to just have the individual frames written out to
- the Ram Disk, for later concatenation by some anim maker program.
- Your tastes may vary, but I have found that the best results are
- produced when the Julia seed will be skimming along the edge of the
- Mandelbrot set, without ever quite touching it, as in the example
- animation.
- The final question asks whether you would like full screen images
- saved. If you say yes then the entire screen will be saved, including
- the Mandelbrot window displaying the seed location. If you say no
- then only the Julia window will be saved, and all other windows will
- be ignored. To create the example animation, say yes.
- At this point Mand2000 will begin generating a series of frames,
- moving the Julia seed smoothly from the start point to the end point.
- The individual frames will be written out to RAM:JuliaFramennnnn, with
- nnnnn representing the frame number plus 10000. The number of frames
- in the animation defaults to 20, but this can be changed by editing
- one of the first lines in the ARexx script. If the default option of
- `Create icons always' is set then postage stamp versions of the frames
- can be seen by looking at the Ram Disk from the workbench for the
- miniature icon versions of the pictures.
- If you load these frames into any animation paint program you
- should get a spectacular Julia movie.
- This is all much easier to do than it sounds, and Mand2000's full
- online help (select any menu item, press the help key) makes it even
- easier.
- This animation may be freely distributed on a non-profit basis,
- as long as this complete text file is distributed with it. The images
- within may be used as long as full credit is given to Cygnus Software
- and Mand2000.
- The demo version of Mand2000 only allows saving of small images.
- The full version of Mand2000, with no image size restrictions, full
- online help and much, much more, is available from Cygnus Software or
- you can order it from our European distributor, ICP Verlag. Just fill
- out one of these order forms:
- Cygnus Software
- 33 University Square, #199
- Madison, WI, 53715, USA
- Dear Maam/Sir,
- I would like to order a copy of Mand2000 for my Amiga __00. I
- have enclosed US $34.95 (in a cheque, money order, postal order, or
- US cash). I understand that this not only pays for Mand2000, but also
- for shipping and handling to anywhere in the world. Wow, what a great
- deal.
- I heard about Mand2000 through...
- My favourite features are...
- My least favourite feature is...
- Thanks for writing such a __________ product. Please send my
- registered copy to:
- Sincerely,
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ICP-Verlag
- Innere Cramer Klette Str. 6,
- D-90403 Nürnberg,
- Germany
- Dear Maam/Sir,
- I live in Europe and I would like to order a copy of Mand2000 for
- my Amiga __00. I have enclosed 69 DM per copy, plus 5 DM per order
- for shipping to Germany or 15DM per order for shipping elsewhere in
- Europe.
- I heard about Mand2000 through...
- My favourite features are...
- My least favourite feature is...
- Thanks for publishing such a __________ product. Please send my
- registered copy to:
- Sincerely,