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- /*
- * This program converts dvi files to dvi files;
- * the command line options are:
- *
- * page n is first page selected -f n
- * page n is last page selected -l n
- * print at most n pages -n n
- * include pages (ranges allowed) -i { n1..n2 | n1 }[,...]
- * exclude pages (ranges allowed) -x { n1..n2 | n1 }[,...]
- * work in quiet mode -q
- * reverse pages -r
- * select even -m 2:1
- * select odd -m 2:0
- * print both on same page -m 2:0,1(5.5in,0in)
- * do folded brochures -m 4:-3,0(5.5in,0in)
- * -m 4:1,-2(5.5in,0in)
- * etc.
- *
- * scale magnification -sm m
- * scale document-width -sw m
- * scale document-height -sh m
- *
- * The arguments m are instances of magsteps. For example -sm 2
- * multiplies the document-magnification by magstep(2) (1.44) and
- * -sw -2 multiplies the document-with by magstep(2) (0.694).
- *
- * The original program is by Tomas Rokicki (version 0.5) but it was
- * modified and improved by Esteban ZIMANYI ezimanyi@rc1.vub.ac.be
- * to give version 1.0.
- *
- * This version has been tested for the IBM PC and compatibles under
- * compilers Turbo C 2.0 and Microsoft C 6.0.
- *
- * The options -sm, -sw and -sh were added by Jochen Wiedmann to support
- * PasTeX on the Amiga. This was needed because PasTeX doesn't ignore
- * the Width- and Height-Parameters included in the Postamble. PasTeX
- * needs them to be rearranged to work fine.
- */
- /* Changed 19.01.1994 thb
- *
- * After some major hassles with all Amiga ports of DVIDVI 1.0, I have taken
- * this version and added support for a clean compile under SAS/C 6.50. All
- * relevant parts of the code have been enclosed in #ifdef _AMIGA ... #endif
- * statements, so that it should still compile fine on other platforms.
- *
- * Besides, I have taken the liberty to modify the following "features" of
- * the code:
- *
- * - malloc'ed and calloc'ed memory is now explicitly freed on exit. While
- * resource tracking is just fine, I prefer doing things the proper way.
- *
- * - the function stringdvibuf() would use a pointer to string space that was
- * forever incremented, and never set back. Eventually, it would overwrite
- * other data and crash my machine. Even worse, the check for the landscape
- * special couldn't work this way. See my comments in the code.
- *
- * - Fixed a typo in a part of the \special{landscape} handling, where 237
- * was mistyped to spell 327. As landscape handling didn't work anyways, I
- * can see why nobody noticed it.
- *
- * - Fixed also the proper inclusion of the \special{landscape} in another
- * place. Here, somebody overlooked the side-effects of dvibuf(). See also
- * comments in the code.
- *
- * - Fixed a problem when only one filename is given. I guess the proper
- * behaviour for such a case is that output will go to stdout, so that
- * is what I do.
- *
- * - I have bumped the revision to 1.1, so that this can't be confused with
- * all of those other DVIDVI 1.0 ports.
- *
- * However, there are still a few things that this version of DVIDVI won't
- * do:
- *
- * - the -n page selector "print at most n pages" appears to be broken, so
- * that it will only do the same as -l, i.e. set the number of the last
- * page to be printed.
- *
- * - it seems like the page selection doesn't look at the logical page numbers
- *
- * I have commented and signed all my changes "Changed 19.01.1994 thb", so
- * you should look up what I have done if you're knowledgeable about DVIDVI.
- *
- * If you modify or enhance this code, please send me a copy :-)
- *
- * Disclaimer:
- *
- * I'm still a C novice, and don't really know anything about the DVI format.
- *
- * Thomas Baetzler
- * Herrenstr. 62 email: thb@mil.ka.sub.org (Usenet)
- * 76133 Karlsruhe 2:2476/454.2 (Fido)
- * Germany thb@norton.zer (Z-Netz)
- */
- #define SEEK_SET 0
- #define SEEK_CUR 1
- #define SEEK_END 2
- /* Changed 19.01.1994 thb
- *
- * Bumped revision so that it isn't confused with all those broken 1.0
- * releases of DVIDVI.
- */
- #define BANNER "\nThis is dvidvi 1.1, Copyright (C) 1988-91, Radical Eye Software\n"
- /* Changed 19.01.1994 thb
- *
- * Incremented string space to 1k. You never know what happens...
- */
- #define STRINGSIZE (1000) /* maximum number of strings in program */
- /* Changed 19.01.1994 thb
- *
- * SAS/C needs this for the malloc() proto
- */
- #ifdef _AMIGA
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef VMS
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #else /* VMS */
- #include "sys$library:stdio.h" /* AKT: added sys$library: */
- #include <alloc.h>
- #endif /* VMS */
- #define MAXPPERP (32)
- #ifdef MSDOS
- #define READBIN "rb" /* MSDOS must use binary mode */
- #define WRITEBIN "wb"
- #define PATHSEP ';'
- #define DIRSEP '\\'
- #else
- #ifdef VMS
- #define READBIN "rb" /* VMS must use binary mode */
- #define WRITEBIN "wb"
- #define PATHSEP ','
- #define DIRSEP ':'
- #else
- #define READBIN "r" /* UNIX doesn't care */
- #define WRITEBIN "w"
- #define PATHSEP ':'
- #define DIRSEP '/'
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifdef XENIX
- #define SHORTINT
- #else
- #undef SHORTINT
- #endif
- #ifdef MSDOS
- #define SHORTINT
- #endif
- /*
- * Type declarations. integer must be a 32-bit signed; shalfword must
- * be a sixteen-bit signed; halfword must be a sixteen-bit unsigned;
- * quarterword must be an eight-bit unsigned.
- */
- typedef long integer;
- typedef char boolean;
- typedef short shalfword ;
- typedef unsigned long longword;
- typedef unsigned short halfword ;
- typedef unsigned char quarterword ;
- typedef short Boolean ;
- /* Changed 19.01.1994 thb
- *
- * Prototypes to keep SAS/C happy
- */
- #ifdef __STDC__
- void cleanup( void );
- void abortpage( void );
- shalfword dvibyte( void );
- halfword twobytes( void );
- integer threebytes( void );
- longword fourbytes( void );
- shalfword signedbyte( void );
- shalfword signedpair( void );
- integer signedtrio( void );
- integer signedquad( void );
- integer transf(integer p, halfword q);
- void transformpages( void );
- integer fontdeflen(integer p);
- unsigned char dvibuf(integer p);
- void stringdvibuf(integer p, integer n);
- void usage( void );
- void error( char *s);
- integer scale(integer whole, integer num, integer den, integer sf);
- void scalemag( long *p );
- integer myatol(char **s);
- integer myatodim(char **s);
- short selectedpage ( integer n );
- void initialize( void );
- void processargs( int argc, char *argv[]);
- integer ptr(integer where);
- void searchpageloc( void );
- void readdvifile( void );
- void outdvibyte(unsigned char c);
- void outdvi2( integer v );
- void outdviquad( integer v );
- void putbuf( integer length );
- void putstr( unsigned char *s );
- void writepreamble( void );
- void putfontdef( int f);
- void writepostamble( void );
- void beginpage( void );
- void dopage( integer num );
- void endpage( void );
- void writedvifile( void );
- int main( int argc, char *argv[]);
- #endif /* __STDC__ */
- /*
- * Some globals to keep everyone happy.
- */
- integer numpages; /* the total number of pages in the dvi file. */
- integer TeXfonts[256]; /* information about each font */
- char fontseen[256]; /* have we defined this font yet? */
- int modulo; /* our mod value */
- struct pagespec {
- int pageno, reversed;
- long hoffset, voffset; /* in scaled points */
- } pages[MAXPPERP]; /* the organization of the pages on output */
- int pagesperpage; /* how many pages crammed onto each page? */
- FILE *infile = NULL; /* input dvi file (cannot be a stream) */
- FILE *outfile = NULL; /* output dvi file */
- /* Changed 19.01.1994 thb
- *
- * Initialized strings pointer just in case...
- */
- char *temp = NULL; /* a temporary place to put things */
- char *nextstring = NULL;
- char *maxstring = NULL;
- char *oname = NULL; /* output dvi file name */
- char *iname = NULL; /* input dvi file name */
- char *strings = NULL; /* pointer of the string pool */
- char banner[] = BANNER ; /* the startup message */
- integer inlength; /* the length of the input dvi file */
- integer postloc; /* location of the postamble */
- integer mag; /* magnification factor */
- integer pagecount; /* number of actual pages */
- integer landscape = 0; /* if landscape special, here it is! */
- int rem0special; /* should we remove the first first-page special? */
- integer prevpp = -1; /* previous page pointer on output */
- integer outputpages; /* number of pages output */
- integer dviloc; /* our position in the output file */
- integer pagefake ; /* number of pages, rounded up to multiple of modulo */
- Boolean firsttransf = 0, lasttransf = 0;
- integer firstpage; /* first page selected (option -p) */
- integer lastpage; /* last page selected (option -l) */
- integer maxpages; /* maximum number of page selected (option -n) */
- short quiet; /* quiet mode (option -q) */
- Boolean exctransf[40][2]; /* if the ranges of pages to exclude (option -x)
- have to be transformed */
- integer exclude[40][2]; /* the ranges of pages to exclude (option -x)
- It is supposed that there are at most 40 ranges
- to exclude in the command line */
- short excludeseq; /* number of ranges to exclude (option -x) */
- Boolean inctransf[40][2]; /* if the ranges of pages to exclude (option -x)
- have to be transformed */
- integer include[40][2]; /* the ranges of pages to include (option -i)
- It is supposed that there are at most 40 ranges
- to include in the command line */
- short includeseq; /* number of ranges to include (option -i) */
- /* Changed 19.01.1994 thb
- *
- * Cleared pointers just to be on the safe side.
- */
- integer *pageloc = NULL;
- integer *pagenumbers = NULL;
- int prettycolumn ; /* the column we are at when running pretty */
- /* Added 28.07.1993, Jochen Wiedmann */
- double scale_magstep = 0.0;
- double scale_width = 0.0;
- double scale_height = 0.0;
- /* */
- /*
- * This array holds values that indicate the length of a command, if
- * we aren't concerned with that command (which is most of them) or
- * zero, if it is a special case. This makes running through the
- * dvi file a lot easier (and probably faster) than any form of
- * dispatch table, especially since we really don't care what the
- * pages are made of.
- */
- short comlen[256] = {
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 0-15 */
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 16-31 */
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 32-47 */
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 48-63 */
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 64-79 */
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 80-95 */
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 96-111 */
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 112-127 */
- 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, /* 128-143 */
- 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 4, /* 144-159 */
- 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 160-175 */
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 176-191 */
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 192-207 */
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 208-223 */
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 4, 5, 0, /* 224-239 */
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };/* 240-255 */
- /*
- * Input bytes from the dvi file.
- * These routines could probably be sped up significantly; but they are
- * very machine dependent, so I will leave such tuning to the installer.
- * They simply get and return bytes in batches of one, two, three, and four,
- * updating the current position as necessary.
- */
- void
- abortpage()
- {
- error("! unexpected eof on DVI file");
- }
- shalfword dvibyte()
- {
- register shalfword i;
- if ((i=getc(infile))==EOF){
- abortpage();
- }
- return( i );
- }
- halfword twobytes()
- {
- register halfword i;
- i = dvibyte();
- #ifdef _AMIGA
- return( (halfword) ( dvibyte() + i*256 ) );
- #else
- return( i*256+dvibyte() );
- #endif
- }
- integer threebytes()
- {
- register integer i;
- i = twobytes();
- return( i * 256 + dvibyte() );
- }
- longword fourbytes()
- {
- register longword i;
- i = twobytes();
- return((i<<16)+twobytes());
- }
- shalfword
- signedbyte()
- {
- register shalfword i ;
- if ((i=getc(infile))==EOF){
- abortpage();
- }
- if (i<128) return(i);
- #ifdef _AMIGA
- else return((shalfword)(i-256));
- #else
- else return(i-256);
- #endif
- }
- shalfword
- signedpair()
- {
- register shalfword i ;
- i = signedbyte();
- #ifdef _AMIGA
- return((shalfword)(i*256+dvibyte()));
- #else
- return(i*256+dvibyte());
- #endif
- }
- integer
- signedtrio()
- {
- register integer i ;
- i = signedpair();
- return(i*256+dvibyte());
- }
- integer
- signedquad()
- {
- register integer i;
- i = signedpair();
- return(i*65536+twobytes());
- }
- /*
- * Routines for the transformation of the pages specified with
- * the @ parameter into the actual number of page from the file
- *
- * trans(p,q) looks for the q'th occurrence of the page numbered p
- * transformpages makes the transformation for the options -f -i -l -x
- */
- integer transf(p, q)
- integer p;
- halfword q;
- {
- int i=0, j=0;
- while( j != q && i < pagecount )
- if ( pagenumbers[i++] == p ) j++;
- if ( j != q ) error ("! Page specified not found");
- return (i++);
- }
- void
- transformpages()
- {
- int i;
- if (firsttransf) firstpage=transf(firstpage,firsttransf);
- if (lasttransf) lastpage=transf(lastpage,lasttransf);
- for ( i= 0; i< 40; i++) {
- if (exctransf[i][0]) exclude[i][0]=transf(exclude[i][0],exctransf[i][0]);
- if (exctransf[i][1]) exclude[i][1]=transf(exclude[i][1],exctransf[i][1]);
- if (inctransf[i][0]) include[i][0]=transf(include[i][0],inctransf[i][0]);
- if (inctransf[i][1]) include[i][1]=transf(include[i][1],inctransf[i][1]);
- }
- }
- /*
- *
- */
- integer fontdeflen(p)
- integer p;
- {
- fseek(infile,p+14,SEEK_SET);
- return (16L+dvibyte()+dvibyte());
- }
- /*
- * Simulation of dvibuf, get the character located at the position
- * p in the input dvi file
- */
- unsigned char
- dvibuf(p)
- integer p;
- {
- fseek(infile,p,SEEK_SET);
- return( (unsigned char) dvibyte());
- }
- /*
- * Read a string of length n from the file into the string temp
- */
- void
- stringdvibuf(p,n)
- integer p,n;
- {
- #if 0
- fseek(infile,p,SEEK_SET);
- while ( n-- > 0 )
- *temp++ = dvibyte();
- #else
- /* Changed 19.01.1994 thb
- *
- * Note: The way I see it, the global temp must not be changed, because
- * it will never be reset by the callers. If one lets this run wild, it
- * will eventually trash other variables on the stack. Also; I can not
- * understand how the check for "Landscape" could work otherwise. See
- * the calling functions for an example of what I mean.
- */
- char *reallytemp = temp;
- fseek(infile,p,SEEK_SET);
- while ( n-- > 0 ){
- *reallytemp++ = dvibyte();
- }
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Print a usage error messsage, and quit.
- */
- void
- usage()
- {
- (void)fprintf(stderr,banner);
- (void)fprintf(stderr,"Usage: dvidvi [options] input[.dvi] [output]\n");
- (void)fprintf(stderr,"where options are:\n");
- (void)fprintf(stderr," [-f n] first page printed [-l n] last page printed\n");
- (void)fprintf(stderr," [-n n] print at most n pages \n");
- (void)fprintf(stderr," [-i {n1..n2 | n3}[,...]] include pages\n");
- (void)fprintf(stderr," [-x {n1..n2 | n3}[,...]] exclude pages\n");
- (void)fprintf(stderr," [-q] quiet mode [-r] reverse pages\n");
- /* Added 28.07.1993, Jochen Wiedmann */
- (void)fprintf(stderr," [-sm m] scale magnification by magstep(m)\n");
- (void)fprintf(stderr," [-sw m] scale width by magstep(m)\n");
- (void)fprintf(stderr," [-sh m] scale height by magstep(m)\n");
- /* */
- (void)fprintf(stderr," [-m modulo:pagespecs]\n");
- #ifndef VMS
- /* Changed 19.01.1994 thb
- *
- * Inserted call to free allocated strings
- */
- cleanup();
- exit(1);
- #else /* VMS */
- exit(0x10000002);
- /* AKT: was exit(1) */
- #endif /* VMS */
- }
- /*
- * Print an error message, and exit if it is fatal.
- */
- void
- error(s)
- char *s ;
- {
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s); /* AKT: was dvidvi: %s */
- if (*s == '!')
- #ifndef VMS
- /* Changed 19.01.1994 thb
- *
- * Inserted call to free allocated strings.
- */
- cleanup();
- exit(1);
- #else /* VMS */
- exit(0x10000002);
- /* AKT: was exit(1) */
- #endif /* VMS */
- }
- /*
- * This function calculates approximately (whole + num/den) * sf.
- * No need for real extreme accuracy; one ten thousandth of an
- * inch should be sufficient.
- *
- * No `sf' parameter means to use an old one; inches are assumed
- * originally.
- *
- * Assumptions:
- *
- * 0 <= num < den <= 10000
- * 0 <= whole
- */
- integer defaultscale = 4736286 ;
- integer scale(whole, num, den, sf)
- integer whole, num, den, sf ;
- {
- integer v ;
- if (sf) {
- defaultscale = sf ;
- } else {
- sf = defaultscale ;
- }
- v = whole * sf + num * (sf / den);
- if (v / sf != whole || v < 0 || v > 0x40000000L){
- error("! arithmetic overflow in parameter");
- }
- sf = sf % den ;
- v += (sf * num * 2 + den) / (2 * den);
- return(v);
- }
- /*
- * Multiplies *p by 1000 and divides it by mag. Avoiding overflow.
- *
- * 1 <= mag <= 1000000 ;
- * 0 <= *p <= 2^30
- *
- * (Could blow up if a parameter * mag / 1000 > 2^30 sp.)
- */
- void
- scalemag(p)
- long *p ;
- {
- int negative ;
- negative = 0 ;
- if (*p < 0) {
- negative = 1 ;
- *p = - *p ;
- }
- *p = 1000 * (*p / mag) + (2000 * (*p % mag) + mag) / (2 * mag);
- if (negative){
- *p = - *p ;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Convert a sequence of digits into an integer; return -1 if no digits.
- * Advance the passed pointer as well.
- */
- integer myatol(s)
- char **s ;
- {
- register char *p ;
- register integer result ;
- result = 0 ;
- p = *s ;
- while ('0' <= *p && *p <= '9') {
- if (result > 100000000){
- error("! arithmetic overflow in parameter");
- }
- result = 10 * result + *p++ - '0' ;
- }
- if (p == *s){
- usage();
- }
- else {
- *s = p ;
- return(result);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Get a dimension, allowing all the various extensions, and
- * defaults.
- */
- integer myatodim(s)
- char **s ;
- {
- register integer w, num, den ;
- register char *p ;
- int negative = 0 ;
- p = *s ;
- if (**s == '-') {
- (*s)++ ;
- negative = 1 ;
- }
- w = myatol(s);
- if (w < 0){
- usage();
- }
- p = *s ;
- num = 0 ;
- den = 1 ;
- if (*p == '.') {
- p++ ;
- while ('0' <= *p && *p <= '9') {
- if (den < 1000) {
- den *= 10 ;
- num = num * 10 + *p - '0' ;
- }
- p++ ;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Allowed units are `in', `cm', `mm', `pt', `sp', `cc', `dd', and `pc';
- * must be in lower case.
- */
- if (*p == 'c' && p[1] == 'm') {
- /* centimeters need to be multiplied by 72.27 * 2^16 / 2.54, or 1 864 680 */
- w = scale(w, num, den, 1864680L);
- } else if (*p == 'p' && p[1] == 't') {
- /* real points need to be multiplied by 2^16 */
- w = scale(w, num, den, 65536L);
- } else if (*p == 'p' && p[1] == 'c') {
- /* picas need to be multiplied by 65536 * 12, or 786 432 */
- w = scale(w, num, den, 786432L);
- } else if (*p == 'm' && p[1] == 'm') {
- /* millimeters need to be multiplied by 72.27 * 2^16 / 25.4, or 186 468 */
- w = scale(w, num, den, 186468L);
- } else if (*p == 's' && p[1] == 'p') {
- /* scaled points are already taken care of; simply round */
- w = scale(w, num, den, 1L);
- } else if (*p == 'b' && p[1] == 'p') {
- /* big points need to be multiplied by 72.27 * 65536 / 72, or 65782 */
- w = scale(w, num, den, 65782L);
- } else if (*p == 'd' && p[1] == 'd') {
- /* didot points need to be multiplied by 65536 * 1238 / 1157, or 70124 */
- w = scale(w, num, den, 70124L);
- } else if (*p == 'c' && p[1] == 'c') {
- /* cicero need to be multiplied by 65536 * 1238 / 1157 * 12, or 841 489 */
- w = scale(w, num, den, 841489L);
- } else if (*p == 'i' && p[1] == 'n') {
- /* inches need to be multiplied by 72.27 * 65536, or 4 736 286 */
- w = scale(w, num, den, 4736286L);
- } else {
- /* use default values */
- w = scale(w, num, den, 0L);
- p -= 2 ;
- }
- p += 2 ;
- *s = p ;
- return(negative?-w:w);
- }
- /*
- * This function determine if the page has to be printed
- * depending on the values of options -f, -l, -i and -x
- */
- short selectedpage (n)
- integer n;
- {
- short i;
- if ( firstpage > n || n > lastpage ){
- fprintf(stderr,"refused page %d, firstpage=%d, lastpage=%d\n",n,firstpage,lastpage);
- return(0);
- }
- for ( i=0 ; i < excludeseq ; i++ ){
- if ( exclude[i][0] <= n && n <= exclude[i][1] ){
- return(0);
- }
- }
- if (includeseq == 0) return (1);
- for ( i=0 ; i < includeseq ; i++ ){
- if ( include[i][0] <= n && n <= include[i][1] ){
- return(1);
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- * Initialize sets up all the globals and data structures.
- */
- void
- initialize()
- {
- int i;
- /* initialize values in case of option -m is not specified */
- modulo = 1 ;
- pages[0].hoffset = 0 ;
- pages[0].voffset = 0 ;
- pages[0].pageno = 0 ;
- pages[0].reversed = 0 ;
- pagesperpage = 1 ;
- for ( i= 0; i< 40; i++) {
- exctransf[i][0] = exctransf[i][1] = 0;
- inctransf[i][0] = inctransf[i][1] = 0;
- }
- firsttransf = lasttransf = 0;
- excludeseq = 0;
- includeseq = 0;
- firstpage = 1;
- lastpage = 1000000;
- maxpages = 1000000;
- quiet = 0;
- strings =(char *) malloc(STRINGSIZE);
- if (strings == 0){
- error("! no memory for strings");
- }
- maxpages = 100000 ;
- nextstring = strings ;
- iname = strings ;
- *nextstring++ = 0 ;
- maxstring = strings + STRINGSIZE - 200;
- }
- /* Changed 19.01.1994 thb
- *
- * Nobody ever cared what happened to the memory that was allocated
- * earlier on. I'm calling this prior to exit to free up the memory
- * again. Calls to this are found at the end of main() as well as just
- * prior to the exit()s in usage() and error().
- */
- void
- cleanup()
- {
- if( pageloc ) free( pageloc );
- if( strings ) free( strings );
- }
- /*
- * Parse the arguments to the routine, and stuff everything away
- * into those globals above.
- */
- void
- processargs(argc, argv)
- int argc ;
- char *argv[] ;
- {
- char *q ;
- int i, pageno, lastext = -1 ;
- long hoffset, voffset ;
- int reversed ;
- initialize ();
- if (argc < 2 || argc > 14){
- usage();
- }
- /*
- * This next whole big section of code is straightforward; we just scan
- * the options. An argument can either immediately follow its option letter
- * or be separated by spaces. Any argument not preceded by '-' and an
- * option letter is considered a file name.
- */
- for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
- if (*argv[i]=='-') {
- char *p=argv[i]+2 ;
- char c=argv[i][1] ;
- switch (c) {
- case 'f' :
- if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1]){
- p = argv[++i] ;
- }
- if (*p == '(' && *(p+1) == '@' ) {
- p+=2; firsttransf = myatol(&p); p++;
- }
- else if (*p == '@') {
- p++; firsttransf = 1 ;
- }
- #ifdef SHORTINT
- if(sscanf(p, "%d", &firstpage)==0)
- #else /* ~SHORTINT */
- if(sscanf(p, "%ld", &firstpage)==0)
- #endif /* ~SHORTINT */
- error("! Bad first page option (-f).");
- break ;
- case 'i' :
- if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1]){
- p = argv[++i] ;
- }
- while (*p != 0) {
- if (*p == '(' && *(p+1) == '@' ) {
- p+=2; inctransf[includeseq][0] = myatol(&p); p++;
- }
- else if (*p == '@') {
- p++; inctransf[includeseq][0] = 1 ;
- }
- include[includeseq][0]=myatol(&p);
- if (*p == '.' && *(p+1) == '.' ) {
- p += 2;
- if (*p == '(' && *(p+1) == '@' ) {
- p+=2; inctransf[includeseq][1] = myatol(&p); p++;
- }
- else if (*p == '@') {
- p++; inctransf[includeseq][1] = 1 ;
- }
- include[includeseq][1] = myatol(&p);
- } else {
- include[includeseq][1] = include[includeseq][0];
- inctransf[includeseq][0] = inctransf[includeseq][1] ;
- }
- includeseq++ ;
- if (*p != ',' && *p !=0 ){
- error("! Bad page range option (-i).");
- }
- if (*p == ',' ){
- p++ ;
- }
- } /* while */
- break ;
- case 'l':
- if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1]){
- p = argv[++i];
- }
- if (*p == '(' && *(p+1) == '@' ) {
- p+=2; lasttransf = myatol(&p); p++;
- }
- else if (*p == '@') {
- p++; lasttransf = 1 ;
- }
- #ifdef SHORTINT
- if(sscanf(p, "%ld", &lastpage)==0)
- #else /* ~SHORTINT */
- if(sscanf(p, "%d", &lastpage)==0)
- #endif /* ~SHORTINT */
- error("! Bad last page option (-l).");
- break ;
- case 'm' :
- if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1]){
- p = argv[++i] ;
- }
- /*
- * Is there a modulo supplied? Grab it if so; otherwise default to 1.
- */
- for (q=p; *q != 0; q++)
- if (*q == ':')
- break ;
- if (*q == ':') {
- modulo = myatol(&p);
- if (*p != ':'){
- usage();
- }
- if (modulo < 1 || modulo > MAXPPERP){
- error("! modulo must lie between 1 and 32");
- }
- p++ ;
- }
- /*
- * This loop grabs all of the page specifications.
- */
- pagesperpage = 0 ;
- while (*p != 0) {
- if (pagesperpage >= MAXPPERP){
- error("! too many page specifications");
- }
- if (*p == '-') {
- reversed = 1 ;
- p++ ;
- } else {
- reversed = 0 ;
- }
- if (*p == 0 || *p == '(' || *p == ','){
- pageno = 0 ;
- } else {
- pageno = myatol(&p);
- }
- if (*p == '(') {
- p++ ;
- hoffset = myatodim(&p);
- if (*p++ != ','){
- usage();
- }
- voffset = myatodim(&p);
- if (*p++ != ')'){
- usage();
- }
- } else {
- hoffset = 0 ;
- voffset = 0 ;
- }
- pages[pagesperpage].hoffset = hoffset ;
- pages[pagesperpage].voffset = voffset ;
- pages[pagesperpage].pageno = pageno ;
- pages[pagesperpage].reversed = reversed ;
- pagesperpage++ ;
- if (*p == ','){
- p++ ;
- }
- } /* while */
- break ;
- case 'n' :
- if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1]){
- p = argv[++i] ;
- }
- #ifdef SHORTINT
- if (sscanf(p, "%ld", &maxpages)==0)
- #else /* ~SHORTINT */
- if (sscanf(p, "%d", &maxpages)==0)
- #endif /* ~SHORTINT */
- error("! Bad number of pages option (-n).");
- break ;
- case 'q' : case 'Q' :
- quiet = 0 ;
- break ;
- case 'r' : case 'R' :
- pages[0].reversed = 1;
- break ;
- /* Added 28.07.1993, Jochen Wiedmann */
- case 's' : case 'S' :
- c = *p;
- if (*(++p) == 0 && argv[i+1]){
- p = argv[++i];
- }
- switch(c){
- case 'm' : case 'M' :
- if (*p == 0){
- error("Option -sm: Missing parameter?");
- }
- scale_magstep = atof(p);
- break;
- case 'w' : case 'W' :
- if (*p == 0){
- error("Option -sw: Missing parameter?");
- }
- scale_width = atof(p);
- break;
- case 'h' : case 'H' :
- if (*p == 0){
- error("Option -sh: Missing parameter?");
- }
- scale_height = atof(p);
- break;
- default :
- error("Bad option: Not one of -sh, -sm, or -sw?");
- }
- break;
- /* */
- case 'x' :
- if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1]){
- p = argv[++i];
- }
- while (*p != 0) {
- if (*p == '(' && *(p+1) == '@' ) {
- p+=2; exctransf[excludeseq][0] = myatol(&p); p++;
- }
- else if (*p == '@') {
- p++; exctransf[excludeseq][0] = 1 ;
- }
- exclude[excludeseq][0]=myatol(&p);
- if (*p == '.' && *(p+1) == '.' ) {
- p += 2;
- if (*p == '(' && *(p+1) == '@' ) {
- p+=2; exctransf[excludeseq][1] = myatol(&p); p++;
- }
- else if (*p == '@') {
- p++; exctransf[excludeseq][1] = 1 ;
- }
- exclude[excludeseq][1] = myatol(&p);
- } else {
- exclude[excludeseq][1] = exclude[excludeseq][0];
- exctransf[excludeseq][0] = exctransf[excludeseq][1] ;
- }
- excludeseq++ ;
- if (*p != ',' && *p !=0 ){
- error("! Bad page range option (-x).");
- }
- if (*p == ',' ){
- p++ ;
- }
- } /* while */
- break ;
- case '?' :
- usage();
- break ;
- default:
- error("! Bad option, not one of filmnqrsx?");
- } /* switch c */
- } else { /* this a file name */
- if (*iname == 0) { /* input file name */
- register char *p ;
- lastext = 0 ;
- iname = nextstring ;
- p = argv[i];
- while (*p) {
- *nextstring = *p++ ;
- if (*nextstring == '.'){
- lastext = nextstring - iname ;
- }
- else if (*nextstring == '/' || *nextstring == ':'){
- lastext = 0 ;
- }
- nextstring++ ;
- }
- if (lastext == 0) {
- lastext = nextstring - iname ;
- *nextstring++ = '.' ;
- *nextstring++ = 'd' ;
- *nextstring++ = 'v' ;
- *nextstring++ = 'i' ;
- }
- *nextstring++ = 0 ;
- if ((infile=fopen(iname, READBIN))==NULL){
- error("! can't open input file");
- }
- } else { /* output file name */
- register char *p ;
- lastext = 0 ;
- oname = nextstring ;
- p = argv[i] ;
- while (*p) {
- *nextstring = *p++ ;
- if (*nextstring == '.'){
- lastext = nextstring - oname ;
- }
- else if (*nextstring == '/' || *nextstring == ':'){
- lastext = 0 ;
- }
- nextstring++ ;
- }
- if (lastext == 0) {
- lastext = nextstring - oname ;
- *nextstring++ = '.' ;
- *nextstring++ = 'd' ;
- *nextstring++ = 'v' ;
- *nextstring++ = 'i' ;
- }
- *nextstring++ = 0 ;
- if (freopen(oname, WRITEBIN, stdout)==NULL){
- error("! can't open output file");
- }
- } /* end output file name */
- } /* else argument with '-' */
- } /* for */
- /* Changed 19.01.1994 thb
- *
- * Arguments have been parsed, and input and output files should have
- * been opened by now. While this worked fine if you stuck to specifying
- * two filenames, I had trouble when only specifying one. Obviously the
- * *oname reference is a 0 pointer deref when oname is not given. I
- * guess the intended behaviour was that DVIDVI would output to stdout
- * if no file was specified, so I have changed the code to work just
- * like this.
- */
- #if 0
- if (*iname == 0) {
- (void)fprintf(stderr, banner);
- error("! no input file specified");
- }
- if ( *oname != 0 && !quiet) {
- (void)fprintf(stderr, banner);
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s -> %s\n",iname,oname);
- temp = nextstring ;
- }
- #else
- (void)fprintf(stderr, banner);
- if (*iname == 0) {
- error("! no input file specified");
- }
- if ( oname != 0 && !quiet) {
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s -> %s\n",iname,oname);
- } else {
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s -> stdout\n",iname);
- }
- temp = nextstring;
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Grabs a pointer, and checks it for validity.
- */
- integer ptr(where)
- register integer where ;
- {
- fseek(infile,where,SEEK_SET);
- where = signedquad();
- if (where < -1L || where > inlength){
- error("! dvi file malformed; impossible pointer");
- }
- return(where);
- }
- /*
- * This routine store the page locations by tracing the pointers backwards.
- */
- void searchpageloc()
- {
- integer p,num ;
- num=pagecount-1;
- for (p = ptr(postloc+1); num > 0; num--) {
- if (dvibuf(p) != 139){
- error("! missed a bop somehow");
- }
- else {
- pageloc[num]=p;
- pagenumbers[num]=signedquad();
- }
- p = ptr(p+41);
- }
- pageloc[num]=p;
- (void)dvibuf(p);
- pagenumbers[num]=signedquad();
- }
- /*
- * This routine simply reads the entire dvi file, and then initializes
- * some values about it.
- */
- void
- readdvifile()
- {
- integer p ;
- unsigned char c,d,e ;
- fseek(infile, 0L, 2);
- inlength = ftell(infile);
- if (inlength < 10){
- error("! dvi file too short");
- }
- fseek(infile,-3L,SEEK_CUR);
- for (p=inlength - 3; p > 0; p--) {
- c = dvibyte (); d = dvibyte (); e = dvibyte ();
- if (c == 2 && d == 0xdf /* dave fuchs */ && e == 0xdf){
- break ;
- }
- fseek(infile,-4L,SEEK_CUR);
- }
- if (p < 10){
- error("! rather short dvi file, ain't it?");
- }
- postloc = ptr(p-4);
- fseek(infile,postloc+5L,SEEK_SET);
- if (signedquad() != 25400000 || signedquad() != 473628672){
- error("! change this program to support non-TeX num/den values");
- }
- mag = signedquad();
- if (mag < 1 || mag > 1000000){
- error("! impossible magnification value");
- }
- fseek(infile,postloc+27L,SEEK_SET);
- pagecount = twobytes();
- if (pagecount < 1 || pagecount > 1000000){
- error("! impossible page count value");
- }
- /*
- * That's enough error checking; we probably have a correct dvi file.
- * Let's convert all the values we got from the command line into
- * units that we can actually use in the dvi file.
- */
- for (p=0; p<pagesperpage; p++) {
- scalemag(&(pages[p].hoffset));
- scalemag(&(pages[p].voffset));
- }
- /*
- * Now let's grab us some font pointers.
- */
- pageloc = (integer *) calloc (pagecount, sizeof (integer));
- if (pageloc == NULL){
- error("! Not enough memory for allocation of page pointers");
- }
- pagenumbers = (integer *) calloc (pagecount, sizeof (integer));
- if (pagenumbers == NULL){
- error("! Not enough memory for allocation of page numbers array");
- }
- searchpageloc();
- transformpages();
- free(pagenumbers);
- p = postloc + 29 ;
- while (1) {
- c=dvibuf(p);
- if (c == 249){
- break ;
- }
- if (c == 138){
- p++ ;
- }
- else if (c == 243) {
- TeXfonts[dvibyte()] = p ;
- p += fontdeflen(p);
- } else {
- error("! only nop's and font def's allowed in postamble");
- }
- }
- /*
- * Now we check for a landscape special. It should be the
- * *first* thing in the page that is at all complicated.
- */
- p = pageloc[0L] + 45 ;
- c=dvibuf(p);
- while (comlen[c]) {
- p += comlen[c] ;
- c = dvibuf(p);
- }
- if (c == 239) {
- stringdvibuf(p+2L,9L);
- if (strncmp(temp, "landscape", 9)==0) {
- landscape = p ;
- rem0special = 1 ;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Output a single byte, keeping track of where we are.
- */
- void
- outdvibyte(c)
- unsigned char c;
- {
- fputc(c, stdout);
- dviloc++;
- }
- /*
- * Send out two bytes.
- */
- void
- outdvi2(v)
- integer v ;
- {
- outdvibyte((unsigned char)(v >> 8));
- outdvibyte((unsigned char)(v & 255));
- }
- /*
- * Send out a longword.
- */
- void
- outdviquad(v)
- integer v ;
- {
- outdvi2(v >> 16);
- outdvi2(v & 65535);
- }
- /*
- * This routine just copies some stuff from the buffer on out.
- * Suppose the file is positioned correctly before
- */
- void
- putbuf(length)
- integer length ;
- {
- while ( length-- > 0 ){
- outdvibyte(dvibyte());
- }
- }
- /*
- * This routine outputs a string, terminated by null.
- */
- void
- putstr(s)
- register unsigned char *s ;
- {
- while (*s){
- outdvibyte(*s++);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Here we write the preamble to the dvi file.
- */
- void
- writepreamble()
- {
- longword mag;
- /* just copy the first 14 bytes of the file */
- fseek(infile,0L,SEEK_SET);
- /* Modified and added 28.07.1993, Jochen Wiedmann */
- /* Was: putbuf(14L); */
- putbuf(10L); /* Don't change DVI format, NUMerator and DENominator */
- mag = fourbytes() * /* Scale the magnification */
- pow((double)1.2,scale_magstep);
- outdviquad(mag);
- /* */
- /* and put our identifier. */
- putstr("\015dvidvi output");
- }
- /*
- * This routine writes out a font definition.
- */
- void
- putfontdef(f)
- int f ;
- {
- integer p,q ;
- p = TeXfonts[f] ;
- q=fontdeflen(p);
- fseek(infile,p,SEEK_SET);
- putbuf(q);
- }
- /*
- * The postamble is next.
- */
- void
- writepostamble()
- {
- int i ;
- integer p ;
- longword mag, height, width;
- p = dviloc ;
- outdvibyte(248);
- outdviquad(prevpp);
- fseek(infile,postloc+5,SEEK_SET);
- /* Modified and added 28.07.1993, Jochen Wiedmann */
- /* was: putbuf(20L); */
- putbuf(8L); /* Don't change NUMerator and DENominator */
- mag = fourbytes() * pow(1.2,scale_magstep); /* Scale magnification */
- outdviquad(mag);
- height = fourbytes() * pow(1.2,scale_height);/* Scale height */
- outdviquad(height);
- width = fourbytes() * pow(1.2,scale_width); /* Scale width */
- outdviquad(width);
- /* */
- outdvi2(twobytes()+1L); /* increase stack depth by 1 */
- outdvi2(outputpages);
- for (i=0; i<256; i++){
- if (fontseen[i]){
- putfontdef(i);
- }
- }
- outdvibyte(249);
- outdviquad(p);
- outdvibyte(2);
- outdviquad(0xdfdfdfdfL);
- while (dviloc & 3){
- outdvibyte(0xdf);
- }
- fclose(stdout);
- }
- /*
- * This routine starts a page, by writing out a bop command.
- */
- void
- beginpage()
- {
- int i ;
- integer p ;
- p = dviloc ;
- outdvibyte(139);
- outdviquad(outputpages+1);
- for (i=0; i<9; i++){
- outdviquad(0L);
- }
- outdviquad(prevpp);
- prevpp = p ;
- }
- /*
- * This routine sends out a page. We need to handle the
- * landscape special, though.
- */
- void
- dopage(num)
- integer num ;
- {
- register integer p ;
- register int len ;
- integer v, oldp ;
- unsigned char c;
- /*
- * We want to take the base 10 log of the number. It's probably
- * small, so we do it quick.
- */
- if (! quiet) {
- int t = num+1, i = 0 ;
- if (t < 0) {
- t = -t ;
- i++ ;
- }
- do {
- i++ ;
- t /= 10 ;
- } while (t > 0);
- if (i + prettycolumn > 76) {
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- prettycolumn = 0 ;
- }
- prettycolumn += i + 1 ;
- #ifdef SHORTINT
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "[%ld", num+1);
- #else /* ~SHORTINT */
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "[%d", num+1);
- #endif /* ~SHORTINT */
- (void)fflush(stderr);
- }
- p = pageloc[num] + 45 ;
- c=dvibuf(p);
- while (c != 140) {
- if ((len=comlen[c]) > 0) { /* most commands are simple */
- outdvibyte(c);
- putbuf((long)len-1);
- p += len ;
- } else { /* but there are a few we need to treat specially */
- len = c ;
- if (171 <= len && len <= 235) {
- p++ ;
- if (len == 235){
- len = dvibyte();
- p++ ;
- } else {
- len -= 171;
- }
- if (!fontseen[len]) {
- putfontdef(len);
- fontseen[len] = 1 ;
- fseek(infile,p,SEEK_SET);
- }
- if (len < 64){
- outdvibyte(171 + len);
- }
- else {
- outdvibyte(235);
- outdvibyte(len);
- }
- } else {
- v = 0 ;
- oldp = p++ ;
- switch(len) {
- case 242: v = dvibyte(); p++ ; break ;
- case 241: v = (v << 8) + dvibyte(); p++ ; break ;
- case 240: v = (v << 8) + dvibyte(); p++ ; break ;
- case 239: v = (v << 8) + dvibyte(); p++ ;
- /*
- * Remove a landscape special on page 0, if one is found.
- */
- /* Changed 19.01.1994 thb
- *
- * Additional comment as I figure things are assumed to be:
- * oldp points to the position in the file where code len may
- * be found. v should be the length of the command, right?
- */
- #if 0
- stringdvibuf(oldp + len - 327,9);
- #endif
- /* Changed 19.01.1994 thb
- *
- * The line above is commented out because it looks suspiciously like a typo.
- * If 237 instead of 327 was assumed to be right, it would make sense as
- * this would copy the string landscape to the buffer if it was there.
- * So I think it should read as:
- */
- stringdvibuf(oldp + len - 237,9);
- /* Changed 19.01.1994 thb
- *
- * num is the page number we're on. rem0special is set to 1 if the landscape
- * special is found during reading. And the strncmp will return 0 if there
- * is the landscape string in the buffer. Hmmm. If a landscape special was
- * on page 0, we would skip it.
- */
- if (num || ! rem0special || strncmp(temp, "landscape", 9)) {
- fseek (infile,oldp,SEEK_SET);
- putbuf(v + len - 237);
- }
- p = oldp + v + len - 237 ;
- fseek(infile,p,SEEK_SET);
- break ;
- case 243: case 244: case 245: case 246:
- p += len - 230 ;
- p += dvibuf(p);
- p += dvibyte() + 2 ;
- fseek(infile,p,SEEK_SET);
- break ;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "Bad dvi command was %d at %ld\n", len, p);
- error("! lost sync dvi in file lost dvi sync file in");
- }
- }
- }
- c=dvibyte();
- }
- if (! quiet) {
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "] ");
- (void)fflush(stderr);
- prettycolumn += 2 ;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Here we end a page. Simple enough.
- */
- void
- endpage()
- {
- outputpages++ ;
- outdvibyte(140);
- }
- /*
- * This is our main routine for output, which runs through all the
- * pages we need to output.
- */
- void
- writedvifile()
- {
- integer pagenum ;
- int ppp ;
- integer actualpageno ;
- struct pagespec *ps ;
- Boolean beginp ;
- /* Changed 19.01.1994 thb
- *
- * Need this one later on to store the length of the special command.
- */
- unsigned char landscapelen;
- writepreamble();
- pagefake = (pagecount + modulo - 1) / modulo * modulo ;
- if ( maxpages < pagefake ) pagefake = maxpages;
- for (pagenum = 0; pagenum < pagefake; pagenum += modulo) {
- beginp = 1 ;
- for (ppp = 0, ps=pages; ppp < pagesperpage; ppp++, ps++) {
- if (ps->reversed){
- actualpageno = pagefake - pagenum - modulo + ps->pageno ;
- } else {
- actualpageno = pagenum + ps->pageno ;
- }
- if (actualpageno < pagecount && selectedpage(actualpageno+1) ) {
- if (beginp) {
- beginpage();
- beginp = 0 ;
- }
- if (landscape) {
- /*
- * Changed 19.01.1994 thb
- *
- * This looks suspiciously like somebody tried to optimize the code to
- * run faster and/or to use less local data. However, (s)he did not take
- * into account that dvibuf() has the side effect of seeking and moving
- * along in the input stream. His version would copy the landscape
- * string plus two chars beyond it -> *boom* when you dvixx it.
- *
- * I am using an extra variable to obtain the length of the special
- * command in question. THEN I seek to the special code introducer
- * position and then I copy that introducer, the length, and the special.
- */
- #if 0
- fseek(infile,landscape,SEEK_SET);
- putbuf(dvibuf(landscape+1)+2L);
- landscape = 0 ;
- #else
- landscapelen = dvibuf(landscape+1);
- fseek(infile,landscape,SEEK_SET);
- putbuf( landscapelen + 2L );
- landscape = 0;
- #endif
- }
- if (pagesperpage)
- outdvibyte(141);
- if (ps->hoffset) {
- outdvibyte(146);
- outdviquad(ps->hoffset);
- }
- if (ps->voffset) {
- outdvibyte(160);
- outdviquad(ps->voffset);
- }
- dopage(actualpageno);
- if (pagesperpage)
- outdvibyte(142);
- }
- }
- if (beginp != 1) endpage();
- }
- writepostamble();
- }
- int
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc ;char *argv[] ;
- {
- processargs(argc, argv);
- readdvifile();
- writedvifile();
- /* Changed 19.01.1994 thb
- *
- * Inserted call to free allocated strings, a linefeed for cosmetical
- * reasons, and of course a proper return value.
- */
- cleanup();
- fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- return( 0 );
- }