Fresh Fish 4
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247 lines
; **** Installscript written by Markus Illenseer ****
; **** Does various checks now. Please report any error ****
; **** to markus@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de ****
; **** This script requires the Installer from Commodore
; **** which is available for free.
; **** setting up some global variables
(set ProductName "ASwarm II") ; product name
(set ProductBaseName "ASwarm") ; product base name
(set VersionNum "2.0") ; product version number
(set GuideFile "ASwarm.guide") ; AmigaGuide File
(set OSVersion (/ (getversion) 65536))
(set WBVersion (/ (getversion "version.library" (resident)) 65536))
(set Dirpath "SYS:WBStartup")
(set @dest-dir "SYS:WBStartup")
(set MUIVersion 6)
(set Options 1) ; 1=english, 2=german, 3=e+g
(set LocLang1 "english")
(set LocLang2 "german")
(set Lang1 "english")
(set Lang2 "deutsch")
(transcript "Installing %s Commodity..." ProductName)
(complete 0)
; **** Check last chance
(message "\nShall I proceed with the installation?\n (see help for more)"
(help ("Once you press the Proceed button, \"%s\" will be installed. This is your last chance " ProductName)
("to abort this procedure without partially installing the selected files.\n")
("After you press Proceed, you can use the Esc key to abort the installation procedure.\n")
; **** Check OSVersion
(if (< OSVersion 36)
(message ("Looks like you are running WB 1.3. If this is true, ")
("please consider to update to WB 2.1 real soon. ")
("\"%s\" does not work with WB 1.3 and below." ProductName)
; **** something very subtle :-)
(if (> OSVersion 39)
(message ("Dear Amiga Developer, \"%s\" hasn't been tested on your " ProductName)
("installed Workbench version V%ld.\n Please test it and report any " OSVersion)
("Bugs to us, when this Workbench is available to the community, thanks!")
(complete 10)
; **** Check MUI System
(if (exists ("Libs:MUIMASTER.library"))
(set muiver (/ (getversion "Libs:MUIMASTER.library") 65536))
(if (< muiver MUIVersion)
(message ("Sorry, your MUI System seems to be too old. " )
("\"%s\" needs at least MUI 1.4 with library version 6.x " ProductName)
("You seem to have installed a MUI library version %ld." muiver)
("Of course you can continue the intallation, but don't forget to ")
("update your MUI System.")
(message ("Sorry, you don't seem to have MUI installed on your ")
("system. Remember that \"%s\" needs it in order to " ProductName)
("work full flavoured. " ProductName)
("Of course you can continue the intallation, but don't forget to ")
("update to MUI.")
(complete 20)
; **** Copy Commodity
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt ("Installing %s %s..." ProductName VersionNum))
(source ProductBaseName)
(set DirPath
("Please select a place for \"%s\".\n (See help for more)" ProductName)
("About 20K is required for complete installation. ")
("You may install over an older copy of \"%s\" " ProductName)
("to update to this new version - your current ")
("configuration which is stored in the Icon will be deleted though. ")
("\"%s\" and the Icon will be installed in the directory " ProductName)
("of your choice. You may wish to create a new directory ")
("for \"%s\" by using the 'Make New Drawer' gadget. " ProductName)
("Best place for \"%s\" is SYS:WbStartup, as \"%s\" will " ProductName ProductName)
("be started automatically on boot time as Commodity.")
(default "SYS:WBstartup")
(dest DirPath)
(complete 50)
; **** Ask GuideFiles
(set Options
("Select the localized Guidefiles you want to install at this time\n")
("You click on the desired language to install the selected Guidefiles.\n\n")
("English Online Manual")
("Deutsche Sofort-Anleitung")
(default Options)
(complete 60)
(if (IN Options 0)
(if (<> (exists "libs:amigaguide.library"))
(message "I couldn't locate \"amigaguide.libary\" on your system, you probably won't be able to use online help.")
(prompt "Installing the %s online help..." LocLang1)
(source ("%s/%s" Lang1 GuideFile))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(set manpath (askdir
(prompt "Please select a place for the english online help.\n")
("The Guidefile \"%s\" will be copied to the appropriate place, " GuideFile)
("which normally is the HELP: directory on your SYS: partition.")
("You may want to install the package into a directory of its own, ")
("but then you need to enhance the search parth for AmigaGuide. Please refer to the Manual.")
(default ("HELP:%s" Lang1))
(complete 70)
; **** Copy GuideFiles
(if (IN Options 1)
(if (<> (exists "libs:amigaguide.library"))
(message "I couldn't locate \"amigaguide.libary\" on your system, you probably won't be able to use online help.")
(prompt "Installing the %s online help..." LocLang2)
(source ("%s/%s" Lang2 GuideFile))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(set manpath (askdir
(prompt "Please select a place for the german help.\n")
("The Guidefile \"%s\" will be copied to the appropriate place, " GuideFile)
("which normally is the HELP: directory on your SYS: partition.")
("You may want to install the package into a directory of its own, ")
("but then you need to enhance the search parth for AmigaGuide. Please refer to the Manual.")
(default ("HELP:%s" Lang2))
(complete 90)
; **** Check installation
(if (exists (("SYS:WBstartup/%s" ProductBaseName)))
("Looks like you have installed \"%s\" in the SYS:WbStartup-Drawer, fine.\n" ProductName)
("This means we don't have to bother about how \"%s\" is started." ProductName)
(("Add \"Run >NIL: %s/%s\" to \"S:user-startup\"? (see help for more)" DirPath ProductBaseName))
("Select the Proceed button to add the Line\n")
("\"Run >NIL: %s/%s\" " DirPath ProductBaseName)
("This will start \"%s\" automatically on boot time. " ProductName)
("You are requested to do this, because it looks like ")
("you don't have \"%s\" installed in the SYS:WBstartup-drawer." ProductName)
(command ("Run >NIL: %s/%s" DirPath ProductBaseName))
(complete 99)
; **** Ready