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========================== Contents of Disk 520 ==========================
This is disk 520 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
IOBoard Full plans for a public domain hardware project which adds
two parallel ports and two serial ports to an Amiga 500,
1000, or 2000, for less than $100, with the capability to
upgrade to four ports of each type at any time. Includes
serial and parallel drivers with source code. Version 2.10.
Author: Jeff Lavin, Dan Babcock, Paul Coward
OakLisp A straight port of the OAKLISP system to the Amiga. OAKLISP
is a Scheme-like LISP with an object-oriented base. An R3RS
Scheme environment is included in the package. Because of
its size, the distribution is made on two disks, 519 and 520.
Both disks are required. Source is included.
Author: Kevin Lang, Barak Pearlmutter, ported by Mike Meyer
========================== Contents of Disk 521 ==========================
This is disk 521 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
A68k A 68000 assembler originally written in Modula-2 in 1985
and converted to C by Charlie Gibb in 1987. Has been
converted to accept metacomco-compatible assembler source
code and to generate Amiga objects. This is version 2.71,
an update to version 2.61 on disk 314. Include source.
Author: Brian Anderson; C translation and Amiga work
done by Charlie Gibb
BatchMaster A program that makes creation of interactive command
scripts a lot easier. It works as commands ASK, IF and
SKIP together, only better. You can have up to four
options to skip to, and select them with a mouse, as
BatchMaster has an Intuition interface. This is version
1.27. Requires arp.library. Binary only.
Author: Janne Pelkonen
CheckPrt A small program for checking the presence of a parallel
printer from within a script file. Update of version
on disk 479. Now also includes two small tools to test
the state of some lines of the printer port, to make it
easier to find the source of printer problems. Binary
Author: Tom Kroener
K1 An editor program for the Kawai K1-II synthesizer. Includes
a bankloader for single-patches and multi-patches, a single-
patch editor, a multi-patch editor, and support for the
effect-session and K1 controllers. Version 5.1, an update
to version 4.8 on disk 481. Binary only.
Author: Andreas Jung
LandScape A simple CAD program to aid in designing garden layouts.
First the plan is laid out, placing lawns, paths, plants,
etc., and the program then draws a '3D' picture of what
the garden might look like in real life, from any viewpoint.
Version 1.0, binary only.
Author: Steve Goddard
SynthSong A song created using the freely-distributable program
MED V.3.00. Although quite small (63k) on disk, this one
expands in memory once loaded, lasting almost 65 minutes.
Player program included.
Author: Alex Van Starrex
T3E Converts any text file to an executable. The resulting
program will only have a minimum of bytes appended (94 bytes
for hunk structure and display-program). The text file is
not limited by the size. Freeware, with source in C.
Author: Garry Glendown
========================== Contents of Disk 522 ==========================
This is disk 522 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
MAK The Mandelbrot Adventure Kit is a nicely done mandelbrot generator
with full source code (about 18,000 lines of C code). Includes
some sample images along with the parameters used to generate
them, and lots of built-in help screens.
Author: Steven Dillon
========================== Contents of Disk 523 ==========================
This is disk 523 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
BMake A GNU Make subset. Includes pattern rules, conditionals,
"include", function calls, etc. This is Version 1.4,
with source.
Author: Ben Eng
Conquest Lore of Conquest is a war game similar in concept to the
board game Risk. You are the lord of an entire world,
destined to rule the galaxy. Some worlds are virgin fruits,
ready for you to colonize. Some worlds have natives who do
not wish to accept your rule, these you must conquer for
they will yield more valuable resources. As you claim the
galaxy you will find, you are not the only one extending
your dominion. This is a two-player game, so be prepared
to defend yourself and take what is yours! Version 1.5, an
update to version 1.3 on disk 459. Binary only, shareware.
Author: Michael Bryant
PSGraph A graphing program with plot previews and encapsulated
postscript output. Version 1.0, binary only.
Author: Rick Golembiewski
ScreenJaeger A screen capture program that works by scanning through
memory, allowing you to grab screens from programs that
don't multitask, and save them as IFF files. Features
include an Intuition interface, multiple bitplanes, support
of all Amiga display modes and resolutions, CHIP and FAST
memory, overscan, and both NTSC and PAL. This is version
1.0, includes full C source.
Author: Syd L. Bolton
SerLib A shared library providing easy access to any serial device.
Allows both synchronous and asynchronous access to the port.
With support code for Lattice, Manx and Oberon. Includes
examples in both C and Oberon (with source) and docs in
ASCII, DVI, and PostScript. Shareware.
Author: Garry Glendown, Oberon-interface by Frank Schummertz
========================== Contents of Disk 524 ==========================
This is disk 524 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Kamin Various interpreters from the book "Programming Languages,
An Interpreter-Based Approach", by Samuel N. Kamin. This
distribution includes lisp, apl, scheme, sasl, clu, prolog,
and smalltalk interpreters, automatically translated from
Pascal to C using p2c. Includes C and Pascal source.
Author: Samuel Kamin
Snap A tool for clipping text or graphics from the screen, using
the clipboard device. Snap finds out character coordinates
automatically, handles different fonts, keymaps, accented
characters, and more. Version 1.62, an update to version
1.4 on disk 326. Includes source.
Author: Mikael Karlsson
TAPDemo Tumble Axis Processor is a Sculpt utility with several
functions, including automatically aligning a path's tumble
axes so that an object following that path will always face
the direction of travel, and production of an easy to read
data list containing the location of each node and the
orientation of each of its tumble axes. This is a fully
functional version except that it will not function on
paths with more than 15 nodes. Binary only.
Author: Martin Koistinen
========================== Contents of Disk 525 ==========================
This is disk 525 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
CrcLists Complete CRC check files for disks 401-520 using the brik
program. These were made directly from my master disks.
Along with the crc lists from disk 401, these lists will
allow you to check all of the disks in the library to make
sure they are correct and complete.
Author: Fred Fish
DumpHarpoon Program that dumps the .DAT data files for the game HARPOON.
Author: Mark Kyprianou
MinixDemo Demo version of minix 1.5, an operating system very similar
to UNIX. The full version of minix comes with source code
for the kernel and most of the utilities. Binary only.
Author: Andrew Tanenbaum, et. al.
SIOD A small scheme interpreter (Scheme In One Defun) which can
be used for calculations or included as a command interpreter
or extensi