Fresh Fish 4
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Text File
960 lines
%% @metafontfile{
%% filename="ebigop.mf",
%% version="2.1",
%% date="30-MAY-1991",
%% filetype="Metafont: driver",
%% copyright="Copyright (C) American Mathematical Society,
%% all rights reserved. Copying of this file is
%% authorized only if either:
%% (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy
%% including name; OR
%% (2) if you do make changes, you first rename it to some
%% other name.",
%% author="American Mathematical Society",
%% address="American Mathematical Society,
%% Technical Support Group,
%% P. O. Box 6248,
%% Providence, RI 02940,
%% USA",
%% telephone="401-455-4080 or (in the USA) 800-321-4AMS",
%% email="Internet: Tech-Support@Math.AMS.com",
%% codetable="ISO/ASCII",
%% checksumtype="line count",
%% checksum="960",
%% keywords="amsfonts, tex, metafont , euler ",
%% abstract="This is the driver file for use with
%% the euler extension font in AMSFonts 2.1."
%% }
% The Computer Modern Math-Extension family (by D. E. Knuth, 1979--1985)
% Special version for characters redesigned to blend with Euler
% This is the driver file for EUEX fonts
font_coding_scheme:="euler substitutions only";
mode_setup; font_setup;
%def t_ = transformed currenttransform enddef;
transform skewit; skewit=identity; % 5/24/91 NGB
def bulb(suffix $,$$,$$$) =
%pair trueup; (z5+trueup)t_=z5+(0,y$$r-y$r);
pair trueup; (z5+trueup) transformed skewit=z5+(0,y$$r-y$r); %5/24/91 NGB
filldraw path_.l--z$$r{-trueup}...{x$r-x$$r,0}z$r--cycle}}; % link
path_.r:=z$$$l{-trueup}..z$$$r{trueup}; % near-circle
filldraw subpath(0,xpart(path_.r intersectiontimes path_.l)) of path_.r
--z$$r{trueup}..cycle; % bulb
% characters modified from BIGOP
charlist oct"110": oct"111"; % contour integral signs
charlist oct"122": oct"132"; % integral signs
charlist oct"120": oct"130"; % summation signs
charlist oct"121": oct"131"; % product signs
charlist oct"140": oct"141"; % coproduct signs
% characters modified from BIGDEL (braces in different positions)
charlist oct"010": oct"012": oct"014": oct"016": oct"070"; % left braces
charlist oct"011": oct"013": oct"015": oct"017": oct"071"; % right braces
extensible oct"070": oct"070",oct"074",oct"072",oct"076"; % left brace
extensible oct"071": oct"071",oct"075",oct"073",oct"076"; % right brace
extensible oct"072": oct"070",0,oct"072",oct"076"; % sharp left parenthesis
extensible oct"073": oct"071",0,oct"073",oct"076"; % sharp right parenthesis
extensible oct"076": 0,0,0,oct"076"; % brace extension modules only
extensible oct"100": oct"070",0,oct"073",oct"076"; % left moustache
extensible oct"101": oct"071",0,oct"072",oct"076"; % right moustache
% the horizontal braces are included too
heavy_rule_thickness:=bold+dw; % this is the main change: big braces not so dark
% arrows (taken from SYMBOL, SYM, and ROMSS, with longer and thicker arrowheads)
bar:=rule_thickness; % this makes the arrowheads thicker
% the half arrows from ROMSS are moved to different font positions
% infinity (taken from SYMBOL, made heavier)
cmchar "\textstyle integral sign";
italcorr 0.5u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit
adjust_fit(-1u#,-1u#-ic#); pickup fine.nib;
pos1(dot_size,0); pos2(.75[hair,stem],0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(stem,180);
pos5(.4[stem,curve],180); pos5'(.4[stem,curve],0); z5'=z5; pos6(stem,0);
pos7(vair,-90); pos8(.75[hair,stem],-180); pos9(dot_size,-180);
rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u;
x5=.5[x4,x6]; x4-x6=1.2u; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5stem);
top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5(.4[stem,curve])=vround(top y7l+.25(.4[stem,curve]));
y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7);
transform skewit;
z5 transformed skewit=z5; (z5+right) transformed skewit = z5+right;
z3 transformed skewit=z3-u*right;
%% code changed for Version 2.1 to allow for odd aspect ratio. 5/24/91 NGB
%skewit:=skewit transformed currenttransform;
%save currenttransform; transform currenttransform; currenttransform:=skewit;
transform newskew; newskew:=skewit transformed currenttransform;
save currenttransform; transform currenttransform; currenttransform:=newskew;
%%%%%%%end of change
bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs
filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1}
..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper stem
filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1
..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower stem
penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); endchar;
cmchar "\displaystyle integral sign";
italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit
adjust_fit(-4u#,-4u#-ic#); pickup fine.nib;
numeric bulb_size, max_size;
bulb_size=hround(.8[stem,curve]); max_size=hround(bold+.2dw);
pos1(bulb_size,0); pos2(.75[hair,stem],0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(.4[stem,curve],180);
pos5(max_size,180); pos5'(max_size,0); z5'=z5; pos6(.4[stem,curve],0);
pos7(vair,-90); pos8(.75[hair,stem],-180); pos9(bulb_size,-180);
rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u;
x5=.5[x4,x6]; x4-x6=4.8u; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5stem);
top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d;
y9-.5bulb_size=vround(top y7l+.25bulb_size); y3-y1=y9-y7;
y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7);
transform skewit;
z5 transformed skewit=z5; (z5+right) transformed skewit = z5+right;
z3 transformed skewit=z3-4u*right;
%% code changed for Version 2.1 to allow for odd aspect ratio. 5/24/91 NGB
%skewit:=skewit transformed currenttransform;
%save currenttransform; transform currenttransform; currenttransform:=skewit;
transform newskew; newskew:=skewit transformed currenttransform;
save currenttransform; transform currenttransform; currenttransform:=newskew;
%%%%%%%end of change
bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs
filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1}
..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper stem
filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1
..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower stem
penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); endchar;
cmchar "\textstyle contour integral sign";
italcorr 0.5u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit
adjust_fit(-u#,-u#-ic#); pickup fine.nib;
pos1(dot_size,0); pos2(.75[hair,stem],0); pos3(vair,90); pos4(stem,180);
pos5(.4[stem,curve],180); pos5'(.4[stem,curve],0); z5'=z5; pos6(stem,0);
pos7(vair,-90); pos8(.75[hair,stem],-180); pos9(dot_size,-180);
rt x1r=hround(w-u); x9=w-x1; x7=w-x3=3u;
x5=.5[x4,x6]; x4-x6=1.2u; lft x5r=hround(.5w-.5stem);
top y3r=0; bot y7r=-d; y9-.5(.4[stem,curve])=vround(top y7l+.25(.4[stem,curve]));
y3-y1=y9-y7; y5=.5[y3,y7]=.5[y4,y6]; y4-y6=.6(y3-y7);
transform skewit;
z5 transformed skewit=z5; (z5+right) transformed skewit = z5+right;
z3 transformed skewit=z3-u*right;
%% code changed for Version 2.1 to allow for odd aspect ratio. 5/24/91 NGB
%skewit:=skewit transformed currenttransform;
%save currenttransform; transform currenttransform; currenttransform:=skewit;
transform newskew; newskew:=skewit transformed currenttransform;
save currenttransform; transform currenttransform; currenttransform:=newskew;
%%%%%%%end of change
bulb(3,2,1); bulb(7,8,9); % bulbs
filldraw stroke z3e{left}...z4e{(z5e-z4e)xscaled 1.1}
..tension atleast 1 and atleast .8..{z5-z4}z5e; % upper stem
filldraw stroke z5'e{z6-z5}..tension atleast.8 and atleast 1
..{(z6e-z5'e)xscaled 1.1}z6e...{left}z7e; % lower stem
pickup rule.nib; autorounded;
draw fullcircle scaled .5w shifted z5; % contour
penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); endchar;
cmchar "\displaystyle contour integral sign";
italcorr 2u#; % \TeX\ kerning between upper limit and lower limit
adjust_fit(-4u#,-4u#-ic#); pickup fine.nib;
numeric bulb_size, max_size;
bulb_size=hround(.8[stem,curve]); max_size=hround(bold+.2dw);
pos1(bulb_size,0); pos2(.75[hair,stem],0);