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- /*
- ** $Filename: graphics/rastport.h $
- ** $Release: 2.04 Includes, V37.4 $
- ** $Revision: 37.0 $
- ** $Date: 91/01/07 $
- **
- **
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 1985-1991 Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
- ** All Rights Reserved
- */
- #ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef GRAPHICS_GFX_H
- #include <graphics/gfx.h>
- #endif
- struct AreaInfo
- {
- WORD *VctrTbl; /* ptr to start of vector table */
- WORD *VctrPtr; /* ptr to current vertex */
- BYTE *FlagTbl; /* ptr to start of vector flag table */
- BYTE *FlagPtr; /* ptrs to areafill flags */
- WORD Count; /* number of vertices in list */
- WORD MaxCount; /* AreaMove/Draw will not allow Count>MaxCount*/
- WORD FirstX,FirstY; /* first point for this polygon */
- };
- struct TmpRas
- {
- BYTE *RasPtr;
- LONG Size;
- };
- /* unoptimized for 32bit alignment of pointers */
- struct GelsInfo
- {
- BYTE sprRsrvd; /* flag of which sprites to reserve from
- vsprite system */
- UBYTE Flags; /* system use */
- struct VSprite *gelHead, *gelTail; /* dummy vSprites for list management*/
- /* pointer to array of 8 WORDS for sprite available lines */
- WORD *nextLine;
- /* pointer to array of 8 pointers for color-last-assigned to vSprites */
- WORD **lastColor;
- struct collTable *collHandler; /* addresses of collision routines */
- WORD leftmost, rightmost, topmost, bottommost;
- APTR firstBlissObj,lastBlissObj; /* system use only */
- };
- struct RastPort
- {
- struct Layer *Layer;
- struct BitMap *BitMap;
- UWORD *AreaPtrn; /* ptr to areafill pattern */
- struct TmpRas *TmpRas;
- struct AreaInfo *AreaInfo;
- struct GelsInfo *GelsInfo;
- UBYTE Mask; /* write mask for this raster */
- BYTE FgPen; /* foreground pen for this raster */
- BYTE BgPen; /* background pen */
- BYTE AOlPen; /* areafill outline pen */
- BYTE DrawMode; /* drawing mode for fill, lines, and text */
- BYTE AreaPtSz; /* 2^n words for areafill pattern */
- BYTE linpatcnt; /* current line drawing pattern preshift */
- BYTE dummy;
- UWORD Flags; /* miscellaneous control bits */
- UWORD LinePtrn; /* 16 bits for textured lines */
- WORD cp_x, cp_y; /* current pen position */
- UBYTE minterms[8];
- WORD PenWidth;
- WORD PenHeight;
- struct TextFont *Font; /* current font address */
- UBYTE AlgoStyle; /* the algorithmically generated style */
- UBYTE TxFlags; /* text specific flags */
- UWORD TxHeight; /* text height */
- UWORD TxWidth; /* text nominal width */
- UWORD TxBaseline; /* text baseline */
- WORD TxSpacing; /* text spacing (per character) */
- APTR *RP_User;
- ULONG longreserved[2];
- #ifndef GFX_RASTPORT_1_2
- UWORD wordreserved[7]; /* used to be a node */
- UBYTE reserved[8]; /* for future use */
- #endif
- };
- /* drawing modes */
- #define JAM1 0 /* jam 1 color into raster */
- #define JAM2 1 /* jam 2 colors into raster */
- #define COMPLEMENT 2 /* XOR bits into raster */
- #define INVERSVID 4 /* inverse video for drawing modes */
- /* these are the flag bits for RastPort flags */
- #define FRST_DOT 0x01 /* draw the first dot of this line ? */
- #define ONE_DOT 0x02 /* use one dot mode for drawing lines */
- #define DBUFFER 0x04 /* flag set when RastPorts
- are double-buffered */
- /* only used for bobs */
- #define AREAOUTLINE 0x08 /* used by areafiller */
- #define NOCROSSFILL 0x20 /* areafills have no crossovers */
- /* there is only one style of clipping: raster clipping */
- /* this preserves the continuity of jaggies regardless of clip window */
- /* When drawing into a RastPort, if the ptr to ClipRect is nil then there */
- /* is no clipping done, this is dangerous but useful for speed */
- #endif /* GRAPHICS_RASTPORT_H */