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- /*
- ** $Filename: intuition/gadgetclass.h $
- ** $Release: 2.04 Includes, V37.4 $
- ** $Revision: 36.6 $
- ** $Date: 91/11/08 $
- **
- ** Custom and 'boopsi' gadget class interface
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 1989-1991 Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
- ** All Rights Reserved
- */
- #ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #endif
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #endif
- #include <utility/tagitem.h>
- #endif
- /*
- * NOTE: <intuition/iobsolete.h> is included at the END of this file!
- */
- /* Gadget Class attributes */
- #define GA_Dummy (TAG_USER +0x30000)
- #define GA_Left (GA_Dummy + 0x0001)
- #define GA_RelRight (GA_Dummy + 0x0002)
- #define GA_Top (GA_Dummy + 0x0003)
- #define GA_RelBottom (GA_Dummy + 0x0004)
- #define GA_Width (GA_Dummy + 0x0005)
- #define GA_RelWidth (GA_Dummy + 0x0006)
- #define GA_Height (GA_Dummy + 0x0007)
- #define GA_RelHeight (GA_Dummy + 0x0008)
- #define GA_Text (GA_Dummy + 0x0009) /* ti_Data is (UBYTE *) */
- #define GA_Image (GA_Dummy + 0x000A)
- #define GA_Border (GA_Dummy + 0x000B)
- #define GA_SelectRender (GA_Dummy + 0x000C)
- #define GA_Highlight (GA_Dummy + 0x000D)
- #define GA_Disabled (GA_Dummy + 0x000E)
- #define GA_GZZGadget (GA_Dummy + 0x000F)
- #define GA_ID (GA_Dummy + 0x0010)
- #define GA_UserData (GA_Dummy + 0x0011)
- #define GA_SpecialInfo (GA_Dummy + 0x0012)
- #define GA_Selected (GA_Dummy + 0x0013)
- #define GA_EndGadget (GA_Dummy + 0x0014)
- #define GA_Immediate (GA_Dummy + 0x0015)
- #define GA_RelVerify (GA_Dummy + 0x0016)
- #define GA_FollowMouse (GA_Dummy + 0x0017)
- #define GA_RightBorder (GA_Dummy + 0x0018)
- #define GA_LeftBorder (GA_Dummy + 0x0019)
- #define GA_TopBorder (GA_Dummy + 0x001A)
- #define GA_BottomBorder (GA_Dummy + 0x001B)
- #define GA_ToggleSelect (GA_Dummy + 0x001C)
- /* internal use only, until further notice, please */
- #define GA_SysGadget (GA_Dummy + 0x001D)
- /* bool, sets GTYP_SYSGADGET field in type */
- #define GA_SysGType (GA_Dummy + 0x001E)
- /* e.g., GTYP_WUPFRONT, ... */
- #define GA_Previous (GA_Dummy + 0x001F)
- /* previous gadget (or (struct Gadget **)) in linked list
- * NOTE: This attribute CANNOT be used to link new gadgets
- * into the gadget list of an open window or requester.
- * You must use AddGList().
- */
- #define GA_Next (GA_Dummy + 0x0020)
- /* not implemented */
- #define GA_DrawInfo (GA_Dummy + 0x0021)
- /* some fancy gadgets need to see a DrawInfo
- * when created or for layout
- */
- /* You should use at most ONE of GA_Text, GA_IntuiText, and GA_LabelImage */
- #define GA_IntuiText (GA_Dummy + 0x0022)
- /* ti_Data is (struct IntuiText *) */
- #define GA_LabelImage (GA_Dummy + 0x0023)
- /* ti_Data is an image (object), used in place of
- * GadgetText
- */
- #define GA_TabCycle (GA_Dummy + 0x0024)
- /* New for V37:
- * Boolean indicates that this gadget is to participate in
- * cycling activation with Tab or Shift-Tab.
- */
- /* PROPGCLASS attributes */
- #define PGA_Dummy (TAG_USER + 0x31000)
- #define PGA_Freedom (PGA_Dummy + 0x0001)
- /* only one of FREEVERT or FREEHORIZ */
- #define PGA_Borderless (PGA_Dummy + 0x0002)
- #define PGA_HorizPot (PGA_Dummy + 0x0003)
- #define PGA_HorizBody (PGA_Dummy + 0x0004)
- #define PGA_VertPot (PGA_Dummy + 0x0005)
- #define PGA_VertBody (PGA_Dummy + 0x0006)
- #define PGA_Total (PGA_Dummy + 0x0007)
- #define PGA_Visible (PGA_Dummy + 0x0008)
- #define PGA_Top (PGA_Dummy + 0x0009)
- /* New for V37: */
- #define PGA_NewLook (PGA_Dummy + 0x000A)
- /* STRGCLASS attributes */
- #define STRINGA_Dummy (TAG_USER +0x32000)
- #define STRINGA_MaxChars (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0001)
- #define STRINGA_Buffer (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0002)
- #define STRINGA_UndoBuffer (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0003)
- #define STRINGA_WorkBuffer (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0004)
- #define STRINGA_BufferPos (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0005)
- #define STRINGA_DispPos (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0006)
- #define STRINGA_AltKeyMap (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0007)
- #define STRINGA_Font (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0008)
- #define STRINGA_Pens (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0009)
- #define STRINGA_ActivePens (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x000A)
- #define STRINGA_EditHook (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x000B)
- #define STRINGA_EditModes (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x000C)
- /* booleans */
- #define STRINGA_ReplaceMode (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x000D)
- #define STRINGA_FixedFieldMode (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x000E)
- #define STRINGA_NoFilterMode (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x000F)
- #define STRINGA_Justification (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0010)
- #define STRINGA_LongVal (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0011)
- #define STRINGA_TextVal (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0012)
- #define STRINGA_ExitHelp (STRINGA_Dummy + 0x0013)
- /* STRINGA_ExitHelp is new for V37, and ignored by V36.
- * Set this if you want the gadget to exit when Help is
- * pressed. Look for a code of 0x5F, the rawkey code for Help
- */
- #define SG_DEFAULTMAXCHARS (128)
- /* Gadget Layout related attributes */
- #define LAYOUTA_Dummy (TAG_USER + 0x38000)
- #define LAYOUTA_LayoutObj (LAYOUTA_Dummy + 0x0001)
- #define LAYOUTA_Spacing (LAYOUTA_Dummy + 0x0002)
- #define LAYOUTA_Orientation (LAYOUTA_Dummy + 0x0003)
- /* orientation values */
- #define LORIENT_NONE 0
- #define LORIENT_HORIZ 1
- #define LORIENT_VERT 2
- /* Gadget Method ID's */
- #define GM_Dummy (-1) /* not used for anything */
- #define GM_HITTEST (0) /* return GMR_GADGETHIT if you are clicked on
- * (whether or not you are disabled).
- */
- #define GM_RENDER (1) /* draw yourself, in the appropriate state */
- #define GM_GOACTIVE (2) /* you are now going to be fed input */
- #define GM_HANDLEINPUT (3) /* handle that input */
- #define GM_GOINACTIVE (4) /* whether or not by choice, you are done */
- /* Parameter "Messages" passed to gadget class methods */
- /* GM_HITTEST */
- struct gpHitTest {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *gpht_GInfo;
- struct {
- } gpht_Mouse;
- };
- /* GM_HITTEST return value */
- #define GMR_GADGETHIT (0x00000004) /* if no hit, return 0 */
- /* GM_RENDER */
- struct gpRender {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *gpr_GInfo; /* gadget context */
- struct RastPort *gpr_RPort; /* all ready for use */
- LONG gpr_Redraw; /* might be a "highlight pass" */
- };
- /* values of gpr_Redraw */
- #define GREDRAW_UPDATE (2) /* incremental update, e.g. prop slider */
- #define GREDRAW_REDRAW (1) /* redraw gadget */
- #define GREDRAW_TOGGLE (0) /* toggle highlight, if applicable */
- struct gpInput {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *gpi_GInfo;
- struct InputEvent *gpi_IEvent;
- LONG *gpi_Termination;
- struct {
- } gpi_Mouse;
- };
- /* GM_HANDLEINPUT and GM_GOACTIVE return code flags */
- /* return GMR_MEACTIVE (0) alone if you want more input.
- * Otherwise, return ONE of GMR_NOREUSE and GMR_REUSE, and optionally
- */
- #define GMR_MEACTIVE (0)
- #define GMR_NOREUSE (1 << 1)
- #define GMR_REUSE (1 << 2)
- #define GMR_VERIFY (1 << 3) /* you MUST set cgp_Termination */
- /* New for V37:
- * You can end activation with one of GMR_NEXTACTIVE and GMR_PREVACTIVE,
- * which instructs Intuition to activate the next or previous gadget
- * that has GFLG_TABCYCLE set.
- */
- #define GMR_NEXTACTIVE (1 << 4)
- #define GMR_PREVACTIVE (1 << 5)
- struct gpGoInactive {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *gpgi_GInfo;
- /* V37 field only! DO NOT attempt to read under V36! */
- ULONG gpgi_Abort; /* gpgi_Abort=1 if gadget was aborted
- * by Intuition and 0 if gadget went
- * inactive at its own request
- */
- };
- /* Include obsolete identifiers: */
- #include <intuition/iobsolete.h>
- #endif
- #endif