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- /*
- ** $Filename: libraries/commodities.h $
- ** $Release: 2.04 Includes, V37.4 $
- ** $Revision: 37.1 $
- ** $Date: 91/04/15 $
- **
- ** Commodities definitions.
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 1988-1991 Commodore-Amiga Inc.
- ** All Rights Reserved
- */
- #ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #endif
- /*************************
- * object creation macros
- *************************/
- #define CxFilter(d) CreateCxObj((LONG)CX_FILTER, (LONG) d, 0)
- #define CxTypeFilter(type) CreateCxObj((LONG)CX_TYPEFILTER, (LONG) type, 0)
- #define CxSender(port,id) CreateCxObj((LONG)CX_SEND, (LONG) port, (LONG) id)
- #define CxSignal(task,sig) CreateCxObj((LONG)CX_SIGNAL,(LONG) task, (LONG) sig)
- #define CxTranslate(ie) CreateCxObj((LONG)CX_TRANSLATE, (LONG) ie, 0)
- #define CxDebug(id) CreateCxObj((LONG)CX_DEBUG, (LONG) id, 0)
- #define CxCustom(action,id) CreateCxObj((LONG)CX_CUSTOM,(LONG)action,(LONG)id)
- /***************
- * Broker stuff
- ***************/
- /* buffer sizes */
- #define CBD_NAMELEN 24
- #define CBD_TITLELEN 40
- #define CBD_DESCRLEN 40
- /* CxBroker errors */
- #define CBERR_OK 0 /* No error */
- #define CBERR_SYSERR 1 /* System error , no memory, etc */
- #define CBERR_DUP 2 /* uniqueness violation */
- #define CBERR_VERSION 3 /* didn't understand nb_VERSION */
- #define NB_VERSION 5 /* Version of NewBroker structure */
- struct NewBroker {
- BYTE nb_Version; /* set to NB_VERSION */
- BYTE *nb_Name;
- BYTE *nb_Title;
- BYTE *nb_Descr;
- SHORT nb_Unique;
- SHORT nb_Flags;
- BYTE nb_Pri;
- struct MsgPort *nb_Port;
- WORD nb_ReservedChannel; /* plans for later port sharing */
- };
- /* Flags for nb_Unique */
- #define NBU_DUPLICATE 0
- #define NBU_UNIQUE 1 /* will not allow duplicates */
- #define NBU_NOTIFY 2 /* sends CXM_UNIQUE to existing broker */
- /* Flags for nb_Flags */
- #define COF_SHOW_HIDE 4
- /********
- * cxusr
- ********/
- /** Fake data types for system private objects */
- #ifndef CX_H
- typedef LONG CxObj;
- typedef LONG CxMsg;
- #endif
- /* Pointer to Function returning Long */
- typedef LONG (*PFL)();
- /********************************/
- /** Commodities Object Types **/
- /********************************/
- #define CX_INVALID 0 /* not a valid object (probably null) */
- #define CX_FILTER 1 /* input event messages only */
- #define CX_TYPEFILTER 2 /* filter on message type */
- #define CX_SEND 3 /* sends a message */
- #define CX_SIGNAL 4 /* sends a signal */
- #define CX_TRANSLATE 5 /* translates IE into chain */
- #define CX_BROKER 6 /* application representative */
- #define CX_DEBUG 7 /* dumps kprintf to serial port */
- #define CX_CUSTOM 8 /* application provids function */
- #define CX_ZERO 9 /* system terminator node */
- /*****************/
- /** CxMsg types **/
- /*****************/
- #define CXM_UNIQUE (1 << 4) /* sent down broker by CxBroker() */
- /* Obsolete: subsumed by CXM_COMMAND (below) */
- /* Messages of this type rattle around the Commodities input network.
- * They will be sent to you by a Sender object, and passed to you
- * as a synchronous function call by a Custom object.
- *
- * The message port or function entry point is stored in the object,
- * and the ID field of the message will be set to what you arrange
- * issuing object.
- *
- * The Data field will point to the input event triggering the
- * message.
- */
- #define CXM_IEVENT (1 << 5)
- /* These messages are sent to a port attached to your Broker.
- * They are sent to you when the controller program wants your
- * program to do something. The ID field identifies the command.
- *
- * The Data field will be used later.
- */
- #define CXM_COMMAND (1 << 6)
- /* ID values */
- #define CXCMD_DISABLE (15) /* please disable yourself */
- #define CXCMD_ENABLE (17) /* please enable yourself */
- #define CXCMD_APPEAR (19) /* open your window, if you can */
- #define CXCMD_DISAPPEAR (21) /* go dormant */
- #define CXCMD_KILL (23) /* go away for good */
- #define CXCMD_UNIQUE (25) /* someone tried to create a broker
- * with your name. Suggest you Appear.
- */
- #define CXCMD_LIST_CHG (27) /* Used by Exchange program. Someone */
- /* has changed the broker list */
- /* return values for BrokerCommand(): */
- #define CMDE_OK (0)
- #define CMDE_NOBROKER (-1)
- #define CMDE_NOPORT (-2)
- #define CMDE_NOMEM (-3)
- * Only CXM_IEVENT messages are passed through the input network.
- *
- * Other types of messages are sent to an optional port in your broker.
- *
- * This means that you must test the message type in your message handling,
- * if input messages and command messages come to the same port.
- *
- * Older programs have no broker port, so processing loops which
- * make assumptions about type won't encounter the new message types.
- *
- * The TypeFilter CxObject is hereby obsolete.
- *
- * It is less convenient for the application, but eliminates testing
- * for type of input messages.
- */
- /**********************************************************/
- /** CxObj Error Flags (return values from CxObjError()) **/
- /**********************************************************/
- #define COERR_ISNULL 1 /* you called CxError(NULL) */
- #define COERR_NULLATTACH 2 /* someone attached NULL to my list */
- #define COERR_BADFILTER 4 /* a bad filter description was given */
- #define COERR_BADTYPE 8 /* unmatched type-specific operation */
- /*****
- * ix
- *****/
- #define IX_VERSION 2
- struct InputXpression {
- UBYTE ix_Version; /* must be set to IX_VERSION */
- UBYTE ix_Class; /* class must match exactly */
- UWORD ix_Code;
- UWORD ix_CodeMask; /* normally used for UPCODE */
- UWORD ix_Qualifier;
- UWORD ix_QualMask;
- UWORD ix_QualSame; /* synonyms in qualifier */
- };
- typedef struct InputXpression IX;
- /* QualSame identifiers */
- #define IXSYM_SHIFT 1 /* left- and right- shift are equivalent */
- #define IXSYM_CAPS 2 /* either shift or caps lock are equivalent */
- #define IXSYM_ALT 4 /* left- and right- alt are equivalent */
- /* corresponding QualSame masks */
- #define IX_NORMALQUALS 0x7FFF;/* for QualMask field: avoid RELATIVEMOUSE */
- /* matches nothing */
- #define NULL_IX(I) ((I)->ix_Class == IECLASS_NULL)
- #endif