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- C Tips and Tricks --- Writing Reentrant C Programs
- ==================================================
- by Carolyn Scheppner
- NOTE - In general, you should use the startup code provided
- by your compiler, and your compiler's mechanism for producing
- reentrant code. However, if you are writing assembler code
- or if you are writing Amiga-specific non-base-relative C code
- using direct Amiga (or amiga.lib) file and stdio functions,
- or if your compiler provides no mechanism for creating reentrant
- code, then read on.
- The Workbench RESIDENT command loads one copy of a command and
- adds it to DOS's resident list, making pre-loaded commands available for
- shared access by multiple processes. The CLI and Workbench do not yet
- make use of resident commands, but rather load a new copy of a command
- each time it is called. The Amiga Shell, however, looks for and uses
- commands which have been made resident. Resident commands make efficient
- use of memory and reduce memory fragmentation. In addition, the quick
- response of resident commands can significantly speed up command line
- work and system performance in general.
- Unfortunately, most existing Amiga programs are not reentrant and will
- not work properly if one resident copy is used by more than one process,
- because they contain global and static variables which would be reused by
- code is entered. This can be dangerous on successive calls to the code
- and disastrous if more than one process is using the code at the same time.
- The following small program, Test.c, demonstrates many of the problems
- which can keep C code from being reentrant. The comments in the code are
- somewhat specific to programs linked with Astartup.obj and LIBRARY Amiga.lib,
- LC.lib, but the problems and questions are relevant for any type of Amiga
- development.
- /*===========================================================================*/
- /* Test.c - A small program with big problems if made resident
- * Use -v on LC2, link with Astartup.obj ... LIBRARY Amiga.lib, LC.lib
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <libraries/dos.h>
- #include <workbench/startup.h>
- /* If this is a global in startup code, we'll be in trouble if
- * Workbench ever starts using the resident list.
- */
- extern struct WBStartup *WBenchMsg;
- /* A global message string - won't be modified and can be shared if resident */
- UBYTE *usage = "Usage: test filename\n";
- /* Initialized to 0 now - but will they be when next process uses the code? */
- LONG file = 0L;
- ULONG IconBase = 0L;
- BOOL FromWb = 0;
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- FromWb = argc ? FALSE : TRUE;
- /* If this was a Workbench application, we'd be using extern WBenchMsg
- * to get Workbench args.
- * We'll assume CLI-only program for this small example.
- */
- if(FromWb) exit(RETURN_FAIL);
- /* Any invocation of the code could fail at any one of these three points.
- * In addition, if two processes use the code at once, each one's value
- * for file will wipe out the previous value.
- */
- /* 1 - Did we get a filename ? */
- if(argc != 2) cleanexit(usage,RETURN_OK);
- /* 2 - Can we open the file ?
- *
- * Argv array and buffer may be a reused area in the startup module.
- * If another process is using this code, we may have overwritten
- * their argv array and buffer.
- */
- file = Open(argv[1],MODE_OLDFILE);
- /* We may have just overwritten another process's file handle
- * with our own, or with 0 if we failed to open our file.
- */
- if(!file) cleanexit("Can't open file\n",RETURN_FAIL);
- /* 3 - Can we open a library ? */
- IconBase = OpenLibrary("icon.library",0);
- /* This global is necessary, but can cause problems in cleanup */
- if(!IconBase) cleanexit("Can't open icon.library\n",RETURN_FAIL);
- Delay(100);
- /* Problems here if two processes using code:
- * Printf() may reference a global _stdout set up by startup code.
- * And argv buffer may have been reused by another process.
- * Whose argv and stdout will we get ?
- */
- printf("filename = %s\n", argv[1]);
- cleanup();
- exit(RETURN_OK);
- }
- cleanexit(s,err)
- UBYTE *s;
- int err;
- {
- /* Another printf, possibly referencing a reused global _stdout */
- if(*s) printf(s);
- cleanup();
- exit(err);
- }
- cleanup()
- {
- /* What if we aborted before opening icon.library ?
- * If another process opened it, we are going to Close it.
- * It might even get expunged while the other process is using it.
- */
- if(IconBase) CloseLibrary(IconBase);
- /* Whose file are we closing ?
- * Or maybe our open failed and we zero'd out someone else's handle.
- */
- if(file) Close(file);
- }
- /* end */
- /*===========================================================================*/
- Making Test.c Reentrant
- =======================
- Despite all of its problems, Test.c can be made reentrant with a
- bit of recoding and some new reentrant startup code - Rstartup.asm.
- Rstartup.asm is a new version of Astartup.asm which is reentrant if
- no globals other than _DOSBase and _SysBase are referenced. The classic
- Astartup code contained global variables for stdio handles and the WBStartup
- message, and also used a static memory area for the argv array and strings.
- Rstartup dynamically allocates the argv memory, and only sets up the
- global variables when conditionally assembled as an Astartup replacement
- for non-reentrant code. Rstartup.asm can be conditionally assembled to
- produce Astartup and TWstartup replacements as well as Resident-Only
- versions without globals. All Rstartups are smaller than their predecessors
- due to code consolidation and allocation of the argv array and buffer.
- Now that we have reentrant startup code for our program, we must modify
- the C code so that it is reentrant. System library functions are reentrant.
- Amiga.lib csupport and exec_support functions are almost all reentrant.
- (The random number functions use a static seed variable. The stdio functions
- such as printf, puts, and getchar reference the globals stdin and stdout
- and cannot be used in reentrant code.) Our Test.c program only calls
- Amiga.lib functions, system functions, and its own subroutines. If we
- modify Test.c according to the following rules, we can make it reentrant.
- Then we can link it with an Rstartup to produce a "pure" executable which
- can be made resident.
- Rules for Reentrant Code
- ========================
- - Make no direct or indirect (printf, etc) references to the
- globals _stdin, _stdout, _stderr, _errno, or _WBenchMsg.
- - For stdio use either special versions of printf and getchar
- that use Input() and Output() rather than _stdin and _stdout,
- or use fprintf and fgetc with Input() and Output() file handles.
- - Workbench applications must get the pointer to the WBenchMsg
- from argv rather than from a global extern WBenchMsg.
- - Use no global or static variables within your code. Instead,
- put all former globals in a dynamically allocated structure, and
- pass around a pointer to that structure. The only acceptable
- globals are constants (message strings, etc) and global copies
- of Library Bases to resolve Amiga.lib references. Your code
- must return all OpenLibrary's into non-global variables,
- copy the result to the global library base only if successful,
- and use the non-globals when deciding whether to Close any
- opened libraries.
- /*===========================================================================*/
- Here's Test.c, recoded for reentrancy if linked with Rstartup.
- /* Reentrant Test.c
- * Use -v on LC2, link with Rstartup.obj ... LIBRARY Amiga.lib, LC.lib
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <libraries/dos.h>
- #include <workbench/startup.h>
- /* No global extern for WBenchMsg - it will be passed in argv */
- /* A global message string - won't be modified and can be shared if resident */
- UBYTE *usage = "Usage: test filename\n";
- /* We still need global library bases, but will handle them differently */
- ULONG IconBase = 0L;
- /* All of our other old globals (file, FromWb) go in a structure we define.
- * Structure also contains an entry for each library we will open.
- * And variables for input or output filehandles if we need them.
- * And pointer to WBStartup message for Workbench applications.
- * You can also consolidate any other dynamic allocations such as buffers
- * by putting them in this structure.
- */
- struct Variables
- {
- LONG file;
- BOOL FromWb;
- ULONG iconbase;
- LONG output;
- struct WBStartup *wbenchmsg;
- };
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- /* Non-static variables within any function, including main(), are OK
- * in reentrant programs - they are local variables on process stack.
- */
- struct Variables *var; /* a local pointer for our Variables strcuture */
- /* First we allocate and clear our variables structure */
- var = (struct Variables *)
- AllocMem(sizeof(struct Variables),MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR);
- if(!var)
- {
- /* Exit here if we can't allocate var structure.
- * Note use of fprintf() to Output() for error message.
- */
- fprintf(Output(),"Not enough memory\n");
- exit(RETURN_FAIL);
- }
- /* Rest of code can assume that var structure has been allocated.
- * Initialize the variables in our Variables structure.
- */
- var->FromWb = argc ? FALSE : TRUE;
- if(var->FromWb) var->wbenchmsg = (struct WBStartup *)argv;
- /* We'll still assume CLI-only program for this small example.
- * But you've seen how to get the WBenchMsg pointer.
- */
- if(var->FromWb) exit(RETURN_FAIL);
- /* We have no stdout global, so we'll store the Output() handle */
- var->output = Output();
- /* Any invocation could still fail at any one of these three points.
- * But now it's OK because our cleanup is safe.
- */
- /* 1 - Did we get a filename ?
- *
- * Argc is only on stack and is OK for reentrant programs.
- * Note that we now pass the var ptr to all of our subroutines.
- * I usually pass it as last (or only) argument.
- */
- if(argc != 2) cleanexit(usage,RETURN_OK,var);
- /* 2 - Can we open the file ?
- *
- * We initialize our local file variable.
- * Argv is now reentrant because Rstartup dynamically allocates buffers.
- */
- var->file = Open(argv[1],MODE_OLDFILE);
- if(!var->file) cleanexit("Can't open file\n",RETURN_FAIL,var);
- /* 3 - Can we open a library ?
- *
- * Very Important - OpenLibrary is now returned into our local variable.
- * We only initialize the global base if we succeed.
- */
- var->iconbase = OpenLibrary("icon.library",0);
- if(!var->iconbase) cleanexit("Can't open icon.library\n",RETURN_FAIL,var);
- IconBase = var->iconbase;
- Delay(100);
- /* We now use fprintf() instead of printf() to write to "stdout" */
- fprintf(var->output,"filename = %s\n", argv[1]);
- /* Pass var to our cleanup subroutine, then exit(n) */
- cleanup(var);
- exit(RETURN_OK);
- }
- cleanexit(s,err,var)
- UBYTE *s;
- int err;
- struct Variables *var;
- {
- /* We fprintf our error message */
- if(*s) fprintf(var->output,s);
- /* Clean up all opened and allocated things including var structure */
- cleanup(var);
- exit(err);
- }
- cleanup(var)
- struct Variables *var;
- {
- /* We know we have a var structure or we wouldn't be here */
- /* No chance of closing a library we didn't open - we test our local. */
- if(var->iconbase) CloseLibrary(var->iconbase);
- /* And we close OUR file if we got it open */
- if(var->file) Close(var->file);
- /* And last - Remember to free the Variables structure itself */
- FreeMem(var,sizeof(struct Variables));
- }
- /* end */
- /*===========================================================================*/