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- Using 3.x Amiga Includes and Libs
- =================================
- (c) Copyright 1993 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All Rights Reserved
- Disclaimer: All use is at your own risk.
- Updating your Amiga Include Files
- ---------------------------------
- Most Amiga C compilers and assemblers should be able to use unmodified
- Amiga Include files, but may ship with an older version of the includes.
- You should be able to decompress the .h and/or .i archives provided
- here, and copy the newer include files over your existing includes
- (Note - if you are at all unsure whether your compiler or assembler
- can use unmodified Amiga includes, then first make a backup of your
- old include directory). The Amiga includes do not contain any root
- level or other compiler-specific include files like stdio.h.
- Copying the Amiga includes over your existing includes will only
- replace older Amiga-specific include files. We have used unmodified
- Amiga include files with SAS C, Manz Aztec C, DICE, HX68 and Cape.
- Updating your Libs
- ------------------
- You will also need to update your compiler's linker libs with the
- newer Amiga linker libs. Some compilers can use our libs as-is.
- (I believe SAS and Manx are in this category, as well as most
- assemblers). Other compilers may provide a tools which will
- allow you to convert our Amiga.lib and other libs to the format
- the compiler requires (I believe DICE is in this category).
- Updating Your FD's
- ------------------
- If you keep the FD files on your system (for use with tools like LVO),
- or if your language requires FD files, these may be found in the FD
- archive. Some compilers provide tools which can convert FD files
- into pragma or other register interface description files which
- can help your code be smaller and faster. (SAS fd2pragma for example).
- The updated LVO tool (from SWToolkit3) can now generate _lib.i style
- output for use with assemblers. LVO, in conjuction with the FD files
- (in a directory assigned the name FD:) can also be used to look
- up function interface information, or to generate command lines for
- Wedge (SWToolkit3).
- Compiling New Code to Work on Older OS's
- ----------------------------------------
- This is relatively easy. Just don't use any functions/flags/tags
- which are newer than the earliest OS you need to run under. Consult
- the comments in the include files and autodocs for notes on when various
- functions/flags/tags/structures were added. If starting from example
- code, you should probably start with examples written for the
- earliest OS you need to work under, or search out backwards-compatible
- examples which conditionally take advantage of new features.
- Check out the 2.0 Addison-Wesley Rom Kernel Manuals, and also the
- example code from the 2.0 and 1.3 Rom Kernel Manuals (on Fish Disks).
- Then, whenever new functions are available to replace old methods
- of allocation or initialization, conditionally use the new methods.
- Old methods may not work on all systems and are less upwards-compatible.
- Read all of the compatibility documents you can find (see back of
- the 2.0 RKM Libraries manual, and see any 3.x Compatibility documents.
- And be sure to test your code under all OS's you support. If you do
- anything with graphics or Intuition, be sure to test on an AA machine
- with mode promotion on (IControl Prefs). And if you open on the
- Workbench screen, be sure to test with large Workbench fonts, mode
- promotion on, AND an odd-sized Workbench screen.
- NOTE: New ASL Tags
- The asl.library now supports some new individual tags for
- old features. Many features which could previously only be accessed
- via FuncFlag tag bits now have their own tags. Warning - even
- though many of these features existed even in V37 asl.library,
- the new individual tags for requesting them ARE NOT INTERPRETED until
- V38 asl.library. If you need to be compatible with V37 asl.library,
- see the old tag and bit definitions at the end of asl.h.
- A better solution for Workbench license-holders is to distribute
- the V38 asl.library with your program (a free ASL amendment is
- available for Workbench license holders. The V38 asl.library also
- is the earliest asl.library which contains the screen mode requester.
- NOTE: New Safer Intuition Flag Names
- Old code often had problems with Intuition flags being set in the
- wrong fields or being used incorrectly. New consistent flag
- names with prefixes were added in V37. Use of these new names
- for old features (such as WFLG_SIZEGADGET and IDCMP_GADGETUP)
- makes it difficult to sets flag bits in the wrong places.
- Note that these new flag names for old intuition features
- generally have the same bit values as the old names, and may
- be used for any version of Intuition which support the feature.
- To enforce use of the newer/safer/consistent naming conventions, new
- code which uses Intuition should include the following #define before
- including any intuition headers, and should use only the new names for
- the various Intuition flags. Use of the following #define will prevent
- use of the old flag names which are now in intuition/iobsolete.h
- #define INTUI_V36_NAMES_ONLY
- Compiling Old Code
- ------------------
- Old code should compile fine with newer includes except for the
- fact that compilers have grown smarter and pickier. Many old
- coding mistakes may be picked up. In addition, the default settings
- for compilers have changed, often to base-relative settings, so
- code containing subtasks or handlers will probably require newer
- compiler switches to disable base-relative data or special compiler
- directives added to the subtask or handler code (consult your
- compiler manual). In addition, by default, many compilers now
- require prototypes (ours are in clib/) and this is good, so you
- might need to start including prototype files, and perhaps add some
- casting to places where compilers didn't complain before. One other
- compiler-dependent thing is how to disable a compiler's CTRL-C handling.
- For example, old code might disable old Lattice's CTRL-C handling but
- the same lines might not disable SAS's CTRL-C handling.
- For SAS or Lattice, these lines should work fine unless you need
- to include the SAS root level dos.h header which contains an incorrect
- prototype which conflicts with this:
- #ifdef __SASC
- void __regargs __chkabort(void) {} /* Disable SAS CTRL-C checking. */
- #else
- #ifdef LATTICE
- void chkabort(void) {} /* Disable LATTICE CTRL-C checking */
- #endif
- #endif
- What Files Do You Need To Include ?
- ===================================
- A relatively small set of Amiga include files will handle most simple
- programming needs. Check out the set in the skeleton C program below.
- Those will pull in the definitions for return codes, memory allocation,
- Library structures, screens, windows, and simple graphics, plus your C
- compiler's prototypes and definitions for stdio, file io, etc.
- You will need to add these include files to the skeleton for the following
- common activities:
- devices/(whatever).h - If using the (whatever).device
- dos/dosextens.h - If using process or packet structures
- dos/exall.h - If using ExAll
- dos/rdargs.h - If using ReadArgs
- exec/tasks.h - If you have subtasks or need to access tasks
- exec/interrupts.h - If you have interrupt code
- graphics/gfxmacros.h - If you need graphics macros
- hardware/(xxx).h - If you need bits/registers of some Amiga hardware
- libraries/asl.h - If using asl.library (and clib/asl_protos.h)
- libraries/diskfont.h - If using diskfonts
- libraries/gadtools.h - If using gadtools (and clib/gadtools.h)
- utility/tagitem.h - If manipulating tags (and clib/utility.h)
- workbench/startup.h - If parsing Workbench startup args
- workbench/workbench.h - If accessing icons or tooltypes (and clib/icon.h)
- If you still have unresolved structure/flag names, you can look
- them up in the C Cross Reference in the 2.0 Addison-Wesley Includes
- and Autodocs manual, or use C:search as follows to find the file which
- defines what you are looking for:
- search include:#?/#?.h structname (or flag name)
- Sample Skeleton C Program
- =========================
- Example of a simple skeleton C program where "xxxx" can be globally
- replaced with the program name.
- ;/* xxxx.c - Execute me to compile me with SAS C 6.x
- SC xxxx.c data=near nominc strmer streq nostkchk saveds ign=73
- Slink FROM LIB:c.o,xxxx.o TO xxxx LIBRARY LIB:SC.lib,LIB:Amiga.lib ND
- quit
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
- #include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #ifdef __SASC
- void __regargs __chkabort(void) {} /* Disable SAS CTRL-C checking. */
- #else
- #ifdef LATTICE
- void chkabort(void) {} /* Disable LATTICE CTRL-C checking */
- #endif
- #endif
- #define MINARGS 1
- UBYTE *vers = "\0$VER: xxxx 40.1";
- UBYTE *Copyright =
- "xxxx v40.1\n(c) Copyright 1993 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All Rights Reserved";
- UBYTE *usage = "Usage: xxxx";
- void bye(UBYTE *s, int e);
- void cleanup(void);
- /* library bases here
- struct Library *IntuitionBase = NULL;
- etc.
- */
- void main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- if(((argc)&&(argc<MINARGS))||((argc>1)&&(argv[argc-1][0]=='?')))
- {
- printf("%s\n%s\n",Copyright,usage);
- bye("",RETURN_OK);
- }
- /* library opens here
- if(!(IntuitionBase = OpenLibrary("intuition.library",37)))
- {
- bye("Can't open V37+ intuition.library",RETURN_FAIL);
- }
- etc.
- */
- bye("",RETURN_OK);
- }
- void bye(UBYTE *s, int e)
- {
- if(*s) printf("%s\n",s);
- cleanup();
- exit(e);
- }
- void cleanup(void)
- {
- /* library closes here
- if(IntuitionBase) CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase);
- etc.
- */
- }