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- ##base _UtilityBase
- ##bias 30
- ##public
- *--- functions in V36 or higher (Release 2.0) ---
- *
- * Tag item functions
- *
- FindTagItem(tagVal,tagList)(d0/a0)
- GetTagData(tagValue,defaultVal,tagList)(d0/d1/a0)
- PackBoolTags(initialFlags,tagList,boolMap)(d0/a0/a1)
- NextTagItem(tagListPtr)(a0)
- FilterTagChanges(changeList,originalList,apply)(a0/a1,d0)
- MapTags(tagList,mapList,mapType)(a0/a1,d0)
- AllocateTagItems(numTags)(d0)
- CloneTagItems(tagList)(a0)
- FreeTagItems(tagList)(a0)
- RefreshTagItemClones(clone,original)(a0/a1)
- TagInArray(tagValue,tagArray)(d0/a0)
- FilterTagItems(tagList,filterArray,logic)(a0/a1,d0)
- *
- * Hook functions
- *
- CallHookPkt(hook,object,paramPacket)(a0/a2,a1)
- *--- (1 function slot reserved here) ---
- ##bias 114
- *
- * Date functions
- *
- *--- (1 function slot reserved here) ---
- ##bias 120
- Amiga2Date(seconds,result)(d0/a0)
- Date2Amiga(date)(a0)
- CheckDate(date)(a0)
- *
- * 32 bit integer muliply functions
- *
- SMult32(arg1,arg2)(d0/d1)
- UMult32(arg1,arg2)(d0/d1)
- *
- * 32 bit integer division funtions. The quotient and the remainder are
- * returned respectively in d0 and d1
- *
- SDivMod32(dividend,divisor)(d0/d1)
- UDivMod32(dividend,divisor)(d0/d1)
- *--- functions in V37 or higher (Release 2.04) ---
- *
- * International string routines
- *
- Stricmp(string1,string2)(a0/a1)
- Strnicmp(string1,string2,length)(a0/a1,d0)
- ToUpper(character)(d0)
- ToLower(character)(d0)
- *--- functions in V39 or higher (Release 3) ---
- *
- * More tag Item functions
- *
- ApplyTagChanges(list,changeList)(a0/a1)
- *--- (1 function slot reserved here) ---
- ##bias 198
- *
- * 64 bit integer muliply functions. The results are 64 bit quantities
- * returned in D0 and D1
- *
- SMult64(arg1,arg2)(d0/d1)
- UMult64(arg1,arg2)(d0/d1)
- *
- * Structure to Tag and Tag to Structure support routines
- *
- PackStructureTags(pack,packTable,tagList)(a0/a1/a2)
- UnpackStructureTags(pack,packTable,tagList)(a0/a1/a2)
- *
- * New, object-oriented NameSpaces
- *
- AddNamedObject(nameSpace,object)(a0/a1)
- AllocNamedObjectA(name,tagList)(a0/a1)
- AttemptRemNamedObject(object)(a0)
- FindNamedObject(nameSpace,name,lastObject)(a0/a1/a2)
- FreeNamedObject(object)(a0)
- NamedObjectName(object)(a0)
- ReleaseNamedObject(object)(a0)
- RemNamedObject(object,message)(a0/a1)
- *
- * Unique ID generator
- *
- GetUniqueID()()
- *
- *--- (4 function slots reserved here) ---
- ##bias 300
- *
- ##end