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- /*
- **
- ** $VER: trackdisk.h 33.13 (28.11.90)
- ** Includes Release 40.15
- **
- ** trackdisk device structure and value definitions
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 1985-1993 Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
- ** All Rights Reserved
- **
- */
- #ifndef EXEC_IO_H
- #include "exec/io.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef EXEC_DEVICES_H
- #include "exec/devices.h"
- #endif
- /*
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Physical drive constants
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /* OBSOLETE -- use the TD_GETNUMTRACKS command! */
- /*#define NUMCYLS 80*/ /* normal # of cylinders */
- /*#define MAXCYLS (NUMCYLS+20)*/ /* max # cyls to look for during cal */
- /*#define NUMHEADS 2*/
- #define NUMSECS 11
- #define NUMUNITS 4
- /*
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Useful constants
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /*-- sizes before mfm encoding */
- #define TD_SECTOR 512
- #define TD_SECSHIFT 9 /* log TD_SECTOR */
- /*
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Driver Specific Commands
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /*
- *-- TD_NAME is a generic macro to get the name of the driver. This
- *-- way if the name is ever changed you will pick up the change
- *-- automatically.
- *--
- *-- Normal usage would be:
- *--
- *-- char internalName[] = TD_NAME;
- *--
- */
- #define TD_NAME "trackdisk.device"
- #define TDF_EXTCOM (1<<15) /* for internal use only! */
- #define TD_MOTOR (CMD_NONSTD+0) /* control the disk's motor */
- #define TD_SEEK (CMD_NONSTD+1) /* explicit seek (for testing) */
- #define TD_FORMAT (CMD_NONSTD+2) /* format disk */
- #define TD_REMOVE (CMD_NONSTD+3) /* notify when disk changes */
- #define TD_CHANGENUM (CMD_NONSTD+4) /* number of disk changes */
- #define TD_CHANGESTATE (CMD_NONSTD+5) /* is there a disk in the drive? */
- #define TD_PROTSTATUS (CMD_NONSTD+6) /* is the disk write protected? */
- #define TD_RAWREAD (CMD_NONSTD+7) /* read raw bits from the disk */
- #define TD_RAWWRITE (CMD_NONSTD+8) /* write raw bits to the disk */
- #define TD_GETDRIVETYPE (CMD_NONSTD+9) /* get the type of the disk drive */
- #define TD_GETNUMTRACKS (CMD_NONSTD+10) /* # of tracks for this type drive */
- #define TD_ADDCHANGEINT (CMD_NONSTD+11) /* TD_REMOVE done right */
- #define TD_REMCHANGEINT (CMD_NONSTD+12) /* remove softint set by ADDCHANGEINT */
- #define TD_GETGEOMETRY (CMD_NONSTD+13) /* gets the disk geometry table */
- #define TD_EJECT (CMD_NONSTD+14) /* for those drives that support it */
- /*
- *
- * The disk driver has an "extended command" facility. These commands
- * take a superset of the normal IO Request block.
- *
- */
- /*
- *
- * extended IO has a larger than normal io request block.
- *
- */
- struct IOExtTD {
- struct IOStdReq iotd_Req;
- ULONG iotd_Count;
- ULONG iotd_SecLabel;
- };
- /*
- * This is the structure returned by TD_DRIVEGEOMETRY
- * Note that the layout can be defined three ways:
- *
- * 1. TotalSectors
- * 2. Cylinders and CylSectors
- * 3. Cylinders, Heads, and TrackSectors.
- *
- * #1 is most accurate, #2 is less so, and #3 is least accurate. All
- * are usable, though #2 and #3 may waste some portion of the available
- * space on some drives.
- */
- struct DriveGeometry {
- ULONG dg_SectorSize; /* in bytes */
- ULONG dg_TotalSectors; /* total # of sectors on drive */
- ULONG dg_Cylinders; /* number of cylinders */
- ULONG dg_CylSectors; /* number of sectors/cylinder */
- ULONG dg_Heads; /* number of surfaces */
- ULONG dg_TrackSectors; /* number of sectors/track */
- ULONG dg_BufMemType; /* preferred buffer memory type */
- /* (usually MEMF_PUBLIC) */
- UBYTE dg_DeviceType; /* codes as defined in the SCSI-2 spec*/
- UBYTE dg_Flags; /* flags, including removable */
- UWORD dg_Reserved;
- };
- /* device types */
- #define DG_DIRECT_ACCESS 0
- #define DG_PRINTER 2
- #define DG_PROCESSOR 3
- #define DG_WORM 4
- #define DG_CDROM 5
- #define DG_SCANNER 6
- #define DG_OPTICAL_DISK 7
- #define DG_UNKNOWN 31
- /* flags */
- #define DGB_REMOVABLE 0
- #define DGF_REMOVABLE 1
- /*
- ** raw read and write can be synced with the index pulse. This flag
- ** in io request's IO_FLAGS field tells the driver that you want this.
- */
- #define IOTDF_INDEXSYNC (1<<4)
- /*
- ** raw read and write can be synced with a $4489 sync pattern. This flag
- ** in io request's IO_FLAGS field tells the driver that you want this.
- */
- #define IOTDB_WORDSYNC 5
- #define IOTDF_WORDSYNC (1<<5)
- /* labels are TD_LABELSIZE bytes per sector */
- #define TD_LABELSIZE 16
- /*
- ** This is a bit in the FLAGS field of OpenDevice. If it is set, then
- ** the driver will allow you to open all the disks that the trackdisk
- ** driver understands. Otherwise only 3.5" disks will succeed.
- */
- #define TDB_ALLOW_NON_3_5 0
- #define TDF_ALLOW_NON_3_5 (1<<0)
- /*
- ** If you set the TDB_ALLOW_NON_3_5 bit in OpenDevice, then you don't
- ** know what type of disk you really got. These defines are for the
- ** TD_GETDRIVETYPE command. In addition, you can find out how many
- ** tracks are supported via the TD_GETNUMTRACKS command.
- */
- #define DRIVE3_5 1
- #define DRIVE5_25 2
- #define DRIVE3_5_150RPM 3
- /*
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Driver error defines
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- #define TDERR_NotSpecified 20 /* general catchall */
- #define TDERR_NoSecHdr 21 /* couldn't even find a sector */
- #define TDERR_BadSecPreamble 22 /* sector looked wrong */
- #define TDERR_BadSecID 23 /* ditto */
- #define TDERR_BadHdrSum 24 /* header had incorrect checksum */
- #define TDERR_BadSecSum 25 /* data had incorrect checksum */
- #define TDERR_TooFewSecs 26 /* couldn't find enough sectors */
- #define TDERR_BadSecHdr 27 /* another "sector looked wrong" */
- #define TDERR_WriteProt 28 /* can't write to a protected disk */
- #define TDERR_DiskChanged 29 /* no disk in the drive */
- #define TDERR_SeekError 30 /* couldn't find track 0 */
- #define TDERR_NoMem 31 /* ran out of memory */
- #define TDERR_BadUnitNum 32 /* asked for a unit > NUMUNITS */
- #define TDERR_BadDriveType 33 /* not a drive that trackdisk groks */
- #define TDERR_DriveInUse 34 /* someone else allocated the drive */
- #define TDERR_PostReset 35 /* user hit reset; awaiting doom */
- /*
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * public portion of the unit structure
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- struct TDU_PublicUnit {
- struct Unit tdu_Unit; /* base message port */
- UWORD tdu_Comp01Track; /* track for first precomp */
- UWORD tdu_Comp10Track; /* track for second precomp */
- UWORD tdu_Comp11Track; /* track for third precomp */
- ULONG tdu_StepDelay; /* time to wait after stepping */
- ULONG tdu_SettleDelay; /* time to wait after seeking */
- UBYTE tdu_RetryCnt; /* # of times to retry */
- UBYTE tdu_PubFlags; /* public flags, see below */
- UWORD tdu_CurrTrk; /* track the heads are over... */
- ULONG tdu_CalibrateDelay; /* time to wait after stepping */
- /* during a recalibrate */
- ULONG tdu_Counter; /* counter for disk changes... */
- };
- /* flags for tdu_PubFlags */
- #define TDPB_NOCLICK 0
- #define TDPF_NOCLICK (1L << 0)
- #endif /* DEVICES_TRACKDISK_H */