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- /*
- ** $VER: classes.h 38.1 (11.11.91)
- ** Includes Release 40.15
- **
- ** Used only by class implementors
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 1989-1993 Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
- ** All Rights Reserved
- */
- #include <utility/hooks.h>
- #endif
- #include <intuition/classusr.h>
- #endif
- /*******************************************/
- /*** "White box" access to struct IClass ***/
- /*******************************************/
- /* This structure is READ-ONLY, and allocated only by Intuition */
- typedef struct IClass {
- struct Hook cl_Dispatcher;
- ULONG cl_Reserved; /* must be 0 */
- struct IClass *cl_Super;
- ClassID cl_ID;
- /* where within an object is the instance data for this class? */
- UWORD cl_InstOffset;
- UWORD cl_InstSize;
- ULONG cl_UserData; /* per-class data of your choice */
- ULONG cl_SubclassCount;
- /* how many direct subclasses? */
- ULONG cl_ObjectCount;
- /* how many objects created of this class? */
- ULONG cl_Flags;
- #define CLF_INLIST 0x00000001 /* class is in public class list */
- } Class;
- /* add offset for instance data to an object handle */
- #define INST_DATA( cl, o ) ((VOID *) (((UBYTE *)o)+cl->cl_InstOffset))
- /* sizeof the instance data for a given class */
- #define SIZEOF_INSTANCE( cl ) ((cl)->cl_InstOffset + (cl)->cl_InstSize \
- + sizeof (struct _Object ))
- /**************************************************/
- /*** "White box" access to struct _Object ***/
- /**************************************************/
- /*
- * We have this, the instance data of the root class, PRECEDING
- * the "object". This is so that Gadget objects are Gadget pointers,
- * and so on. If this structure grows, it will always have o_Class
- * at the end, so the macro OCLASS(o) will always have the same
- * offset back from the pointer returned from NewObject().
- *
- * This data structure is subject to change. Do not use the o_Node
- * embedded structure.
- */
- struct _Object {
- struct MinNode o_Node;
- struct IClass *o_Class;
- };
- /* convenient typecast */
- #define _OBJ( o ) ((struct _Object *)(o))
- /* get "public" handle on baseclass instance from real beginning of obj data */
- #define BASEOBJECT( _obj ) ( (Object *) (_OBJ(_obj)+1) )
- /* get back to object data struct from public handle */
- #define _OBJECT( o ) (_OBJ(o) - 1)
- /* get class pointer from an object handle */
- #define OCLASS( o ) ( (_OBJECT(o))->o_Class )
- #endif