home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- ** $VER: dosextens.h 36.41 (14.5.92)
- ** Includes Release 40.15
- **
- ** DOS structures not needed for the casual AmigaDOS user
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 1985-1993 Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
- ** All Rights Reserved
- */
- #ifndef EXEC_TASKS_H
- #include "exec/tasks.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef EXEC_PORTS_H
- #include "exec/ports.h"
- #endif
- #include "exec/libraries.h"
- #endif
- #include "exec/semaphores.h"
- #endif
- #include "devices/timer.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef DOS_DOS_H
- #include "dos/dos.h"
- #endif
- /* All DOS processes have this structure */
- /* Create and Device Proc returns pointer to the MsgPort in this structure */
- /* dev_proc = (struct Process *) (DeviceProc(..) - sizeof(struct Task)); */
- struct Process {
- struct Task pr_Task;
- struct MsgPort pr_MsgPort; /* This is BPTR address from DOS functions */
- WORD pr_Pad; /* Remaining variables on 4 byte boundaries */
- BPTR pr_SegList; /* Array of seg lists used by this process */
- LONG pr_StackSize; /* Size of process stack in bytes */
- APTR pr_GlobVec; /* Global vector for this process (BCPL) */
- LONG pr_TaskNum; /* CLI task number of zero if not a CLI */
- BPTR pr_StackBase; /* Ptr to high memory end of process stack */
- LONG pr_Result2; /* Value of secondary result from last call */
- BPTR pr_CurrentDir; /* Lock associated with current directory */
- BPTR pr_CIS; /* Current CLI Input Stream */
- BPTR pr_COS; /* Current CLI Output Stream */
- APTR pr_ConsoleTask; /* Console handler process for current window*/
- APTR pr_FileSystemTask; /* File handler process for current drive */
- BPTR pr_CLI; /* pointer to CommandLineInterface */
- APTR pr_ReturnAddr; /* pointer to previous stack frame */
- APTR pr_PktWait; /* Function to be called when awaiting msg */
- APTR pr_WindowPtr; /* Window for error printing */
- /* following definitions are new with 2.0 */
- BPTR pr_HomeDir; /* Home directory of executing program */
- LONG pr_Flags; /* flags telling dos about process */
- void (*pr_ExitCode)(); /* code to call on exit of program or NULL */
- LONG pr_ExitData; /* Passed as an argument to pr_ExitCode. */
- UBYTE *pr_Arguments; /* Arguments passed to the process at start */
- struct MinList pr_LocalVars; /* Local environment variables */
- ULONG pr_ShellPrivate; /* for the use of the current shell */
- BPTR pr_CES; /* Error stream - if NULL, use pr_COS */
- }; /* Process */
- /*
- * Flags for pr_Flags
- */
- #define PRB_FREECLI 2
- #define PRF_FREECLI 4
- #define PRB_CLOSEINPUT 3
- #define PRF_CLOSEINPUT 8
- #define PRF_CLOSEOUTPUT 16
- #define PRB_FREEARGS 5
- #define PRF_FREEARGS 32
- /* The long word address (BPTR) of this structure is returned by
- * Open() and other routines that return a file. You need only worry
- * about this struct to do async io's via PutMsg() instead of
- * standard file system calls */
- struct FileHandle {
- struct Message *fh_Link; /* EXEC message */
- struct MsgPort *fh_Port; /* Reply port for the packet */
- struct MsgPort *fh_Type; /* Port to do PutMsg() to
- * Address is negative if a plain file */
- LONG fh_Buf;
- LONG fh_Pos;
- LONG fh_End;
- LONG fh_Funcs;
- #define fh_Func1 fh_Funcs
- LONG fh_Func2;
- LONG fh_Func3;
- LONG fh_Args;
- #define fh_Arg1 fh_Args
- LONG fh_Arg2;
- }; /* FileHandle */
- /* This is the extension to EXEC Messages used by DOS */
- struct DosPacket {
- struct Message *dp_Link; /* EXEC message */
- struct MsgPort *dp_Port; /* Reply port for the packet */
- /* Must be filled in each send. */
- LONG dp_Type; /* See ACTION_... below and
- * 'R' means Read, 'W' means Write to the
- * file system */
- LONG dp_Res1; /* For file system calls this is the result
- * that would have been returned by the
- * function, e.g. Write ('W') returns actual
- * length written */
- LONG dp_Res2; /* For file system calls this is what would
- * have been returned by IoErr() */
- /* Device packets common equivalents */
- #define dp_Action dp_Type
- #define dp_Status dp_Res1
- #define dp_Status2 dp_Res2
- #define dp_BufAddr dp_Arg1
- LONG dp_Arg1;
- LONG dp_Arg2;
- LONG dp_Arg3;
- LONG dp_Arg4;
- LONG dp_Arg5;
- LONG dp_Arg6;
- LONG dp_Arg7;
- }; /* DosPacket */
- /* A Packet does not require the Message to be before it in memory, but
- * for convenience it is useful to associate the two.
- * Also see the function init_std_pkt for initializing this structure */
- struct StandardPacket {
- struct Message sp_Msg;
- struct DosPacket sp_Pkt;
- }; /* StandardPacket */
- /* Packet types */
- #define ACTION_NIL 0
- #define ACTION_STARTUP 0
- #define ACTION_SET_MAP 4
- #define ACTION_DIE 5
- #define ACTION_EVENT 6
- #define ACTION_WRITE 'W'
- #define ACTION_READ 'R'
- #define ACTION_FREE_LOCK 15
- #define ACTION_MORE_CACHE 18
- #define ACTION_COPY_DIR 19
- #define ACTION_WAIT_CHAR 20
- #define ACTION_CREATE_DIR 22
- #define ACTION_DISK_INFO 25
- #define ACTION_INFO 26
- #define ACTION_FLUSH 27
- #define ACTION_PARENT 29
- #define ACTION_TIMER 30
- #define ACTION_INHIBIT 31
- #define ACTION_DISK_TYPE 32
- #define ACTION_SET_DATE 34
- #define ACTION_SCREEN_MODE 994
- #define ACTION_READ_RETURN 1001
- #define ACTION_WRITE_RETURN 1002
- #define ACTION_SEEK 1008
- #define ACTION_FINDUPDATE 1004
- #define ACTION_FINDINPUT 1005
- #define ACTION_FINDOUTPUT 1006
- #define ACTION_END 1007
- #define ACTION_SET_FILE_SIZE 1022 /* fast file system only in 1.3 */
- #define ACTION_WRITE_PROTECT 1023 /* fast file system only in 1.3 */
- /* new 2.0 packets */
- #define ACTION_SAME_LOCK 40
- #define ACTION_FORMAT 1020
- #define ACTION_MAKE_LINK 1021
- /**/
- /**/
- #define ACTION_READ_LINK 1024
- #define ACTION_FH_FROM_LOCK 1026
- #define ACTION_CHANGE_MODE 1028
- /**/
- #define ACTION_COPY_DIR_FH 1030
- #define ACTION_PARENT_FH 1031
- #define ACTION_EXAMINE_ALL 1033
- #define ACTION_EXAMINE_FH 1034
- #define ACTION_LOCK_RECORD 2008
- #define ACTION_FREE_RECORD 2009
- #define ACTION_ADD_NOTIFY 4097
- /* Added in V39: */
- #define ACTION_SET_OWNER 1036
- /* Tell a file system to serialize the current volume. This is typically
- * done by changing the creation date of the disk. This packet does not take
- * any arguments. NOTE: be prepared to handle failure of this packet for
- * V37 ROM filesystems.
- */
- /*
- * A structure for holding error messages - stored as array with error == 0
- * for the last entry.
- */
- struct ErrorString {
- LONG *estr_Nums;
- UBYTE *estr_Strings;
- };
- /* DOS library node structure.
- * This is the data at positive offsets from the library node.
- * Negative offsets from the node is the jump table to DOS functions
- * node = (struct DosLibrary *) OpenLibrary( "dos.library" .. ) */
- struct DosLibrary {
- struct Library dl_lib;
- struct RootNode *dl_Root; /* Pointer to RootNode, described below */
- APTR dl_GV; /* Pointer to BCPL global vector */
- LONG dl_A2; /* BCPL standard register values */
- LONG dl_A5;
- LONG dl_A6;
- struct ErrorString *dl_Errors; /* PRIVATE pointer to array of error msgs */
- struct timerequest *dl_TimeReq; /* PRIVATE pointer to timer request */
- struct Library *dl_UtilityBase; /* PRIVATE ptr to utility library */
- struct Library *dl_IntuitionBase; /* PRIVATE ptr to intuition library */
- }; /* DosLibrary */
- /* */
- struct RootNode {
- BPTR rn_TaskArray; /* [0] is max number of CLI's
- * [1] is APTR to process id of CLI 1
- * [n] is APTR to process id of CLI n */
- BPTR rn_ConsoleSegment; /* SegList for the CLI */
- struct DateStamp rn_Time; /* Current time */
- LONG rn_RestartSeg; /* SegList for the disk validator process */
- BPTR rn_Info; /* Pointer to the Info structure */
- BPTR rn_FileHandlerSegment; /* segment for a file handler */
- struct MinList rn_CliList; /* new list of all CLI processes */
- /* the first cpl_Array is also rn_TaskArray */
- struct MsgPort *rn_BootProc; /* private ptr to msgport of boot fs */
- BPTR rn_ShellSegment; /* seglist for Shell (for NewShell) */
- LONG rn_Flags; /* dos flags */
- }; /* RootNode */
- #define RNB_WILDSTAR 24
- #define RNF_WILDSTAR (1L<<24)
- #define RNB_PRIVATE1 1 /* private for dos */
- #define RNF_PRIVATE1 2
- /* ONLY to be allocated by DOS! */
- struct CliProcList {
- struct MinNode cpl_Node;
- LONG cpl_First; /* number of first entry in array */
- struct MsgPort **cpl_Array;
- /* [0] is max number of CLI's in this entry (n)
- * [1] is CPTR to process id of CLI cpl_First
- * [n] is CPTR to process id of CLI cpl_First+n-1
- */
- };
- struct DosInfo {
- BPTR di_McName; /* PRIVATE: system resident module list */
- #define di_ResList di_McName
- BPTR di_DevInfo; /* Device List */
- BPTR di_Devices; /* Currently zero */
- BPTR di_Handlers; /* Currently zero */
- APTR di_NetHand; /* Network handler processid; currently zero */
- struct SignalSemaphore di_DevLock; /* do NOT access directly! */
- struct SignalSemaphore di_EntryLock; /* do NOT access directly! */
- struct SignalSemaphore di_DeleteLock; /* do NOT access directly! */
- }; /* DosInfo */
- /* structure for the Dos resident list. Do NOT allocate these, use */
- /* AddSegment(), and heed the warnings in the autodocs! */
- struct Segment {
- BPTR seg_Next;
- LONG seg_UC;
- BPTR seg_Seg;
- UBYTE seg_Name[4]; /* actually the first 4 chars of BSTR name */
- };
- #define CMD_SYSTEM -1
- #define CMD_INTERNAL -2
- #define CMD_DISABLED -999
- /* DOS Processes started from the CLI via RUN or NEWCLI have this additional
- * set to data associated with them */
- struct CommandLineInterface {
- LONG cli_Result2; /* Value of IoErr from last command */
- BSTR cli_SetName; /* Name of current directory */
- BPTR cli_CommandDir; /* Head of the path locklist */
- LONG cli_ReturnCode; /* Return code from last command */
- BSTR cli_CommandName; /* Name of current command */
- LONG cli_FailLevel; /* Fail level (set by FAILAT) */
- BSTR cli_Prompt; /* Current prompt (set by PROMPT) */
- BPTR cli_StandardInput; /* Default (terminal) CLI input */
- BPTR cli_CurrentInput; /* Current CLI input */
- BSTR cli_CommandFile; /* Name of EXECUTE command file */
- LONG cli_Interactive; /* Boolean; True if prompts required */
- LONG cli_Background; /* Boolean; True if CLI created by RUN */
- BPTR cli_CurrentOutput; /* Current CLI output */
- LONG cli_DefaultStack; /* Stack size to be obtained in long words */
- BPTR cli_StandardOutput; /* Default (terminal) CLI output */
- BPTR cli_Module; /* SegList of currently loaded command */
- }; /* CommandLineInterface */
- /* This structure can take on different values depending on whether it is
- * a device, an assigned directory, or a volume. Below is the structure
- * reflecting volumes only. Following that is the structure representing
- * only devices. Following that is the unioned structure representing all
- * the values
- */
- /* structure representing a volume */
- struct DeviceList {
- BPTR dl_Next; /* bptr to next device list */
- LONG dl_Type; /* see DLT below */
- struct MsgPort * dl_Task; /* ptr to handler task */
- BPTR dl_Lock; /* not for volumes */
- struct DateStamp dl_VolumeDate; /* creation date */
- BPTR dl_LockList; /* outstanding locks */
- LONG dl_DiskType; /* 'DOS', etc */
- LONG dl_unused;
- BSTR dl_Name; /* bptr to bcpl name */
- };
- /* device structure (same as the DeviceNode structure in filehandler.h) */
- struct DevInfo {
- BPTR dvi_Next;
- LONG dvi_Type;
- APTR dvi_Task;
- BPTR dvi_Lock;
- BSTR dvi_Handler;
- LONG dvi_StackSize;
- LONG dvi_Priority;
- LONG dvi_Startup;
- BPTR dvi_SegList;
- BPTR dvi_GlobVec;
- BSTR dvi_Name;
- };
- /* combined structure for devices, assigned directories, volumes */
- struct DosList {
- BPTR dol_Next; /* bptr to next device on list */
- LONG dol_Type; /* see DLT below */
- struct MsgPort *dol_Task; /* ptr to handler task */
- BPTR dol_Lock;
- union {
- struct {
- BSTR dol_Handler; /* file name to load if seglist is null */
- LONG dol_StackSize; /* stacksize to use when starting process */
- LONG dol_Priority; /* task priority when starting process */
- ULONG dol_Startup; /* startup msg: FileSysStartupMsg for disks */
- BPTR dol_SegList; /* already loaded code for new task */
- BPTR dol_GlobVec; /* BCPL global vector to use when starting
- * a process. -1 indicates a C/Assembler
- * program. */
- } dol_handler;
- struct {
- struct DateStamp dol_VolumeDate; /* creation date */
- BPTR dol_LockList; /* outstanding locks */
- LONG dol_DiskType; /* 'DOS', etc */
- } dol_volume;
- struct {
- UBYTE *dol_AssignName; /* name for non-or-late-binding assign */
- struct AssignList *dol_List; /* for multi-directory assigns (regular) */
- } dol_assign;
- } dol_misc;
- BSTR dol_Name; /* bptr to bcpl name */
- };
- /* structure used for multi-directory assigns. AllocVec()ed. */
- struct AssignList {
- struct AssignList *al_Next;
- BPTR al_Lock;
- };
- /* definitions for dl_Type */
- #define DLT_DEVICE 0
- #define DLT_DIRECTORY 1 /* assign */
- #define DLT_VOLUME 2
- #define DLT_LATE 3 /* late-binding assign */
- #define DLT_NONBINDING 4 /* non-binding assign */
- #define DLT_PRIVATE -1 /* for internal use only */
- /* structure return by GetDeviceProc() */
- struct DevProc {
- struct MsgPort *dvp_Port;
- BPTR dvp_Lock;
- ULONG dvp_Flags;
- struct DosList *dvp_DevNode; /* DON'T TOUCH OR USE! */
- };
- /* definitions for dvp_Flags */
- #define DVPB_UNLOCK 0
- #define DVPB_ASSIGN 1
- /* Flags to be passed to LockDosList(), etc */
- #define LDB_DEVICES 2
- #define LDB_VOLUMES 3
- #define LDB_ASSIGNS 4
- #define LDB_ENTRY 5
- #define LDF_ENTRY (1L << LDB_ENTRY)
- #define LDB_DELETE 6
- #define LDF_DELETE (1L << LDB_DELETE)
- /* you MUST specify one of LDF_READ or LDF_WRITE */
- #define LDB_READ 0
- #define LDF_READ (1L << LDB_READ)
- #define LDB_WRITE 1
- #define LDF_WRITE (1L << LDB_WRITE)
- /* actually all but LDF_ENTRY (which is used for internal locking) */
- /* a lock structure, as returned by Lock() or DupLock() */
- struct FileLock {
- BPTR fl_Link; /* bcpl pointer to next lock */
- LONG fl_Key; /* disk block number */
- LONG fl_Access; /* exclusive or shared */
- struct MsgPort * fl_Task; /* handler task's port */
- BPTR fl_Volume; /* bptr to DLT_VOLUME DosList entry */
- };
- /* error report types for ErrorReport() */
- #define REPORT_STREAM 0 /* a stream */
- #define REPORT_TASK 1 /* a process - unused */
- #define REPORT_LOCK 2 /* a lock */
- #define REPORT_VOLUME 3 /* a volume node */
- #define REPORT_INSERT 4 /* please insert volume */
- /* Special error codes for ErrorReport() */
- #define ABORT_DISK_ERROR 296 /* Read/write error */
- #define ABORT_BUSY 288 /* You MUST replace... */
- /* types for initial packets to shells from run/newcli/execute/system. */
- /* For shell-writers only */
- #define RUN_EXECUTE -1
- #define RUN_SYSTEM -2
- #define RUN_SYSTEM_ASYNCH -3
- /* Types for fib_DirEntryType. NOTE that both USERDIR and ROOT are */
- /* directories, and that directory/file checks should use <0 and >=0. */
- /* This is not necessarily exhaustive! Some handlers may use other */
- /* values as needed, though <0 and >=0 should remain as supported as */
- /* possible. */
- #define ST_ROOT 1
- #define ST_USERDIR 2
- #define ST_SOFTLINK 3 /* looks like dir, but may point to a file! */
- #define ST_LINKDIR 4 /* hard link to dir */
- #define ST_FILE -3 /* must be negative for FIB! */
- #define ST_LINKFILE -4 /* hard link to file */
- #define ST_PIPEFILE -5 /* for pipes that support ExamineFH */
- #endif /* DOS_DOSEXTENS_H */