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- /*
- ** $VER: custom.h 39.1 (18.9.92)
- ** Includes Release 40.15
- **
- ** Offsets of Amiga custom chip registers
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 1985-1993 Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
- ** All Rights Reserved
- */
- #ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
- #include "exec/types.h"
- #endif /* EXEC_TYPES_H */
- /*
- * do this to get base of custom registers:
- * extern struct Custom custom;
- */
- struct Custom {
- UWORD bltddat;
- UWORD dmaconr;
- UWORD vposr;
- UWORD vhposr;
- UWORD dskdatr;
- UWORD joy0dat;
- UWORD joy1dat;
- UWORD clxdat;
- UWORD adkconr;
- UWORD pot0dat;
- UWORD pot1dat;
- UWORD potinp;
- UWORD serdatr;
- UWORD dskbytr;
- UWORD intenar;
- UWORD intreqr;
- APTR dskpt;
- UWORD dsklen;
- UWORD dskdat;
- UWORD refptr;
- UWORD vposw;
- UWORD vhposw;
- UWORD copcon;
- UWORD serdat;
- UWORD serper;
- UWORD potgo;
- UWORD joytest;
- UWORD strequ;
- UWORD strvbl;
- UWORD strhor;
- UWORD strlong;
- UWORD bltcon0;
- UWORD bltcon1;
- UWORD bltafwm;
- UWORD bltalwm;
- APTR bltcpt;
- APTR bltbpt;
- APTR bltapt;
- APTR bltdpt;
- UWORD bltsize;
- UBYTE pad2d;
- UBYTE bltcon0l; /* low 8 bits of bltcon0, write only */
- UWORD bltsizv;
- UWORD bltsizh; /* 5e */
- UWORD bltcmod;
- UWORD bltbmod;
- UWORD bltamod;
- UWORD bltdmod;
- UWORD pad34[4];
- UWORD bltcdat;
- UWORD bltbdat;
- UWORD bltadat;
- UWORD pad3b[3];
- UWORD deniseid; /* 7c */
- UWORD dsksync;
- ULONG cop1lc;
- ULONG cop2lc;
- UWORD copjmp1;
- UWORD copjmp2;
- UWORD copins;
- UWORD diwstrt;
- UWORD diwstop;
- UWORD ddfstrt;
- UWORD ddfstop;
- UWORD dmacon;
- UWORD clxcon;
- UWORD intena;
- UWORD intreq;
- UWORD adkcon;
- struct AudChannel {
- UWORD *ac_ptr; /* ptr to start of waveform data */
- UWORD ac_len; /* length of waveform in words */
- UWORD ac_per; /* sample period */
- UWORD ac_vol; /* volume */
- UWORD ac_dat; /* sample pair */
- UWORD ac_pad[2]; /* unused */
- } aud[4];
- APTR bplpt[8];
- UWORD bplcon0;
- UWORD bplcon1;
- UWORD bplcon2;
- UWORD bplcon3;
- UWORD bpl1mod;
- UWORD bpl2mod;
- UWORD bplcon4;
- UWORD clxcon2;
- UWORD bpldat[8];
- APTR sprpt[8];
- struct SpriteDef {
- UWORD pos;
- UWORD ctl;
- UWORD dataa;
- UWORD datab;
- } spr[8];
- UWORD color[32];
- UWORD htotal;
- UWORD hsstop;
- UWORD hbstrt;
- UWORD hbstop;
- UWORD vtotal;
- UWORD vsstop;
- UWORD vbstrt;
- UWORD vbstop;
- UWORD sprhstrt;
- UWORD sprhstop;
- UWORD bplhstrt;
- UWORD bplhstop;
- UWORD hhposw;
- UWORD hhposr;
- UWORD beamcon0;
- UWORD hsstrt;
- UWORD vsstrt;
- UWORD hcenter;
- UWORD diwhigh; /* 1e4 */
- UWORD padf3[11];
- UWORD fmode;
- };
- /* defines for beamcon register */
- #define VARVBLANK 0x1000 /* Variable vertical blank enable */
- #define LOLDIS 0x0800 /* long line disable */
- #define CSCBLANKEN 0x0400 /* redirect composite sync */
- #define VARVSYNC 0x0200 /* Variable vertical sync enable */
- #define VARHSYNC 0x0100 /* Variable horizontal sync enable */
- #define VARBEAM 0x0080 /* variable beam counter enable */
- #define DISPLAYDUAL 0x0040 /* use UHRES pointer and standard pointers */
- #define DISPLAYPAL 0x0020 /* set decodes to generate PAL display */
- #define VARCSYNC 0x0010 /* Variable composite sync enable */
- #define CSBLANK 0x0008 /* Composite blank out to CSY* pin */
- #define CSYNCTRUE 0x0004 /* composite sync true signal */
- #define VSYNCTRUE 0x0002 /* vertical sync true */
- #define HSYNCTRUE 0x0001 /* horizontal sync true */
- /* new defines for bplcon0 */
- #define USE_BPLCON3 1
- /* new defines for bplcon2 */
- #define BPLCON2_ZDCTEN (1<<10) /* colormapped genlock bit */
- #define BPLCON2_ZDBPEN (1<<11) /* use bitplane as genlock bits */
- #define BPLCON2_ZDBPSEL0 (1<<12) /* three bits to select one */
- #define BPLCON2_ZDBPSEL1 (1<<13) /* of 8 bitplanes in */
- #define BPLCON2_ZDBPSEL2 (1<<14) /* ZDBPEN genlock mode */
- /* defines for bplcon3 register */
- #define BPLCON3_EXTBLNKEN (1<<0) /* external blank enable */
- #define BPLCON3_EXTBLKZD (1<<1) /* external blank ored into trnsprncy */
- #define BPLCON3_ZDCLKEN (1<<2) /* zd pin outputs a 14mhz clock*/
- #define BPLCON3_BRDNTRAN (1<<4) /* border is opaque */
- #define BPLCON3_BRDNBLNK (1<<5) /* border is opaque */
- #endif /* ECS_SPECIFIC */
- #endif /* HARDWARE_CUSTOM_H */