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- /*
- ** $VER: gadtools.h 39.9 (19.8.92)
- ** Includes Release 40.15
- **
- ** gadtools.library definitions
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 1989-1993 Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
- ** All Rights Reserved
- */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #endif
- #include <utility/tagitem.h>
- #endif
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #endif
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* The kinds (almost classes) of gadgets that GadTools supports.
- * Use these identifiers when calling CreateGadgetA()
- */
- #define GENERIC_KIND 0
- #define BUTTON_KIND 1
- #define CHECKBOX_KIND 2
- #define INTEGER_KIND 3
- #define LISTVIEW_KIND 4
- #define MX_KIND 5
- #define NUMBER_KIND 6
- #define CYCLE_KIND 7
- #define PALETTE_KIND 8
- #define SCROLLER_KIND 9
- /* Kind number 10 is reserved */
- #define SLIDER_KIND 11
- #define STRING_KIND 12
- #define TEXT_KIND 13
- #define NUM_KINDS 14
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* 'Or' the appropriate set together for your Window IDCMPFlags: */
- #define NUMBERIDCMP (0L)
- /* Use ARROWIDCMP|SCROLLERIDCMP if your scrollers have arrows: */
- #define TEXTIDCMP (0L)
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Generic NewGadget used by several of the gadget classes: */
- struct NewGadget
- {
- WORD ng_LeftEdge, ng_TopEdge; /* gadget position */
- WORD ng_Width, ng_Height; /* gadget size */
- UBYTE *ng_GadgetText; /* gadget label */
- struct TextAttr *ng_TextAttr; /* desired font for gadget label */
- UWORD ng_GadgetID; /* gadget ID */
- ULONG ng_Flags; /* see below */
- APTR ng_VisualInfo; /* Set to retval of GetVisualInfo() */
- APTR ng_UserData; /* gadget UserData */
- };
- /* ng_Flags control certain aspects of the gadget. The first five control
- * the placement of the descriptive text. Each gadget kind has its default,
- * which is usually PLACETEXT_LEFT. Consult the autodocs for details.
- */
- #define PLACETEXT_LEFT 0x0001 /* Right-align text on left side */
- #define PLACETEXT_RIGHT 0x0002 /* Left-align text on right side */
- #define PLACETEXT_ABOVE 0x0004 /* Center text above */
- #define PLACETEXT_BELOW 0x0008 /* Center text below */
- #define PLACETEXT_IN 0x0010 /* Center text on */
- #define NG_HIGHLABEL 0x0020 /* Highlight the label */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Fill out an array of these and pass that to CreateMenus(): */
- struct NewMenu
- {
- UBYTE nm_Type; /* See below */
- /* Compiler inserts a PAD byte here */
- STRPTR nm_Label; /* Menu's label */
- STRPTR nm_CommKey; /* MenuItem Command Key Equiv */
- UWORD nm_Flags; /* Menu or MenuItem flags (see note) */
- LONG nm_MutualExclude; /* MenuItem MutualExclude word */
- APTR nm_UserData; /* For your own use, see note */
- };
- /* Needed only by inside IM_ definitions below */
- #define MENU_IMAGE 128
- /* nm_Type determines what each NewMenu structure corresponds to.
- * for the NM_TITLE, NM_ITEM, and NM_SUB values, nm_Label should
- * be a text string to use for that menu title, item, or sub-item.
- * For IM_ITEM or IM_SUB, set nm_Label to point at the Image structure
- * you wish to use for this item or sub-item.
- * NOTE: At present, you may only use conventional images.
- * Custom images created from Intuition image-classes do not work.
- */
- #define NM_TITLE 1 /* Menu header */
- #define NM_ITEM 2 /* Textual menu item */
- #define NM_SUB 3 /* Textual menu sub-item */
- #define IM_ITEM (NM_ITEM|MENU_IMAGE) /* Graphical menu item */
- #define IM_SUB (NM_SUB|MENU_IMAGE) /* Graphical menu sub-item */
- /* The NewMenu array should be terminated with a NewMenu whose
- * nm_Type equals NM_END.
- */
- #define NM_END 0 /* End of NewMenu array */
- /* Starting with V39, GadTools will skip any NewMenu entries whose
- * nm_Type field has the NM_IGNORE bit set.
- */
- #define NM_IGNORE 64
- /* nm_Label should be a text string for textual items, a pointer
- * to an Image structure for graphical menu items, or the special
- * constant NM_BARLABEL, to get a separator bar.
- */
- #define NM_BARLABEL ((STRPTR)-1)
- /* The nm_Flags field is used to fill out either the Menu->Flags or
- * MenuItem->Flags field. Note that the sense of the MENUENABLED or
- * ITEMENABLED bit is inverted between this use and Intuition's use,
- * in other words, NewMenus are enabled by default. The following
- * labels are provided to disable them:
- */
- /* New for V39: NM_COMMANDSTRING. For a textual MenuItem or SubItem,
- * point nm_CommKey at an arbitrary string, and set the NM_COMMANDSTRING
- * flag.
- */
- /* The following are pre-cleared (COMMSEQ, ITEMTEXT, and HIGHxxx are set
- * later as appropriate):
- * Under V39, the COMMSEQ flag bit is not cleared, since it now has
- * meaning.
- */
- /* You may choose among CHECKIT, MENUTOGGLE, and CHECKED.
- * Toggle-select menuitems are of type CHECKIT|MENUTOGGLE, along
- * with CHECKED if currently selected. Mutually exclusive ones
- * are of type CHECKIT, and possibly CHECKED too. The nm_MutualExclude
- * is a bit-wise representation of the items excluded by this one,
- * so in the simplest case (choose 1 among n), these flags would be
- * ~1, ~2, ~4, ~8, ~16, etc. See the Intuition Menus chapter.
- */
- /* A UserData pointer can be associated with each Menu and MenuItem structure.
- * The CreateMenus() call allocates space for a UserData after each
- * Menu or MenuItem (header, item or sub-item). You should use the
- * GTMENU_USERDATA() or GTMENUITEM_USERDATA() macro to extract it.
- */
- #define GTMENU_USERDATA(menu) (* ( (APTR *)(((struct Menu *)menu)+1) ) )
- #define GTMENUITEM_USERDATA(menuitem) (* ( (APTR *)(((struct MenuItem *)menuitem)+1) ) )
- /* Here is an old one for compatibility. Do not use in new code! */
- #define MENU_USERDATA(menuitem) (* ( (APTR *)(menuitem+1) ) )
- /* These return codes can be obtained through the GTMN_SecondaryError tag */
- #define GTMENU_TRIMMED 0x00000001 /* Too many menus, items, or subitems,
- * menu has been trimmed down
- */
- #define GTMENU_INVALID 0x00000002 /* Invalid NewMenu array */
- #define GTMENU_NOMEM 0x00000003 /* Out of memory */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Starting with V39, checkboxes and mx gadgets can be scaled to your
- * specified gadget width/height. Use the new GTCB_Scaled or GTMX_Scaled
- * tags, respectively. Under V37, and by default in V39, the imagery
- * is of the following fixed size:
- */
- /* MX gadget default dimensions: */
- #define MX_WIDTH 17
- #define MX_HEIGHT 9
- /* Checkbox default dimensions: */
- #define CHECKBOX_WIDTH 26
- #define CHECKBOX_HEIGHT 11
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Tags for GadTools functions: */
- #define GT_TagBase TAG_USER + 0x80000
- #define GTVI_NewWindow GT_TagBase+1 /* Unused */
- #define GTVI_NWTags GT_TagBase+2 /* Unused */
- #define GT_Private0 GT_TagBase+3 /* (private) */
- #define GTCB_Checked GT_TagBase+4 /* State of checkbox */
- #define GTLV_Top GT_TagBase+5 /* Top visible one in listview */
- #define GTLV_Labels GT_TagBase+6 /* List to display in listview */
- #define GTLV_ReadOnly GT_TagBase+7 /* TRUE if listview is to be
- * read-only
- */
- #define GTLV_ScrollWidth GT_TagBase+8 /* Width of scrollbar */
- #define GTMX_Labels GT_TagBase+9 /* NULL-terminated array of labels */
- #define GTMX_Active GT_TagBase+10 /* Active one in mx gadget */
- #define GTTX_Text GT_TagBase+11 /* Text to display */
- #define GTTX_CopyText GT_TagBase+12 /* Copy text label instead of
- * referencing it
- */
- #define GTNM_Number GT_TagBase+13 /* Number to display */
- #define GTCY_Labels GT_TagBase+14 /* NULL-terminated array of labels */
- #define GTCY_Active GT_TagBase+15 /* The active one in the cycle gad */
- #define GTPA_Depth GT_TagBase+16 /* Number of bitplanes in palette */
- #define GTPA_Color GT_TagBase+17 /* Palette color */
- #define GTPA_ColorOffset GT_TagBase+18 /* First color to use in palette */
- #define GTPA_IndicatorWidth GT_TagBase+19 /* Width of current-color indicator */
- #define GTPA_IndicatorHeight GT_TagBase+20 /* Height of current-color indicator */
- #define GTSC_Top GT_TagBase+21 /* Top visible in scroller */
- #define GTSC_Total GT_TagBase+22 /* Total in scroller area */
- #define GTSC_Visible GT_TagBase+23 /* Number visible in scroller */
- #define GTSC_Overlap GT_TagBase+24 /* Unused */
- /* GT_TagBase+25 through GT_TagBase+37 are reserved */
- #define GTSL_Min GT_TagBase+38 /* Slider min value */
- #define GTSL_Max GT_TagBase+39 /* Slider max value */
- #define GTSL_Level GT_TagBase+40 /* Slider level */
- #define GTSL_MaxLevelLen GT_TagBase+41 /* Max length of printed level */
- #define GTSL_LevelFormat GT_TagBase+42 /* Format string for level */
- #define GTSL_LevelPlace GT_TagBase+43 /* Where level should be placed */
- #define GTSL_DispFunc GT_TagBase+44 /* Callback for number calculation
- * before display
- */
- #define GTST_String GT_TagBase+45 /* String gadget's displayed string */
- #define GTST_MaxChars GT_TagBase+46 /* Max length of string */
- #define GTIN_Number GT_TagBase+47 /* Number in integer gadget */
- #define GTIN_MaxChars GT_TagBase+48 /* Max number of digits */
- #define GTMN_TextAttr GT_TagBase+49 /* MenuItem font TextAttr */
- #define GTMN_FrontPen GT_TagBase+50 /* MenuItem text pen color */
- #define GTBB_Recessed GT_TagBase+51 /* Make BevelBox recessed */
- #define GT_VisualInfo GT_TagBase+52 /* result of VisualInfo call */
- #define GTLV_ShowSelected GT_TagBase+53 /* show selected entry beneath
- * listview, set tag data = NULL for display-only, or pointer
- * to a string gadget you've created
- */
- #define GTLV_Selected GT_TagBase+54 /* Set ordinal number of selected
- * entry in the list
- */
- #define GT_Reserved1 GT_TagBase+56 /* Reserved for future use */
- #define GTTX_Border GT_TagBase+57 /* Put a border around
- * Text-display gadgets
- */
- #define GTNM_Border GT_TagBase+58 /* Put a border around
- * Number-display gadgets
- */
- #define GTSC_Arrows GT_TagBase+59 /* Specify size of arrows for
- * scroller
- */
- #define GTMN_Menu GT_TagBase+60 /* Pointer to Menu for use by
- * LayoutMenuItems()
- */
- #define GTMX_Spacing GT_TagBase+61 /* Added to font height to
- * figure spacing between mx choices. Use this instead
- * of LAYOUTA_SPACING for mx gadgets.
- */
- /* New to V37 GadTools. Ignored by GadTools V36 */
- #define GTMN_FullMenu GT_TagBase+62 /* Asks CreateMenus() to
- * validate that this is a complete menu structure
- */
- #define GTMN_SecondaryError GT_TagBase+63 /* ti_Data is a pointer
- * to a ULONG to receive error reports from CreateMenus()
- */
- #define GT_Underscore GT_TagBase+64 /* ti_Data points to the symbol
- * that preceeds the character you'd like to underline in a
- * gadget label
- */
- #define GTST_EditHook GT_TagBase+55 /* String EditHook */
- #define GTIN_EditHook GTST_EditHook /* Same thing, different name,
- * just to round out INTEGER_KIND gadgets
- */
- /* New to V39 GadTools. Ignored by GadTools V36 and V37 */
- #define GTMN_Checkmark GT_TagBase+65 /* ti_Data is checkmark img to use */
- #define GTMN_AmigaKey GT_TagBase+66 /* ti_Data is Amiga-key img to use */
- #define GTMN_NewLookMenus GT_TagBase+67 /* ti_Data is boolean */
- /* New to V39 GadTools. Ignored by GadTools V36 and V37.
- * Set to TRUE if you want the checkbox or mx image scaled to
- * the gadget width/height you specify. Defaults to FALSE,
- * for compatibility.
- */
- #define GTCB_Scaled GT_TagBase+68 /* ti_Data is boolean */
- #define GTMX_Scaled GT_TagBase+69 /* ti_Data is boolean */
- #define GTPA_NumColors GT_TagBase+70 /* Number of colors in palette */
- #define GTMX_TitlePlace GT_TagBase+71 /* Where to put the title */
- #define GTTX_FrontPen GT_TagBase+72 /* Text color in TEXT_KIND gad */
- #define GTTX_BackPen GT_TagBase+73 /* Bgrnd color in TEXT_KIND gad */
- #define GTTX_Justification GT_TagBase+74 /* See GTJ_#? constants */
- #define GTNM_FrontPen GT_TagBase+72 /* Text color in NUMBER_KIND gad */
- #define GTNM_BackPen GT_TagBase+73 /* Bgrnd color in NUMBER_KIND gad */
- #define GTNM_Justification GT_TagBase+74 /* See GTJ_#? constants */
- #define GTNM_Format GT_TagBase+75 /* Formatting string for number */
- #define GTNM_MaxNumberLen GT_TagBase+76 /* Maximum length of number */
- #define GTBB_FrameType GT_TagBase+77 /* defines what kind of boxes
- * DrawBevelBox() renders. See
- * the BBFT_#? constants for
- * possible values
- */
- #define GTLV_MakeVisible GT_TagBase+78 /* Make this item visible */
- #define GTLV_ItemHeight GT_TagBase+79 /* Height of an individual item */
- #define GTSL_MaxPixelLen GT_TagBase+80 /* Max pixel size of level display */
- #define GTSL_Justification GT_TagBase+81 /* how should the level be displayed */
- #define GTPA_ColorTable GT_TagBase+82 /* colors to use in palette */
- #define GTLV_CallBack GT_TagBase+83 /* general-purpose listview call back */
- #define GTLV_MaxPen GT_TagBase+84 /* maximum pen number used by call back */
- #define GTTX_Clipped GT_TagBase+85 /* make a TEXT_KIND clip text */
- #define GTNM_Clipped GT_TagBase+85 /* make a NUMBER_KIND clip text */
- /* Old definition, now obsolete: */
- #define GT_Reserved0 GTST_EditHook
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Justification types for GTTX_Justification and GTNM_Justification tags */
- #define GTJ_LEFT 0
- #define GTJ_RIGHT 1
- #define GTJ_CENTER 2
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Bevel box frame types for GTBB_FrameType tag */
- #define BBFT_BUTTON 1 /* Standard button gadget box */
- #define BBFT_RIDGE 2 /* Standard string gadget box */
- #define BBFT_ICONDROPBOX 3 /* Standard icon drop box */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Typical suggested spacing between "elements": */
- #define INTERWIDTH 8
- #define INTERHEIGHT 4
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* "NWay" is an old synonym for cycle gadgets */
- #define GTNW_Labels GTCY_Labels
- #define GTNW_Active GTCY_Active
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* These two definitions are obsolete, but are here for backwards
- * compatibility. You never need to worry about these:
- */
- #define GADTOOLBIT (0x8000)
- /* Use this mask to isolate the user part: */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* These definitions are for the GTLV_CallBack tag */
- /* The different types of messages that a listview callback hook can see */
- #define LV_DRAW 0x202L /* draw yourself, with state */
- /* Possible return values from a callback hook */
- #define LVCB_OK 0 /* callback understands this message type */
- #define LVCB_UNKNOWN 1 /* callback does not understand this message */
- /* states for LVDrawMsg.lvdm_State */
- #define LVR_NORMAL 0 /* the usual */
- #define LVR_SELECTED 1 /* for selected gadgets */
- #define LVR_NORMALDISABLED 2 /* for disabled gadgets */
- #define LVR_SELECTEDDISABLED 8 /* disabled and selected */
- /* structure of LV_DRAW messages, object is a (struct Node *) */
- struct LVDrawMsg
- {
- ULONG lvdm_MethodID; /* LV_DRAW */
- struct RastPort *lvdm_RastPort; /* where to render to */
- struct DrawInfo *lvdm_DrawInfo; /* useful to have around */
- struct Rectangle lvdm_Bounds; /* limits of where to render */
- ULONG lvdm_State; /* how to render */
- };
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/